Fifties Health

Fifties Health

A chiropractor and natuopath rant about all matters relating to health, food, diet, travel and exercise.

Information is targeted mostly to the over fifties but is applicable to most people.

10 Rose-Inspired Natural Beauty Products For A Day Of Love 14/02/2018

happy valentines

10 Rose-Inspired Natural Beauty Products For A Day Of Love Rose is actually a powerhouse ingredient.

What the Health film premiere screenings in Australia 21/06/2017

What the Health film premiere screenings in Australia What the Health is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award-winning documentary Cowspiracy. Premiere screenings are occurring in cities across Australia, including Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Adelaide and Perth. See below for details. The health film that health organisati...

7 Awesome Uses For Peppermint - Herbs Info 14/06/2017

7 Awesome Uses For Peppermint - Herbs Info Peppermint is one of the most popular essential oils on the planet. Not only do you get that unbeatable "minty freshness" but it also has several therapeutic uses and reported benefits... [read more]

A Simple Natural Recipe to Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins 14/06/2017

A Simple Natural Recipe to Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins A Simple Naturall Recipe to Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins!Veins are typically identified as being varicose when they are enlarged and appear as bluish or


Healthy or Mark of the beast chip barcode? Will there be radiation like wifi? Sorry we forgot to tell you that you are now satellite trackable and able to be emotionally and mentally manipulated electro-magnetically via satellite. Fast track brainwashed to do what you are told- matrix upload. If deemed a dissenter your train ticket will not scan, you have no access to your car, your house or your bank account. And who knows maybe you can also be lazer zapped by satellite.Think about it.

Will Superweeds Choke GMO to a Timely Death in USA? | New Eastern Outlook 14/02/2017

Natures Revenge? Perhaps nature is sorting out the GM problem for us that no amount of protesting changes...

Will Superweeds Choke GMO to a Timely Death in USA? | New Eastern Outlook When we human beings become too self-destructive for our own well-bring and that of our Earth, sometimes nature takes control and does what we in our greed and stupidity refuse to do. The refusal of Governments around the world–with notable exceptions such as the GMO-free Russian Federation–to order...

Timeline photos 11/02/2017


Top 20 Weird But Amazing Uses For Olive Oil:

I would NEVER have thought of some of these! Click the link to learn more about the wonders of olive oil.

Victory! EU Bans This Extremely Toxic Dental Work. Meanwhile in the U.S., It Still Causes Harm to Millions | 27/01/2017

Actually when amalgam fillings were first introduced, just like vaccines for doctors, the majority of dentists were against them. However the quest for profit won out and they became standard practice.

Questioning the safety of toxic mercury fillings have been dismissed as "conspiracy theory" for decades, and seems the EU is starting a ban on them next year.

Victory! EU Bans This Extremely Toxic Dental Work. Meanwhile in the U.S., It Still Causes Harm to Millions | Amalgam fillings are one of the most common dental fillings used today. They are cheaper and are more likely to be covered by dental insurances. But what many dentists are not telling you is that amalgam is about 50%

11 Bizarre Home Remedies Our Grandparents Used That Actually Work! 24/01/2017

On a lighter note a few old but proven home remedies. Because a paid scientific study hasn't been done doesn't mean that even bizarre sounding things don't work. In fact many scientific studies are probably fraudulent as they can't be repeated.

11 Bizarre Home Remedies Our Grandparents Used That Actually Work!

BOSS Magazine | 7 Healthcare Industry Trends For 2017 19/01/2017

I always find it interesting that when articles discuss health care trends, what they are really talking about is trends in drug care. Drugs have their place but they really treat the symptoms after someone already has a problem, as such they have nothing to do with health care, they are about symptom management. Now what if we concentrated on the unprofitable activity of not actually getting those symptoms in the first place?

BOSS Magazine | 7 Healthcare Industry Trends For 2017 The healthcare industry is expected see a rise in adoption of artificial intelligence, blockchain tech, and other innovative trends in 2017.

The Therapy That's Changing The Way We Treat Depression & Addiction 19/11/2016

The Therapy That's Changing The Way We Treat Depression & Addiction Often, teens’ painful stories emerge over time.


Ever wondered why so many childhood disorders are increasing? According to a CDC epidemiologist named Tom Verstraeten, who had analyzed the agency’s massive database containing the medical records of 100,000 children, a mercury-based preservative in the vaccines — thimerosal — appeared to be responsible for a dramatic increase in speech delays, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity and autism among children. Read the full article and be outraged at government-pharmacetical collusion..

Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity. Government Cover-up of a Mercury / Autism Scandal | Global Research We bring to the attention of our readers this incisive and carefully documented 2005 article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. published by Rolling Stone, first posted on Global Research in July 2009.

Doctors Confirm First Human Death Officially Caused by GMOs 21/10/2015

natures intelligence is supreme

Doctors Confirm First Human Death Officially Caused by GMOs Madrid| Doctors of the Carlos III hospital confirmed this morning in a press conference, the first case of human death caused by the ingestion of genetically modified food. Juan Pedro Ramos died from anaphylaxis after eating some recently developed tomatoes containing fish genes, which provoked a vi

American Psycho - Has The United States Lost Its Collective Mind? | Zero Hedge 17/10/2015

The top-selling drug in America is an anti-psychotic. Not only that, millions of Americans are ingesting an antipsychotic drug that not even the scientific community can say exactly what makes it work. Bare in mind a causal link was also fund between antibiotics and mass shootings.

In 2013, nearly two million Americans abused prescription painkillers and people who take painkillers can become addicted with just one prescription, according to the CDC website.

Is the American (and many other nations) populace – courtesy of the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry - turning into walking, talking chemical zombies?

American Psycho - Has The United States Lost Its Collective Mind? | Zero Hedge From Ferguson, Missouri to the deserts of Afghanistan the specter of US aggression is fueling the flames of civil strife and military conflict around an increasingly volatile planet. Much of the problem may be connected to the breakdown of the American psyche. Before attempting to shed some light on…

organiclifeasia | Our Blog - Organic Cosmetics are Better for You 22/09/2015

Generally organic products are more expensive, ingredients grown naturally cost more as the short cuts to large harvests such as artificial fertilisers, toxic herbicides and pesticides are not used.

However consumers are speaking with their wallets, many are understanding the dangers of all these chemicals and are demanding organic products.

organiclifeasia | Our Blog - Organic Cosmetics are Better for You Why Organic Cosmetics are Better for You

Anti-GMO labeling law passes House vote 25/07/2015

Well, if people knew that were GM then they might not buy them. So how much did government cost this time?

Anti-GMO labeling law passes House vote A contentious bill that may keep states from enacting local GMO laws, instead creating a federal “voluntary labeling” standard, has passed a House vote. The bill also regulates the use of the term “natural” on food labels.

The Great TPP Deathtrap for India, China & 10 Other Member-Nations | Two Ice Floes 13/07/2015

Every year, in the US, by a conservative assessment, medical drugs kill 106,000 people. Does Big Pharma now want more through the shady TPP?

The Great TPP Deathtrap for India, China & 10 Other Member-Nations | Two Ice Floes The Terms of Destruction The Clues are all there in Obamatrade and Obamacare by Jon Rappoport The truth emerges out of the shadows of secrecy… Let’s start here.

Su***de by soda: Sugary drinks kill 184,000 people a year, study says 01/07/2015

Not a surprise, but some statistics to back up the obvious...

Su***de by soda: Sugary drinks kill 184,000 people a year, study says If you love the taste of an ice cold soda, you may want to determine whether the flavor is actually worth the risk. Sugary drinks are killing around 184,000 people each year, according to a new study.

Organic Cosmetics are Healthier 12/06/2015

Organic or chemical, which to choose?

Organic Cosmetics are Healthier Consumers are speaking with their wallets, many are understanding the dangers of all the chemicals found in most skin care products and are demanding organic and natural.

Why Didn’t my Doctor Tell Me Chemo Kills? | New Eastern Outlook 03/06/2015

Many of us may be presented with the chemo decision one day, certainly a subject for which to be well informed. Here a few historical references...

Why Didn’t my Doctor Tell Me Chemo Kills? | New Eastern Outlook 03.06.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl Why Didn’t my Doctor Tell Me Chemo Kills? Column: Society Region: USA in the World In my daily research I came across a report so alarming I put aside planned writing in order to bring this to the attention of those who care about life. It has to do with one of…

Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media » The Event Chronicle 02/06/2015

Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media » The Event Chronicle What happens when one courageous attorney and a few citizens try to take down Monsanto? The MSM doesn’t cover it, for starters.

Horribly bleak study sees ’empty landscape’ as large herbivores vanish at startling rate 01/06/2015

Not cheery, but reality is what it is...

Horribly bleak study sees ’empty landscape’ as large herbivores vanish at startling rate "Ever-larger swaths of the world will soon lack many of the vital ecological services these animals provide, resulting in enormous ecological and social costs," the article said.

Monsanto’s Covert War on European Food Security | New Eastern Outlook 08/05/2015

Seems Monsanto will not be denied...convenient how the puppet Ukraine government has now overturned previous refusals to allow them in.

Monsanto’s Covert War on European Food Security | New Eastern Outlook 08.05.2015 Author: Ulson Gunnar Monsanto’s Covert War on European Food Security Column: Economics Region: Ukraine in the world Working quietly on the back of political turmoil driven by Western special interests (including itself) Monsanto has begun literally planting the seeds of genetically modifi…

Dr. Oz Fights Back Against Doctors Questioning His Ethics 23/04/2015

Oz Oz Oz

Dr. Oz Fights Back Against Doctors Questioning His Ethics Dr. Mehmet Oz says he won't be silenced by a group of doctors who question his ethics and object to his faculty position at Columbia University.The doctors s...

Ukraine a Vector for GMO Poison’s Spread Through EU | New Eastern Outlook 17/04/2015

Prior the US backed coup in Ukraine GM foods were banned in that country, however seems the new fascist government has now fully embraced Monsanto. Makes you wonder what is really going on over there and what the actual game plan is. Bear in mind that Big Agriculture in the past was also involved in S. American coups...

Ukraine a Vector for GMO Poison’s Spread Through EU | New Eastern Outlook 17.04.2015 Author: Ulson Gunnar Ukraine a Vector for GMO Poison’s Spread Through EU Column: Economics Region: Ukraine in the world When the Washington Post chooses to pen an insulting, condescending editorial targeting entire nations speaking up against Western impropriety, one can just as well assu…

Use of antibiotics in cattle feed leads to airborne antibiotic-resistant bacteria – study 30/03/2015

So much comes back to modern agriculture as a source of problems.

Use of antibiotics in cattle feed leads to airborne antibiotic-resistant bacteria – study DNA from antibiotic-resistant bacteria is spreading from cattle feedlots across the US through the air, a new study has found. The report indicates that so-called superbugs threatening humans could be traced to the use of antibiotics in cattle feed.