Secrets to a Healthy Brain

Secrets to a Healthy Brain

Secrets to a Healthy Brain promotes supplements, thoughts, activities and exercises for the brain and overall better health.


Do not put if off. Time really is short...

Looking around the world today, maybe Paulo should change "wanted" to "needed" to do. I believe time is short so please do those things that really matter that you have put off. Today is a great day to begin...


Are you radiating happiness?

The world thinks that $$$ and things will bring you happiness. Maybe for a day but lasting happiness cannot be bought. It can only come from within!!! What choices are you making that will lead you to happiness?


Do 100% of your best on the daily tasks and watch what happens in your life. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Just do the everyday task extraordinarily well and watch your life transform into something wonderful. You will have a full and happy life.


World happiness is possible if we each do our part!

Smile to everyone - They will wonder what you are up to!
I promise your face will not break.
You will feel good, and the others will feel better.


Well, are you? If not, why?

Are you doing the best you can? Be truthful with yourself...


Do the work! Reap the rewards!

To grow into whom, you were meant to be is not always easy. You have to do the hard, scary work in order to grow. Confront and overcome...It's worth it! You are worth it!


Love The Musings and Opinions of an Old Man