Fix It Plan

Fix It Plan

This site is about sharing our journey back ... from heart attack to good health! To provide hope an Can You Fix a Broken Heart? There IS hope.

We believe there is a way back from heart disease, even a way back from a heart attack. There IS a direction. There IS a path that can stop heart disease and possibly even reverse its damage. We're still working on it, and that's why were here--to share Bill's journey back, from heart attack to good health. There have been big changes... from the foods we're eating (and not eating), to adjusting h

Edamame Summer BBQ Salad 25/07/2024

An easy and healthy summer salad.

Edamame Summer BBQ Salad Edamame Summer BBQ Salad Bright, colorful, AND delicious salad for the WIN tonight! Makes 8-10 servings Ingredients: 1.5 lb frozen shelled edamame 3 cups frozen organic corn 2 diced red bell peppers 1 cup thin sliced green onion 1 cup finely chopped red onion 1⁄3 cup chopped fresh Italian...

12 Signs That May Indicate Heart Disease | Health and Wellness 18/07/2024

Good info to know!

12 Signs That May Indicate Heart Disease | Health and Wellness 12 Signs That May Indicate Heart Disease Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, but it often has subtle symptoms. Many people don’t know what to look for until their heart condition becomes serious. Early diagnosis is important to help find treatments and interventions that can exten...

Photos from Dr. Joel Kahn - America's Healthy Heart Doc's post 21/06/2024

It's important to get the right tests!

Strengthen Your Heart! 5 Foods To Include - 13/02/2024

Five foods for your heart!

Strengthen Your Heart! 5 Foods To Include - Adopting consistent lifestyle habits and eating a healthy diet are the best ways to achieve optimal health. You can help minimize risks of heart disease

Best Instant Pot Vegetable Soup 20/01/2024

Vegetable soup filled with good things for our heart!

Best Instant Pot Vegetable Soup Instant Pot Soup is hearty, healthy, and bursting with flavor. The whole recipe is made in one pot, so clean up is a breeze.

The Best Leafy Green Vegetables for Your Health 09/01/2024

Dark leafy greens are filled with phytochemicals and micronutrients that are good for heart health. We eat them every day! (If you are on blood thinning medication, be sure to speak to your doctor before adding leafy greens to your diet.)

The Best Leafy Green Vegetables for Your Health Unleash the nutritional power of leafy greens. Discover 15 varieties, explore their versatility, and learn how to incorporate them into your diet.


Great advice!

3 foods in this Costa Rican blue zone diet that help residents live to 100 19/09/2023

Whenever I question whether a food is heart healthy, I think about the Blue Zones where people have historically lived to 100. Check out this article about one of the Blue Zones in Costa Rica, featuring "the three sisters"... corn, beans and squash.

3 foods in this Costa Rican blue zone diet that help residents live to 100 The so-called “three sisters” of the Nicoya, Costa Rica diet are a recipe for longevity.


Tomorrow is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Just sayin...

100 Year-Old Nutrition Professor: 7 Keys to A Long Life | Dr. John Scharffenberg 22/06/2023

We watched an interview this morning with Dr. John Scharffenberg talking about how we can stay healthy, avoid disease and take care of our hearts. He's just turning 100 years old! And taught Nutrition at the Lima Linda University for 62 years, among his many other credentials. It's a must watch!

100 Year-Old Nutrition Professor: 7 Keys to A Long Life | Dr. John Scharffenberg Nutrition Professor John Scharffenberg invited us to his home to learn the 7 keys to long life.Born in Shanghai, China Dec. 15, 1923, spent his first 16 yea...


It's all about the food!

Pair Healthy Eating with Exercise for Optimal Longevity, Science Says - Blue Zones 28/10/2022

An interesting article reinforcing the message that you can't exercise your way to good health without eating healthy as well! A heart healthy diet is #1, and then we need exercise to keep our heart strong and our vascular system flexible.

Pair Healthy Eating with Exercise for Optimal Longevity, Science Says - Blue Zones   The science is in: if you want to live better, longer, and ward off disease down the road, you have to embrace both healthy eating and movement, not just one or the other. According to new research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, physical activity alone is not an antidote to ...

Which Grains You Eat Can Impact Your Risk of Premature Heart Disease 04/10/2022

I think we get misleading information about grains. We often hear to eat grains for heart health. They may be beneficial in the whole form but not ground. We are misled in thinking whole wheat bread is healthy, but in fact processing them into flour appears to make them unhealthy. Have you tried oat groats? They are delicious and made from the whole oat grains.

Which Grains You Eat Can Impact Your Risk of Premature Heart Disease A new study found eating refined grains was associated with an increased risk of premature heart disease and whole grains consumption with reduced risk. Researchers found a higher intake of refined grain was associated with an increased risk of premature coronary artery disease in an Iranian popu

All physicians should know the benefits of plant-based diets for these six health conditions 01/06/2022

All physicians should know the benefits of plant-based diets for these six health conditions A new commentary in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine says that all physicians should be aware of the benefits of a plant-based diet for six health conditions: weight loss and maintenance, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and COVID-19.

Egg Consumption Increases Risk of Death From Heart Disease 16/04/2022

Interesting to know that in areas of the world like the Blue Zones where people live the healthiest and longest with many centenarians, their breakfast foods favor beans, greens, yams and sweet potatoes, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Egg Consumption Increases Risk of Death From Heart Disease Eating eggs increases the risk of dying from heart disease, according to research published in Circulation.

If You Take Vitamin D, You May Need This Other Vitamin to Reduce Calcium Clogging in Arteries 26/02/2022

Good info!

If You Take Vitamin D, You May Need This Other Vitamin to Reduce Calcium Clogging in Arteries If you regularly take vitamin D, you may need to take vitamin K2 to balance it out. Some research suggests it could reduce artery clogging.

Looking For A Strong Heart? 5 Foods To Include - 19/02/2022

Five foods good for our hearts!

Looking For A Strong Heart? 5 Foods To Include - Adopting prudent lifestyle habits and eating a healthy diet are the best ways to achieve optimal health. You can help minimize risks of heart disease and

New Study Shows Eating More Plant-Based Could Add Over a Decade to Your Lifespan 12/02/2022

Interesting article about a recent study. It's never too late to start!

New Study Shows Eating More Plant-Based Could Add Over a Decade to Your Lifespan It’s been well established that the typical western diet of processed foods and animal products is inferior to a diet more focused on whole, plant foods.

How physical activity keeps your heart in good shape - Harvard Health 11/02/2022

Interesting new findings from the Framington Heart Study about exercise and our heart health.

How physical activity keeps your heart in good shape - Harvard Health Moderate to vigorous exercise appears to be the best way to boost cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Higher CRF during midlife is linked to a lower risk of conditions closely tied to heart disease la...

Plant-Based Diet and Heart Health Connection Confirmed | Well+Good 30/09/2021

Plant power! Eat plants for your heart.

Plant-Based Diet and Heart Health Connection Confirmed | Well+Good Two new studies show a strong link between a plant-based diet and heart health as well as longevity. Learn more from the study authors.

Late Summer Minestrone with Butternut Squash and Fresh Corn | Fix It! Plan 09/09/2021

This Late Summer Minestrone is easy and delicious!

Late Summer Minestrone with Butternut Squash and Fresh Corn | Fix It! Plan Late Summer Minestrone with Butternut Squash and Fresh Corn December 6, 2013Recipesbutternut squash, heart healthy, minestrone, recipe, soup, vegetablesJulie Peterson “There is nothing like soup. It is by nature eccentric: no two are ever alike, unless of course you get your soup in a can.” ~Lau...

5 Myths About Protein—Fact or Fiction 29/08/2021

Eating more plants but worried about protein? This article might help.

5 Myths About Protein—Fact or Fiction We took a look at popular protein myths to see if there was any truth behind them.

Vegan Food Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease, 2 New Studies Find 16/08/2021

Vegan Food Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease, 2 New Studies Find Following a vegan or mostly plant-based diet can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, new research has found

Why A Plant-Based Diet Can Be Better Than Meds For Heart Disease 05/08/2021

If you know our story, then you know we reversed heart disease with a whole foods plant based diet approach. No more hypertension, cholesterol levels great, no more medication after only one year. It works!

Why A Plant-Based Diet Can Be Better Than Meds For Heart Disease Plant-based diets could work better in treating heart disease than some meds. Here's why it's the best choice for heart health.


This berry pie is so good and perfect for this time of year. Great treat to celebrate summer!


Great message from Dr. Hyman!


Great info! Our muscles need protein, including our heart which of course is a muscle. It's a myth that you can't get enough protein with plants as you can see. Maintaining muscle as we age is so important.

It does not require meat to build muscle but it does require quality nutrients and fitness. Here are the top foods to focus on:
• Pumpkin seeds have 5 grams of protein in 1 oz
• H**p seeds have 10.78 grams of protein In 1 oz.
• Almonds have 6 grams of protein in 1 oz.
• Pistachios have 6 grams of protein in 1 oz.
• Flaxseeds have 5.19 grams of protein in 1 oz.
• Tofu has 10 grams of protein In 1/2 cup.
• Oatmeal has 8 grams of protein in 1 cup cooked.
• Lentils have 8 grams of protein in One half cup of cooked.
• Chia seeds have 4.7 grams protein in 1 oz.
• Spirulina has 4 grams of protein in 1 tablespoon.
• Nutritional Yeast has 3.8 grams of protein in 1 tbsp.
• Soybeans have 11 grams of protein in 1/2 cup.
• Peas have 8 grams of protein in 1 cup.
• Kale has 2.9 grams of protein in 1 cup (chopped).
• Broccoli has 2.6 grams of protein in 1 cup chopped.
• Brussel Sprouts have 3 grams of protein in 1 cup chopped

Potato and Kale Minestrone 30/03/2021

A yummy and healthy soup that's good for your heart!

Potato and Kale Minestrone This vegan minestrone has a rich, savory broth infused with sautéed onion, mushrooms, and garlic. Try the 30-minute recipe tonight!

6 Reasons You Should Be Eating Blueberries | Andrew Weil, M.D. 24/03/2021

We have a heaping half cup of blueberries on our oatmeal every morning, but did you know they are also a great snack frozen? Just pour some in a bowl and eat them one at a time. Surprisingly satisfying and filling!

6 Reasons You Should Be Eating Blueberries | Andrew Weil, M.D. Any way you buy them - fresh or frozen are best - blueberries are packed with nutritional power. If you need reasons beside taste to snack on blueberries,