

We'll take you on our journey of rescuing animals here in Bali. Adopt don't shop!

My Passion

Back when I moved to Bali in November 2018 I fell in love with the animals of this island at first sight. I Adopted two little stinkers right away. In February of 2019 I found three dumped 3-week-old Bali pups, they were dying... One looked like my little Nusa when we just adopted her and felt the need to do anything in my power to help these siblings, as someone did for my dogs.

Little did I know it was impossible to find a place that could take them in. So I cared for them, made them healthy, loved them and eventually rehomed them. It broke my heart, but made me so happy at the same time.

I wasn’t planning on it, but I kept rescuing. From that summer I decided to keep doing this and make an Instagram page for my rescues. A lot more rescues and one more adopt later I Rescue Bali Dogs started.

Love, Robin
