

Fitness is not a lonely road

A complete day by day workout plan to help you loose weight, gain muscle and towards a healthier lifestyle for free, together with a complete meal plan and Halal supplements that will compliments your workout routine.

Timeline photos 08/05/2015

Challenge yourself with the leg, chest and core blaster
20 Squates
10 Squat Hops
20 push ups
10 burpees
REPEAT 3 times.

Mobile uploads 23/04/2015

Jangan banyak alasan!

Timeline photos 16/04/2015

Lean legs? No problem. Just follow these steps. 2 to 3 times a week should be enough bro!
1.20 squats
2.30 lunges
3.40 toe touches
4.50 seconds of wall sit
5.100 jumping jacks

Amacam? berani cuba?

Timeline photos 15/04/2015

Do this every morning and give yourself 3 weeks to see the difference! Cepat dan mudah!
1. 15 x squat
2. 5 x Push Up
3. 20 x Jumping Jacks
4. 5 x Push ups
5. Stretch!

Timeline photos 25/11/2014

Known as jump training is an exercise having muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing both speed and power. Plyometric training maximize the body with dynamic resistance exercises that rapidly stretch a muscle (eccentric phase) and then rapidly shorten it (concentric phase). For example, hopping and jumping exercises subject the quadriceps to a stretch-shortening cycle that can strengthen the muscles, increase vertical jump, and reduce the force of impact on the joints.
Try this workout to improve your speed and power for 3-5 complete sets and record your time. Share with us your time and your experience of this workout.
Follow our Instagram account and LIKE our Facebook; SadorFit
Dikenali sebagai latihan lompat, ialah satu latihan otot yang menggunakan daya tekanan maksimum dalam jangka masa yang singkat, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kelajuan dan kuasa. Latihan plyometric memaksimakan badan dengan senaman rintangan dinamik, yang pantas meregangkan otot (fasa tidak normal) dan kemudian dengan cepat memendekkannya (fasa berpusat). Sebagai contoh, melompat dan melompat latihan yang quadriceps tertakluk kepada kitaran regangan-lelemak yang boleh menguatkan otot-otot, meningkatkan melompat menegak, dan mengurangkan daya impak ke atas sendi.
Cuba sendiri latihan ini untuk meningkatkan kelajuan dan kuasa anda sebanyak 3-5 set penuh dan catatkan masa anda. Kongsi bersama kami masa dan pengalaman anda melakukan latihan ini.
Follow akaun Instagram kami dan LIKE page; SadorFit

Timeline photos 30/10/2014

Wanna lose weight? Wanna look good? Wanna get more ripped? Wanna to increase your fitness level? Try this special Cardio Accelerated Workout to get all of the above. Do challenge yourself by complete it for 3 Superset. Record the time and tell us yours. Good luck! Don't forget to follow our Instagram account and spread the words!

Timeline photos 29/10/2014

Which body types are yours?

Thin build
Flat chest
Delicate build
Lightly muscled
Narrow hips & clavicles (shoulder)
Small joints (wrist & ankles)
Slow weight gaining
Longer muscle growth

Hard, muscular body
Narrow waist
Wider clavicles
Long & round bellies
Rectangular shaped (hourglass shaped for women)
Gains or loses weight easily
Faster muscle growth

Soft body
Underdeveloped muscles
Round shaped
Over-developed digestive system
Trouble losing weight
Generally gains muscle easily.

Apakah jenis bentuk badan anda?

Berdada l***r
Tubuh yang kecil
Kurang berotot
Pinggang & bahu yang kecil
Tulang penyambung yang kecil (wrist & ankles)
Penambahan berat badan yang perlahan
Kadar pembesaran otot yang lebih lama

Berbadan atlet
Badan berotot, keras
Pinggang yang kecil
Perut yang panjang dan bulat
Berbentuk segiempat
Tambah dan turun berat bdan dengan mudah
Kadar pembesaran otot yang cepat.

Otot lebih lembut
Perut yang lembik
Badan berbentuk bulat
Kesukaran untuk menurunkan berat badan
Kadar pembesaran otot yang lebih cepat

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Home 15/10/2014

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Home To perform as a Pro Bowl safety, LaRon Landry lifts hard and heavy in the gym. Check out his favorite exercises and workouts!


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