Math tutoring by Alex
Quant tutoring para exámenes de admisión como el GMAT, GRE, EA, SAT, TEC de MONTERREY, IPADE, etc.
Les comparto un video para resolver problemas de mezclas o promedios ponderados.
Learn how to deal with mixture problems (weighted average).
Mixture problems (weighted average) Ejemplos de problemas de mezclas como promedio ponderado.
Problemas con fracciones?
Espero que este video te ayude un poco..
Dealing with fractions?
Hope this video help you out.
Capitulo 1 – Suma y resta de fracciones Suma y resta de fracciones mediante fracciones equivalentes.
I share with you my first youtube video about types of numbers, hope it will help you in your GMAT, GRE preparation.
I will upload more videos of certain topics of interest, enjoy it.
Capítulo 0 – Tipos de números en Matemáticas Descripción de los números más comunes en Matemáticas. Números Naturales, Enteros, Racionales, Irracionales, Reales, Complejos, etc.
Hi guys, in the next problem you will learn to visualize and draw lines in order to solve a GMAT problem. The figure is drawn to scale, so GRE guys could have a go too.
Global Training de México
Problem of the day:
What is the tens digit of 6²³?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7
E) 9
Global Training de México
A problem that created certain kind of controversy on facebook:
What is the value of 16 ÷ 2(3+1)?
Global Training de México
La mejor feria de MBA de Mexico 🔝
🤝 Reuniones individuales con directores de admisiones
✅ Discusiones de Jurados de Admisión
📖 Talleres GMAT
👉 Sesiones de consultoría con expertos de Access MBA
💵 ¡Oportunidades de becas!
Problem of the day:
What is the sum of the digits of the number 10⁹⁹ - 99 when expressed as an integer?
problem of the day:
A tequila sunrise cocktail is made up of 6 parts orange juice, 1 part grenadine syrup, and 3 parts tequila. If you wanted the percentage of tequila to be 40% of the cocktail , how many parts would you need to add?
Problem of the day:
Marlene drives 100 miles at 60 miles per hour, and then she drives the next 50 miles at 40 miles per hour. What is his average speed for the entire trip in miles per hour?
Problem of the day:
In how many ways can the letters of the word INTELLECTUAL be ordered such that the vowels appear together?
Problem of the day:
If p, q, and r are prime numbers different to each other, how many factors does (p^2)(q^3)(r^4) have?
Problem of the day:
What is the units digit of (12^23)(23^12)?
Generalidades: ¿ o ??
Si aún no sabes qué examen presentar, acércate con nosotros y te asesoramos.