Monzter Popcornz

Monzter Popcornz

Monzter Popcornz Clothing is an independently owned street fashion brand.

( MONZTER POPCORNZ Clothing is an independently owned street fashion brand that focuses on creating one of a kind graphics for exclusive High Quality clothing products.


The End : Skull Collection available


Premium Basics Crop tops.
Super soft everyday fabric.
A must have wardrobe staple this summer.
Choose your favorite colors now!
Available now


"To Glam To Give A Damn"
Crop top available now
3 colors options

Our Story

Monzter Popcornz Story began in 2013. Over the years, lots of hard work and sleepless nights have taken to raise a bar in every aspect of creating our Unisex Clothing Brand. A concept clothing which cater to both the design enthusiast and the ever-changing street wear fashion world. From simple beginnings of home drawn designs to final outcome, I believe the clothes will speak loudly for themselves on our behalf.

You're probably wondering how it all started. Well, I used to be in Animation industry for almost a half decade and during that period I felt I wanted to do something more on a personal and creative level. Being an Artist and free-spirited person, Making Money was never my concern. I just wanted to create something worth talking about.

As a kid who grew up drawing skulls in notebooks while studying in school. All I really cared about at that point in my life was Video Games, Cartoons, Comics, Music & Movies. Many years later that feeling for the past eventually got together in this brand. It became a reflection of the person I used to be, and still am, to this very day. Not to a dramatic extent though, I simply refuse to grow up and try to enjoy every single day as if it's my last. This is also the vision I try to encourage within the brand and by our cult. A message that, I hope, inspires people to live life to the fullest, on a positive and constructive way.

Kushagra Mathur

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