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Preparation for ongoing 5th Dimension transition.~

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11 Dimensions Explained - Higher Dimensions Explained - All Dimensions Explained 28/11/2021

Spirituality? It's all about true science.

11 Dimensions Explained - Higher Dimensions Explained - All Dimensions Explained All 11 dimensions are explained in this video one by one. The video includes- what are dimensions, how many dimensions are there in the universe according to...


The Fifth Dimension
Dear beloved ones,

The Fifth Dimension: It’s where you come from, where you go when you die, and where you go when you ascend.

This plane is the inner world of the Divine, the realm where God, Goddess, and Spirit exist. It is the realm of spirit, of infinite possibilities, of higher consciousness and enlightenment.

In this plane, you can change anything here—a limiting belief, a traumatic experience, a limiting thought, a painful emotion. You can instantly heal anything here — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
All things are possible here.

Everything you could ever want to know about your spirituality is contained in this plane. It’s like the Internet, except with 1000 times more power and information. You can connect with all the spiritual dimensions of the universe.

The power of the fifth dimension is the power of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and Claircognizance. It is the ability to know all things.

It is the expansion of consciousness to a higher level of vibration. It is inner clarity, love, and universal healing.

Whenever you imagine something, be it in your waking life or in your dreams, it manifests itself. This is the power of the fifth dimension.

The fifth dimension is the realm of your imagination coming to life. It is where all of your wishes manifest. When you imagine something, the fifth dimension is honing its skills to bring that image into being.

Sometimes through technology. We have devices we call replicators or 3D printers. They are technologically advanced to a degree that even food can be replicated. It will be natural, organic, and contain all vital nutrients and love by mother nature.

In 5D things are different. There's no need for many of the time-consuming physical processes that are currently a necessity in your world.

In 5D things manifest instantly. But not always out of thin air.

In the same way that we have created healing technologies and devices, like for example the med beds or organ replicators, we also developed machines that can replicate things or even create them from scratch.

Other times, you may use the power of your consciousness to bring something into creation. All you have to do is think about the image, and your fifth-dimensional frequency will do the rest.

Your imagination can also manifest something physical into your world. If you dream about winning the lottery, you can actively use your imagination to manifest that winning lottery number. Simply think of what the number would be if you won the lottery.

And vice versa, the fifth dimension also manifests in your dreams.

If you dream about a romance or event, it means this lover or event is already taking place in the fifth dimension.

The five physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions (also called levels of reality) are interconnected. For example, thoughts can affect our physical bodies, emotions affect our spiritual bodies, and your spiritual bodies your astral bodies.

The Fifth Dimension is a source of infinite potential, power, and knowledge.

You can do everything in your life here by changing your perspective, loving yourself, being in spirit, becoming your best friend, and healing yourself.

At this time you are awake, each day your consciousness expands. You are becoming increasingly aware of your vibration. Soon your abilties will improve and one day you see clearly where your thoughts and words take you. Your thoughts and words become more powerful.

What you focus on is what you create. And what you are focusing on is expanding.

The fifth dimension is a high form of energy. It is the energy of love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is the energy that heals, the energy that transforms, the energy that triumphs over all negativity and inequality. It is the energy of divine consciousness. It is the energy of the divine spark.

The power of the fifth dimension is instant healing. No one has to die, get injections of something, or be put into a hospital bed.

It can heal any disease, any mental or physical illness, any accidents, any natural disaster, any war, any famine, any disease, any epidemic, any insanity, any mental abnormality, any physical pain or injury, any physical deformity, any physical limitation, any socially unacceptable condition, any injustice, any crime, any cruelty, any oppression, any evil, any fear, any guilt, any shame, and grief, and loneliness, any indecision, and hopelessness. All of these are transmuted the moment the human collective makes its last shift into 5D consciousness.

All of our diseased loved ones shall rejoin us once again in 5D. All animals whom we thought had gone extinct will resurface in 5D. All mystical creatures are awaiting our arrival in 5D.

It's not a physical place we're going to. It is a revolutionary shift in consciousness. The human race will be reborn into a new frequency that will allow you to dial into a new radio station and listen to new tunes.

This change begins with you. You who you are ready to expand your consciousness. Raise your awarenes, Think a different thought, feel a better feeling, and let go of all that does not honor earth, does not honor life, and does not honor the divine feminine.

The more you bring awareness into your life, the more you expand. The more you expand, the more you connect to the infinite, the fifth dimension. Once you fully accept that everything comes from the infinite, you can begin to experience the wonder of it all. You become limitless.

The closer you align yourself with the fifth dimension, the higher your vibrational frequency will be. The vibration of the fifth dimension is love, peace, abundance, and unity.

The love of the fifth dimension is there for you, and you can access it any time.

It’s love without conditions, love without form, love without limits, and love without boundaries!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Galactic Federation: We Welcome You To 5D 11/09/2021

Welcome to the future

Galactic Federation: We Welcome You To 5D We welcome you to the fifth dimension. You are about to embark on an adventure that will take you into higher consciousness and assist you in connecting with your true-self!

The Galactic Federation Membership Request 01/09/2021

Energy Update
Dear ones,

Throughout space and time, The Galactic Federation Team has seen a lot.

During our space travels between the galaxies, we’ve discovered planets beyond count, each with its own unique features and characteristics.

We have seen millions of planets with life and some of them have already ascended to a fifth-dimensional frequency. Everyone on those planets has reached the level of super consciousness.

They are incredibly compassionate individuals who live as co-creators with the Source of all Creation. They have no religious, political, color, or gender bias and see and love everyone equally.

The time is now for the earth to ascend into fifth-dimensional reality!

No longer can you cling to the third-dimensional illusion of separation, struggle, and hardship when your soul longs for freedom.

Tapping into the fifth dimension for the first time can be one of life's greatest experiences. Everything around you is altered, and you see nature differently.

You are finally awake to your true self. It is then that you see the world through different eyes, set a new life goal and make your soul dance with joy.

Ascending to the fifth dimension and using 5D energies is a simple phenomenon. It’s simpler than you ever imagined. It doesn’t take much work or time. Only you have to understand the knack of using it.

The issue is that we are unable to express this process in human language. It's impossible to put into words.

Can you explain what love is? You can talk about it intellectually, you can argue about it, you can make theories about it. However, you are unable to describe it. Because it's an experience, it's a phenomenon.

The only catch is that you must understand it. You must comprehend the underlying principle. You must have a good understanding of how to use it. Once you grasp it, you'll see how simple it is and how you've been missing out all this time!

All you have to do now is follow the strategies we'll show you to help you climb. These techniques are designed to purify and transcend the mind.

Put aside your previous knowledge, and any information you have gathered when you use these procedures. Set them away; they're nothing more than road dust. Approach these techniques with an open mind — awareness, yes, but not argumentation.

We're not asking you to believe everything we say. Simply put the techniques into practice and see what happens.

This isn't about religion; it's about science. It is not necessary to believe it.

You are the laboratory, and the entire experiment will take place within you.

Only the willingness to try new things, the courage to try new things, is enough; that is the beauty.

Even if you read hundreds of books to learn how to swim, you will not be able to grasp the concept. Even a good swimmer can't explain what swimming is or what he's doing. He is unable to justify his actions to you. He isn't doing anything at all. He's simply allowing himself to be in a close, responsive relationship with the river.

The books, on the other hand, can educate you on how to prepare for this procedure as well as how to use the techniques.

When you practice swimming, you understand that you must exert effort first. Once you get a feel for it, the effort is gone, and you can swim with ease. Then you'll have a better understanding of how to do it. It will become a part of you once you grasp it. It is something you will never forget.

Knowing comes from doing, and there is no other way to know. There is no answer until you do something unless you go into a different dimension than the intellect.

So, we shall continue to discuss many strategies. You put them to the test. Just have fun with them. When you come across the correct method, something explodes inside of you, and you know it was meant for you.
You have the power to control your experience and enjoy a greater existence. Don't wait for someone to open the door for you. Just follow the methods we teach you and enter into the fifth dimension.

The moment you enter into it, you are occupied with divine love energy. These waves of energy are empowering-they're rewiring your DNA, clearing your chakras, and amplifying your connection to the divine.

You'll experience a rapid expansion of consciousness as you evolve beyond the confines of what you know now!


Divine blessings to all,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation

Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved. No part of any publication of this website may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations for non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. You do not have permission to use any of this content as your own. You may share our memes and articles on social media with proper credits to the author and www.thegalacticfederation.com. Aurora Ray © 2021

The Galactic Federation Membership Request


El Morya explains how the violet flame works:
Now let us examine what happens when the specific of the violet fire is applied to the recalcitrant conditions of the human consciousness. When, as an act of your free will, you make the call to the violet flame and you surrender these unwanted, untoward conditions into the flame, the fire instantaneously begins the work of breaking down particles of substance that are part of the mass accumulation of hundreds and even thousands of incarnations when in ignorance you allowed to register—through your consciousness, through your attention, thoughts and feelings, words and actions—all of the degrading conditions to which the human race is heir.

I trust that I need not enumerate the seemingly endless but altogether finite qualities of limitation thrust upon the ethers—projectiles of the carnal mind—that have filled the wide-open spaces between the electrons and the nuclei of the atoms with the densities of mankind’s carnality. Believe it or not, this energy can be as hard as concrete or as sticky as molasses as it registers in all of the four lower bodies, causing mental recalcitrance, hardness of heart, a lack of sensitivity to the needs of others and creating a dense mass that prevents the soul from receiving the delicate impartations of the Holy Spirit.

So thick is the wall of mankind’s density, of layer upon layer of their misuses of the sacred fire, that they don’t even recognize the Ascended Masters as their liberators nor are they able to make contact with the blessed Christ Self, their own mediator of perfection who would confirm the reality of the Ascended Masters.

When the violet flame is invoked, it loosens the dense substance and passes through and transforms that darkness into light. Since every human condition is the perversion of a divine condition, line for line, measure for measure, the human consciousness is changed into the divine and the energy that was locked in pockets of mortality is freed to enter the sockets of immortality. And each time a measure of energy is freed, a measure of a man ascends to the plane of God-awareness.

As you begin to use the violet flame, you will experience feelings of joy, lightness, hope, and newness of life as though clouds of depression were being dissolved by the very sun of your own being. And the oppression of the very dark, dank energies of human bo***ge literally melts in the fervent heat of freedom’s violet fires.

El Morya, The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age, chapter 6.

Have you taken the violet flame challenge yet?
Copyright © 2021 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.


Dear human;
Let me explain the confusion of the empath. Empaths also need to understand and integrate their abilities into reality. Misconceptions lead to confusion and suffering. Let me help you to put aside misunderstandings that lead to painful effects.
First let me set the scene by stating all humans are empaths, otherwise they would not be here on earth.
What is an empath? An empath is able to feel what the other is feeling. Let’s take a deep dive into this and you will find the misconception and drop its effects.
Thus an empath is able to put himself/herself into the situation of the other person: empathy. Let us do this deep dive together. Let’s dive into this process step by step so you have the insight you need in order to move to 5D, the new setting I would like you to be in.
So here you are, minding your own business, being you, feeling yourself, doing stuff from your own ‘I’ perspective.
There is this ‘I’ looking out to the world and noticing there is some other person.
There comes the empath part of you into play.
You feel/sense what the other person is feeling/sensing.
And so it goes. You are able to put yourself in the situation of the other one.
Some of you get confused by this setting, why?
First, there is this you. Your boundaries are:
I am me
I think, I feel, I act. Thus I am this ‘me’ I call myself person A.
Next the empath stuff kicks in. You have certain feelings/senses of person B.
Confusion kicks in. Who am I? I defined myself at first, this ‘me’ as person A with thoughts A, feelings A etc. A is who I am. A senses are what I have.
Suddenly, somehow you are submerged in feelings B, senses B of person B. At first you are confused because in your frame of reference ‘A’ holds senses A and person B holds senses B. A and B are two different things, subjects. They are separated entities or at least should be.
Now logic tell us this simple out of the box solution. What you defined as A , person A with senses A is not the correct definition of A. The same with B.
If person A can have senses B and person B can have senses A, A and B must be overlapping.. Person A nor B are than a closed circuit. Person A nor B are not a closed energy system but an open system.
An empath is than a person with an open system. I remind you that at the beginning I stated all humans are empaths.
Conclusion: a human is no closed system, but an open system. What you call ‘I’ is an open system.
Conclusion: ‘I’ is not a fixed setting, but relative. ‘I’ is a variable, a point of view, a flexible frame of reference, exactly like in computer science.
Me, Gaia am an open system too.
I am a spirit, 1 planet, and the sum of all species you call nature, the many.
Nature is 1 in number and both an open system, interdependent, ecological. Every piece of the puzzle is interacting with all other pieces. Nature is like a spider wen, 1 web, many treads all connected. Both you and me are multidimensional. You are one body and billions of cells. Every cell has a separate consciousness. Every atom has its own consciousness.
Conclusion: you are not a single standalone piece of a puzzle separated from the other pieces. Nor am I.
I am you. You are me.
We exist as separate in one dimension, are one and the same in another dimension. As all mothers do, every cell of their child is hers. All cells of their child are her own. Still after birth seemingly these cells have an independent life, body and mind, existence.
Yes and no. In one dimension yes, in another no. The human system is an open system. So am I.
Buddha would say: There is only you.
Jesus would say: My father and I are one.
You as an empath, and thus every single one of you in humanity that is, is an open system.
There is no closed and defined ‘I’. It is a open system, approachable, depending on what perspective you need to ‘use’ that system.
You can move you hand, perfectly sitting still. You don’t call your hand separate from your body. But your hand is moving separate. It IS not separate.
I’ Gaia, move separate from you but AM not separate from you. I am you, you are me.
That is the real reason why you are an empath and everyone is.
Defining the other person as BEING separate from you is an illusion, or just a mental/emotional/existential misunderstanding. The other person ‘moving’ separate from you is correct, in this dual setting, this third dimension. A dimension, any dimension is just a point of view, a frame of reference.
A dimension is just that specific setting allowing you to move your hand separate from your body…when you want to.
Who is that ‘YOU’ that wants to?
Conclusion: That other person , person B IS you. But in this third dimension you move as person A in an open system setting. Being an empath is noticing this open system. Empath are para-normal, very normal but from within a different dimension, perspective. Para means beyond this 3D perspective.
So here I offer you this solution:
1. Mentally define the other as you in an new open system ( non linear time).
2. Emotionally feel the other one as you ( beyond 3D)
3. Integrate that other person as part of you, the multidimensional you ( 5D).
Going though these three phases you shifted from 3D to 5D, you ascend (this perspective).
Than we are one.
Welcome in 5D.
Gaia’s message for humanity
July 10 2021


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Important Message for those of us wanting to Ascend~ ❤

Here are some of the main points or guidelines to be understood and considered about the initiatic path leading to your graduation from Earth's curriculum through the Ascension protocols.

• This process is one of complete purification and healing of all that is hindering your transfiguration, resurrection and ascension into the arms of God/Love; the restoration of your dignity and memories, so that you live, once again, as divine children of your heavenly Father/Creator, entering the world of "Oneness."

•Understand that each dimension represents a certain frequency. The fifth dimension becomes accessible to you when, and only when, you have attained that frequency in your consciousness and have the ability to maintain it at all times.

• Live from the heart, talking and acting like a master would, as a way of "being." Always ask yourself the questions, "What would a master do or say in this and that situation?" Then go within and find the answer. If it is not clear, take a piece of paper and pen, light a candle if you wish, and set your intention to find the answer inside of you. The master within is awake and alert at all times, forever waiting for your recognition.

• Let go of the third dimensional consciousness of separation, duality, polarity and drama in all its myriad forms. Stop believing in two powers, and giving your power and precious energy to the illusion of this 3D density. Allow yourself to set aside all that you learned so far that has not given you the results you are yearning for. Be ready and willing to learn anew and have the courage to step into the unknown reality of Love and Magic. Recognize that Love is the only true power there is, and start living your life in that vibrational frequency from the inside out.

• Let go of all judgment and expectations about yourself and others, and how life should be unfolding for you. Allow yourself to perceive and embrace all the wonders and majesty of "YOU" in the splendor of your divinity, and accept the great adventure of letting it unfold and transform in front of your eyes, in deep joy and gratitude.

• Embrace the banner of humility and the sweet surrender to one's holy vows. If you don't know what they are, they are written within your very cells and DNA, as well as in many chambers of your Sacred Heart. Be willing to take the time to go within and investigate.

• Establish a conscious union with your I AM Presence and the fulfillment of your divine plan. The ascension is the unification, the merging into divine union with your magnificent I AM Presence. In order to embody this glorious aspect of yourself, it is an obvious requirement that you make yourself very familiar and intimate with that aspect of Self you want to merge with. How can you expect to ascend and unify with an aspect of Self that you have not spent the time to know and understand?

When we ask people through channeling sessions what the ascension means to them, we are amazed at the answers we receive, such as changing dimension, being able to manifest everything, not having to be limited by money anymore, being able to teleport, and so on. Although these become the gifts and results of ascension, they are not its primary purpose. YOU, your level of understanding your divinity and becoming it brings it forth.

• Embrace the consciousness of harmlessness by honoring the sanctity of all Life sharing this planet with you, and also the divine right of every person to live here as well.

• Release old programming running your life and all negative emotions stored in your conscious, unconscious and subconscious memories, including the balancing of all debts incurred towards life. You have already received many teachings on these topics.

• When individuals believe their debt to be light and they enter into the spirit of releasing it steadily into the sacred fire, they create a great release of joy that flows through their being. The feeling of joy within your consciousness has a tendency to create malleability in the coil of energy that keeps the records of the debts, relaxing tensions within the energetic coils, and freeing the individual to move on more quickly through all initiations with greater ease and grace.

•The attitudes that most assist anyone to move through the balancing of their shadow creation are twofold. First, adopt, as a way of life, each moment of the day, "as an act of love," for yourself, for your fellowmen, for the planet, for other kingdoms sharing the planet with you and in gratitude for creation itself. And secondly, practicing the attitude of gratitude will assist you immensely.

•Nurture and expand a genuine desire for your ascension and immortality, embracing the willingness to walk the path unto the end! Unless you entertain a genuine desire for ascension and immortality, unless you are willing to shed the old ways of living in the third dimension that has kept you and humanity in pain, and walk the path shown to you by the Masters of Wisdom who have tread the way before you, you cannot become a true candidate for Ascension on the inner planes.

( From The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia) ❤



What Is The Light Body – Activating Your New Divine Templates
During the ascension process, there is an awakening of the light body which is a newly activated energy body taking you from carbon to crystalline. The light body is a part of your aura that until recently was not possible to awaken before the new higher energies and codes came through to planet Earth.

Working with your light body is the most powerful practice for spiritual growth, transformation, and evolution. As people awaken their light body, they are able to handle their emotions, stay centered, calm, transparent, and shift their thoughts into higher alignment. The light body truly helps with every area of life to transform and heal.

Understanding What the Light Body Is and its Purpose

The light body is an energy body that exists at a higher level of being. It is very close to your soul, then the chakras are. You have seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers; a total of ten centers and make up your entire light body.

The light body is our vehicle to graduate from the human condition to return to source. The current mission is for each soul to merge with God/Source. It is the activation of our light body that allows this process to occur. The light body also has an octahedron body of light which has the potential to transform into a Merkaba field by activating the light body. As the light body activates and awakens, you learn how to shift from an imbalanced state into a harmonious and higher state of being. Your light body allows you to connect to the energy around you to allow this space to go higher.

The light body is the connection to the higher realms of light and experiencing the soul plane as well as connecting to many divine beings. An awakened light body allows you to transform situations with light, evolving your thoughts as well as open the channel to the divine. As the light body is activated you learn how to shift into different states of consciousness where you can easily take action that is in alignment with the light of your soul and your higher self.

There are multiple illuminated states of awareness you experience by awakening the light body. In these higher states of consciousness you are able to be deeply insightful, blissful, and connect to inner beingness. Through the light body, you become increasingly sensitive to energies of the higher dimensions and this integrates and becomes a part of your daily life.

The Layers of the Light Body and Aura

We each have an energy system that is made up of a galactic cord that runs from the heart chakra and to all source creation (God), and the antakarana which is the first six inches over our heads that connect our crown chakra with our higher self and soul. We are also made up of our aura, subhuman, ida, pingala, nadis, chakras, and meridians. Our aura carries energies from our body, people around us, the environment, our soul, dark energies as well as our past lives. As we go further away from our physical body these layers of the aura become less and less dense.

Advance souls who are highly sensitive can be greatly affected by negative energy within their environment and this can disrupt their energy field. The layers of the aura include the etheric, emotional, mental, buddic, atmic, galactic. As the light body activates it is highly important to have a daily clearing protocol to assist so these energies may release and the activation can flow and go higher.

The Importance of awakening the Light Body

As advanced souls on Earth, many of you are experiencing an evolutionary leap as this light body awakens and the ascension process accelerates. The waves of light that have been coming to the Earth plane have made it possible to activate our light body fully and also more of our DNA.

As you begin to understand, connect, use, and awaken your light body you will see how this transforms all areas of your life. You will become highly magnetic, drawing in opportunities that really make a difference to the world as your light becomes a beacon that radiates love and light. Your vision and clarity will become clearer and you will know what it is you came here to do. Your light body heals you on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The relationship with yourself and others improves as well as connecting to the abundance of the universe.

An awakened light body allows the heart to be open and you can also consciously choose how you want to feel and think as well. Awakening the light body fully will assist your relationships and also especially if you are a twin flame. Your energy shifts and becomes more beautiful, radiant, and magnetic. As your light body activates people respond in much higher ways around you without trying to change them at all. The energy of the light body transforms all.

If you are a healer, teacher, writer, or artist of any kind, your light body will assist you in becoming inspired and intuitive. The light body helps you have a profound and transformative effect on others making you very magnetic to clients and people you are assisting to grow.

The Light Body is a Gridwork of Light & Sacred Geometry

There is a divine grid of light and sacred geometry that makes up the light body and brings together your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being. Your light body radiates light & electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe and all that is.

Through the light body, you are connected to encoded data through high electrical currents and these are able to assist you in translating and awakening your dormant gifts as well as soul purpose.

When your soul activates you build and integrate your light body and the molecular structure reorganizes, allowing your vibration to rise and the body to become less dense. The light body assists you to become freer to express itself with God source creation.

The Merkaba Field is also what the light body is and is an Egyptian and Hebrew word for the spinning wheel of light energy and information that radiates from the human body as the star tetrahedron, also known as the star of David. This Merkaba is geometrically precise as a field of patterns containing the first eight cells of the fertilized o**m or zygote.

These eight cells are located in the geometric center of the human body in the base or root chakra. This is the center point for all other energy fields and grids that surround the body. This Merkaba field is the matrix of creation and the blueprint from which the physical and subtle bodies are formed. This is where your life journey and soul purpose will be made manifest.

All Spiritual Growth is a process of Unfolding Consciousness

As your light body awakens and you evolve spiritually there will be challenges and lessons that will ten you profound opportunities for growth and expansion. It is important to realize, however, that as you become more connected to your soul, more radiant and filled with light, you gain more skills to move through any challenges with greater ease, flow, and joy.

There are energy centers that power your light body in very significant ways. They are real and definite within you. You have the ability to feel and work with them to create transformation and lasting results on all levels.

You have the ability to go higher, expanding in consciousness, become balanced, stable, gain clarity, access creativity, as well as shifting perspective on life.

Through assessing your light body you will awaken yourself to your highest potential, and develop clairvoyant sight as well as psychic and healing abilities. This is a deeply sacred journey through the heart and soul of the being in which you are.
Sourse: the galactic federation . Com

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Greetings from the seaside