Deaf Ladies of the Visitation

Deaf Ladies of the Visitation

A group of ladies from the Catholic Deaf Apostolate of Rockford who pray, organize events & work tog

Photos from Deaf Ladies of the Visitation's post 11/12/2023

On Dec. 9, Roman Catholics celebrate St. Juan Diego, the indigenous Mexican Catholic convert whose encounter with the Virgin Mary began the Church's devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.


In preparation for the upcoming Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec 12), we celebrate the feast of St. Juan Diego today (Dec 9). St. Juan Diego, pray for us!

Thousands gathered to be with Pope John Paul II in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe on July 31, 2002 for the canonization of Juan Diego, to whom the Blessed Mother appeared in the 16th century.

First called Cuauhtlatohuac (“The eagle who speaks”), Juan Diego’s name is forever linked with Our Lady of Guadalupe because it was to him that she first appeared at Tepeyac hill on December 9, 1531. The most famous part of his story is told in connection with the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. After the roses gathered in his tilma were transformed into the miraculous image of Our Lady, however, little more is said about Juan Diego.

In time he lived near the shrine constructed at Tepeyac, revered as a holy, unselfish and compassionate catechist who taught by word and especially by example.

During his 1990 pastoral visit to Mexico, Pope John Paul II confirmed the long-standing devotion to Juan Diego, beatifying him. Twelve years later the pope proclaimed him a saint.

God counted on Juan Diego to play a humble yet huge role in bringing the Good News to the peoples of Mexico. Overcoming his own fear and the doubts of Bishop Juan de Zumarraga, Juan Diego cooperated with God’s grace in showing his people that the Good News of Jesus is for everyone.

"In accepting the Christian message without forgoing his indigenous identity, Juan Diego discovered the profound truth of the new humanity, in which all are called to be children of God." (St. John Paul II)




St.Joseph, and Blessed Mother Mary Pray to God for us.


St. Nicholas' feast day is Dec. 6. One of the most famous stories of his generosity says that he threw bags of gold through an open window in the house of a poor man to serve as dowry for the man’s daughters, who otherwise would have been forced into prostitution. The gold is said to have landed in the family’s shoes, which were drying near the fire. This is why children leave their shoes out by the door, or hang their stockings by the fireplace in the hopes of receiving a gift on the eve of his feast.


DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER, GOD of HOPE, on this First Sunday of Advent, we Praise, Bless and Adore You, for the Privilege of Celebrating Your great Faithfulness and Your immeasurable Generosity. You sent JESUS to us, and have Given Him for us. Every promise You have made finds its emphatic “YES!” in JESUS (2 Cor. 1:20).

Fuel our wonder and Enflame our hearts, FATHER. Help us engage again, with the story of JESUS’ Birth, with Childlike Wonder and Renewed HOPE. Bring familiar Scriptures Alive in fresh and transforming ways. We don’t trust in a season, but in our Savior.

We love how Isaiah describes the Messiah coming to gather us up in His “Advent Arms.” To be Tended as a helpless lamb, to be Held Close to Your Heart, to be Gently Led—what more could we possibly need or desire? WE BELIEVE; HELP OUR UNBELIEF.

And In JESUS, You come Near to us as the Sovereign Lord, with Your sleeves rolled up as the Great Ruler. Your Arm Rules over all history and every heartache, over all kings and every crises. Nothing and no one can ever alter, subvert, or change the story You are telling, and the Kingdom You are Advancing, through JESUS. Thankfully, these aren’t mere metaphors, FATHER; for metaphors can’t save us, only inspire us. You Really are this Involved in our lives, and You Truly are this Merciful and Mighty GOD.

Indeed, the Coming of CHRIST puts all nations on notice: There is Only One True KING, and He is JESUS. And the coming of our Redeemer puts us—Your people, face down in Adoring Love. Over the next several weeks, Show us, yet again, how JESUS is a most Wonderful and Grace-Full Savior—EMMANUEL, the GOD Who is Very Much With us and Totally For us. So very AMEN we Pray, with Advent Longings, in JESUS CHRIST’ Most Holy and Merciful NAME…


Timeline photos 02/12/2023

What Is The Meaning Of Each Week Of Advent? Check it out!

Calendar | Deaf Apostolate of the Rockford Diocese 01/12/2023

Calendar | Deaf Apostolate of the Rockford Diocese Deaf Apostolate of the Rockford Diocese




Starts tomorrow.


🚨 Pope Francis canceled his trip to in Dubai next Friday on doctors' advice after his recent respiratory illness. Let's lift our prayers for his health and well-being. 🙏

Let's join together in prayer for the Pope!


Why we love Pope Francis
"It is not enough, therefore, to ask how much we pray, we have to ask ourselves how we pray, or better, in what state our heart is: it is important to examine it so as to evaluate our thoughts, our feelings, and root out arrogance and hypocrisy. But, I ask myself: can one pray with arrogance? No. Can one pray with hypocrisy? No. We must only pray by placing ourselves before God just as we are. Not like the pharisee who prays with arrogance and hypocrisy. We are all taken up by the phrenetic pace of daily life, often at the mercy of feelings, dazed and confused. It is necessary to learn how to rediscover the path to our heart, to recover the value of intimacy and silence, because the God who encounters us and speaks to us is there. Only by beginning there can we in our turn encounter others and speak with them." (General Audience, 1 June 2016)

—Pope Francis ( general audience, 1st June, 2016)



Today, November 27, is the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. It was on this day in 1830 that the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Catherine Laboure in the Motherhouse Chapel of the Daughters of Charity in Paris, France. Catherine was a seminary sister at the time. During this apparition, Mary asked Catherine to “have a medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces: they shall wear it around their neck. Great graces will abound for those who wear it with confidence.”


HAPPY FEAST OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL! The Miraculous Medal is perhaps the best known and most widely worn Catholic medal. In 1830 our Immaculate Mother appeared several times to a young French nun, Sister Catherine Laboure.
When Mary spoke to St. Catherine Laboure, she said “Have a medal struck upon this model. Those who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around the neck. Those who repeat this prayer with devotion will be, in a special manner, under the protection of the Mother of God. Graces will be abundantly bestowed upon those who have confidence.”
With approval of the Catholic Church, the first medals were made in 1832 and distributed in Paris. Only ten of the original medals are known to exist, and one of them is housed at the Miraculous Medal Shrine.
Almost immediately, the blessings that Mary promised showered down on those who wore her medal, and soon all of France was clamoring for what the people referred to as the “Miraculous Medal.” Use of the Medal spread from country to country, and, at the time of St. Catherine’s death in 1876, more than a billion medals had been made. Today, the Medal is still drawing down from God blessings for body and soul.


If Jesus is King then Mary is Queen. The reason Mary is queen is because Jesus is the Davidic King and His kingdom is the restoration and elevation of the Davidic Kingdom (see Luke 1:32-33). In the Davidic Kingdom, the Mother was Queen. This is why Mary, in Revelation 12, is depicted with a “crown of twelve stars” (Revelation 12:1). The stars call to mind Joseph’s dream (see Genesis 37:9); in other words, this woman is the queen mother of the new Israel.


The St. Andrew Novena is a curious novena. Unlike a traditional novena, which spans nine days, it lasts from the feast of St. Andrew on Nov. 30 to Christmas Eve. On each of these days, it is repeated 15 times, either all at once or throughout the day. The novena has a reputation for answered prayers.

Learn more at Our Sunday Visitor:

Pope Francis has ‘mild flu,’ cancels Saturday morning meetings 25/11/2023


Pope Francis has ‘mild flu,’ cancels Saturday morning meetings We engage and examine the events of the day through the lens of the teachings of the Catholic Church.


November 26 : Happy Feast of Christ The King


The First Thanksgiving at St. Augustine, Florida, 1565.

"In all created things discern the providence and wisdom of God, and in all things give Him thanks." -St. Teresa of Avila


Presentation of Mary
Daily Feast

November 21st is the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to tradition, the Blessed Virgin Mary was consecrated to God as a young child; when she reached three years of age her holy parents, St. Anne and St. Joachim, presented her before God in the Jerusalem temple where she was to be educated and raised. This dedication was a result of a promise St. Anne made to God while she suffered from many years of infertility. The liturgical celebration honoring this event appeared in the East much earlier then it did in the West. In the late Middle Ages it was promoted as a feast day for the universal Church.

The first Thanksgiving in America was a Catholic Mass 17/11/2023

The first Thanksgiving in America was a Catholic Mass Some historians believe that the first Thanksgiving in America was a Catholic Mass that happened 50 years before Plymouth!

2024 will be Year of Prayer, says Pope 12/11/2023

2024 will be Year of Prayer, says Pope The Holy Father wants a year in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee that will help "stimulate prayer with simplicity and in accordance with Christ’s heart."

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