ICOMOS Palestine

ICOMOS Palestine

The International Council on Monuments and Sites - Palestine


Initial Report issued by ICOMOS Palestine on the Cultural Heritage Devastations in Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

Documentation and gathering some of evidences during the humanitarian truce (24 Nov – 30 Nov, 2023).

📸 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02fxw3CmCjmM5f4cHqaNp6pTGkSnAcpZcCuWH2iPnFmujuHwXwvZTxHVYUs5KPQcw3l&id=100064876592525&mibextid=Nif5oz

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 06/12/2023

Initial Report issued by ICOMOS Palestine on the Cultural Heritage Devastations in Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Occupied Territories.

Documentation and gathering some of evidences during the humanitarian truce (24 Nov – 30 Nov, 2023)


Dear respected colleagues and friends,

In these challenging times, we confront not only assaults on our cultural heritage and history, but also a sustained genocide against our people, spanning over 75 years, and reaching its peak since October 8th. We appeal to your support in sharing the Palestinian narrative, standing with our people against oppression, injustice and ethnic cleansing. We believe in your faith in humanity and its heritage, emphasizing the significance of Palestinian heritage in the global mosaic. Therefore, we kindly ask you to join us in advocating for the boycott, sanctions, and disinvestment from all Israeli cultural heritage institutions, due to the crimes committed against humanity.

The Israeli military forces and settlers are committing non-stop crimes by killing the Palestinian civilians, displacement of more than half of the Gazans, and destroying their homes, schools, hospitals, religious buildings, universities, museums, agricultural land, and all infrastructures. Beside all of these genocide acts, the Israeli heritage minister is calling publicly for the nuclear bombing Gaza, and Israel minister of war publicly called Palestinians “human animals”. The Israeli president also declared that there are no civilians in Gaza, and many other officials competed in their efforts to dehumanize our palestinian people. ICOMOS Israel is claiming damage to heritage sites that are under the control of its government to cover up the atrocities being continuously perpetrated against the civilians in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Let us put some facts so that you have real knowledge of what is happening on the ground in Palestine:

Firstly: The roots of the current political and armed conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine for 75 years. In 1948, Zionist gangs carried out horrific massacres in Palestinian villages and cities, and more than 800,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes. They are since then living in refugee camps in palestine and in other neighboring arab countries

Secondly: Gaza Strip was three times larger than of today, its size changed from 1196 square kilometers in 1931 to 1111 square kilometers in 1945 - under the British mandate-, then decreased dramatically in 1948 to encompasses a total land area of roughly 555 kilometers, and then to 365 square kilometers due to the Modus Vivendi agreement between Egypt and Israel on 26 February 1950.

Thirdly: 45 villages of the Gaza Strip were destroyed by the Zionist gangs in 1948, their peoples were killed or displaced, and then their areas were annexed to "Israel". The majority of the Palestinians in Gaza are descendants of refugees who were expelled in 1948 from their homes by the Zionist gangs.

Fourthly: Since 2007, the Gaza Strip is under total blockade, and has been besieged by Israeli forces by air, land and sea, limiting of water and electricity supply, and all other resources entry to the strip. Furthermore, the Gaza Strip underwent wars in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, and 2023. Israel turned the Gaza Strip into an open-air prison. Several politicians, researchers and international organizations declared Gaza as the largest concentration camp. Of course you are aware that this collective punishment has been clearly forbidden under International Humanitarian Law article 33 of the 4th Geneva Convention.

Fifthly: Gaza has NO regular army, and the people being bombed daily since october 7th are majoritarily civilians. Until today the death toll exceeded 13000, more than 5000 among them are children.

It is unfair to put the victim and the perpetrator on the same level of responsibility. Israel must be openly and unapologetically condemned for this genocide and for breaching all the international laws with inpunity.

An innocent child loses their life every 10 minutes in the Gaza Strip alone. The Israeli army is targeting civilians at mosques, churches, schools, hospitals, and houses which is a clear violation of international law. Israel cut off water, electricity, and fuel, and closed off all crossings into Gaza since October 8th.

Moreover, invasions of Palestinian territories in the West Bank are done by the Israeli occupation, more than 4780 political prisoners were held in the Israeli security prisons, with hundreds of children among them. They are undergoing unhuman treatment in prisons, including food depravation, physical and mental torture. 7 political prisoners were killed in Israeli prisons under unknown conditions. Jenin refugees camp infrastructures have been destroyed by Israeli tanks, also Ein-shams refugee camp in Tulkarem. Most importantly 197 martyrs were killed by the Israeli forces in the West Bank since the beginning of October 2023. Even though there is no evidence that people from the west bank were involved in the 7th of October events, this is another point yet to reflect that the Israeli actions are against all Palestinians. Israeli settlers, backed by security, move to seize property in Jerusalem's Armenian Quarter. Moreover, what is happening now In Hebron, one of the World Heritage Sites, there are closures and restrictions imposed on its population by the Israeli occupation, in addition to attacks by the Israeli settlers.

Again, we are calling for your support in sharing the Palestinian story, and the call for the boycott, sanctions and disinvestment of all Israeli cultural heritage institutions. We call upon your support to ask ICOMOS Board to stand with Palestine against the Israeli out of proportionate aggression like it stood many times in the past with the right causes. Please write a support letter for Palestine in the name of your committee and publish it on your website and send it to ICOMOS board as well.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 10/11/2023

Written by Aser El. Saqqa.

"EL SAQQA family great and historic house - Gaza City
The Gaza Strip has sustained widespread destruction as the Israeli military has bombarded the homes of 2.3 million people for more than 4 weeks. Even its south, which Israel had declared a safe zone, has not been spared. Almost 11,000 been killed half of them are children..
Entire neighbourhoods have been levelled with many hospitals, schools, places of worship and homes damaged or destroyed by Israeli land, sea and air attacks.
The north of Gaza’s Old City is home to several historical sites, including the Great Omari Mosque, known as Gaza’s Great Mosque, and two of Gaza’s churches: St Philip the Evangelist Chapel and St Porphyrius Church among other archaeological buildings and sites, including palaces, shrines, ancient houses and war graves.
In this district our "El Saqqa" family great and historic house was completely destroyed today by Israeli missiles.
Original construction of the house dates back to 1661. It was an example of traditional Islamic Mumluk period architecture with an L-shaped entrance, the courtyard, iwan, cross-vault ceiling, yuk (wall storage) and ornamentation.
Few years ago some renovation work started with locals being hired and trained in removing recent additions such as cement plaster and concrete walls. After three years in search of funds, work started on the restoration which was carried out during the siege making it difficult to acquire the needed materials at a reasonable price.
The house was approximately 700 square metres, and included exhibition and events spaces and a cafe.
The house was gifted by the the whole El Saqqa family as a hub for culture to maintain and preserve Palestinian heritage by supporting artists, organisations and their art through various cultural projects and exhibitions, and has become of one of the most important cultural centres in Gaza City.
Even with the constant threat of invasion, shelling and closures, it has managed to remain vibrant with a continuous rotation of exhibitions and activities and became a great source of pleasure and relief in difficult times for the people of the city.
The El Saqqa house was like a small oasis in the urban bleakness of Gaza City.
How long do Palestinians have to endure the destruction of their cultural infrastructure? Of course, our culture is so much more than buildings and will never be suppressed by missiles and the aggression of occupation nor by colonial powers..
These stones matter along with the lives that inhabit them.
History has taught us that justice will prevail and brutal occupations are always defeated".

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 07/11/2023

Statement Issued by ICOMOS Palestine.

In the light of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Palestine, and as members of ICOMOS, we strongly condemn the recent statements made by the Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, in which a nuclear bombing of Gaza was called for.
These statements not only pose a grave threat to the lives of the people of Gaza, but also risk causing irreparable harm to the cultural heritage of the region. It is imperative that Israel is held accountable for such statements and any actions that may result from them.

It's worth noting that it’s speculated that the weight of the bombs already dropped on the Gaza Strip since October 7th, 2023 are nearly twice that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

For 32 days, the Israeli occupation’s war on Palestinians continues, involving several types of weaponry, (some of which is potentially illegal like phosphorus bombs and cluster bombs). In Gaza alone, over 10,000 Palestinian were killed, of which around 4000 are children, 25,000 civilians were wounded, while many are still under the debris. Additionally, 1.5 million person were displaced seeking shelter in hospitals, schools, or relatives’ homes, and streets. Furthermore, Israeli Occupation’s collective punishment left 2.1 million Gazan grappling with severe shortages of drinking water, electricity and fuel resources, sufficient food, and proper healthcare.

It’s challenging to assess the full extent of destruction due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis and the absence of a ceasefire. So far, the brutal aggression and continuous bombing destroyed at least 200,000 housing units, 221 schools, and nine hospitals were out of service. Moreover, there is a risk of significant damage to historical structures, monuments, and archaeological sites in the Gaza Strip, particularly in Gaza City.

We call upon the ICOMOS community, and other international cultural heritage, architectural, and archeological communities in general, to condemn these actions against humanity and its cultural heritage.

We urge you to further condemn Israel’s continued violations of international humanitarian law, and to take immediate measures to stop the indiscriminate war against civilians, and the intentional destruction of the cultural and natural heritage of Gaza.

ICOMOS Palestine urges the ICOMOS community, and other international cultural heritage, architectural, and archeological communities to act in condemning these instigating statements, and to call appropriate sanctions against Israel, in addition to boycotting Israeli cultural heritage officials, for such declarations and any potential war crimes that may arise from them.

The preservation of cultural heritage and the protection of human lives should always be our top priority. We must unite to ensure that such statements do not lead to further violence or loss of more lives of Palestinians.

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 27/10/2023

بيان للرأي العام صادر عن المؤسسات والفاعلين في حماية الموروث الثقافي في فلسطين
A public statement issued by institutions and actors protecting cultural heritage in Palestine.

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 19/10/2023

This is the Greek-Orthodox Church of St. Porphyrius, (402 AD). It is known to be the third oldest church in the world. It was bombed by the Israeli Army a short time ago, which led to a major collapse in one of its buildings.
The history of the church is linked to Saint Porphyrius, the patron saint of Gaza. When he came from Jerusalem after a long journey in Egypt and Jordan, then the Resurrection, he prayed to God at the gates of Gaza for rain to fall after Long dryness.
هذه كنيسة القديس بيرفيريوس، (٤٠٢م) تاريخ تليد وشعاع نور قصفها الإحتلال قبل قليل مما أدى إلى إنهيار كبير في أحد أبنيتها. القديس برفيريوس شفيع غزة القادم من القدس بعد رحلة طويلة في مصر والأردن ثم القيامة حتى ابتهل إلى الله على أبواب غزة ليسقط المطر بعد جفاف طويل.

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 14/10/2023

ICOMOS Palestine Urgent Plea for Protecting Lives and Heritage

As massive bombs are raining down on Gaza Strip, the fate of its population, their homes and properties becomes increasingly desperate. ICOMOS Palestine condemns the Israeli occupation’s bombing of the Gaza Strip and pleads for the safety of Palestinians and the significant heritage of this land.

In light of the current Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Palestinians, ICOMOS Palestine and other ICOMOS committees in the Arab region mourn with deep sorrow and sadness the loss of innocent lives. Our thoughts are with the Palestinians in Gaza, our colleagues, and their families. We are extremely concerned for their safety at these risky times.

We urge our partners and international alliances, both in the Arab region and worldwide, to demand the cease of the intense bombing of the Gaza Strip, and that the innocent civilians be granted access to basic human rights of food, water, and electricity. It is imperative to provide urgent humanitarian needs for the people living in Gaza, ensure their safety, and allow a secure corridor to deliver both humanitarian and medical aid to Gaza.

and 🇵🇸

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 13/10/2023

Palestine, October 13, 2023
As massive bombs are raining down on Gaza Strip, the fate of its population, their homes and properties becomes increasingly desperate. ICOMOS Palestine condemns the Israeli occupation’s bombing of the Gaza Strip and pleads for the safety of Palestinians and the significant heritage of this land.

In light of the current Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Palestinians, ICOMOS Palestine and other ICOMOS committees in the Arab region mourn with deep sorrow and sadness the loss of innocent lives. Our thoughts are with the Palestinians in Gaza, our colleagues, and their families. We are extremely concerned for their safety at these risky times.

We urge our partners and international alliances, both in the Arab region and worldwide, to demand the cease of the intense bombing of the Gaza Strip, and that the innocent civilians be granted access to basic human rights of food, water, and electricity. It is imperative to provide urgent humanitarian needs for the people living in Gaza, ensure their safety, and allow a secure corridor to deliver both humanitarian and medical aid to Gaza.

ICOMOS Palestine is profoundly grieved by the recent acts of destruction targeting Gaza Strip. Intensified air raids are targeting residential and governmental buildings, vital infrastructure and most alarmingly, cultural heritage properties. The area contains precious historical sites and monuments that are at high risk of destruction. These sites represent the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Palestinian people. They are an integral part of the Palestinian people's collective identity, and serve as symbols of its rich cultural and historical legacy.

Above all, these areas are not just physical spaces; they hold the memories and stories of many generations of Palestinians. We are concerned about the church of Saint Porphyrius, a precious relic of our past and the Christian history of this land. We are worried about the building of the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, which contains a lab for the restoration of historic manuscripts and invaluable historic documents from the Al-Omari Mosque. We are concerned about The Byzantine Church of Jabalya. The Archaeological site of Balakhia (Ancient Anthedon) which possesses Roman historical features, is a vibrant part that bears witness to the continued existence of the Gaza Strip, is also at risk. The people of the Gaza Strip, who are the custodians and guardians of this priceless heritage, have suffered greatly as a result of the continuous bombing of portions of the historic centre, particularly the Al-Zeitoun neighbourhood, Al-Tuffah, and Al-Shejaiya neighbourhoods.

ICOMOS Palestine calls for an immediate cessation of destruction activities and appeals to the international community for urgent intervention to protect cultural properties in Gaza in accordance with the international conventions.

ICOMOS Palestine urges the international community to acknowledge the significance of protecting our people and our cultural heritage and to put an immediate end to the harmful and illegal actions against the Gaza Strip and Palestine


فلسطين 13 أكتوبر 2023

يدين ايكوموس فلسطين قصف الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لقطاع غزة، ويدعو إلى ضمان سلامة الفلسطينيين قبل كل شيء، قلوبنا مع أبناء شعبنا الفلسطيني في قطاع غزة، ومع زملائنا وعائلاتهم، نحن قلقون للغاية على سلامتهم في هذه الظروف الخطيرة والعصيبة، وفي ضوء العدوان الإسرائيلي المستمر على قطاع غزة أرضًا وبحرًا وجوًا، تنعي ايكوموس فلسطين ولجان الايكوموس في المنطقة العربية بحزن عميق فقدان أرواح بريئة من المواطنين في قطاع غزة.

نطالب بوقف القصف الإسرائيلي المكثف على قطاع غزة، وتمكين السكان العزَل من الوصول إلى الغذاء والماء والكهرباء، ونشدد على ضرورة الاهتمام بالاحتياجات الإنسانية العاجلة في قطاع غزة وضمان سلامة سكانها، نناشد شركاءنا في المنطقة العربية وفي جميع أنحاء العالم، للعمل من أجل توفير طريق آمن لإيصال الإغاثة الإنسانية والطبية إلى قطاع غزة.

إننا نخشى من حدوث اعتداءات على مواقع التراث الثقافي البارزة في قطاع غزة في ظل القصف العشوائي المركز على الأحياء التاريخية المهمة مثل حي الزيتون، والتفاح، والشجاعية التي تعود أجزاء منها الى الفترات المملوكية والعثمانية.
ونعرب عن تخوفنا من أن يطال القصف العشوائي كنيسة القديس برفيريوس والكنيسة البيزنطية في جباليا، وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الدينية التي تحتضن معمل ترميم الوثائق والمخطوطات التاريخية التي تم تجميعها من المسجد العمري التاريخي الكبير، آثار ميناء غزة في منطقة البلاخية، الذي يحمل عناصر تاريخية مهمة تعود الى العصر الروماني، وهو يشكل جزءاً حيوياً لاستمرارية الحياة في قطاع غزة.
لقد فقدنا الاتصال مع زملائنا في قطاع غزة؛ لذا ليست لدينا حاليًا إمكانية للوصول أو للتأكد من الوضع العام للمعالم والمواقع الأخرى، ولا يمكننا رسم خريطة للخسائر وتأثيرات القصف المستمر في ظل قطع الاحتلال الإسرائيلي للكهرباء والإنترنت.

يدعو ايكوموس فلسطين إلى الوقف الفوري لأعمال التدمير، ويطلب من المجتمع الدولي التدخل السريع لحماية الممتلكات الثقافية في غزة وفي باقي أرجاء فلسطين استنادا إلى المعاهدات الدولية التي تنص على ذلك، والعمل على ضمان احترام حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني في تراثه الثقافي والتاريخي، وحماية الكنوز الثقافية التي لا يمكن تعويضها.

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 05/09/2023


Poster ICOMOS Palestine.

Photos from ICOMOS-Jordan's post 03/09/2023

The Palestinian Association on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS Palestine), a staunch defender of Palestinian cultural heritage, vehemently denounces the audacious actions of the Israeli occupation authorities in Area C. These actions, masked as the development of "biblical tourist archaeological parks," are nothing but a calculated move to further assert their dominance over Palestinian lands and suppress their rich historical identity.

On July 17, 2023, the Israeli occupation authorities shamelessly approved a staggering budget of 120 million Shekels to bolster their brazen attempts at controlling archaeological sites within Area C. These sites are not mere tourist attractions; they hold deep cultural significance to the Palestinian people and are a testament to their longstanding history in the region.

Not content with that, just three months earlier, the Israeli authorities allocated an additional 32 million Shekels to exploit the ancient city of Sebastia in Nablus, the very heart of the West Bank. This exploitation serves no purpose other than to rewrite history through a narrow, exclusionary lens, disregarding the Palestinian connection to these ancestral lands.

As a justification for their actions, the Israeli authorities propagate claims of alleged vandalism by Palestinians, pointing fingers at the Palestinian Authority for purportedly endorsing such actions. However, these are mere smokescreens to divert attention from their own systematic efforts to erase Palestinian heritage.

It is deeply troubling that the Israeli authorities brazenly assert control over Palestinian lands, which make up 61% of the West Bank and encompass a staggering 80% of Palestinian archaeological sites, along with countless historical monuments. These actions speak volumes about their intentions to dominate and erase the Palestinian narrative, reducing it to a mere footnote in their ambitious, politically motivated agenda.

ICOMOS Palestine urges the international community to rise against this flagrant abuse of cultural heritage and to recognize the political underpinnings of these actions. The systematic destruction and distortion of Palestinian heritage are not isolated incidents but rather part of a broader strategy to undermine the Palestinian people's identity and their rightful claim to their ancestral homeland. It is high time for the international community to stand united and hold the Israeli occupation authorities accountable for their blatant attempts at cultural erasure and political maneuvering. Only through concerted efforts and unwavering support can we safeguard Palestinian heritage and assert the rights of the Palestinian people to their land and history.


بيان صادر عن الجمعية الفلسطينية للمعالم والمواقع التاريخية (إيكوموس فلسطين) في ظل الاستهداف للمواقع الأثرية الفلسطينية في المناطق المصنفة (ج).

تدين الجمعية الفلسطينية للمعالم والمواقع الأثرية (إيكوموس فلسطين)، والمنبثقة عن المجلس العالمي للآثار والمواقع (الايكوموس الدولي)، الانتهاكات المتكررة بحق المواقع الأثرية الفلسطينية الواقعة في المنطقة (ج). وتتعارض هذه الانتهاكات مع الاتفاقيات والمعاهدات والمواثيق الدولية المتعلقة بالتراث الثقافي، بما في ذلك اتفاقية لاهاي لعام 1954. التي تدعو إلى حماية التراث الثقافي في حالة الحروب والنزاعات المسلحة.

صادقت سلطات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، يوم الاثنين الموافق 17/7/2023، على تخصيص ميزانية تبلغ 120 مليون شيكل بحجة تطوير المواقع الأثرية الواقعة ضمن منطقة (ج) لاستخدامها كـ "حدائق أثرية سياحية توراتية"، كما أقرت سلطات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي قبل ثلاثة أشهر على تخصيص 32 مليون شيكل بحجة تطوير مدينة سبسطية الأثرية الواقعة في مدينة نابلس -قلب الضفة الغربية -لنفس الغرض.

إنه لأمر عنصري وسادي للغاية أن تبسط سلطات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي سيطرتها على الأراضي الفلسطينية، التي تشكل 61٪ من مساحة الضفة الغربية وتضم 80٪ من مواقعها الأثرية، إلى جانب عدد كبير من المعالم التاريخية والأثرية. وتفصح هذه الإجراءات عن الكثير من نواياهم للسيطرة على الرواية الفلسطينية، مما يجعلها مجرد هامش في أجندتهم الطموحة ذات الدوافع السياسية.

وبهذا، تدعو جمعية ايكوموس فلسطين جميع الكيانات والمنظمات المحلية والدولية ذات الصلة بالتراث الثقافي إلى الاستعداد التام لممارسة الضغط على دولة الكيان الصهيوني، وإجبارها على وقف هذا العمل، الذي ينتهك حقوق الفلسطينيين والتراث الإنساني في العديد من المواقع الأثرية في الضفة الغربية.
وبناءً على ذلك، فإننا في ايكوموس فلسطين نحث بشدة مجتمع التراث الدولي، ولا سيما منظمة اليونسكو، ولجنة التراث العالمي والمجلس الدولي ICOMOS على اتخاذ إجراءات فورية ضد هذه الانتهاكات وحماية مواقع التراث الفلسطيني من التدمير المتعمد.


عيد أضحى مبارك
Eid Adha Mubarak

📷 قرية الكرمل- جنوب الخليل.



أطيب التهاني والأمنيات بحلول عيد الفطر المبارك
كل عام وأنتم بألف خير
Wishing a very Happy Eid Mubarak to everyone


إعلان 📣

تُعلن الجمعية الفلسطينية للمعالم والمواقع التاريخية والأثرية - ايكوموس فلسطين- عن نيتها المشاركة في عرض بوستر عن التراث الفلسطيني في الدورة الحادية والعشرين للجمعية العامة الدولية والندوة العلمية التي طلبت بمساهمة اللجان الوطنية لإيكوموس في GA2023 (GA2023 Heritage Exposition – ICOMOS National Committee Posters
ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – Sydney, 2023)

وبناء على ذلك تود الجمعية من المهتمين/ات من أفراد أو مجموعات سواء فنية، معمارية، أو مهتمة بالتراث تقديم مشاركاتها لاختيار التصميم الأنسب وإرساله للجهة المعنية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول تفاصيل التصميم للبوستر، الرابط التالي:

الرجاء من المهتمين/ات إرسال إشعار بذلك، مع تعريف مقتضب (bio) عن الشخص أو الفريق المشارك، شامل عنوان مبدئي ونص مفاهيمي حول ثيمة البوستر (٥٠٠ كلمة كحد أقصى) على البريد الإلكتروني التالي بحد أقصى يوم الأحد ٣٠/٤/٢٠٢٣
[email protected]

National Committee (NC) Posters | ICOMOS 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium 18/04/2023

إعلان 📣

تُعلن الجمعية الفلسطينية للمعالم والمواقع التاريخية والأثرية - ايكوموس فلسطين- عن نيتها المشاركة في عرض بوستر عن التراث الفلسطيني في الدورة الحادية والعشرين للجمعية العامة الدولية والندوة العلمية التي طلبت بمساهمة اللجان الوطنية لإيكوموس في GA2023 (GA2023 Heritage Exposition – ICOMOS National Committee Posters
ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium – Sydney, 2023)

وبناء على ذلك تود الجمعية من المهتمين/ات من أفراد أو مجموعات سواء فنية، معمارية، أو مهتمة بالتراث تقديم مشاركاتها لاختيار التصميم الأنسب وإرساله للجهة المعنية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول تفاصيل التصميم للبوستر، الرابط التالي:

الرجاء من المهتمين/ات إرسال إشعار بذلك، مع تعريف مقتضب (bio) عن الشخص أو الفريق المشارك، شامل عنوان مبدئي ونص مفاهيمي حول ثيمة البوستر (٥٠٠ كلمة كحد أقصى) على البريد الإلكتروني التالي بحد أقصى يوم الأحد ٣٠/٤/٢٠٢٣
[email protected]

National Committee (NC) Posters | ICOMOS 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium National Committee (NC) Posters The 21st International General Assembly and Scientific Symposium team welcomes the contribution of ICOMOS National Committees to GA2023. Please refer to the links on this page for all relevant NC Poster information. ICOMOS GA Heritage Exposition NC Poster Guidelines P...

Photos from ICOMOS Palestine's post 18/04/2023

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تمتلك فلسطين العديد من المواقع التاريخية والأثرية الفريدة في العالم، اخترنا منها في (يوم التراث العالمي 18 نيسان)، قرية تقليدية من قرى ريف القدس، ألا وهي جبع:
تقع قرية جبع جغرافياً أعلى تل ينصف الطريق بين رام الله والقدس٬ 11كم شمال مدينة القدس. ويمكن ملاحظتها من الطريق السريع 60 الذي يربط رام الله بجنوب الضفة الغربية. وتعني كلمة جبع بالكنعانية "تل" وذكرها الصليبيون في العصور الوسطى باسمها الحالي. مرت على جبع العديد من الحقب التاريخية، حيث تقوم البلدة على شبكة من المُغر التي كانت مأهولة سابقاً. في أعلى تل البلدة القديمة ما زال يتربع الحصن الروماني، ويشرف على المدخل الشمالي للمركز التاريخي، ويبدوا أنه أعيد استخدام الكثير من حجارته في بناء العديد من بيوت البلدة القديمة. كما تقبع في الجهة الشرقية الجنوبية المحاذية للبلدة القديمة بركة رومانية مهجورة، تتصل بشبكة من القنوات القديمة تحت الأرض التي تصلها بالآبار الموجودة في المنازل، ولعلها من المميزات التي لا تجدها في قرى أخرى، كانت الآبار والبركة الرومانية تستخدم، بشكل خاص، في ري الحقول الزراعية والسباحة حتى أواخر السبعينيات من القرن المنصرم. أظهرت نتائج المسح الميداني للأبنية القديمة الذي نفذه رواق العام 2011، أن عدد المباني القديمة الكلي في قرية جبع بلغ 39 مبنى. تتكون البلدة القديمة من نسيج عمراني متلاصق، حيث تتكتل معظم الأبنية على شكل أحواش، وتشكل بين حنياتها الأفنية الخارجية والأزقة وساحة البلد. (من كتاب "طوق النجاة: تَطْويرُ رِيفِ القُدْسِ وإِحْيَاؤُه٬ رواق٬ ٢٠٢٠)
الصور: لينا علي لهاليه

Palestine holds many of the world's unique historical and archaeological places. On World Heritage Day, April 18, we chose a traditional village from the Rural Jerusalem, which is Jaba:
The historic town of Jaba’ is located 11 km north of Jerusalem on a hill geographically halfway between Ramallah and Jerusalem. It is observed from Highway 60 connecting Ramallah to the southern West Bank. The word Jaba’ means hill in Canaanite; this name was used during the Crusader period and continues until today. Based on Riwaq’s Registry of Historic Buildings in Palestine, the historic centre is composed of 39 historic buildings of different typologies. Aside from the rich architectural spaces and the intricate stonework, the historic centre also embraces an ancient Roman Fort, stone parts of which were reused to construct other homes. A unique aspect of the village is the water cisterns and connecting canals that run underground to connect to the abandoned Roman Pool at the eastern edge of the historic centre. The collected rainwater was used for the irrigation of agricultural fields, planted with sesame and cereals until the late seventies. (Adapted from “The Life Jacket The Restoration and Regeneration of Rural Jerusalem”, Riwaq,2020), Photos by Lina Ali Lahalih.


كل عام والأمة العربية والإسلامية بألف خير
Ramadan Kareem... Ramadan Mubarak

Photos from ‎جامعة الأقصر‎'s post 20/02/2023

#فلسطين حاضرة في المؤتمر الدولي الأول لكلية الآثار بجامعة الأقصر يعلن عن توصياته

المؤتمر أوصى بتشجيع الدراسات التي تؤكد على الهوية العربية والإسلامية لفلسطين من خلال الموروث الحضاري والثقافي