Peterborough Women's Sunday Slo-Pitch

Peterborough Women's Sunday Slo-Pitch

Peterborough Ladies Sunday night recreation Slo-pitch baseball League.


Anyone interested in running a ball team? We have players for it.

We are looking to add 1 more team to our league.

We have a few players on a wait list (and could use a few more) which would create a new team.

Anyone interested please reach out to
[email protected]

Deadline to make this team happen would be March 31st.


We have had a great response to joining our league and are looking forward to an amazing season ahead.

We will continue to accept new individual players and are looking for all levels of experience.

We are also looking for new teams to join as well.

If you are interested in playing, running a team or submitting a full new team we ask that you contact [email protected] prior to March 21st.

Thank you to everyone who has shared and reached out so far.
2022 season is looking great!
We can’t wait to get back out onto the fields.


2022 season is in the works!
However, we are looking for teams and/or players to help make our season happen.

If you are interested in playing/entering or running a team, please send an email to
[email protected]

For the teams NOT RETURNING this year, if you as a player are still interested in playing or running your old team, please email the league to be placed on a team that is returning or gain support in taking over your team.

We will also have spots open on the executive for the league. If interested, please submit your name via the email above as well.
