

flexbbot helps you create healthy habits at work, like drinking more water, sitting with better posture, being more productive.

Flexbot is the official page of www.flexbot.ai/blog/, a blog that is specifically created to provide health and wellness tips for both onsite and remote workers so that they may be fit to withstand the rigors of the workplace.

Your Cell Phone Is Killing Your Productivity 24/08/2017

They say, "Don't text and drive." I say, "Don't text and work!"

Your Cell Phone Is Killing Your Productivity But not for the reason you think

How Your SmartPhone Kills Your Productivity - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work 24/08/2017

Yes, smartphones play a huge role in our daily lives. We use it for work. We use it to stay connected, to be entertained, or to be informed. We depend on it to remind us of tasks and events, check recipes for our next dinner, get tickets for the local games, and so on.

The problem is, this ubiquitous multi-purpose object is also killing your productivity. How? Click the link to find out.

How Your SmartPhone Kills Your Productivity - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work What’s the first thing you do as soon as you wake up? If you’re one of the 61% of people who check their smartphone five minutes after waking up, then chances are, your productivity is at risk. Yes, smartphones play a huge role in our daily lives. We use it for work. We use it to stay connected, to…

Why We're All Addicted to Texts, Twitter and Google 22/08/2017

Ever wondered why you have that irrepressible urge to check your phone? Dopamine is the culprit! Read more here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/brain-wise/201209/why-were-all-addicted-texts-twitter-and-google

Why We're All Addicted to Texts, Twitter and Google Dopamine makes you addicted to seeking information in an endless loop.

These 6 Tools Will Make 2017 Your Most Productive Year Yet 21/08/2017

We're towards the last quarter of the year, but it's never too late to up our productivity. Here are some tools to help you organize your tasks and manage your time more effectively:

These 6 Tools Will Make 2017 Your Most Productive Year Yet In today's fast paced world, apps and tools make it possible to be more productive than ever before and keep pace with those around us. Here are six apps that will boost your productivity in 2017.

LinkedIn Pulse 07/07/2017

Is multitasking hampering your ? Try this antidote.

LinkedIn Pulse Sean’s coworkers used to be impressed with how he could scan through sales data and compose an email message while talking on the phone about an ad

Timeline photos 17/06/2017

Workplace Stress Leads To Less Productive Employees 01/06/2017

Think you're going through a crisis? Here's an article that shows you why you're experiencing it and what you can do about it.


Workplace Stress Leads To Less Productive Employees Employees suffering from high stress levels have lower engagement, are less productive and have higher absenteeism levels than those not working under excessive pressure, according to research from…

3 self-help tricks to relieve anxiety 31/05/2017

Beat anxiety for more productivity. Check this out!

3 self-help tricks to relieve anxiety Calming yourself down is easier than you think.

Photos from Flexbot's post 30/05/2017

As freelancers, it's important for us to stay healthy. After all, working from home ain't as easy as it seems. We tend to sit for long hours, forget to drink more water, and eat the wrong types of food.

Ditch the unhealthy habits! Receive health reminders like these according to your preferred schedule. Add Flexbot to Slack today.

Be healthy. Be more productive.

Ways to increase productivity in the workplace 29/05/2017

While it is it is hard to keep your focus and hit the floor peppy, keep in mind that your productivity can literally make or break your career. As such, performing as efficiently or effectively as possible is important if you want to secure your long-term job prospects.
So what should you do to beat that productivity lull at your workplace? Break bad habits and start good ones. How? Click the image to find out!

Ways to increase productivity in the workplace Anyone who spends grueling hours at an office knows what it is like to feel the drag of kicking off the work week.

Yoga for Better Digestion - Restorative Detox Yoga Flow to help with Digestive Health 27/05/2017

Suffering from constipation, gas, bloating, or acid reflux often? Get rid of these and other digestive issues by practicing Yoga for better digestion.

Remember that a healthy you is a more productive you!!!!

NOTE: This practice is best on an empty stomach and it is important to not have any bloating, acid reflux or any other digestive discomfort while doing the practice. For comfort, we will need a pillow and a firm blanket. As many digestive disorders are due to stress and tension, let’s aim at creating a regular and relaxing practice focusing on the yoga journey rather than the end result.

Yoga for Better Digestion - Restorative Detox Yoga Flow to help with Digestive Health Improving Digestive Health is a sequence aimed at balancing the functioning of the digestive organs. It is a combination of yogic tools such as a stomach ban...

Timeline photos 26/05/2017

We know that drinking more water can be boring. But since we need to do so to improve our mental and physical health, we have to be more creative.

How to do it? Check this out:

What Happens When Your Drink One Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar Daily? | 1mhealthtips 25/05/2017

I swear by this! helped me lose weight, improved my health, and ultimately, increased my productivity!

What Happens When Your Drink One Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar Daily? | 1mhealthtips You may all be familiar about the buzz surrounding apple cider vinegar. You may also have it in your pantry and is using it as a cooking ingredient. But are

Eliminate Bad Habits with Mindfulness - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work 23/05/2017

Do you have a bad habit that you have been wanting to get rid of for the longest time?

Try mindfulness. It helped me ditch the soda habit. How does it work? Click the image and read on!

Eliminate Bad Habits with Mindfulness - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work Experts agree that mindfulness can help eliminate bad habits. How? Read on and find out.

Timeline photos 22/05/2017

Still craving for ? Then make Monday a fun day too! Start it right by meditating, drinking more water and doing some flexibility exercises. And in case you get too busy, use Flexbot to remind you of all these healthy habits.

Benefits of Journaling and Why You Should Start Doing It Now - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work 21/05/2017

From the flexbot.ai blog - Benefits of Journaling

Benefits of Journaling and Why You Should Start Doing It Now - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work As you browse your social media pages, you come across articles, infographics and images about the benefits of journaling. And the amazing thing is, so many people like those posts! What makes journaling so popular, even in this age where paperless documents reign supreme? Simple. Users have discove...

5 Ways Weekends Can Boost Your Productivity Monday Through Friday 20/05/2017

Weekends are an ideal time to recharge our depleted energy reserves by reconnecting with the power sources that fuel our mind, body, and spirit.

Here are five ways to bring your mental and physical batteries back up to full capacity so you can hit the ground running come Monday


5 Ways Weekends Can Boost Your Productivity Monday Through Friday People who work seven days a week need to learn about the law of diminishing returns.

Flow - Which Day of the Week Is Least Productive? 19/05/2017

Do you feel like Friday is your most unproductive day? Does it unleash that scattered-brained, low-performing, lazy foot you?

Well, turns out you are not alone. Check out this study so you'll know why Friday is the most unproductive day of the week!

Flow - Which Day of the Week Is Least Productive? Studies show that Tuesday is the most productive day for workers. But what day of the week is least productive?

Gentle Yoga for Stiff Neck & Tight Shoulders 17/05/2017

When the going gets tough, your neck should be tougher.

Gentle Yoga for Stiff Neck & Tight Shoulders Short, sweet & simple - a gentle yoga practice to get you feelin' loose as a goose. Anyone who spends more than a couple hours in front of a computer, or is ...

15 Surprising Things Productive People Do Differently 16/05/2017

Hmmm, beat with travel? Do you think that will work?


15 Surprising Things Productive People Do Differently I recently interviewed over 200 ultra-productive people including 7 billionaires, 13 Olympians, 20 straight-A students and over 200 successful entrepreneurs. I asked a simple, open-ended question, “What is your number one secret to productivity?” After analyzing all of their responses, I coded their...

The Science of Productivity 14/05/2017

Once again, your mom was right all along!!!

Remember when your mom pushed you to study your lessons every single day?

We thought it was just to establish study habits, keep you off the streets and your endless RPGs.

Little did we know that there's such a thing as the Ziegarnik Effect. Experts believe that it promotes .

What is the ?

Click the link and find out!!!

Ziegarnik Effect

The Science of Productivity Made in collaboration with Sparring Mind, the behavioral psychology blog. Read the full productivity post: http://bit.ly/XRcYAY TWEET IT - http://clicktotwee...

The Big List of 51 Hacks to Improve Your Creativity 13/05/2017

Running out of ideas? Here are 51 ways to pep up your creativity!

The Big List of 51 Hacks to Improve Your Creativity Over recent years, numerous research findings have found quite definitely that creativity can indeed be learned and nurtured.

19 Genius Health Tips Lazy People Will Appreciate 12/05/2017

It's ! Time for some health tips that you can try over the weekend to this summer!


19 Genius Health Tips Lazy People Will Appreciate Working hard or hardly working?

Timeline photos 10/05/2017

yay! It's Wednesday already! Today lets become more aware of whether our mind is full or we are mindful.
Being mindful is seeing the world as it is. No additional clutter. No unnecessary information.
Imagine that! Stay in the Now!

Energizing Yoga Sequence - Yoga for Energy and Focus 10/05/2017

Check out this video to start enjoying more energy and increased focus.

Energizing Yoga Sequence - Yoga for Energy and Focus Are you feeling low? Do you have a meeting and you feel like you want to crawl under the table? Kids need help with homework and you just do not have the ene...

Increasing Productivity in the Workplace: 5 Tips - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work 10/05/2017

Your home is a blissful workplace – you can work in your pajamas, see your kids grow, build a career without wasting time and money for transportation or gasoline.

But how can you increase your productivity when your bed beckons you to sleep, or your children demand your attention, or you simply can't figure out how to start working on a gargantuan task?

Click the link to learn how: http://flexbot.ai/blog/2017/03/16/increasing-productivity-in-the-workplace-5-tips/

Increasing Productivity in the Workplace: 5 Tips - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work Increasing productivity in the workplace is a must when you work from home. How to do it? Read this Flexbot post and find out.

5 Steps to Creating a Productive Mind 09/05/2017

Do you overcommit your schedule, bite off more than you can chew and have this overzealous belief that you can somehow manage it all?
If so, then you've got to change this routine because it is basically training you to fail.
How to change course? Click the link and find out: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290123

5 Steps to Creating a Productive Mind Understanding the psychology behind why you are so busy will change how you perceive time.

10 Health and Wellness Tips Most Remote Workers Forget - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work 08/05/2017

Remote working is on the rise as more people discover its advantages. There’s no traffic or long queues at the commute to deal with. It offers flexibility in terms of time, effort and earning opportunities since you are not bound to a regular 9 to 5 job. You can max your working hours to 16 hours per day, work for several clients, all from the comfort or your home or a remote office.

But like anything else, working remotely has downsides. Top on this list is health and wellbeing, especially if you’re a home-based worker. Here are some things most offsite workers like you forget and what you should do about them.


10 Health and Wellness Tips Most Remote Workers Forget - flexbot blog - stay healthy at work Remote workers, owing to the nature of their jobs, tend to forget their health and wellness. Here are ten tips to remember.