My Little Alim

My Little Alim

Aiming to create an Islamic lifestyle for kids and their families through books, toys, accessories and resources.

Our available products can be found on by typing "My Little Alim" in the search bar.

Photos from My Little Alim's post 21/06/2024

🚀 5 Must-Know Hacks for Every Muslim!

Ready to elevate your life with some Islamic hacks and reach your ultimate potential? Whether you’re looking to boost productivity, deepen your spiritual connection, or just live a more fulfilling life, these 5 hacks are essential for every Muslim. Let’s go!

1️⃣ Structure Your Day with Salaah 🕌
Aligning your daily schedule around the 5 daily prayers is a spiritual obligation and a master productivity hack. Start your day with Fajr for motivation and focus. Use Duhr for important tasks, Asr for a reset, Maghrib to wind down, and Isha to prepare for a peaceful night’s rest. Trust me, this rhythm can transform your life!

2️⃣ Constant Gratitude throughout Your Day 🤲🏼
Gratitude is a life-changer. “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]” (Quran 14:7). Throughout your day, constantly count the things you’re grateful for, and watch how this simple habit brings more blessings and positivity into your life.

3️⃣ Set Clear Intentions (Niyyah) 💭
Before starting any task, set a clear intention. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Actions are judged by intentions” (Sahih Bukhari). This not only adds spiritual significance to your daily activities but also boosts focus and motivation. Turn every task into an act of worship and see the difference it makes!

4️⃣ Adopt Sunnah Practices 🌿
Following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) brings barakah into your life. Simple practices like using the miswak, saying “Bismillah” before meals, and showing kindness to others can significantly enhance your spiritual and daily life. These small acts accumulate into a life of fulfillment and blessing.

5️⃣ Make Time for Quran and Reflection 📖
Take out time daily to read and reflect on the Quran. Even a few minutes can have a huge impact on your day. The Quran is a guide for all aspects of life, offering wisdom, comfort, and direction. Use this precious time to connect with Allah and gain clarity for your life’s journey.

Incorporate these 5 hacks into your daily routine and watch your life transform. Follow me for more tips on how to live your best life as a Muslim!

Photos from My Little Alim's post 11/06/2024

I get messages daily from people asking how they can do more, achieve more, be more successful. The answer is very simple, and Allah outlines it in His book, “So those of you who believe and donate will have a mighty reward.” [57:7]

Comment “DONATE” and become people who gain a “mighty reward” ♥️

Lots of love & duaas to those who have been so generous in their donations. I hope we meet in jannah, InshaAllah 😊🚀

Photos from My Little Alim's post 07/06/2024

Intentions are important. There is a mountain of a difference between you doing a task grudgingly versus making an intention of doing it for the sake of Allah.

Either way, the task will get done. But do you want to be rewarded for it? Might as well earn jannah while mopping sticky floors! 😝😘

It’s Friday, make sure you donate towards Gaza! Comment DONATE and I’ll message you the link ♥️

Photos from My Little Alim's post 03/06/2024

🚨comment ACTION for your free “prayer action plan” guide

Muslim Hacks is a series where I convince you to use Islam to set your life up for success, every single day. On today’s episode, we’re talking about a non-negotiable: your 5 daily prayers!

Making Salaah a cornerstone of your daily routine not only fulfills a vital religious duty but also sets you up for personal and professional success. Learn practical tips on how to commit to specific prayer times, create a dedicated prayer space, and maintain consistency in our FREE guide. By prioritizing your prayers, you can enhance your productivity, build discipline, and achieve a deeper connection with Allah. Join me on this journey to becoming the best versions of ourselves, one prayer at a time.

💬 Don’t miss out—comment ACTION and start your path to success!

Photos from My Little Alim's post 01/06/2024

💣 Seeing the destruction in Gaza, I have started a charity campaign with to raise money for orphans in Gaza. Please comment DONATE to give from the wealth Allah has blessed us with.

4️⃣ Welcome back to “Muslim Hacks” where I convince you to use Islam to improve yourself every single day. Today, let’s talk about an amazing hack: get rich by giving charity!

🫥 We might think giving away money will make us poorer, but that’s not the case. Allah promises in the Quran that those who give in charity will see their wealth multiplied many times over (Quran 2:261) . And the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Charity does not decrease wealth” (Sahih Muslim) . So, giving actually brings more blessings and abundance into our lives.

💰 Charity isn’t just about money. It can be your time, skills, or even a kind word. This video can be looked at as an act of charity as well. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said, “Every act of goodness is charity” (Sahih Muslim). So, there are many ways to give and make a positive impact.

🏆 If you found this helpful, make sure to comment DONATE to support Gaza 🍉. Let’s work together to become better muslims every single day 🤲🏼.

Photos from My Little Alim's post 18/05/2024

👋🏼 Welcome to my new series called “Muslim hacks” where I convince you to get on a journey of daily self improvement.

📝 I have made an entire list of hacks and tips so let’s get started. Imagine this - you wake up in the morning, whether it’s still dark out or the sun is just starting to peek through your window, the urge is to go on your phone. But ignore that urge with all the fight and might you have in you.

📖 Instead, you’re going to make wudu and start your day with the Quran. Open it up and read just one verse. That’s it, one verse.It sounds almost too simple, right? But some people, including myself sometimes, have a really hard time with this. Trust me, that one verse can set the tone for your entire day. It’s like starting your day with a shot of espresso mixed with peace and clarity.I know mornings are hectic, I’m a working and homeschooling mom of 3 kids, I know how crazy it can get. But making wudu and reciting one verse takes less than 5 minutes.

☀️ Ask yourself, are you happy with the person you are today? If the answer is no or you have to think about the answer, why not give this hack a try? Tomorrow morning, before you do anything else, just make wudu and read one verse. See how it feels. Who knows, it might just become your favourite part of the day.

➕ Make sure you follow along to join me as we finally become better versions of ourselves every single day.

Photos from My Little Alim's post 15/05/2024

📿 Finding Peace Through Dhikr

📿 What is Dhikr?
Dhikr is the remembrance of Allah, done through reciting His names, verses from the Quran, or reflecting on His greatness.

📿 How Does Dhikr Help?
1️⃣ Clears the Mind: Shifts focus from life’s chaos.
2️⃣ Calms the Heart: Soothes inner tension, brings calm.
3️⃣ Provides Perspective: Helps see the bigger picture, reduces worry.
4️⃣ Encourages Surrender: Lets go of control, promotes trust.

📿 Benefits of Dhikr
1️⃣ Creates a peaceful space within.
2️⃣ Helps in managing overthinking and worries.
3️⃣ Builds a sense of trust and peace.

📿 Remember:
“Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Quran 13:28)

Photos from My Little Alim's post 12/05/2024

♥️ It’s Mother’s Day every day in Islam:

A person came to Messenger of Allah ﷺ and asked, “Who among people is most deserving of my fine treatment?”

He ﷺ said, “Your mother”.

He again asked, ‘’Who next?” “Your mother”, the Prophet ﷺ replied again.

He asked, “Who next?” He the Prophet ﷺ said again, “Your mother.”

He again asked, “Then who?”
Thereupon he ﷺ said,” Then your father.”

(Bukhari & Muslim)


To all the mothers in 🇵🇸 and elsewhere, who have lost their children, may you be reunited with them in the hereafter and be rewarded for every moment that you were apart. 🤲🏼


Tag your favourite products below! Any businesses interested in a giveaway? only disclaimer is that winners must be 🇵🇸 supporters! 😏


Don’t you agree? With all the consumerism and excessive commercialization, don’t you see this Hadith being played out?

I once heard that there is enough food, water and wealth for everyone, it’s humans that created poverty and world hunger. If we weren’t hoarding wealth and eating more than our share of 3500 calories daily, these issues wouldn’t exist. Not to mention if everyone paid 2.5% in alms-tax, this world would be a whole lot better! SubhanAllah 🤲🏼

Photos from My Little Alim's post 30/04/2024

In some cultures, it’s not acceptable to hug your children or kiss them - especially for a father. It’s time to break those boundaries! Raise kids according to Quran and Sunnah, not culture.


Eid Mubarak! May Allah accepts your fasts and prayers. Have a blessed day!

Photos from My Little Alim's post 03/04/2024

Take action: comment for your links to make the most of these last few nights, InshaAllah!

Here are 10 worship activities you can do even while menstruating, let’s go:

1) Listen & Reflect: engage spiritually by listening to or watching Taraweeh prayers online, and reflecting on the recitations and duaas.

2) Constant Dhikr: engage in Dhikr throughout your daily activities. The remembrance of Allah is a form of worship that knows no bounds.

3) Read the Quran digitally: you can listen to or read the Quran on your phone or tablet.

4) Seek knowledge: lectures and books can be a great source of insightful knowledge during these nights.

5) Calculate and pay Zakaat: This is not optional, Muslims must donate each year from the wealth Allah has blessed us with. The rewards for every dollar you donate are multiplied so donate every single night!

6) Engage in long sessions of Duaa: Your supplications are always heard. Spend time connecting with Allah and expressing your innermost prayers.

7) Make the special duaa that was prescribed by the Prophet PBUH: O Allah, indeed You are Pardoning, [Generous,] You love to pardon, so pardon me.
[Jami`at-Tirmidhi 3513]

8) Connect with the mosque virtually: join online streams of lectures and Quran completion duaas to spiritually connect with your community.

9) Give sadaqah: contribute to ongoing charity projects. Your donations will bring continuous blessings, InshaAllah.

10) Clean your home for Eid: Cleaning and preparing your home for Eid with the intention of pleasing Allah is an act of worship.

Follow for more ways to improve on your journey towards Allah!

Photos from My Little Alim's post 01/04/2024

Laylatul Qadr is a time to reflect, repent, and ask for Allah’s mercy. This duaa is a powerful reminder of Allah’s boundless mercy and our need to seek it.

To Maximize These Nights:
• Recite the special duaa frequently.
• Engage in additional prayers, Quran reading, and charitable acts.
• Reflect on your deeds and intentions, seeking Allah’s forgiveness and guidance.
• Download my FREE “Last 10 Nights” guide by commenting on this post!

As we seek the Night of Power, may our worship be accepted, and our sins forgiven. I will remember you in my prayers and ask that you remember my family in yours. 🤲🏼

Comment for your links! IG is still not letting me reply to your comments but I can DM the links to you ♥️

Photos from My Little Alim's post 30/03/2024

Do you feel like you wasted Ramadan or simply didn’t do enough? Don’t worry, here is a guide on how to make the most of the last 10 nights of Ramadan - part 2.

I am sending out a dhikr & duaas PDF for the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Simply comment on this video and I’ll send the link to you. Don’t worry, it’s complete free for My Little Alim subscribers! If you benefit from it, please consider donating to my Ramadan campaign for P*****ine.

1) Engage in long sessions of Duaa, think of it like a conversation with Allah, pour your heart out to Him.

2) Make the special duaa that was prescribed by the Prophet PBUH in Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3513. The Duaa is included in my “last 10 nights” guide, comment for the link to download.

3) Visit the mosque: participate in prayer with your community but if you physically cannot go there then most mosques now stream their taraweeh, lectures and duaas online. I highly recommend listening to the Quran completion duaa from your local mosque.

4) Give sadaqah: anytime someone benefits from the money you donated, you will get rewarded for it. Even after you pass away! Comment for the link to donate to P*******ian orphans.

5) Clean your home for Eid: cleaning and taking care of our homes for the sake of Allah SWT is also an act of worship. On that note, we can make this intention for anything we do (eg: cooking or taking care of the kids) and receive rewards for it.

Press the follow button to receive more helpful tips during these last ten days of Ramadan!

Photos from My Little Alim's post 29/03/2024

So you feel like you wasted Ramadan or simply didn’t do enough? Don’t worry, I got you. Here is a guide on how to make the most of the last 10 nights of Ramadan - part 1. Let’s go!

1) Engage in nightly prayers: Often mothers aren’t able to go to the mosque due to their little ones but we can still pray taraweeh at home.

2) Do Dhikr constantly: when you’re cooking, nursing, walking, cleaning, seriously all the time! I am sending out a PDF of 10 days worth of dhikr and duaas. So make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter. Simply comment on this video and I’ll send it to you. Don’t worry, it’s complete free.

3) Recite the Quran as much as you can: Each letter is worth 10 rewards and during these last few nights, those 10 rewards are multiplied!

4) Gain some useful knowledge: My favourite Ramadan lectures this year have been the Why Me? series by Yaqeen.

5) Calculate and pay Zakaat or charity: This is not optional for muslims, we must donate 2.5% each year from the wealth Allah has blessed us with. The rewards for every dollar you donate are multiplied so donate every single night! I am raising money for orphans in P*****ine. Use the link in my bio to donate your zakat towards people who cannot even afford food for iftar or suhoor.

Press the follow button for part 2, tomorrow!


Praying with your kids hits different ♥️ Alhamdulillah for all that He has provided and continue to provide us with!

Photos from My Little Alim's post 07/03/2024

Which Ramadan hack is useful for you? Do you have your own tips or tricks? Comment them below!

5 Ramadan Hacks You Need to Try ⬇️

1️⃣ Plan Every Meal: Spend some time before Ramadan and make at least a week long meal plan for fasting and non-fasting family members. This will save significant time during Suhoor and Iftar preparations.

2️⃣ Utilize Technology: Set alarms or use apps to remind you of prayer times, Quran reading sessions, and even to stretch or walk, ensuring you stay on track with your spiritual and physical/mental health.

3️⃣ Delegate Responsibilities: Involve family members in daily tasks. Assign age-appropriate chores to children to teach them responsibility and lighten your workload. Hire help if you need to but practice the art of letting go!

4️⃣ Incorporate Worship into Routine Activities: Listen to Quran recitations or Islamic lectures while cooking or doing household chores to maximize your time. Gift yourself a pair of wireless headphones!

5️⃣ Keep Wudu at All Times: Maintaining wudu throughout the day not only prepares you for prayers but also helps keep you in a pure state of mindfulness and spiritual readiness.

⏩️ BONUS TIP: Don’t overcommit. Set attainable spiritual, family, and work-related goals for the month to avoid burnout.

Photos from My Little Alim's post 04/03/2024

5 things NOT to do before Ramadan! ⬇️

1) Don’t Overwhelm Yourself with Unrealistic Goals: Setting goals is great, but they should uplift, not weigh you down. Choose spiritual and personal objectives that are meaningful yet achievable to avoid feeling discouraged.

2) Don’t Forget to Make Amends: The pre-Ramadan period is a time for cleansing the heart. Seek forgiveness and reconcile with those around you, creating an atmosphere of peace and unity to welcome the holy month.

3) Resist the Urge to Splurge on Excessive Decor: While decorating for Ramadan can set the mood, focus on what truly enhances your spiritual experience. Sometimes, less is more, and simplicity can lead to a deeper spiritual focus.

4) Avoid Setting a Rigid Ramadan Plan: Flexibility is key. While it’s important to have a plan, being too rigid can lead to frustration. Allow room for adjustments based on your energy and spiritual needs.

5) Avoid Starting New Binge-Worthy Shows: It’s easy to get caught up in entertainment, but these days are precious for spiritual preparation. Opt for more rewarding activities like reading Quran, Islamic learning or engaging in dhikr.

BONUS TIP: Approach Ramadan with a heart ready for growth, reflection, and renewal. Embrace the blessings with gratitude and openness, making the most of this sacred time.

Photos from My Little Alim's post 02/03/2024

5 things to do before Ramadan! ⬇️

1) Establish a Morning Routine: Begin your day with the Fajr prayer followed by a few minutes of Quran. This quiet time sets a peaceful tone for the rest of your day, because you have filled your spiritual cup before taking care of the rest of the home.

2) Prioritize your Health: Implement a simple, daily health routine, like a short walk after Suhoor, gentle stretching throughout your day or limiting fried foods at Iftaar. Keeping your body healthy is crucial for maintaining energy levels during fasting.

3) Start a Digital Detox: Begin to reduce your screen time.
Designate specific times when devices are put away, especially during meal times, prayers and before bed. This encourages more spiritual reflection and connection.

4) Set Personal and Family Goals: Reflect on personal spiritual goals and discuss family objectives for the month.
Whether it’s completing the Quran, increasing charity, or improving prayer habits, setting clear intentions ensures a focused and fulfilling Ramadan.

5) Practice Mindfulness and Patience: Ramadan is a time for self-improvement. Spend time practicing mindfulness in your actions and speech, focusing on being patient with your spouse, children, and yourself.

Photos from My Little Alim's post 29/12/2023

🍉 Israelis really don’t like sharing, do they?


This book is a miracle. Each time I open it, I come across a verse that I needed to hear. SubhanAllah! 🍉

“Surely to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. He knows well what you stand for. And ‘on’ the Day all will be returned to Him, He will inform them of what they did. For God has ‘perfect’ knowledge of all things.“ [24:64]

Photos from My Little Alim's post 25/09/2023

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ at one time when he confronted the enemy, and was waiting for the sun to set, stood up and said, "O people! Do not long for encountering the enemy and supplicate to Allah to grant you security. But when you face the enemy, show patience and steadfastness; and keep it in mind that Jannah lies under the shade of the swords." Then he invoked Allah, saying, "O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, put our enemy to rout and help us in over-powering them".

Reported by: Abdullah bin Abu Aufa (May Allah be pleased with him)

[Al- Bukhari and Muslim]


Who else is missing Ramadan already?

Photos from My Little Alim's post 24/02/2023

I don’t believe in an easy life for the believer. We should continually assess ourselves and our actions so that we can work towards bettering ourselves each and every single day.

We should have a firm hold on our Imaan so that we are preparing to see our Lord with a light account of our time in dunya, InshaAllah.

Something I constantly ask myself (literally all day long) is “will this action benefit me and/or please Allah SWT?” For instance, a lot of you may know that I try my best to stay away from mindless scrolling. The only way I’m able to do that is when I ask myself this exact question.

Hold yourself accountable, we must work towards improving our End.



Wake up in the silence of the night and remember Allah, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and your thoughts.

(I must add, this is not the time to go on your phone)


It’s sad how simple He has made it for us to obtain His Mercy but how difficult we find it to be.

Reference: Bukhari 7536


Ain’t that the truth? 🫠
Save & share with others for a gentle reminder that we need to set our priorities straight. If we prioritize our iftaar table over reading additional Quran, there is a problem 😔.

Let’s make this Ramadan our best one yet, it could be the last for some of us.


The current culture teaches us to achieve things “now”. As a result, we have lost patience and self discipline. For example: if the video isn’t entertaining us, we swipe to the next one in 1-3 seconds. Instant gratification has become a habit.

Delayed gratification is an important principle in Islam. We work in this dunya for the ultimate reward of paradise.

Holding back and not allowing kids to have everything they want teaches them discipline, self regulation and patience. We need to teach our families how to recognize and control impulsive desires.

Our kids should have the ability to make a decision between attending a fun party or studying for an exam. They should be able to recognize and measure the consequences of each decision.

What are your thoughts on this? Leave a comment!

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