Spear-It Fitness

Spear-It Fitness

Fitness, funny, fun. This page is where I am going to be putting my personal fitness journey. I woul

WORKOUT: The Muffin Melter 11/09/2017

WORKOUT: The Muffin Melter I’m starting a series on different exercises I find online, whether it be from facebook, pinterest, or instagram. Not only that but I’m also condensing them down and putting them on an …

Timeline photos 27/04/2017

Hey guys, just found a confusingly inspirational Tumblr post.

***Reminder, if you sign up for the newsletter on the website before the first, you will receive 2 free 4 week challenges! (spearitfitness.com)***


Hey guys! The website launch is happening a week from today!!! Please visit the page and subscribe to the newsletter. Anyone who subscribes will get 2 free home workout programs, one just for push-ups and the other for planks.

The option for the double download is only until the website launches, so take this chance and get signed up!



Website will be launched May 1st. Feel free to subscribe to get advanced offers and tips!

Timeline photos 16/04/2017

NBA playoff Fitness Challenge


Hey guys, I wanted to thank you for being so patient while this page has been relatively quiet. I have been completely redoing the website and have not really kept up on any social media. If you would like to get into the know for the website though, feel free to subscribe for updates! https://spearitfitness.com

Timeline photos 23/01/2017

If only burning all calories were this easy


I'm looking for a few volunteers to try out a 4 week exercise challenge. Please comment if you are interested!

Timeline photos 24/06/2016

Fridays usually mean getting ready to party, but before we do that, let's review and make sure we are where we want to be.

Have you hit your goals? No? Why not?

The number one reason that people don't hit their goals is because they haven't written then down or haven't reviewed them in a long time.

If you haven't firmly established your goals, it doesn't matter what you do, you will never succeed.

Timeline photos 23/06/2016

That's why we do this together!

Timeline photos 22/06/2016

Not a bad snack

Timeline photos 22/06/2016

Shakeology is a nutrition and fitness shake. Because nutrition is a big part of any workout regimen make sure you check this out! http://ow.ly/E6ck301wMHr

Timeline photos 15/06/2016

Website is up and the first things I want to do is start recognizing my coaches. http://ow.ly/c8Xb301gMuh

Check out this link 10/06/2016

Hey guys, I've had a few people ask me about the group we are setting up. For anyone who is interested, I have HUGE news. Insanity Max 30 is on sale right now until Sunday. I am giving this link out publicly only because it's a huge deal.

If you want all the support of the group and tips we can give you, please message me. If you really just want to do this on your own, I'm publicly posting this link, feel free to buy it!


Check out this link

Timeline photos 07/06/2016

If you are ready to max your summer, get into this group!
Nutrition, motivation, and more! http://ow.ly/Lssc300ZcDZ

Timeline photos 23/04/2016

I just found this as a phone wallpaper. Great message, great motivation

Timeline photos 22/04/2016

Breakfast tasted great and I feel great!

Timeline photos 22/04/2016

Earth day, what does my company do? Gives us an awesome bowl set so we don't use as much paper plates or bowls.

Timeline photos 21/04/2016

Working the body, but what about refueling it? You get out what you put in!

Timeline photos 20/04/2016

HUMP DAY! I love Wednesdays because I get to hit it even harder. I know where I've been and I know how I can grow!

Timeline photos 19/04/2016

Tuesdays are when you are supposed to be hurting but pushing through it anyway!

Timeline photos 18/04/2016


You don't need a New Year, you just need a Monday!

Timeline photos 17/04/2016

Take you time, think through the upcoming week, plan it out, and CRUSH IT!

Timeline photos 16/04/2016

Set Goals, Make Plans, Grow, Repeat!

Timeline photos 16/04/2016

The best kind of therapy:


I can't wait to try this

Videos (show all)

Habits that start young last long. Have you ever seen a kid so happy about his health (oral health included).
