Sophia Leslie

Sophia Leslie

⚝ It is time to evolve, to rise up who you really are
🔥 Your Sexuality and body are THE portal

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 14/06/2024

The festivals and retreats links are on my Bio (or coming up soon).

If you want a private session in person or online, please DM me.
There are so many juicy, healing, and powerful practices and rituals that I love sharing with the ones who feel ready for a pleasure-full and sacred transformation!

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 20/05/2024

Are you ready for more?

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 13/05/2024

There is no going back once you learn the power of your embodied pleasure and sacred s[e]xuality.

What's your experience on this?

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 09/05/2024

You can explore all this and much more at IRIDESCENT.

In Iridescent you can expand your capacity for pleasure, connect with your natural expression, and tap into sacred se..gguality.

Early Bird price ends on May 11th

Enter IRIDESCENT in the comments to learn more about the program and join the pleasure expansion.

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 08/05/2024

Ready to open up to your yumminess?

The early bird registration for IRIDESCENT opened today and will go on until the 11th, type IRIDESCENT below to join the glowing beings.

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 07/05/2024

For years I felt that.

When I look back, I embrace myself because [now] I know that I didn't know better back then.

Although I have previously had profound and meaningful experiences, they happened “by accident,” so I simply couldn't replicate these incredible past experiences.

Only when I worked on myself and immersed myself in Ta**ra was I able to crack the code.

If you are ready to embrace more pleasure and delve into Ta**ra, drop a 💜 below.

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 06/05/2024


Open up to more pleasure and dive into Ta**ra in Iridescent,
for more information and join the early bird with a 30% discount and a bonus live abundance ritual,
write IRIDESCENT below.


Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 06/05/2024


Open up to more pleasure and dive into Ta**ra in Iridescent,
for more information and join the early bird with a 30% discount and a bonus live abundance ritual,
write IRIDESCENT below.



Calling all seekers of pleasure and self-discovery!
Ready to ignite your inner radiance?

IRIDESCENT is an exquisite program for you women and people with vaginas to expand into more pleasure, better or***ms, and rise in love with yourself❤‍🔥

The practices are crafted from ancient Ta***ic wisdom, Neo-Ta**ra, Modern ​psychology tools, trauma integration, and years of personal explorations and guiding 1:1 sessions and group workshops!

Click the link below for more information and join the early bird group for a 30% discounted price!

Iridescent is for you who:
✨ Want to experience more pleasure in the bedroom and life
✨ Desire to dive into sacred sexuality and tap into your divinity
✨ Wish to feel more alive and rise in love with yourself
✨ Are ready to let go of sexual hangups and toxic dynamics

Feel free to DM me in case you have any questions ❤

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 29/04/2024

Comments IRIDESCENT below to join the early bird list and save your spot.


It is happening!
I am launching my first group program, it is something that I have been postponing for years, but now it is out and running 🔥

🌟 Calling all seekers of pleasure and self-discovery!

IRIDESCENT is an exquisite program for you women and people with vaginas to expand into more pleasure, better or***ms, and rise in love with yourself❤‍🔥

The practices are crafted from ancient Ta***ic wisdom, Neo-Ta**ra, Modern ​psychology tools, trauma integration, and years of personal explorations and guiding 1:1 sessions and group workshops!

Click the link below for more information and join the early bird group for a 30% discounted price!

Iridescent is for you if you:

✨ Want to experience more pleasure in the bedroom and life
✨ Desire to dive into sacred sexuality and tap into your divinity
✨ Wish to feel more alive and rise in love with yourself
✨ Are ready to let go of sexual hangups and toxic dynamics

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 03/04/2024

Seeing and supporting the transformation of so many beautiful souls excites me so much!

They live the program feeling more empowered, balanced, connected with their body and pleasure, with more clarity and vocabulary to communicate, and so much more.

This is a path where you bring together se.c.suality, spirituality, and healing,
where your body and pleasure are your guides and your gateway to freedom, joy, and better relationships.

It is my dharma and joy to share this with you!
You can find more information on my bio or feel free to DM me ;)

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 06/02/2024

There are many ways that I can support you to embody safety, embrace empowerment, & blossom in the expansiveness of ta***ic s&. x.uality.

Some people think that one program or session is more advanced than the other, but it is all a matter of the moment you are at right now. What feels easy today, may feel challenging tomorrow and vice-versa.

One of them will touch you, just DM me and we can talk more about it.

Pleasure Beyond Oh.gasm
1:1 coaching

A deep 4-month container to awaken a greater level of pleasure and love.

Your body is a temple and a gateway to knowing who you deeply, truly are, at the body and soul level!
We will go into the roots of the parts that have been stopping you from feeling empowered and dive into Ta***ic s&. x.uality.

In your sessions, I bring insights from modern psychology like internal family systems (IFS) and gestalt, along with Somatic Experiencing (I am a specialist-in-training), Ta**ra, and Taoism.
Adding a new dimension to our exploration, integrating spirituality, s&. x.uality, and healing past wounds.

Magical Intimacy
coaching for couples, online

Transform your relationship and create magical intimacy.
Together we will up-level the foundation of your relationship, creating connection, improving communication, exploring desires, and diving into e.r0.tic practices.
Four biweekly sessions

Ta***ic Massage Session
all gender identities, in person

A 3-hour journey of love, relaxation, pleasure, self-discovery, and healing.
A real integration of spirituality, s&. x.ual energy, and trauma healing. The approach is slow, loving, and with the expansive capacity of presence, one of my gifts!

Classic and Modern Ta**ra
individual or private groups

Stand-alone sessions for you who want practice, but also the knowledge and theory behind it!
Teachings in the ancient art of ta**ra blended with modern practices, Taoism, and Sacred S&. x.uality.

Ta***ic VIP Ritual for Couples
heterosexual or lgbtqi+, in person

A 5-hour ritual tailor-made for you and your beloved dive into the magic of Ta***ic love:making!

Ready to dive into a Ta***ic life?
Just send me a DM ✨

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 04/01/2024

Feeling Ta**ra started right at the end of the pandemic, in March 2022, and now on its 5th edition, it arrives in Thailand.

It is a two-day Ta**ra workshop designed to discover the profound art of love and conscious touch, awaken your senses, and dive into present flow.

Ta**ra is an old tradition that embraces all aspects of life, that perceives the sacredness in everything, it all starts within. When you take a moment to feel, magic happens!

This is the invitation in Feeling Ta**ra: not pushing through, not rushing from one thing to another, instead, allowing the mystery of life to unfold, giving space to things to unfold, to flow, then it becomes a dance, it becomes love.

You will:
💓Explore the depth of subtle touch
💓Increase your ability to feel
💓Deepen connections and improve your relationships
💓Active Meditation, Breathwork, and Movement

Come as singles or couples, all gender identities.

💓 More information and tickets:

See you there!



You want to bring sacredness to the bedroom, to deeply feel pleasure instead of going somewhere else when your body is touched, and to feel the relaxation and power of your segg.sual energy

But how to do it?

The sense of feeling empty or blocked is so present right now that feeling as Universes are being born out and re-absorbed into your 😺 feels out of reach

To bring sacredness into the bedroom and experience your Divinity in your bones starts with understanding the foundation of Ta**ra:


Everything can be a Ta***ic practice when you bring this lens to your daily life. Easier said than done
So here are 5 steps to help you embody this in a solo practice:

» Making Rituals
Setting a ritualistic space supports the mind to be present and to perceive the container as non-ordinary
Try setting a timer to finish and commit to end the ritual when the alarm goes off (whatever is happening)

» Set Intention and Consecrate
It brings clarity to why you are doing this and sets the mood
Offer the fruits and benefits of the ritual to a Higher Consciousness (Divine, God/dess, Pure Love, etc)

» Self-pleasure
Let's de-genitalize pleasure
Be curious and notice what you are feeling. Go slow and without a goal, allow weird movements and sounds to arise, touch different parts

What is pleasure for you at the moment?
How would you touch yourself if you knew your body is a temple?
What does your 😺want to share or ask you?

Be present with the sensations. If helps, you can speak them out loud.
Don’t judge what you are feeling, pleasure is not to be put in a box.

» Sublimation
As you explore yourself, move the seeg.ual energy to higher chakras, eg: heart.
This expands pleasure, activates the chakra, and can bring deep fulfillment to the practice

» Transfiguration
If everything is an expression of God, so you are IT. The invitation here is to have open attention to witness your Divinity
Try to go beyond your body and visualize yourself as Divine

» Bonus: End with meditation and observe the effects

These steps open the perception to magic and transcendence!
Did you like this post?

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 20/11/2023

Raw expression or quiet and barely moving on the outside, your pleasure can take you to transcendental states, to deep love.

Your pleasure invites you into your power, a relaxed freedom.


On some days or moments in life, pleasure is natural, effortless and there is a lot of joy and beauty.
In other moments, there is little to no desire, things are flat and/or heavy.

It may feel challenging or fake, but even in the moments of disconnection, numbness, or the intensity of life, pleasure is right here for you.

It is possible to enjoy and relax during these moments.

The first step is to understand and accept that we are not dripping wet in life 24/7.

This idea comes from a culture that only values ‘good vibes only’, that acts as if it is always summer and there is no room for letting go in the autumn and being more introspective in the winter.

The second is to pause, to drop off the self-pressure and judgments of not having much desire, not feeling much pleasure, not oh.gasming, etc, and try new touches (fiery, earth, energetic, …) but always with presence.
Welcoming moment to moment the questions:
What do I feel now?
What do I desire now?
If an “I don’t know” is the answer, you can relax into it as well, and invite curiosity into the picture.

Your authentic see..ggual expression is playful and curious like a child.
Your oh.gasm is not a goal that you have to achieve.
A lot of pleasure can be experienced in your life and YOU DESERVE IT!

Save this post for the moments that are hard to remember, that are hard to believe, and that judgment or exhaustion creeps in. We all have our days ;)

**ra **ra **ralove


Last weeks to receive your Ta***ic Massage in Lisbon.

You might have heard many different things about a Ta***ic Massage, and many times, there is a mystery and a touch of magic to it, but at the core of it, a Ta***ic Massage is a space for you to reconnect with yourself, with your yes and no, to tap into love, pleasure and honor the sacredness of your body.

It is a moment to receive love through touch and being truly seen.

How your life would look like if you were fully embodying your truth and essence?

If you were moving from your power and juiciness of your tranquil se..ggsual energy?

If you felt safe to be yourself?

If you knew that you have a direct portal to Higher Consciousness?

We are walking paradoxes with our wounds and a lot of love and beauty.
So why separate and compartmentalize who we are?
Why shut down your light, your joy, your naughtiness?
They are all sacred!

Owning and embodying your truth, pleasure, and love is where I support you in the sessions.

If you are interested in giving yourself this gift, DM me.

I’ve embarked on a personal transformational journey and dove into deep spiritual and Ta***ic practices in several places around the world and share the beauty of Ta**ra since 2016.
This work integrates Classical Ta**ra, Neota**ra, modern psychology tools, and trauma healing.

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 18/10/2023

I traveled and lived in a few different places and countries for the past 8 years.

One of the big lessons I learned is to respect life’s signs and flows.

It is a hard one.

When we talk about connection and intimacy we many times want to be seen and supported, we want to belong.

In my journey, after a lot of beauty, my wounds started to come up and I longed to be held.

One of these times I messaged a partner and a lover asking if they were available and did not hear back from them. A close friend wasn’t in town.

I looked at my phone for minutes, the WhatsApp one ✔ mark telling me that they both weren’t online.

I got it: “I need to feel this myself, instead of running for someone”

So I sat with it, cried, and held myself.

Later, I got back to my phone and just 5 minutes before, they both answered ALMOST AT THE SAME TIME, only 2 minutes difference, something like:
”Hey, I was with a friend, is everything alright?”

This, my dear, was life gifting me exactly what I needed to grow.

We can sit to meditate together, but you cannot meditate for you.
You can hear and hold me while I am going through something hard, but you cannot feel it for me.

Feeling our feelings,
Facing the sh*tty moments,
is what gives us emotional intelligence and maturity.

If you are wise, you are present enough to learn with each moment.
If you are wise, you know that you don’t need to sit in the mud alone AND you know that you have to face the beauty and the shadow.

I’ve been gifted with 3 friends showing up at my house because 1 of them realized I wasn’t doing well.
I’ve been gifted with people being unavailable when I was seeking solutions outside.

Wisdom is to trust that life has your back and to be open to keep unpeeling layers of separation.
You deserve love and to be seen, and you deserve the gift of receiving that from yourself.

Maybe you need to read this,
or maybe it is a friend who needs to read this.
So spread the word ♥

**ra **ra

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 10/10/2023

As Time And Space Drop,

Just The Beauty And Perfection Of The Moment Stays,

Fast Or Slow,
Smooth And Sometimes Rough
But Always Ecstatic

You Are Nothing Less Than The WHOLE UNIVERSE.

The gateway is closer than you think, it is on you to cross it.

If you are ready for it,
just type BLISS below and check your direct message.


**ra **ra **rayoga

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 09/10/2023

Positive thinking doesn't make it, if you look attentively, how many of your beliefs did you actively choose?
How many behaviors did you choose and consciously change?

Here is what neuroscience tells us about neuroplasticity and how to change our behavior patterns:

1. Becoming aware of the pattern in your life
2. Focus attention
3. Set an intention, or a goal, to whom you want to become. Make clear and small steps
4. Accountability

The ace in the hole here is to use a “Bottom-up” approach.
It is like the difference between someone telling you how something works, versus you going through the experience yourself.

Having body-based guidance and care supports you to make a grounded and solid change of patterns.

This is what I offer in Pleasure Beyond Or**sm, embodied and esoteric practices integrated with ground-baking science for you to experience aliveness, pure love, and express your truth.

I am offering free calls, to have a chance for it, just type the BLISS below and look at your direct message.

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 04/10/2023

The secret is easier than you think.

If you also want to unlock a greater level of pleasure, love, and deep intimacy,
type BLISS below and I will message you privately.

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 02/10/2023

Your perfect tribe.

📸 of that I had the beauty and challenge to be one of the guardians in the first two editions. Thanks to that kept me calling me in ;)

**rayoga **ra **ra


Dear insecurity,

You make me feel like the whole world is more prepared than I am to be a person.
That people know how to feel and react to the world in a more natural way than I do.

My way of experiencing life seems to have a certain level of maladjustment, especially when I see what other people's lives are like.

This insecurity of feeling smaller, of not feeling worthy enough to be myself fully, is not new.

I've been digging into my past as a paleontologist looking for dinosaur fossils, and what I've discovered is very revealing.

I found bad words buried in the depths of my soul, words that I swept under the rug when I didn't have enough self-love to defend myself, these words have calcified into the way I see myself: Fragile, unworthy, lesser, dirty, sinful.

I find these fossilized hurts that I didn't even know existed, and everything becomes clearer.
I don't intend to make a museum out of this, I'm going to throw it all away, for I am the criterion of my natural selection. I just want to let the genetics of what strengthens me, what increases my self-love, and what expands the shine that I carry in my chest.

Dear insecurity, I'm going to keep digging, I'm going to find every piece of the past that makes me feel this way and erase it from my evolutionary line once and for all. My past pains, the words full of thorns that I allowed to be thrown into my existential field, everything that prevents me from moving forward will be transformed into petroleum for combustion as fuel.

I've started to discover myself now, and I won't stop until I find all the pieces of this skeleton in my closet. Every piece of hurt that I find and throw away makes me realize that there is nothing wrong with me, and that I am completely worthy, just like everyone else is.

Dear insecurity, your days are numbered, because my self-love is irresistible and meaningful.

[Poem translated by me, from the book "Querido Coração" by poet and musician - I highly recommend you to check him out on Spotify]

» How does this poem make you feel?

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 27/09/2023

Developing FELT SENSE is key in my life and in my practices

We have the sense of sight, taste, and so, but we also have the sense of ‘feeling’.
It is connected to your ability to feel your sensations and feelings, it is your inner perception.

In a hectic world, it is hard to have time and bandwidth for feeling our feelings and sensations, it can feel like “If I go there it will be a never-ending pool of XYZ”.

Being aware of the Felt Sense goes hand in hand with Ta**ra yoga, Ta***ic L♡vemaking, trauma healing, and some Ta***ic meditations.

It is what enhances my capacity to feel more pleasure, to refine my perception of energies, and overall it improves my awareness of “what is going on with me”, so I can give myself what I need, communicate my needs and desires, and so much more.

I know that we are taught to do it all and do, do, do, but this is exactly what disconnects us from ourselves, our power, pleasure, and sacredness. The result is shrinking and feeling low.

Here are ways that I do this:

» When I receive a purpose, I pause, close my eyes, and notice if I feel excited, contracted, or unclear about the invitation. I do whatever I need to connect with my sensations, e.g.: I may breathe.

» When I wake up, I tap into the felt sense and notice what is alive at that moment. Am I longing for a gentle touch, sensual movement, self-pleasure, meditation,…? and I give it to myself.

» Conscious moments along of day of noticing: what am I feeling right now?

» Slowing down any activity so I can be aware of the felt sense

» Naming out loud the sensations and feelings

» And the list goes on

Does it make sense to you?

📸 1,2, and 3 .retrartista
📸 4

**ra **rayoga

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 25/09/2023


I know these feelings that can come during or after s,€,x

In a moment that was supposed to be of connection and beauty, I would wonder:
How come the person I was in a relationship with couldn’t see me?

I would get so impressed that I couldn’t verbalize anything (yep, a lot to say about that). I didn’t even know where to start.

I know that you are longing to feel deep intimacy and heartgasms type of pleasure.

There is so much that you can feel, live, and enjoy.

But you don’t know what to do differently, things are not flowing with your partner or you are going on dates where it simply doesn’t click.

You feel that time is passing, and you wonder why pleasure and relationships don’t work for you.

Maybe you even ask yourself
“What is wrong with me?”
“What have I done to not have a decent s,€,x and nice relationship?”

But there is something you are not seeing

You are seeking salvation/solution outside

You need to come back to your own energy and body and get out of your mind.

Here is why:

When we have been hurt and don’t feel safe, we go into our minds and disconnect from our bodies so we don’t feel the pain.

That is a great defense mechanism that might not be serving you anymore.

When you reconnect with your body and open for pleasure, you:

1. You gradually can relax again, feel more grounded, and a sense of freshness or relief slides in

2. You awaken your authentic pleasure. hint: it is already within

3. You are empowered to communicate your desires and boundaries and don’t accept relationships that are okay or good enough.

4. Trust starts blossoming from a connection with yourself and life. You don’t repeat old relationship patterns and know it is just a matter of time.
Meanwhile, you are having lots of fun and pleasure!

Save this post so you can always come back and remember.

**ra **ra

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 18/09/2023

There is nothing wrong with you.

Your whole life you had an idea of what are relationships and lo******ng, how they should be, and how they should make you feel.

And this had consequences.
Intimacy and L❤ve.making have been shallow, your potential good relationships have a dealbreaker, or you find yourself feeling unfulfilled s.&. .Xually.

but this is not your fault.

you learned from a young age that you have to behave, that is not okay to express your desires, and that you have to be grateful and be content with what you have.
Maybe you even heard:
Why are you never satisfied?

That is why you feel sad after l❤.ve.maKing, or when there is chemistry the person is unavailable.
That is why the really great partner is not really good at communicating and so on.

But I believe that your relationship with your body and your s.&. .Xuality is an empowering and deep spiritual practice.
That partnership can be healing and s.e.ggs.ual energy can take you to nirvana (and I am not talking about the band)!

It is sacred, and you deserve depth, love, and intimacy!
You have no idea of the wisdom and power that exist in your body and in your s.e.ggs.ual energy (or maybe you do 😉 )

So it is time to cross the gateway and access the mystery and magic of your essence.
It is time to surrender, melt, and dissolve in the expansion of sacred pleasure.

If you believe in this too, help spread this message.
Tag someone below who needs to read this today.

**ra **ra **rayoga

Photos from Sophia Leslie's post 13/09/2023

I am not down to regular se. .x.

The se. .xua.l energy is so vital and so present in life, and I don’t sign up for interactions that don’t have presence, that seek relief (our bodies are not a trash can for someone to throw their stress on us!), that are p.0.rn like, etc.

Some things I just said may sound too disconnected, but I also have my share of being in relationships where my partner could barely see me, they were unconsciously self-absorbed, taken by their own patterns and conditionings.

I know that you might be thinking: “But this is what is mostly out there, tell me where are the good lovers”.

But the truth is that:
1. You deserve way better
2. Your body is a temple, a gateway to bliss. While you don’t reconnect with it, honor it, and be present with the messages it is giving to you, you will keep having the experiences you are having right now.

I am not accepting shallowness and ignoring myself, and you also don’t need to.

When I reconnected with my pleasure and sacredness everything changed.

It is possible to have a magnificent se. .x without having to accept ‘what is available’.

What I do is to connect with people who also are working on themselves and have some emotional intelligence, listen to my body and intuition (having the wisdom to filter what is true and what is my projections and conditionings), but what makes the biggest impact is to do my own Ta***ic practices during l💙ve.making.

How do you feel about this?

**ra **rayoga **ra

Ta**ra Teacher | Ta***ic & Empowerment Coach

The integration of sexuality and spirituality using Traditional and Neo -Ta**ra tools to bring you inside and beyond the body, to heal, to know yourself, to expand and transcend.

Videos (show all)

Pleasure signals to your brain that you are safe, that you don't need to be in survival mode and you can open up again.T...
The relationship started amazingly, there was so much love, excitement, and novelty, but now, you know, life happened.Th...
We're taught to seek  outside. Belonging, love, intimacy, approval, pleasure, ...My work here is for you to find all thi...