For Love of Food & Fitness

For Love of Food & Fitness

Welcome to my fitness, whole food life, and everything in between!

Join me in the journey to put yourself first, and be your best self for you and those you love. . .message me to find out more!!

Timeline photos 09/02/2020

108. 108 Sun Salutations. I salute you sun, I salute you body, I salute you mind. I salute you friends. I salute you warriors. I salute you who is scared. I salute you who feels alone. I salute you who feels unheard. I salute you who cries. I salute you who is an addict. I salute you who is a victim. I salute you who is a survivor. I salute you who is my sister. I salute you who is my brother. I salute you who are my community. 🙏🏻




Hi there! Coming at you from my favorite pose. . . PLANK. It’s true I have a love hate relationship with this one, it’s a hurt so good! You feel the burn but the benefits of this position target EVERY MUSCLE IN THE BODY!
I’m running a one week Plank challenge group, there may be prizes at the end 🤷🏼‍♀️. There’s also an option to try the superfood shake I drink every day! Pick one or pick both. . . Make this your first step towards your 2019 goals- remember what I said, one day at a time, one goal at a time 😊

Jan 21-26- Like this post, or drop me an emoji below 👇🏻 Happy Sunday Loves 💕


Comment below when you've done your workout today. . .what did you do?!


New Years aside. . .setting goals is SO important for personal growth and development. Setting attainable goals is even more important. If you say you want to lose weight, it's kind of a loose goal, and hard to achieve, which might leave you feeling deflated.

When setting a goal like losing weight try and dissect it. How much do you want to lose? What is your end date? What measures are you going to take to get there? ( are you going to cut something out of your diet, or cut calories, or start exercising). Once you list the parts and pieces of the goal you have a path mapped to get to the end; and I say the end has a prize. While losing weight will feel awesome, it will be even more exciting if you have an additional reward waiting for you- how about a new workout outfit, or a massage, or a shopping spree for some new clothes to fit your new size?

SO what is one goal you have for the month of January?


Time for a body and mind transformation . . .

Just over one week till I starts!!

I have a few spots left- will one be yours?!

Want to try the workout for free? Drop a comment below 👇🏻and it’s yours!


You know what my favorite part of the holidays are? Slowing down, unplugging, and surrounding myself with family & friends.

I go go go ALL the time , to work, errands, the gym, get up gooooo. So I’m incredibly thankful for this amazing program and business I get to be a part of that let’s me get a GOOD sweat on and not rush somewhere to get it.

We wanted to get a sweat on and debated going to the gym (which I like too) but instead I got to sleep in, have a pajama day, sit and drink coffee with my mom by the tree, and bake the few things left for tomorrow. And guess what? We STILL sweat our butts off together and I’m feeling good!

Want to have this option ?! Comment or drop your best I’m in gif below and I’ll message you the details. And honestly- it might not be for a few days because besides this post I’m going to continue to unplug and enjoy what really matters to me this season 🎄💕

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Loves ❌⭕️❌⭕️



4 DAYS. . .

Looking for a last minute gift?!

Why not give someone or yourself the gift of health?

Sign up now and you’ll be in before all the New Year groupies!

Bonus: VIP access to new program early launch in January when you sign up!


True story. . . . I LOVE all the holiday goodies, and I'm not missing out on them all BUT I'm also NOT going to undo all the work I've done!

So try to maintain a healthy balance; enjoy a treat or two that is 100% freakin' WORTH IT! and then eat all yo healthy veggies and drink ALLL the water!

Sandwiching treats between healthy eats keeps your waistline and health in check, and bugs at bay.

What's your FAVORITE Christmas treat?


I am a HUGE water drinker, you’ll rarely see me without my water bottle . . . but true story, drinking it in this freezing (to me) weather? Hasn’t been my top priority. . .I mean gingerbread almond milk latte or cold water 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m proposing a 5 day water challenge from tomorrow until Sunday. . .who wants in? I’ll be posting right here on my page. . .most active participant gets a prize : )

I’ll see y’all tomorrow for a morning contest! Give me your best I’m in emoji or GIF



I know Jane Fonda, and I did the 60 minute Step Class in college, well let me tell ya- twenty freakin minutes and I’m DYING!!!

With 8+ hours of work, boards, and well LIFE- if I only take twenty minutes out of my day for this kind of workout, and the kind of results I’ve seen? SIGN. ME. UP!

Want to try a sample workout? Message me or comment below, and it’s yours!!!

Want in on the exclusive test group WITH ShaunT that I got asked to join? I can add you!

Want to know more about all of it first? I’ve got that too.

Now for a shower, dinner, Christmas cookie making, and collapsing - that was a gooood workout!

PS. Don’t think you’re in shape enough for this program ? There are modifiers, always an option!

PSS. Twenty minutes too little for you? This program has add-ons!

AND no going out in the dark and cold to accomplish it ✅



This fitness journey is feeling good AND paying me back with some amazing rewards. . .

I have been selected to be in the test group for Shaun T’s new workout coming in January!!!

Shaun T is my FAVE , his T25 workouts are one of my go to's, and who hasn't got their butt kicked into shaped through Insanity- that was the workout where I learned what I am made of.

👉🏻As part of his test group I get to work virtually with the people who put this program together. They’ll guide us with the nutrition, help modify some moves (ain't no shame in my game) and motivate us everyday. PLUS who other than Shaun T will be leading the group!😍😍😍Live videos each week to coach us through the program. Um, what?! Yeah sure I'll hang with a celebrity trainer. 😱

Best part of all of this is I can bring YOU with me! YES, you can be apart of his test group too 🤗💃🏻!

There is so much research that goes into these programs to maximize our results. Trial and error over and over again until they get it right for all of us! The results from the original test group are INSANE.

Drumroll pleeeeaase....🥁
The program is just 20 minutes a day 🤯
6 days a week for 6 weeks!!!

We begin January 4th. 🙌 Hello New Year’s Resolution! 🎉 My plan is to be as upfront and honest as I can with sharing my journey throughout this program. I’ll be giving it all to you.

So are you ready to find out more?! I have a FREE info group starting Monday to explain it all. Are you going to be one of the 50 people I get to bring with me?!

😍 Don't miss out on this opportunity for yourself!! Comment below and I’ll add you to my group on Monday!


FRIENDS. . . Can we talk for a minute?

Ok time to get serious. I don’t know about you, but I WANT to enjoy life and be happy- as we all know it’s short. Your body does A LOT for you, even if you don’t always give it the care it needs. But sometimes it gives up, just like you give up on it. When you over work, over stress, don’t feed it the right nutrients, it can only keep up with you for so long, and then it folds in the cards so to speak.

I, the one who tries to do it all got an in your face reminder of that this week. I’m currently on the couch where I think my body needs me to be for the rest of at least the weekend. I DON’T WANT to end 2018 like this and I DON’T WANT to start 2019 like this. I’m just over the New Years Resolutions- why wait when you can start now?! Am I right?

November 5th is fast approaching, and I WANT you with me on this journey. Let’s show life what we have to offer, and our bodies how we know they should be treated. It’s time for GOOD quality over quantity workouts (I know none of us have 2hrs to spend at the gym), GOOD food, self care, water water water, and GOOD sleep. It’s time to put yourself first this holiday season- and NO it’s not selfish it’s selfless - you can’t be the person you want to be for you or others when your body isn’t supporting you.

Nov 5th. be there or be square . . . message me for deets 💕



When it's "too cold" to get out of bed in the morning. . . .I find it SO much harder to the colder and darker it gets. . . you feel me?!


Feeling all the feels. . .

When one of your first challengers loses 4 pounds, successfully completes their first ever detox's, AND calls you an inspiration.

You KNOW you want in on this. . . .Nov. 5th, let's feel good for the holidays, and be two months ahead of EVERYONE Jan. 1


Slow down Sunday

Photos from For Love of Food & Fitness's post 19/10/2018

I DO NOT want my pants tight before treat season. . .and let's be honest I don't want them tight after. Who wants to look and feel like a rock star for the holidays? 30 day challenge group starts Nov 5.

Clean Eating | Superfood Shakes | 4-6 Workouts/WK.

Drop me your best I'm in! gif


Power Yoga for me this morning to start off my FriYAY . . . Day 4 of my new program tomorrow morning. Plan your workouts like meetings, and DON'T cancel them!

What's your workout plan this weekend?!


No matter what, there is always something to be thankful for! I have a group going on where I post three things I am thankful for everyday with others, would love to have you join. . .

What am I thankful for today?

1. The sun

2. Music

3. The beautiful place I live and the scenery I get to take in as I venture on journeys to new project meetings.


Wellness Wednesday:

"Get comfortable with the uncomfortable"! Once you do. . . you'll be UNSTOPPABLE!


Tip Tuesday:

Did you know that working out in the morning is like eating breakfast for your metabolism?

SO if you’re not a fan of eating within the first hour of waking get a heart pumping workout in and your body will reap the same benefits- a fired up metabolism ready to digest for the day. Just make sure to eat soon after you workout as your body will need those recovery nutrients !


You saw my posts the other day on how I've been feeling lately, and if you haven't, scroll back now!

If you want to

- meet a bunch of positive and inspiring women
- get healthy
- AND earn a little extra cash

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 drop an oh yea, or an I'm in emoji

Photos from For Love of Food & Fitness's post 14/10/2018

Even without a real kitchen I'm getting my prep on for an easier week, what are you guys prepping today?!


Have you ever worked in a business where the infectious energy just makes you want to do more ? Where you get to live your passion and help others while doing it? I am smiling ear to ear and more excited about life than I have been in a long time, I can't wait to wake up every day and get to it. . . People keep commenting on my overall confidence, kindness and strength. I'm just so happy, and I just wanted to share.

You don't have the power to change who you were, but you DO have the power to change who you become


Fit Friday! Get up and make it happen! “Greatness was never achieved in your comfort zone”

What will you do today?!

Untitled album 11/10/2018

So it's not the norm for me, but I've been slacking on my water intake lately. . .I am still on my first water bottle, and normally am on my third by now- how much water are you drinking?!

Videos (show all)

I am a HUGE water drinker, you’ll rarely see me without my water bottle . . . but true story, drinking it in this freezi...
THIS AIN’T YOUR GRANDMA’S STEP AEROBICS. . .I know Jane Fonda, and I did the 60 minute Step Class in college, well let m...
Day one accountability challenge IN THE BOOKS! 💪🏻 This weeks focus is on water, and this months focus is on being a bett...
