FIIT Perspective

FIIT Perspective

Our mission is to transform the relationship and behaviors our clients have with their finances.


πŸ’ΌπŸ’° It's Wealth Wednesdays! Wealth is Your Financial Posture πŸ’ΌπŸ’°

Your financial posture is more than just numbersβ€”it's your stance towards prosperity. πŸ’ͺ✨

It's about managing your money, investing in your future, and building financial security. Whether you're starting out or well on your way, cultivating a strong financial posture sets the foundation for long-term wealth.

Take charge of your finances, make informed decisions, and watch your wealth grow. Remember, it's not just about what you earn but how you manage and grow what you have!


πŸ“Š Financial Reflection is Good for Your Progress πŸ“Š

Taking a moment, pausing, looking over a balcony, and reflecting on your finances is key to moving forward with purpose. 🌟✨

Whether you're celebrating milestones or identifying areas for improvement, financial reflection allows you to assess your goals and adjust your strategies accordingly. You may or may not be satisfied with your assessment, but It's a powerful tool for building financial resilience and achieving long-term success.

Embrace this opportunity to review your budget, track your savings, and set new financial goals. Your future self will thank you for the effort today!


πŸ’‘ Cut Down on Unnecessary Subscriptions and Memberships πŸ’‘

Let's talk about simplifying our finances! πŸ’Έ It's easy to accumulate subscriptions and memberships we don't need. Take a closer look at your monthly expenses and consider trimming down where possible.

Whether it's streaming services, gym memberships, or apps you rarely use, every little bit adds up. By cutting unnecessary expenses, you can liberate yourself from financial burden and free up money for things that truly matter to you.

Take charge of your budget and prioritize what brings you value. Your walletβ€”and your peace of mindβ€”will thank you!


🌟 It's Wealth Wednesdays! You Are What You Think! 🌟

You know what I think? I think I'm a boss! πŸ’ͺ✨

Confidence isn't just a feelingβ€”it's a crucial part of your wealth strategy. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you're more likely to seize opportunities and achieve your financial goals.

Remember, confidence often stems from knowledge and intelligence. Keep learning, stay curious, and watch your confidence grow alongside your wealth. Believe in yourself because you've got what it takes to succeed!


πŸ’° Negotiate Bills and Fees to Save Money πŸ’°

You see that face! It's the face of a negotiator. Don't take no for an answer!

Don't leave money on the table! One of the smartest ways to save is by negotiating your bills and fees. πŸ“‰πŸ’Έ

A quick call can often lead to surprising discounts, whether it's your cable bill, insurance premiums, or bank fees. Companies want to keep you as a customer and are often willing to work with you.

Take a few minutes to review your monthly expenses and see where you can negotiate. Remember, every dollar saved is a step towards your financial goals!


πŸŽ‰ I'm Too Excited! πŸŽ‰

Do you want to know why? Because school just started back, I will get the house to myself for 8 hours again! 🏠✨

With the kids back in school, it's the perfect time to enjoy some peace and quiet. Plus, it's a great opportunity to save on back-to-school shopping by using coupons and taking advantage of sales. Be sure to check coupons in the mail, on your apps, and in your texts! Don't pay full price for NOTHING, you hear me! Educators, you get extra discounts at stores like Office Depot!

Get everything you need for the new school year without breaking the bank. Happy shopping and happy school year!


✨ It's Wealth Wednesdays. Your Work Should Bring You Joy, Not Frustration; Now That's Wealth! ✨⁠
When you walk into work, does it make you frazzled? Life is too short to spend your days doing something that doesn't light you up inside. 🌟 If your work feels like a chore rather than a joy, it might be time to consider stepping into your passion. Remember, your fulfillment and happiness are just as important as any other aspect of your life.⁠
When you follow your heart and pursue what truly excites you, work transforms from a chore to a fulfilling part of your life. It's no longer just a job but a source of joy and satisfaction. ⁠
When you enjoy what you do, 40 hours isn't enough time! Don't be afraid to take that leap of faith, even if it makes you frazzled. Explore what makes you happy. Your dreams are worth it, and in the future, you will be glad you did!⁠
πŸ’–Let's make a pact to seek joy in our daily endeavors. Let's not settle for anything less than what fuels our passion. Remember, your work should bring you joy, not frustration. It's time to step into your passion and find the fulfillment you deserve.⁠


πŸ“Š Financial Literacy is a Must! πŸ“Š

A recent survey revealed a startling statistic: the national average grade for financial management is just 65%β€”a D! πŸ˜±πŸ“‰

This highlights the urgent need for better financial education. Understanding how to manage money effectively is crucial for achieving personal and professional success.

Let's prioritize financial literacy and empower ourselves and our communities with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions. Together, we can raise that average and secure a brighter financial future for everyone!


πŸ˜„ You Know Why I'm Smiling Big? πŸ˜„

Because my net worth is higher than it was last year! πŸ“ˆβœ¨ It's been a journey of hard work and smart decisions, and my progress is profound!

Tracking your net worth is a powerful way to see your financial progress over time. What is your net worth? I'm glad you asked! It's the difference in value between your assets (things you own) and your liabilities (things you owe). It's not just about the numbersβ€”it's about celebrating your growth, hard work, and smart financial decisions.

Keep an eye on your net worth, set your financial goals, and watch your wealth grow. Remember, every increase in your net worth is a milestone worth celebrating. No matter how small, it's a step towards your financial success!


🌟 It's wealth Wednesdays! Our Kids Bring Us Wealth 🌟

In a world where success is often measured by material possessions, let's remember the true treasures in our lives: our children. πŸ‘Άβ€οΈ

Every laugh, every hug, every milestone is a reminder of the immense wealth they bring into our hearts. Their innocence, curiosity, and boundless love enrich our lives in ways money never could.

πŸ’– Let's cherish these precious moments, invest our time in their growth, and nurture their dreams. Because the joy and love they give us is the greatest wealth of all.


πŸ’° Secure Your Future: Contribute to a Retirement Account πŸ’°

Planning for retirement might not be at the top of your to-do list, but it's one of the most important financial decisions you can make. 🌟 Be sure to contribute to a retirement account like a 401(k) or IRA.

These accounts offer significant tax advantages and help your savings grow over time, ensuring you have a comfortable nest egg when you retire. Start early, contribute regularly, and watch your future become brighter and more secure.

🌿 Remember, the steps you take today will pave the way for a stress-free and enjoyable retirement. Invest in your future self!


πŸš—πŸ’‘ The Best Business Ideas Come When I'm Driving πŸ’‘πŸš—

Ever noticed how the open road sparks creativity? For me, there's something about the rhythm of driving in silence that clears my mind and lets inspiration flow. 🌟✨

As I navigate the twists and turns, my brain shifts gears, and suddenly, innovative business ideas start to take shape. It's like my car becomes a moving think tank and my worship tank too! I am filled with endless possibilities and fresh perspectives.

Next time you hit the road, embrace those moments of solitude, turn the music off, and let your imagination drive. Who knows? Your next big idea might just be a few miles away!


🌟 It's Wealth Wednesday, and Health is Wealth! 🌟

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the most valuable asset we have: our health. πŸ’ͺ✨

πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Whether it's taking a brisk walk in the park, choosing a nutritious meal, or simply finding a moment to breathe and relax with a facial, every small step counts. Investing in your health is wealth and ensures a brighter, happier tomorrow.

❀️ Let's prioritize self-care, listen to our bodies, and make choices that nourish our mind, body, and soul. At the end of the day, true wealth isn't just measured by what's in our bank accounts but by how we feel inside and out.


πŸ“– The Bible: The Best Resource for Financial Management πŸ’°

In a world full of financial advice, there's one timeless guide that stands out: the Bible. πŸ™βœ¨

From principles of generosity to the wisdom of stewardship, the Bible offers profound insights into managing our resources with integrity and purpose. Verses like Proverbs 21:5 remind us of the importance of diligent planning, while Matthew 6:19-21 teaches us to value heavenly treasures over earthly riches.

πŸ“š Let’s turn to this divine source for guidance on budgeting, saving, and giving. Embrace the teachings that not only lead to financial stability but also bring peace, fulfillment and everlasting life!


πŸ˜„ Smile, It's finally Friday! Remember, while socializing and unwinding are great, it's essential not to splurge all your hard-earned money in one go. Budget wisely to ensure your weekend fun doesn't leave you financially stressed. Enjoy responsibly! πŸŽ‰πŸ’Έ


🌟 It's Wealth Wednesdays! Today's the perfect opportunity to reflect on your journey towards financial success. What steps are you taking to build wealth?

πŸ“Š Are you investing in stocks, real estate, or starting a business? Maybe you're focusing on budgeting, saving, or paying off debt. Whatever your strategy, consistency and commitment are key.

πŸ’‘ Share your tips and inspire others to take charge of their financial future!


🌟 Patience is key to growing and maintaining wealth. Observe, inquire, and learn from those who've succeeded. Pay attention to their lifestyle, mindset, and unique habits that set them apart. By understanding their strategies, you can pave your own path to financial success. πŸ“ˆπŸ’‘


πŸ’³πŸ’Έ Be Savvy with Credit Card Spending!

Get more bang for your buck with cash-back or rewards credit cards! Whether earning cash back on everyday purchases or collecting points for travel perks, using these cards wisely can add extra value to your spending. πŸ’°βœ¨ Maximize your rewards and watch your savings grow! If you plan on using your credit cards, make sure you use them the right way!


"It's Wealth Wednesday! Transform Your Mindset, Transform Your Life! πŸŒŸπŸ’­

"When I learned my worth and changed my mindset, my lifestyle followed."

πŸš€ Your mindset shapes your reality. Recognizing your value and embracing a positive mindset can lead to incredible transformations in all aspects of lifeβ€”personal, professional, and financial.

Authenticity is keyβ€”sure, you can pretend, but it's not sustainable. It's crucial to comprehend every facet of your self-worth: spiritually, financially, professionally, and mentally. To truly blossom, you need to be complete in all areas.

πŸ’ͺ Take a moment to reflect: How has changing your mindset impacted your life? Share your journey of growth and empowerment with us!

Photo credit: Justerica Angelic Studios
Wardrobe: Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, Open Edit
Accessories: Gucci, Ted Baker London, Tori Burch, Monique Rochelle Jewelry
Hair: A Touch By Tiffany Scott
Makeup: Me! I did that.

LOL, I always wanted to do that!


Embrace Your Growth Journey! πŸŒ±πŸš€

"You grow into your potential. There are levels to success, and skipping a level isn't wise to the growth process."

🌟 Success isn't just about reaching the top; it's about embracing every step of the journey. Each level of growth prepares you for the next, building resilience and wisdom along the way. Trust in the process and celebrate each milestoneβ€”it's all part of your journey to greatness.

πŸ’ͺ Keep pushing forward, one level at a time. Your potential knows no bounds!


"Never take the easy way out. You will cripple yourself. This goes for your finances and all-around development."

πŸš€ Embracing challenges strengthens your character and prepares you for greater achievements. In finances and personal growth, facing difficulties head-on builds resilience and wisdom.

πŸ’‘ Choose the path of growth over convenience, and watch yourself thrive in ways you never imagined.


It's Wealth Wednesdays Now Elevate Your Financial Game Today! πŸ’ΈπŸ“ˆ

🌟 It's time to elevate your financial game. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Set Clear Goals: Stop putting wealth off for tomorrow. Define what wealth means to you and set specific financial goals.

Invest Wisely: Explore different investment options that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Educate Yourself: Continuously learn about personal finance, investing strategies, and money management.

Take Action: Start implementing your financial plan today, no matter how small the steps may seem.

πŸ’‘ Let's make strides towards financial freedom together! Share your wealth-building journey in the comments.

haven't started, no worries! I recommend the Personal Finance FIIT Money Master Class. Link below:


😊✨ I smile big because I know what God has stored for me. Trusting in His plan brings joy and peace, knowing that the best is yet to come. Embrace each day with faith and a grateful heart.



It's Time to Get Serious About Your Finances!

πŸ“ŠπŸ’Ό Small business failure rates are high, but you can beat the odds by getting serious about your finances. Here's how:

Create a Solid Budget: Monitor income and expenses closely to maintain healthy cash flow.

Build an Emergency Fund: Save for unexpected costs to keep your business afloat during tough times.

Invest in Financial Education: Understand your financial statements and seek advice when needed.

Manage Debt Wisely: Manage debt levels and explore financing options that suit your business.

Review Regularly: Regularly review and adjust your financial plan to adapt to changes in the market.

This is not a hobby, so stop playing and take control of your business's financial health today! πŸš€πŸ’‘


🌟✨ The path to true success is paved with giving and serving others. Here's why:

Builds Strong Relationships: Giving your time and resources fosters trust and builds lasting connections.

Enhances Reputation: Serving others elevates your personal and professional reputation, opening doors to new opportunities.

Boosts Well-Being: Acts of kindness and service contribute to your own happiness and mental health.

Creates a Positive Impact: Your generosity can inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive change.

Fosters Growth: Helping others often leads to new insights, skills, and personal growth.

Success isn't just always just about what you achieve but also about the impact you make. 🀝❀️


🌳🏞️ Enjoy the great outdoors without straining your wallet! Here are some tips for budget-friendly outdoor activities:

Picnic in the Park: Pack a lunch and enjoy a meal in your local park with your kids or boo!

Hiking: Embark on a journey of discovery on local trails, where nature’s beauty unfolds before your eyes. Wisconsin's parks and trails up north are a treasure trove of inspiration!

Community Events: Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of free outdoor concerts, festivals, or farmer’s markets. Join the community and create lasting memories. My go-to is Eventbrite!

Beach Day: Spend a day at the beach or lake for fun in the sun!

Backyard Fun: Organize a game night or BBQ with your family and friends in your backyard!

Get outside and have fun while keeping your budget in check! 🌞🌲


It's the middle of the summer, and it hit me. My baby girl Sydney will be a senior this year! I have three girls, and she is the last to finish high school. When I was younger, I didn't plan correctly for my girl's education, but oh, what a difference it will be for Baby J.

πŸŽ“πŸ’‘ It's never too early to start planning for the future! If you haven't already, set up a college savings plan for your child today.

Explore Options: Look into 529 plans and other tax-advantaged savings accounts.

Start Small: Even small, regular contributions can grow significantly over time thanks to compound interest.

Automatic Contributions: Set up automatic transfers to make saving easier and more consistent.

Stay Informed: Keep up with changes in education costs and adjust your savings plan accordingly.

Secure their future with smart planning today! πŸ“šπŸ’° It's never too early to start planning for the future! If you haven't already, set up a college savings plan for your child today!


Have fun, everyone! Please be safe!


🌟 It’s Wealth Wednesdays! 🌟

Wealthy and successful people know that the key to their achievements lies in focusing on opportunities, even when faced with challenges. πŸ†πŸ’Ό

Today, let’s shift our mindset from problems to possibilities and embrace the opportunities around us! πŸš€βœ¨

Here are some steps to help you overcome your problems:

1. **Identify the Issue** Clearly define the problem you’re facing.

2. **Stay Positive** Maintain a positive attitude and believe in your ability to find a solution.

3. **Break It Down** Divide the problem into smaller, manageable parts.

4. **Seek Advice** Don’t hesitate to ask for help or seek advice from others.

5. **Take Action**Develop a plan and take proactive steps towards resolving the issue.

6. **Learn and Adapt**Learn from your experiences and be willing to adapt your approach if necessary.

Financial Specialist

Growing up I was exposed to a very limited and convoluted view of financial literacy. My family never talked about it and the schools I attended never taught it. Upon becoming a young adult, this left me very misinformed. The "American way" of teaching financial literacy is go to school, rack up debt in the process and work for someone else. It’s ironic that this picture was painted very clear, but starting at the age of 18, I was stranded in a foreign land where leveraging, budgeting and credit determined my livelihood! With no prior knowledge of how these things worked, just like you, I started to run the rat race. I fell in cyclical trends that I couldn’t break.

Destined, determined and set out by God, I started to gather the answers to the questions we didn’t know to ask. I started a project to bring difficult financial concepts into a simple, single source. I started this journey with β€œyou” in mind. A strategy that I created to unlock our understanding of the financial situations we are in rather good or bad. Our perspectives can either hold us back or forge us ahead. Please join me on this journey of changing the face of our finances.

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