South Sudanese Cultural Day

South Sudanese Cultural Day

All Registered South Sudanese Tribes to compete with other traditions as Proud South Sudos. Annually Event. Annually Event.

01. Acholi
02. Adio (Makaraka)

04. Anyuak (Anyuaa)
05. Atuot (Reel)
06. Avukaya
07. Azande
08. Bai
09. Baka
10. Balanda-Boor
11. Balanda-Bviri
12. Bandak
13. Bari
14. Binga
15. Bongo
16. Didinga
17. Dinka (Muony-Jieng)
18. Dongotona
19. Feroghe
20. Gollo
21. Ifoto
22. Imatong
23. Indri
24. Jiye
25. Jur (Beli & Modo)
26. Jurchol (Luo)
27. Kakwa
28. Kara
29. Keliku
30. Kuku
31. Lango
32. Larim (Boya)
33. Logir
34. Lokoya



Australian-based South Sudanese DJ Bossmaan MG pens letter to thank mother and family after graduating with Bachelor's degree in Sound Engineering (Audio Production).

Read below:

I am compelled to extend my profound appreciation to the cherished members of our immediate family, who graced my special day with their presence. Particular thanks are owed to Mama Atingnyin Panther and Nyanawut Azuma Mangar Chep, who embarked on a journey from Melbourne, as well as my esteemed cousin Dhaal Marial Kot (Puor Chuot), who ventured from Sydney. Their testimonies of support and solidarity amplified the significance and sentimentality of this momentous occasion.

Esteemed Mother Helena Yar Chiengrech Ayol,

I pen this correspondence with profound gratitude, in recognition of your unwavering support and enduring sacrifices that have accompanied my academic odyssey, culminating triumphantly in the attainment of a Bachelor's degree. It is with heartfelt sincerity that I attribute the encapsulation of my scholastic accomplishments to your relentless efforts and the selfless acts of devotion you have bestowed upon my siblings and me. The guidance, inspiration, and unwavering encouragement you have imparted to me are immeasurable, rendering me deeply indebted and incapable of adequately expressing my gratitude.

Allow me, dear Mother, to take an interlude to extend my sincere acknowledgments to our paternal progenitor, whose sagacity and humility led him to choose you as his life companion, fully entrusting you with the mantle of his responsibilities. He discerned within you unassailable virtues and innate qualities that rendered you the epitome of excellence to uphold his legacy in his physical absence. With grace and fortitude, you have ardently pursued his dreams, embodying the tenets of his visionary ambition. May the soul of Baba Benydit Makur CHUOT Chep, an indomitable and inspiring leader, repose in eternal tranquility and bliss.

Furthermore, I shall take this opportunity to convey profound gratitude to my elder brother, Eng Chep Makur CHUOT, whose academic accomplishments and exceptional leadership have ceaselessly spurred my own journey. His unwavering presence, mentorship, and inspiration have been a constant beacon illuminating my path, propelling me forward on the trajectory of achievement. Equally deserving of appreciation are my beloved sisters, Hon Ayor Makur and Akech Makur, whose steadfast support and encouragement enriched and sustained me throughout this scholarly expedition. To the rest of our immediate and extended family, I extend my heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering solidarity and unwavering acts of faith and love.

In seizing this moment of reflection, I cannot forgo extending my profound gratitude to Dr. Chep CHUOT, whose unwavering support has been extended to me steadfastly, even up until the present juncture. Uncle, I am moved to express my heartfelt appreciation for shouldering the responsibility of fulfilling my father's duties during his protracted absence. Furthermore, I would be remiss if I did not recognize the invaluable contributions to my scholarly pursuits rendered by my late mother, Arechloth Irinthu Manyuon. May her soul continue to rest in eternal serenity, as we endeavor to uphold and honor her enduring legacy.

Allow me to extend my appreciation to my esteemed maternal uncle, Charlie Mike Chiengkueu MADING, whose sagacious counsel and unwavering support have been indispensable in shaping the trajectory of my academic accomplishments. In equal measure, I extend my gratitude to my aunt, Monica Achol Abel, for her steadfast commitment and unwavering dedication in ensuring our triumphant progress. Your unwavering support and guidance have accompanied me on this scholarly voyage, and for that, I shall remain eternally indebted.

To Coach Lindsay Bunn, I am compelled to express my sincerest appreciation for the immeasurable impact you have exerted as a paternal figure throughout my academic journey. Your mentorship extends far beyond the realm of sports, permeating various facets of life. Your role as a guiding light has been paramount to my personal and athletic development. I am humbled and grateful for your undying allegiance and guidance.

Your indelible contributions to our esteemed Athletics Squad, as well as to our tight-knit familial unit and academic circle, have played a pivotal role in shaping the person I am today. I shall remain forever grateful for your unshakable dedication and unwavering support. Please accept my heartfelt thanks once again for your exceptional guidance, mentorship, and steadfast support.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the gracious colleagues of my late father, who have unwaveringly supported us throughout this arduous journey. Your benevolent assistance and unwavering presence have been nothing short of a blessing, for which I am truly grateful.

My scholarly voyage embarked upon its nascent phase within the confines of the Kakuma refugee camp in 1997. In light of your unwavering support, I successfully traversed the academic milestones of Class 1, 2, and 3 at Sobat and Imatong Primary Schools, respectively. Thereupon, I continued my educational odyssey at Kakuma Arid Zone Boarding Primary School, attaining fulfillment in the completion of Class 4 and 5. The years 2002-2003 saw me enrolled in Borderfarm Siani Primary School, nestled within Eldoret Town, Kenya, where I concluded my studies for Classes 6 and 7.

Dearest Iron Lady,

As I find myself immersed in reflections upon the tumultuous yet transformative trajectory of my academic expedition, I am overwhelmed with sentiments of profound gratitude and hallowed reminiscence. The year 2004 ushered in a pivotal juncture, as we, in eager anticipation of commencing a new odyssey in the sun-kissed land of Australia, made our passage to Nairobi, the resplendent capital city. Despite the absence of a patron imbued with the means to defray my enrollment fees within the hallowed halls of a private institution, my indomitable spirit impelled me to seize the reins of my educational aspirations. It was within the embrace of SUD ACADEMY, a refuge of knowledge unencumbered by the shackles of exorbitant tuition, that I found solace. It is here that I surmounted myriad obstacles and emerged triumphant, emerging with the coveted Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). It is with unbounded gratitude that I extol the clandestine alms of an unknown Samaritan hailing from Canada, whose munificence empowered me to continue my intellectual sojourn at Kidhayoni Boarding Secondary School nestled in the verdant embrace of Machakos. Her unstinting benevolence was exhibited in ameliorating the burden of my boarding fees, acquisition of uniforms, and provisions for my sustenance. For this, my heart shall eternally resonate with an enduring sense of gratitude.

In the year 2005, it was under your propitious tutelage, my resolute Iron Lady Mother, that the embers of our hopes and aspirations ignited into fruition as we embarked upon our pilgrimage to the beckoning shores of Australia. Notwithstanding the irrefutable disparities that pervaded the fabric of this novel domain, your unwavering fortitude and resolute determination conferred upon us the wherewithal to acclimatize seamlessly.

The interlude spanning 2005 to 2007 witnessed my tenure at Aranmore Catholic College, where I navigated the exigencies and rigors of academic rigamarole encapsulated within the venerated corridors of secondary education. Amidst a sea of passions and latent talents vying for primacy within my heart and soul, it was the siren call of melody and rhythm that enraptured my being. With unwavering resolve, I chose to immerse myself in the study and cultivation of the ethereal art form known as music, for which my ardor knows no bounds. To you, the beacons of our sojourn to the Antipodean realm, Uncle John Mayor MACHAR, Brother Jeff, Pastor Rex, Eli Magok Manyol, and the resplendent Malith Rual family, who generously extended the sanctuary of their hearth and home upon our arrival in the enchanting city of Perth, I extend my heartfelt appreciation. Your unwavering patronage cast aside the veil of implausibility, rendering my cherished academic voyage upon Australian terrain an indelible actuality.

Moreover, it is with a heart brimming with gratitude that I pen this missive to express my enduring appreciation to the cherished denizens of friendship and kinship who, in their resolute loyalty and unwavering support, have journeyed alongside me through the treacherous tessellation of existence. Your ceaseless encouragement and unwavering devotion have ignited the golden embers of fortitude within my being, propelling me ever-forward upon this tempestuous voyage. Pray, preserve these echoes of gratitude within the annals of your memory, as they resonate from the depths of my soul, echoing the sentiments of a heart forever enriched by your unyielding kindness and boundless support.

In culmination, I find myself compelled to once more convey my profound sentiments of gratitude and admiration to you, dear Mother, my Iron Lady, alongside the pantheon of unwavering advocates who have weaved themselves into the tapestry of my academic triumphs. Your unassailable guidance, unwavering support, and boundless sacrifices have propelled my journey to the present precipice of accomplishment, for which I am orgundingly indebted. Your collective presence has served as an unwavering beacon of inspiration, imbuing me with fortitude, resilience, and ceaseless encouragement.

With love and unwavering respect,
Mangar Makur Chuot






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