Felagið Føroysk Ross
Við hesi síðu er lættari hjá tær at fylgja við arbeiðinum hjá FFR og framgondini hjá føroyska rossastovninum.
Iris and Tjalfi ❤️
Another couple in the Embryo project, these two have now been together for almost a week and they really seam to love each other’s company. Also we think Iris is very in love with Tjalfi’s beautiful mane - but can you blame her? 😍
🇫🇴: Dugnaligu djóralæknarnir handan Embryo verkætlanina Rita Palmelund og Rikke Munk, báar úr Danmark 👏🏼
Tær báar eru við í verkætlanini fyri at tryggja at hon skal eyðnast so væl sum møguligt, báar hava holla vitan innan ross og serliga fertilitet/aling av rossum. Tær ferðast javnan aftur og fram fyri at skannað rossini osv., bæði tey Føroysku og tær Íslendsku ryssurnar, sum eru klárar í Føroyum at taka ímóti gitnum eggum tá tað er klárt ✨ Vit eru takksom at hava fingið tvær so dugnaligar kvinnur við í verkætlanina 👏🏼
EN 🇬🇧: Our talented veterinarian team for the Embryo project Rita Palmelund and Rikke Munk 👏🏼
In order for our Embryo project to be successful we had to get help from some fertility experts and luckily we found Rita and Rikke from Denmark - they travel back and forth to The Faroe Islands from Denmark and work with the horses to make sure the project is successful. We are so thankful for their dedication and hard work 🥰
Give them a big ❤️ and 👏🏼
🇫🇴 Óðin og Heiða ❤️
Heiða er við í bæði Embryo verkætlanini hjá felagnum og so er hon eigini melda til vanliga aling aftaná - tað vil siga at hon vónandi er móðir til 2 fyl komandi ár 🤞🏻
Embryo verkætlanin gongur út upp á at flyta tíggju íslendskar ryssur til Føroya úr Danmark, sum skulu vera til reiðar at taka ímóti gitnum eggum. Hetta er ein samansett uppgáva, tí meðan íslendsku ryssurnar eru her, skulu føroyskir greðingar vera hjá tíggju føroyskum ryssum. Síðani verða gitnu eggini flutt yvir í innfluttu ryssurnar, sum á hendan hátt verða burðarryssur. Burðarryssurnar verða, tá eggið hevur fest seg, fluttar aftur til Danmarkar at fola. Fyrimunurin við hesi loysnini er, at føroysk fyl, sum eru folað í Danmark, kunnu fáa pass og harvið flytast millum lond til áhugaðir keyparar.
Tað er ein dulnevndur grunnur, sum hevur latið eina trivaliga upphædd, 1,5 mió. kr., til hesa verkætlan, sum helst er størsta og týdningarmesta tak at bjarga føroyska rossinum í nýggjari tíð. Ein partur av upphæddini fer eisini til ein heimildarfilm, sum lýsir tilgongdina og álvarsligu støðuna hjá stovninum.
🇬🇧 EN : Óðin and Heiða ❤️
Another pair this year - Heiða will hopefully participate in both our Embryo project and then she will get pregnant again and get to keep that foal 🐴
Present Faroese legislation means that the process necessary to enable the project is complicated. Ten Icelandic mares will be transported from Denmark to the Faroe Islands. 10 Faroese mares will then breed with Faroese stallions, and the embryos will be transferred to the Icelandic mares. They thus become surrogate mothers to ten new foals, when they return to Denmark. The advantage to this method is that Faroese foals in Denmark can get a passport and may be moved across borders to interested buyers.
An anonymous foundation has made a very generous donation to this project, which may be the most important step towards preserving this Faroese breed today. The money will go to the breeding project as well as to a documentary film following the process as well as describing the critical situation of the Faroese horse.
🇫🇴Kopar + Tám og Lot blivu sett saman á Signabø fyrr í vikuni 🐎
Eins og undanfarin ár hava vit brúkt EVA programmi at samanseta pør við so lítlari innannøring sum gjørligt. Vit hava lagt okkum eftir at brúka greðingar, sum mangla at fáa avkom, ella hava fá avkom. Eydnast alingin væl í ár, hava næstan allir greðingar fingið avkom í næsta ár 🤞🏼
EN 🇬🇧: Kopar + Tám and Lot ❤️
Two more planned foals for 2025 🤞🏻
We plan our breeding according to inbreed %, that means that all of the Faroese horses have been DNA tested and put into a program to make sure that they are as compatiple and non related as possible before they are being paired to ensure a healthy future for the breed 🇫🇴
So er alingin 2023 byrja og vit fegnast um sera góðu undirtøkuna í ár, sum er methøg 🥳
Vit hava lagt okkum eftir at brúka greðingar, sum mangla at fáa avkom, ella hava fá avkom. Eydnast alingin væl í ár, hava næstan allir greðingar fingið avkom í næsta ár 🐴
EN : ♡ Love is in the air ♡
This year’s breeding has officially started and we have great news - this year there is a record breaking number of stallions and mares signed up for breeding Faroese Horses 🥳
📸 : Rósa and Dropi, both first time participants in the breeding program ♡
photo taken by
🇫🇴 Fyrsta føroyska fyli í ár bleiv eitt ryssufyl undan Føgru og Garpi 🥳
🇬🇧The first Faroese foal of 2024 is born and is a beautiful little mare foal 💕
This foal is one of only now 83 Faroese Horses in the world and one of only 3 or 4 foals born this year 🤞🏻
Isn’t she beautiful ?
Bonus info : To us she looks a bit red painted - in that case she would be the only one with this color atm, but we know that that color can change once they grow up. What do you think ? What color will she end up being ?
📷 photos by :
Good morning. Veterinarians have arrived and scanning of mares has started. Follow us in our stories to see how our day will be 🐴
🇫🇴 Í dag, 22 mai, er altjóða dagur fyri lívfrøðiligt margfeldi.
Ífylgi FAO eru 30% av heimsins uppruna landbúnaðardjórum í vanda fyri at doyggja út, og føroyska rossið er onki undantak. Føroyska rossið er eitt føroyskt uppruna lanbrúnaðardjór og hevur røtur aftur til tá fyrstu niðursetufólkini komu til Føroyar fyri fleiri enn 1000 árum síðan. Tey hava lagað seg til umhvørvið og siðbundna føroyska landbúnaðin, sum hevur skapað eitt lítið og sterkt ross við einum róligum sinnalag. Vit vita, at verðin hevði verið eitt fátækari stað, um okkara rossaslag doyði út, men vónandi fer embryo transfer verkætlanin og vaksandi áhugin fyri føroysku rossunum uttanlads at bjarga okkara serligu rossum.
Mynd: The Pixel Nomad & Vor-die-Linse • Fotografie
🇬🇧 Happy International Biodiversity Day.
Today, May 22th, is international biodiversity day. According to FAO, 30% of all native farm animals worldwide are at risk of extinction and the Faroese horse is no exception. The Faroese horse is a farm animal native to the Faroe Islands and roots back to when the first settlers arrived on the Faroe Islands more than 1000 years ago. The adaptation to the Faroese environment and the traditional agricultural uses has developed a small and sturdy horse with a mild temper. We know that the world would be poorer if the breed went extinct, but we hope our embryo transfer project and the rising interest in the Faroese horse abroad will help us save this amazing breed.
Here is a picture of Alda and Poulina on their Faroese horse Flykra and Dagur.
📸 The Pixel Nomad & Vor-die-Linse • Fotografie
🇫🇴 Mongum brestur ætlan. Djóralæknarnir, sum skuldu koma í gjár at byrja embryo transfer verkætlanina, eru enn ikki komnir í landið. Flogferðslan hevur verið tarnað í allan gjár og í dag, so tær hava verið noyddar at útseta sína ferð. Tær koma seinni í mánaðinum í staðin og vit gleða okkum at taka ímótur teimum. Meðan vit bíða, kunnu vit njóta hesa fittu mynd av Lottu úr Vatnsoyrum í mjørkanum. Flogvøllurin er onkustaðni aftanfyri hana 😶🌫️
🇬🇧 Did you know, that when the British occupied the Faroe Islands during World War II, they nicknamed it “The Land of Maybe”? This was due to the ever-changing weather on the Faroe Islands, which made planning difficult. “Will we go fishing today?”, “Maybe”. “Will we go on a hike today?”, “Maybe”. “Will the plane land today?”, “Maybe” 🤷🏻♀️
The weather hasn’t changed much on the Faroe Islands since the Second World War, and this is something we have experienced this weekend. Our veterinarians who were supposed to arrive yesterday for the embryo transfer project have not yet arrived due to the cancellation of almost all flights yesterday and today.
So, change of plans. Instead of starting this weekend, we must postpone. But we are remaining optimistic and are excited to welcome our veterinarians later. This is nothing that we haven’t had to handle before. In the meantime, enjoy a photo of Lotta in the fog. The airport is somewhere behind her 😶🌫️
🇫🇴 Tað gekk sera væl at fáa ryssurnar upp í trailaran, takk fyri Brandur Í Dali ÍDali - sp/f 2700 🤩 💪
🇬🇧 The loading of the horses went great, thank you Brandur Í Dali ÍDali - sp/f 2700 🤩 💪
🇫🇴 Seinastu fyrireikingarnar áðrenn fráferð 👏 🐴
🇬🇧 Last preparations before pick up 👏 🐴
🇫🇴 Fyrireikingar í Danmark áðrenn fráferð
Maria: Í hesum videoinum ber til at fylgja við í seinastu tíðina hjá ryssunum í Danmark, áðrenn tær verða avheintaðar 🌼
🇬🇧 Preparations in Denmark before leaving
Maria: In this video you can see the mares last time in Denmark, before they are picked up 🌼
🇫🇴 Embryo transfer verkætlanin tekur skap 🥳
Nú byrja vit endiliga at síggja úrslitini frá tí nógva arbeiðinum, sum hevur ligið aftanfyri at fyrireika verkætlanina. Tær fyrstu fýra íslensku burðarryssurnar eru komnar til landið. Tær seinnu fýra ryssurnar verða heintaðar í Danmark í morgin og verða í Føroyum mánamorgun. Maria Joensen, ein av okkara nevndarlimum, er í Danmark og fer at vísa tykkum hvørjar fyrireikingar hava verið neyðugar, áðrenn ryssurnar kundu koma til Føroyar. Eisini fer hon at vísa tykkum, tá seinna liðið av ryssum verða heintaðar og sendar avstað til Føroyar. Fylgið við her á síðuni og á stories 🐴
Vit hava fingið nógvan góðan stuðul frá føroyskum fyritøkum til fyrireikingar arbeiðið.
Brandur Í Dali hevur verið okkum ein ómetaliga stór hjálp og tikið sær av øllum sum hoyrir til at flyta ross millum lond.
Smyril Line hevur stuðla við flutningunum av rossunum.
Og Hans Egil Joensen & Synir hava hjálpt okkum við flutningi av byngjum, fyri at gera beiti klárt til íslensku ryssurnar.
🇬🇧 The embryo transfer project is taking shape 🥳
We are finally seeing the results of our hard work in planning the project. The first four Icelandic surrogate mares from Denmark have arrived in the Faroe Islands. The last four will be picked up in Denmark tomorrow and arrive on the Faroe Islands on Monday morning. Maria Joensen, one of our board members, is in Denmark and will show you what preparations have been necessary before the mares could be transported. She will also show you when the second team of mares will be picked up and sent off to the Faroe Islands. Stay tuned and follow our stories for more 🐴
We have been lucky to receive lots of support for our work.
has helped us greatly with everything involved in the transportation of the mares between countries.
has supported us with the ferry services.
And Hans Egil Joensen og Synir helped us prepare the mares' pasture.
Native to the Faroe Islands, the Faroese Horse has roots that can be traced back to when the Norse settlers arrived in the islands more than 1 000 years ago. Today, the breed is severely threatened by extinction and urgent action is required. Suggestions on concrete measures for saving the breed for the future are now described in a newly published Action Plan for the Conservation of the Faroese Horse. Read it now https://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1846319&dswid=1370 ♡
Happy Easter 💛
Or as we say in Faroese gleðiligar páskir 💛
🇫🇴 Nýggj ætlan vísir á ítøkilig átøk, hvussu vit bjarga føroyska rossinum 🇫🇴
🇬🇧 New action plan presents concrete measures to save the Faroese Horse - read more about it here.
Action Plan — Felagið Føroysk Ross Nýggj ætlan vísir á ítøkilig átøk, hvussu vit bjarga føroyska rossinum
Aðalfundur felagsins verður hildin mikukvøldið 27. mars kl. 19:00 á Búnaðarstovuni. Umframt sjálvan aðalfundin fer Signa Kallsoy Joensen at greiða frá sínari kandidat uppgávu við heitinum "The Genomic Diversity and Population Structure of the Faroese Horse", og Jóna Adelaide Ólavsdóttir fer at leggja fram eina Action Plan, sum Felagið Føroysk Ross hevur gjørt í samstarvi við NordGen.
Aðalfundur felagsins — Felagið Føroysk Ross Aðalfundur felagsins verður hildin mikukvøldið 27. mars kl. 19:00 á Búnaðarstovuni . Umframt sjálvan aðalfundin fer Signa Kallsoy Joensen at greiða frá sínari kandidat uppgávu við heitinum "The Genomic Diversity and Population Structure of the Faroese Horse", og Jóna Adelaide Ólavsd....
“What will our future look like or do we even have a future?”
Iris looking into the horizon, wind blowing in her hair and the ocean mist hitting her face. Iris is one of only 82 Faroese Horses left.
We are working hard on securing the future for this breed, but at the moment it is mainly the Faroese Horse Association, the owners of Faroese Horses across the country and then the private donations and support that keeps us going.
So far the Faroese government keeps promising to act, but then nothing happens and this has been going on for years. So we’ve taken this in to our own hands and very soon Icelandic mares from Denmark will sail across the ocean to The Faroe Islands and become surrogates for our Faroese horses to help save the breed ♡
Mint verður á at limagjaldið á 100 kr, skal flytast á konto felagsins: 6460-0004739045 í seinasta lagi í dag, fyri at limir, ið hava goldið limagjald eina viku áðrenn aðalfundin, hava atkvøðurætt á aðalfundinum.
Til ber at melda seg sum lim á heimasíðu felagssins ffr.fo 🐴
Góði limur,
Aðalfundur felagsins verður hildin mikukvøldið 27. mars kl. 19:00 á Búnaðarstovuni. Umframt sjálvan aðalfundin fer Signa Kallsoy Joensen at greiða frá sínari kandidat uppgávu við heitinum "The Genomic Diversity and Population Structure of the Faroese Horse" og Jóna Adelaide Ólavsdóttir fer at leggja fram eina Action Plan, sum felagið føroysk ross hevur gjørt í samstarv við Nordgen.
19:00 Signa: Arvaliga støðan og upprunin hjá føroyska rossinum
19:20 Jóna: Action Plan - Tiltøk, sum eru neyðug fyri at tryggja føroyska rossið
19:45 Aðalfundur
Limagjaldið er 100 kr, og skal flytast á konto felagsins: 6460-0004739045. Limir, ið hava goldið limagjald eina viku áðrenn aðalfundin, hava atkvøðurætt á aðalfundinum.
Til ber at melda seg sum lim á heimasíðu felagssins ffr.fo 🐴
2 of 82 ✨
🇫🇴 : Av tí at eftirspurningurin og plássið í Føroym er avmarkað er neyðugt at vit fáa loyvið at útflyta føroysk ross NÚ! Felagið føroysk ross hevur arbeitt við hesum í fleiri ár, men uttan at okkara politiska skipan eisini raðfestur hettar er nærum ómøguligt at fáa tað ígjøgnum. TÓ er okkara embryo verkætlan væl ávegis og gevur vón um Føroysk ross, eisini uttanfyri Føroyar 💫
En 🇬🇧: Due to the size of the Faroe Islands, the high interest in the Icelandic horse breed and the lack of exportation license to Faroese-born horses, it is a challenge to increase the number of Faroese horses. The Faroese Horse association are working on solutions that include marketing strategies and getting an exportation license, but without our government taking action the exportation license can’t be finalized.
🇫🇴 Hetta er Skessa, ein av teimun 82 Føroysku rossinum, sum eru eftir í dag. Skessa hevur enntá sín egna instagram profil har tit kunnu fylgja við á 💪🏼
Kenna tit nakað annað Føroyskt ross við Instagram ? So eru tit vælkomin at siga okkum frá her.
🇬🇧EN: Meet Skessa one of only 82 Faroese horses - a Faroese horse with her very own instagram profile. Follow her on for pictures and videos from her daily life with Siri and other friends in The Faroe Islands ✨
Two Faroese horses in Kirkjubø, Kirkjubøur is among the oldest villages in the Faroe Islands and certainly one of the most historical.
With the bishopric located in the village of Kirkjubøur it used to be the center of all religious and cultural activity in the country. The conditions of the village have also been very well fit for residence. It is located in a place where a great deal of flotsam has drifted ashore and with a great track of the sun the land is fertile. The village has sometimes been larger than it is today and with the perk of being located in the middle of the country it has also been one of the most valuable villages in the country.
The most famous Faroese monument is the old cathedral (St. Magnus Cathedral) wall in Kirkjubø that has its own remarkable story. And yet the current parish church in Kirkjubø is even older and is the oldest church in the Faroe Islands.
Í Løtuni eru einans 82 føroysk ross eftir, flest teirra eiga eldsálir, ið hava einum brennandi ynski og áræði fyri at føroyska rossinum skal vera lívið laga. Uttan hesar eldsálir, ið eiga og teimun,ið dagliga taka sær av teimun føroysku rossinum høvdu tað ikki verið nøkur føroysk ross.
So takk fyri tykkum - tit eru gull verd!❤️👏🏼
EN: There are at the moment only 82 Faroese Horses in total, most of whom belong to people who have a deep passion to save The Faroese Horse. People who despite harsh conditions, high costs and very little support from the government still do their very best to make sure the breed thrives and is taken care of.
Lets give these people a ❤️ and a 👏🏼 - without the owners and caretakers of The Faroese Horses, there would be no Faroese breed.
Photo: Stallions of
Færeyski hesturinn deyr út eftir 20-40 ár ef ekkert er gert - RÚV.is Aðeins 82 hreinræktuð færeysk hross eru eftir í heiminum og 3 folöld fæddust 2023. Hestasamband Færeyja er með verkefni á teikniborðinu þar sem íslenski hesturinn verður nýttur sem eins konar staðgöngumeri fyrir frænkur sínar í Færeyjum.
There is new hope for The Faroese Horse 🥳
The Faroese Horse Association has directed its efforts to raising awareness about this unique horse breed and its endangered situation, also abroad. And finally, the future – at least the immediate future – looks brighter. Recently the Association received a financial boost which will make a new solution possible. It is an alternative project which – if successful – will result in ten new foals next year.
An anonymous foundation has made a very generous donation to this project, which may be the most important step towards preserving this Faroese breed today. The money will go to the breeding project as well as to a documentary film following the process as well as describing the critical situation of the Faroese horse.
Present Faroese legislation means that the process necessary to enable the project is complicated. Ten Icelandic mares will be transported from Denmark to the Faroe Islands. Ten Faroese mares will then breed with Faroese stallions, and the embryos will be transferred to the Icelandic mares. They thus become surrogate mothers to ten new foals, when they return to Denmark. The advantage to this method is that Faroese foals in Denmark can get a passport and may be moved across borders to interested buyers.
Read full article on our website now : https://www.ffr.fo/tidindi/there-is-new-hope-for-the-faroese-horse 🐴
📷 :
Felagið Føroysk Ross hevur nevniliga fingið ein fíggjarligan styrk, sum ger tað gjørligt at ala tíggju fyl komandi ár. Men loysnin, sum skal gera tað gjørligt, er ein tvørlig og fløkjalig verkætlan, sum tó er einasta loysn í verandi støðu.
Tað er ein dulnevndur grunnur, sum hevur latið eina trivaliga upphædd, 1,5 mió. kr., til hesa verkætlan, sum helst er størsta og týdningarmesta tak at bjarga føroyska rossinum í nýggjari tíð. Les meira her:
Føroyska rossið flutt eitt fet frá eggini — Felagið Føroysk Ross Felagið føroysk ross hevur í fleiri ár stríðst fyri at bjarga føroyska rossinum og fyri at vekja politiska áhugan fyri framtíðini hjá tí. Stovnurin er so mikið lítil, at hann verður mettur at vera álvarsliga hóttur og í vanda fyri at doyggja út, um einki munagott verður gjørt. M...
The Faroese horse (Føroyska Rossið ) is an integral part of agricultural history on the Faroe Islands. There is no unambiguous evidence of the origins of the Faroese Horse. It is believed, though, that the Faroese horse was brought to the islands by Celtic or/and Scandinavian settlers approximately 500-800 AD.
Molecular genetic studies have indicated the closest genetic relationship with the Icelandic horse. Influences from Dartmoor and Exmoor ponies are also likely. Traditionally Faroese horses were kept free ranging in the mountains, and only gathered and brought to the villages when there was a need for transporting heavy goods. After finishing their duties, the horses were again turned out without supplemental feeding. This semi-domestic management contributed to the Faroese horse developing into a small, strong and feed efficient horse with a compact body and strong legs and hoofs, well adapted to the climate, terrain and vegetation.
In the picture is Skessa ( ) wearing traditional “leypur” used for carrying heavy loads in the older days.
Repost from ✨
📷 :