ACLU of Texas Videos

Videos by ACLU of Texas. From Amarillo to Brownsville and Beaumont to El Paso, we believe in a Texas that works for all of us.

A federal court ruled yesterday that Gov. Abbott’s deadly floating devices in the Rio Grande can stay while a lawsuit to remove them unfolds.

This is dangerous.

These brutal devices have cost significant taxpayer dollars, led to injuries, and continue to threaten lives. And this is just one element of Gov. Abbott’s larger anti-immigrant stunt, Operation Lone Star.

His administration has spent billions on the cruel program while our border communities remain in need of better funding for schools, better infrastructure, and better health care.

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A federal court ruled yesterday that Gov. Abbott’s deadly floating devices in the Rio Grande can stay while a lawsuit to remove them unfolds. This is dangerous. These brutal devices have cost significant taxpayer dollars, led to injuries, and continue to threaten lives. And this is just one element of Gov. Abbott’s larger anti-immigrant stunt, Operation Lone Star. His administration has spent billions on the cruel program while our border communities remain in need of better funding for schools, better infrastructure, and better health care.

Border communities are among the safest places in our state, yet Operation Lone Star — Texas Gov. Abott’s $11.2 billion anti-immigrant program — has filled our state with state law enforcement, on top of Border Patrol agents, who harass and criminalize residents. Operation Lone Star claims to stop migrants from allegedly bringing drugs and crime into Texas. But our state’s own data proves that’s not the case. We know because we studied it ourselves. Read what we found below. ⬇️

Operation Lone Star — Gov. Abbott’s $11.2 billion dollar anti-immigrant stunt — achieves little beyond racially profiling and arresting people who pose no threat to public safety. Operation Lone Star is another example of Abbott’s failed leadership. Since its launch, it has led to: ➡️ Threats toward human lives, the environment, and wildlife ➡️ Racial profiling ➡️ Dangerous car chases ➡️ Separated families ➡️ And wasted resources and taxpayer dollars Operation Lone Star must end.

Since Operation Lone Star began in 2021, Texas has spent more than $11.2 billion on the unconstitutional program. OLS claims to stop migrants from bringing drugs and crime into Texas — even though the state’s own data shows that’s not the case. We looked into the state’s anti-immigrant stunt and why it should be shut down. No matter the color of our skin, the languages we speak, or where we were born, every person in Texas deserves to feel safe and be treated with dignity. REPORT:

Conroe ISD Student Speaks Out at School Board Meeting
VICTORY: Conroe ISD rejected a policy that would harm trans and nonbinary students. Students, educators, parents, and community members spoke out — proving once again how we have the power to create the Texas we deserve. School should be a place where students are safe and valued, no matter their race, sexuality, or gender identity. Students: Learn how to advocate for yourself and others with the Students' Rights Hub at

Travis County is leaving the vast majority of people without attorneys at their first bail hearings. This lack of legal representation puts people incarcerated in Travis County in a very vulnerable situation and forces them to have to advocate for themselves. People who cannot afford to pay bail to secure their release are unfairly jailed for days as they wait for an attorney to finally be appointed to them. We need urgent change NOW. So we’re suing to ensure that every Texan’s constitutional right to representation is upheld

Free Speech on College Campuses in Texas
When university and state officials attack free speech, they undermine the core of our democracy. The First Amendment guarantees people in Texas and across the nation the right to protest, including those who advocate for Palestinians. However, state leaders rapidly escalated a planned day of peaceful demonstrations by deploying law enforcement in riot gear against students and the press. Public officials don’t get to forcefully suppress the voices of people they disagree with. Access our full statement here:

We're in court to ensure anti-immigrant S.B. 4 stays blocked while our lawsuit unfolds.
So many Texans have opposed this cruelty from the beginning — and we’re not backing down. Stay connected with us here on social media for further updates and at (link in bio!).

Say it with us: WE WILL RESIST. 🗣️Let's take to the streets of Austin this Saturday — with resistance art and 15-foot puppets by Kitchen Table Puppets — to send a clear message to Texas politicians: IMMIGRANTS ARE WELCOME HERE. No matter where we were born, the color of our skin, the languages we speak, or the family that we love, every person in Texas deserves safety and to be treated with dignity. Come make this vision a reality March 9 at 11 a.m. CT at the south steps of the State Capitol. 📷: @bakunawahtx (IG)

Anthony Graves on the Texas March 5 Primaries
Texans across the state are preparing to vote this Tuesday, March 5. In Harris County, that includes deciding who will be our next District Attorney. The DA has the power to make life or death decisions. Anthony Graves spent over 18 years in prison, 12 of which were on death row, for a crime he didn't commit. His local DA withheld information that would've set him free. Now, we have the power to create a fairer criminal legal system through our votes. Cast your ballot by 7 P.M. on Tuesday, March 5. Want to learn more about the candidates running for Harris County DA? Visit

PFLAG National is a beacon of hope for trans youth and their families. We’re grateful that it will continue fighting for our communities in Texas. Elected officials have relentlessly targeted trans youth for political gain — but trans youth know who they are and will not be rendered invisible. Period. Head to for more information.

S.B.1 is Unconstitutional
We’re in court today in San Antonio defending EVERY Texan’s right to have an equal say in our democracy. No exceptions. #SB1 is an unconstitutional attempt by certain Texas politicians to suppress the vote by creating unnecessary barriers to casting our ballots — and it must be stopped. No matter our race, ability, or the languages we speak, we must ensure that our voting laws do not unfairly restrict our voices.

Government-imposed religion has no place in our schools. Despite community dissent, the Keller ISD board voted this week to let uncertified chaplains volunteer in schools and potentially counsel students. This is outrageous. It’s up to us to decide whether or how to be religious — not our school administrators or elected officials. Texas districts, pay attention: Our communities do NOT want unqualified chaplains indoctrinating students. Period.

Lauren Simmons - Houston ISD Parent
We won’t let Texas politicians push us aside. Students and their families, educators, and community members have been tirelessly calling attention to the harms of Texas’ hostile takeover of Houston public schools. By removing our democratically-elected school leaders and replacing them with hand-picked appointees, state officials are overriding our voices to advance their own political agenda. This is plainly undemocratic and dangerous. Houstonians know best what’s best for our communities. We’ve called on the federal government to intervene — and we’re not backing down.

Trans Awareness Week
This is your #TransAwarenessWeek reminder that trans Texans have always belonged, and will always belong, in our state. Our politicians can't legislate us out of existence — no matter how hard they try. And we won't stop until our community can live with safety and joy. Access and share resources to help ensure trans youth can grow up in Texas by visiting or the link in bio.

Three Texans were punished for exercising their right to march for racial justice.
Three Texans were punished for exercising their right to march for racial justice. Today, we're in court to challenge their convictions — and defend the free speech of all Texans. More than three years ago, Amara, Torrey, and Justin participated in a peaceful protest in their small hometown. The power of the state was used to prosecute and convict them for, at most, stepping into the street during the march. If their convictions are upheld, it would set a dangerous precedent for every Texan’s right to protest and use our public streets. No one should face punishment for peacefully exercising our First Amendment rights.

"Y'all don't understand..."
Last night at the State Capitol, certain Texas politicians tried to push through a slate of cruel, anti-immigrant bills — at one point, threatening to end debate on them. Despite powerful opposition, as captured in this video, a majority voted to advance the legislation this morning. It’s a difficult day for immigrant communities across our state. We shouldn’t have to worry that attending a loved one’s baptism could be a crime. We shouldn’t have to live in fear that we could be forcefully ripped away from our lives and homes. We shouldn’t have to defend our mere existence. This is not the end.

Let’s work together to ensure that every student in Texas has the freedom to read, learn, and grow.
When students are denied access to books, they’re denied the opportunity to learn valuable lessons about themselves and the world around them — including how to treat others. Let’s work together to ensure that every student in Texas has the freedom to read, learn, and grow. Sign our pledge to defend every student’s right to learn at

Here's a piece of Texas history you might not have learned in school.
There are so many ways that Latine communities have shaped our state. We honor these sacrifices, struggles, and dreams. It’s a history that remains vastly untold and untaught. Instead of censoring our books and classrooms, we should be sharing these stories and expanding the education of Texas students. This #LatineHeritageMonth, and every day, we recommit to building a better Texas for all — no matter our race, cultural traditions, or the languages we speak. Join us at

Indigenous Communities are our Past, Present, and Future
Today and every day, we celebrate the culture, knowledge, and resilience of Native communities — and recognize the ongoing struggles for justice and sovereignty. Certain Texas politicians want to whitewash history and keep students from learning the truth about our nation’s origins, including the devastating impact of colonization on Indigenous people.