Maimu Jõgeda Music

Maimu Jõgeda Music

Estonian folk musician specialised in Nordic folk music ❄ Accordionist, composer, arranger, teacher Where will life take me next? ;)

I am an accordionist, composer, arranger and educator from Rõuge, Southern part of Estonia. In the summer of 2017 I released my debut album "Pühendus" and in 2020 “The one about…” was released with 9 compositions of my own and 3 traditional Estonian bagpipe tunes, all of them arranged & played solo by me. I am pursuing my Master's degree at Sibelius Academy as part of a master’s programme called t


Sügisesed kontserdid Alternega! 🌼 Hetkel naudime Ungari suvekuumust ja septembris tuuritame Taanis, oktoobris Soomes ja tuleme ka Eestisse! Tulge meie kontserdile Lõikuspeole! 😍🌾🍂

Touring with Alterne in Hungary, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, and Estonia! Catch us wherever you can! 🥰

New tour dates are here!
First stop, 📍 Hungary! Where, we will perform at Boglart on August 31 and KOBUCI on September 4 🤩
Stay tuned and hope to see you at one of our upcoming shows!


Kui palju rõõmu, imelist muusikat, luulet, inspiratsiooni ning uusi ja vanu sõpru tõi eelmine nädal Mõnistes! 🎵Aitäh kõigile laagrilistele, õpetajatele ja suuuuur suur aitäh laagri korraldajale ja südamele: Kadri G Laubele! ❤️😍 Oli au olla üks õpetajatest ning äkki kohtume uuel aastal jälle? Rahvapillilaager Võrumaal on niiiii lahe! 🥰

Videos kuulete Väseni lugu Skräplandschottis, mille laagrilistele ühes proovis õpetasin! 🌟

How much joy, wonderful music, poetry, inspiration, and new and old friends did last week in Mõniste bring! 💛 Thank you to all the participants, teachers, and a huuuuge thank you to the camp organizer and heart: Kadri G Laube! 🥰 ✨ It was an honor to be one of the teachers, and maybe we'll meet again next year? The folk music camp in Võrumaa is sooooo fun! 😊

Here is a tune that I taught to the whole group! Skräplandschottis by Väsen 🎶


What an honour to have been asked to join the amazing Monique on stage at Kaustinen 2024! ✨🤍 I love your voice, energy, and this song! Utterly beautiful! 🌙 Thank you for inviting me to play along, dear Monique! ❤️ Till next time! 🤗 Make sure to listen to her music online and follow her ✨ Milline au oli astuda koos Monique’iga üles Kaustinenil! Aitäh, et mind üllatusesinejaks oma kontserdil kaasasid! 🤗❤️ Monique’il on imeline hääl ja see on imeilus laul! Head nautimist!✨

Photos from Maimu Jõgeda Music's post 30/07/2024

Suured tänud kõigile, kes Aigu om festivalil mind kuulamas käisid! Oli imekaunis päikeseline pärastlõuna maagilises mõisapargis 🥰 Kuna päike oli niivõrd kuum, tekitasime sellise installatsiooni mulle päikesevarjust ja mikrofoniständist! 😁 Nautisin nii väga teiega koos muusikas rändamist! 🎹✨ Ja suur aitäh mu kallis sõbranna Kaisa Lillepuu, kes viimasel hetkel appi hüppas ja minuga koos ühe imeilusa loo esitas! See laul on üllatus, mis saab kõlama minu 2025. aasta alguses ilmuval kolmandal sooloalbumil!!!🤫

Muidugi suur aitäh korraldamast, armas Mari Kalkun ja kõik, kes festivalil oma panuse andsid! 💛☀️

🎥 Aitäh imelusaid hetki jäädvustamast Karoliina Kreintaal, Jassu Hertsmann ja Eva-Lotta Vunder! 😍

ENG: Thank you so much to everyone who came to listen to me at the Aigu Om festival! It was a beautiful sunny afternoon in a magical manor park 🥰 Since the sun was so hot, we created this installation using a parasol and a microphone stand! 😁 I enjoyed traveling through music with you so much! 🎹✨ And a big thank you to my dear friend Kaisa Lillepuu, who jumped in to help at the last moment and performed a beautiful song with me! This song is a surprise that will be featured on my third solo album, which will be released in early 2025!!! 🤫

Of course, a big thank you to the organizers, dear Mari Kalkun, and everyone who contributed to the festival! 💛

📷 Thank you for capturing these beautiful moments, Karoliina Kreintaal, Jassu Hertsmann, and Eva-Lotta Vunder!


Pisike lõik "Elamusi täis Eesti" saatest teile isu tekitamiseks! 🪗Saade on veel vaid 21 päeva järele vaadatav siit lingilt 🥰

Suur aitäh Käesalu mõis & Käesalu Kunstikeskus inspiratsiooni pakkumast ja Kanal 2 kaasamast! 😇

Päikeselist suve jätku! 💛

ENG: A small snippet from the show "Experiences Full of Estonia" to whet your appetite! 🪗 The show is available for another 21 days at this link: and it is unfortunately in Estonian, but the images and music speaks to audiences all around the globe! 😊

A big thank you to Käesalu Manor & Käesalu Art Center for the inspiration and Kanal 2 for including me!

Wishing you a sunny summer! ☀️😍

Aigu om! 2024 17/07/2024

Juba sel pühapäeval annan kontserdi imearmsas kodukandis Aigu om festivalil! 😍 Kontsert toimub Viitina Mõisapargis kell 14:00 ja täiesti tasuta! ✨Kõlama saavad loodusest inspireeritud lood minu loomingust, kohapeal loodud improvisatoorsed mõtisklused, mis inspireeritud ümbritsevast pargist ja mõned seaded eesti pärimslugudest!🌸 Lummav Võrumaa loodus ja muusika kutsuvad! 🌲🌳 Näeme siis peatselt! 🥰

Pühapäeval, 21.07 kell 14:00 Viitina Mõisapargis! 🎹

Suur aitäh, Mari Kalkun, mind kodukohas kaasamast! Festival on muideks juba täies hoos! Kes juba Võrumaal, tutvuge kavaga ja külastage festivali juba täna!! ☺️

This Sunday, I will give a concert at the Aigu Om festival! 😍 It will take place at Viitina Manor Park at 2:00 PM and is completely free! ✨ You will hear nature-inspired songs from my creations, some improvisations inspired by the surroundings, and some arrangements of Estonian folk tunes! 🌸 The enchanting nature of Võrumaa calls!🌲🌳 See you very soon! ☺️

Thank you so much, Mari Kalkun, for including me in my hometown! By the way, the festival is already in full swing! If you’re already in Võrumaa, check out the program and visit the festival today! 😎

Aigu om! 2024 soolokontsert (akordion)


Täna telekas! 😲😍 Selline olen täna Kanal 2 saates "Elamusi täis Eesti" kell 20:35! 😁

Saates tutvustatakse imeilusat Käesalu Kunstikeskust, mida soojalt soovitan külastada! Käesalu mõis & Käesalu Kunstikeskus on värskelt avatud kunstikeskus, kus toimub nii kunstikursusi, -näitusi, kui ka kontserte ja seal on võimalik korraldada ka eraüritusi! 🎨🎹

Sel kevadel esinesin keskuse avamisel ja tulevikus tuleb kindlasti veel koostöid ette! ✨❤️

ENG: I will be on Estonian TV today! 😲

This is what I look like today on the Kanal 2 show "Elamusi täis Eesti". The show features the beautiful Käesalu Art Center, which I warmly recommend visiting! Käesalu Manor & Käesalu Art Center is a newly opened art center that hosts art courses, exhibitions, concerts, and can also be rented for private events! 🎨🎹

This spring, I performed at the center's opening, and there will definitely be more collaborations in the future! ✨❤️


EST: Suvi 2024 on täis esinemisi bändidega, muusikalaagreid ja akordioniorkestrile kirjutatud ja seatud teoste esmaesitusi! 😍 😎


31.05 Kalamaja Segakoori saatmine @ Padise mõis (EST)
18.06 HOSTIKKA @ Tenho Restobar (FIN)
25.06 Alterne @ Tenho Restobar (FIN)
9-10.07 HOSTIKKA @ Kaustinen Folk Festival (FIN)
21.07 Soolo @ Aigu Om! festival Rõuges (EST)
25.08-3.09 Alterne CD esitlustuur Ungaris (HU)


09.06 akordioniorkestri seade loole “Saajalaul” esmaesitus Harjumaa laulu- ja tantsupeol Keilas (EST)

25-26.07 Akordioni-orkestri seadete esmaesitus akordionistide suvelaagri juubelil

✨Mentor 1-14.07 Ethno Finland laagris (FIN)

✨Õpetaja 18-23.08 Rahvapillilaagris Võrumaal (EST)

📷 Imeilusa pildi tegi Kristina Noor! 😊

ENG: Summer 2024 seems to be about collaborations & sharing knowledge! 😊 Also .. quite a few premieres of my compositions and arrangements for accordion orchestras! :O


31.05 Accompanying Kalamaja Mixed Choir @ Padise Manor (EST)
18.06 HOSTIKKA @ Tenho Restobar (FIN)
25.06 Alterne @ Tenho Restobar (FIN)
09-10.07 HOSTIKKA @ Kaustinen Folk Festival (FIN)
21.07 Solo @ Aigu Om! Festival in Rõuge (EST)
25.08-03.09 Alterne CD Release Tour in Hungary (HU)


09.06 Premiere of accordion orchestra arrangement for “Saajalaul” at Harjumaa Folk Dance and Song Festival in Keila (EST)

25-26.07 Premiere of accordion orchestra arrangements at the Accordionists’ Summer Camp Anniversary Edition on Kihnu island (EST)

✨Mentoring 01-14.07 (FIN)

✨Teaching @ Rahvapillilaager Võrumaal 18-23.08 Võrumaa Folk Music Camp (EST)

📷 Photo by Kristina Noor

Photos from Maimu Jõgeda Music's post 14/05/2024

Imeilusad pildid emadepäevast Käesalu Kunstikeskuses!😍 Suur aitäh kõigile, kes tulid kuulama-vaatama ning koos emadepäeva tähistama! ✨ Päike säras ja soojendas, kunstikeskuses oli avatud imeilus näitus ning kodukohviku imemaitsvad söögid tegid tuju heaks! Oli suur au ja rõõm avada Käesalu Kunstikeskuse esimene hooaeg. Hoidke kindlasti keskuse tegemistel silma peal! 😉
Suur-suur aitäh Käesalu mõis & Käesalu Kunstikeskus tiimiga korraldamast! Aitäh armsad Minna, Christel, Betti ja Miina, suur töö on tehtud, võite üritusega rahule jääda!🥰

PS! Ma ei suutnud vähem pilte valida - kõik olid nii ilusad! 🥲😫🤔🤣

Fotograaf: Indrek Noormets

Beautiful pictures from Mother's Day at Käesalu Art Center!😍 A big thank you to everyone who came to listen, watch, and celebrate Mother's Day together! ✨ The sun was shining and warm, and a beautiful exhibition was open at the art center. The delicious food from the home café lifted our spirits! It was a great honor and joy to open the first season of Käesalu Art Center. Be sure to keep an eye on the center's activities! 😉

A huge thank you to Käesalu Manor & the Käesalu Art Center team for organizing! Thank you dear Minna, Christel, Betti, and Miina, a great job has been done, you can be proud of the event!🥰

PS! I couldn't choose fewer pictures - they were all so beautiful! 🥲😫🤔🤣

Photographer: Indrek Noormets

Photos from Maimu Jõgeda Music's post 25/04/2024

So happy to be on tour with Alterne!❤️ On April 19th we released our debut album Alterne on all streaming platforms and now it is time for our first album release tour! 🇧🇪🇩🇰🇩🇪

You can listen to the full album with this link: 🎧

We have already played 2 concerts, one at CC Asse and one at Barlaban, 6 left! This weekend still in Belgium:

Friday 26.04 at Dranouter Centrum
Saturday 27.04 at Westelfolk in Westerlo
Sunday 28.04 at ‘t Et in Belsele

And then we head to Denmark and Germany to perform at folkBALTICA! 😍✨

02.05 at Nørreskoven, Denmark
03.05 in Flensburg, Germany
04.05 in Langballing, Germany

Looking so much forward to seeing you at our shows! Feel free to listen to our music online and follow us for more updates! We will play concerts in Finland, Estonia, and Hungary this year! More info coming after our ongoing tour! 🤓

Thanks for composing such beautiful music Ida Marie Jessen and all of the stunning solos Oscar Beerten Music! 🎶 Thanks to Alec Havinmaa for mixing and Finnur Hansen for mastering, and Nutidisain and always wonderful Kadri Kadalipp for a gorgeous album design!!!😇✨ This album was released under GO' Danish Folk Music label!🌟


So happy to announce that I am one of the mentors at Ethno Finland this summer! 😍✨🎵 Registrations are open!!! 🪗

Rõõm teatada, et olen sel suvel üks Soome Ethno mentoritest! 🌸🤗🇫🇮 Tule ja saa osa! 🎵

🪗Ethno Finland 2024 mentor introduction🪗

Maimu Jõgeda, an Estonian accordionist, is illuminating the world with her unique and reflective style of playing. With roots from the southern part of Estonia, she has always harbored a deep interest in folk music. One day, these traditional influences ignited her "own tradition," leading her to compose original music. By now, she has released two solo albums and is working on her third. After graduating from the Nordic Master in Folk Music program, Maimu continues to live in the Nordics where she teaches folk music and accordion, plays for dance, and collaborates with different bands, such as Alterne!

Ethno has played a significant role in Maimu's musical journey, starting with Ethno Estonia in 2014 and continuing with Ethno Estonia in 2015, including participation in Ethno Estonia on the Road. Maimu attended Ethnofonik in France in 2016, where she learned the art of being a mentor. Transitioning from participant to contributor, she volunteered at Ethno Estonia in 2017 and joined Ethno Sweden. Later the same year, she participated in Ethno Sweden on the Road. In 2021 she participated in a special hybrid ethno: Ethno Chile. Her mentorship debut was at Ethno Estonia in 2018. Since then, she has been a mentor at the autumn edition of Ethno Sweden in 2021, Ethno Palestine in 2022, and Ethno Flanders in 2023.

Facebook: Maimu Jõgeda Music

Photo by Laura Reunanen 📸


ILMOITTAUTUMINEN: Pianoharmonikan alkeet 13/03/2024

KURSILLE! 🪗✨Pianoharmonikan alkeet kurssi jo ensi viikolla! ENG below

Onko pianon koskettimisto jo jotenkin tuttu, m***a harmonikan bassopuoli mysteeri? Löysitkö vanhan harmonikan isovanhempien talosta? Ehkä opettelit harmonikan soittoa aikaisemmin, m***a eri syistä et pystynyt jatkamaan? Tai oletko aina haaveillut soittimen opiskelun aloittamisesta?

Nyt on aika herättää intohimosi ja selvittää pianoharmonikan bassopuolen mysteeri! ✨ Harmonikan saavutettavuus ja mahdollisuus nopeaan edistymiseen, erityisesti aikuisopiskelijoiden keskuudessa, tekevät siitä soittimen, joka voi todella lumota ne yksilöt jotka haluavat aloittaa musiikillisen matkansa. Nyt sinulla on erityinen tilaisuus tutustua harmonikan soittoon mun opastuksella. Omaa soitinta ei tarvita, vain soittohalua! 😍 Kurssilla opetetaan suomeksi, englanniksi tai viroksi (tai kaikilla kielillä), oppilaiden tarpeiden mukaan. Nähdään Käpylässa! 🌸 Kiitos järjestämisestä, Käpylän musiikkiopiston kamulinja 🙌

Linkki ilmoittautumislomakkeelle:

Kuva: Laura Reunanen

Is the keyboard of the piano somewhat familiar already, but the bass side of the accordion a mystery? Or have you always dreamed of starting to learn to play an instrument? Now is the time to awaken your passion and unravel the mystery of the bass side of the piano accordion! 😍 Join my course on PIANO ACCORDION already NEXT WEEK in HELSINKI at Käpylä music school! 🪗✨ You don't need your own instrument, just a desire to play! The course is taught in Finnish, English, or Estonian (or all languages), according to the needs of the students. Already next Saturday 23.03 from 10:00–13.30! Register on Google forms and feel free to contact me if you have further questions! See you there! 🥰

Photo: Laura Reunanen

ILMOITTAUTUMINEN: Pianoharmonikan alkeet Lauantaina 23.3.2024 klo 10.00–13.30 Opettaja Maimu Jõgeda Paikka Karjalatalo (Käpylänkuja 1) Jenkka-luokka 2. krs Onko pianon koskettimisto jo jotenkin tuttu, m***a harmonikan bassopuoli mysteeri? Nyt on erityinen tilaisuus päästä tutustumaan harmonikan soittoon ihastuttavan Maimun opastuks...


✨ Lootusrikkalt uude aastasse! ✨ Head vana aasta lõppu ja lootust uude!🥂☺
Hoping for the best from 2024! 🥰🌸 Prosperous New Year to you all! ⭐️🥂

📷 Fotograaf Tiina Kõrtsini

Imeilusa pildi tegi Tiina Mathura Lattiku luulekogu Sostenuto esitlusel novembris 2023 // Beautiful photo by Tiina taken in November 2023 at Mathura Lattik's poetry book release ❄️

Photos from Maimu Jõgeda Music's post 30/10/2023

Eestikeelne versioon all ⬇️
Have you ever thought that you would like to know more
✨about composition or music theory?
❄ about folk music from the Nordics and Estonia?
✨How to play the piano, the piano accordion or 2-row accordion?

Well, here is your chance! 😍

Today I had a yet another wonderful lesson with my student in Helsinki and I realized how much I love it! I have been teaching (at Saue Music school; private students) and mentoring (Ethnos all around the world; folk music camps in Estonia) before and I knew I loved it, but I started to think: how come I get to do so little of it? 🤔 Turns out that I have not really advertised that I give lessons!

So yes, come and get inspired! The piano accordion is a beautiful instrument! Its accessibility and the potential for quick progress, especially among adult learners, set it apart as an instrument that can truly captivate individuals seeking to embark on a musical journey. 🪗✨☺️

I teach in English, eesti keeles, suomeksi. I live in Helsinki (Finland), therefore lessons here are possible starting from NOW! During spring 2024 I will travel weekly between Tallinn & Helsinki, so it is also possible to take lessons there! Let's not forget the possibility to take lessons WHEREVER in the world: online! 🥰

Write an email to me or contact me here!
maimu.jogeda (@)
And read more about my journey on my website

📷 Gorgeous photo by @ Luna Goiris taken at Ethno Flanders 2023

Your new teacher
Maimu 🪗✨

Kas oled kunagi mõelnud, et tahaksid rohkem teada

✨ kompositsioonist või muusikateooriast?
❄ Põhjamaade või Eesti pärimusmuusikast?
✨ Või oled alati soovinud õppida akordionit, klaverit või hoopis diatoonilist kaherealist akordionit?

Nüüd on sul see võimalus! 😍

Täna mul oli järjekordne imeline tund ühe akordioniõpilasega Helsingis ja see pani mind mõtlema, kui väga ma armastan õpetada! Olen ka varem õpetanud (Saue Muusikakoolis ja andnud eratunde nii Eestis kui Soomes) ja juhendanud (Ethnodes üle kogu maailma, Tartu Pillilaagris, Võrumaa rahvamuusika laagris) ning olnud mentor erinevates suvelaagrites. Nüüdseks on mul magistrikraad Põhjamaade pärimusmuusikas ning lisaks tegin läbi pedagoogika koolituse. ❄ Olen paberitega õpetaja! 😍 Hakkasin mõtlema: miks küll pole mul rohkem võimalust õpetada? 🤔 Selgub, et ma pole reklaaminud, et annan tunde!

Seega, tule ja saa inspireeritud! ✨ Annan algajatele klaveri- ja kaherealise akordionitunde. Akordionitunde annan kõikidele tasemetele! Ja muide, akordion on tõeliselt vahva pill! Saad kiirelt mängima hakata, sest alustamine on lihtne ja pill võimaldab kiiret edasiminekut, eriti täiskasvanutele. Äkki Sul kodus nurgas leidub mõni akordion, mis ootab, et sellele õhk sisse puhutaks! 😉

Õpetan inglise, eesti ja soome keeles. Elan Helsingis ehk kui elad siin, saame tundidega alustada juba HOMME!

Kevadel 2024 liigun iganädalaselt Tallinna ja Helsingi vahet, seega tunnid on võimalikud ka seal!

Ära unusta, et tunde on võimalust võtta olles ÜKSKÕIK KUS MAAILMA NURGAS: veebi teel! 🥰

Kirjuta mulle e-kiri või võta minuga ühendust Facebookis!
maimu.jogeda (@)

Loe lisaks minu tausta ja tegemiste kohta veebilehelt

📷 Imelise foto tegi Luna Goiris Ethno Flandria 2023 laagris, kus olin mentor

Sinu uus õpetaja
Maimu 🪗✨

Global Club Nights: Zemiene | Helsinki Cèilidh Band 14/10/2023

Come and join Global Club Nights next Friday, 20th of October in Caisa! ✨ You will hear a concert by Zemiene , my friends & amazing musicians! 🥰 Then it's time to dance some cèilidh dances! I will be substituting Tommie from Helsinki Cèilidh Band! 🪗✨Come and listen, dance, be part of the community!

So, see you there at 7 pm! ☺️✨

Global Club Nights is produced in collaboration with the Global music Department of Sibelius Academy and Culture Centre Caisa.

Global Club Nights: Zemiene | Helsinki Cèilidh Band Global Club Nights (GCN) is a club series where people who deal and work with music gather with those who love and enjoy it, to celebrate and create a safe, inclusive and creative environment.

Helsinki Open Waves 27/09/2023

Tune in TODAY at 16:00 (GMT +3) to Helsinki Open Waves-HOW Radio as I will be giving an interview hosted by World Music School Helsinki 😍✨

Find the station from here:

The show will be available afterwards as well, but tune nonetheless in to hear how am I and what's happening RIGHT NOW, hehe! 💕✨

Helsinki Open Waves Helsinki Open Waves (HOW) is a translingual, non-profit, community-driven platform that encapsulates a network of trans-local radio and audio practices.

Photos from Maimu Jõgeda Music's post 21/09/2023

Life after graduation 💕✨ eestikeelne versioon all👇

It's surprisingly difficult to leave the school bubble. I don't know if you can relate. I thought I was ready, as my family, friends, and acquaintances have been challenging me with their questions about my plans after graduation since I was 16 and decided to pursue a career in music.

"It will be hard," they said. They were not wrong! 😅

I worked at a bookstore to save enough money to buy my first accordion (a second-hand, Universal brand). Later, after saving money (working at a café as a barista), selling my beloved first accordion, and taking out a loan, I managed to buy my current accordion, an Excelsior (a fierce Italian!) ✨🪗It was my dream to own that specific accordion! I studied classical music, jazz music, and Estonian and Nordic folk music. What the hell was I thinking, huh? 😀 Why didn't I study something else and secure myself a steady job?

But I have done a lot. I have achieved a lot (and it’s not easy to say that, for some reason)🥹❤️I have released two solo albums; graduated from the University of the Arts Helsinki: Sibelius Academy as a Master of Music; I have been commissioned to compose pieces for solo accordion and accordion orchestra by the Estonian Accordion Society (Eesti Akordioniliit); I have a new commission from Harju County (Estonia) for their Song and Dance festival to write a piece for an accordion orchestra; commissions to compose music for animations by Terje Henk (check out her and our work at; I have been nominated at the Estonian Folk Music Awards (Etnokulp); I have composed and arranged music for the Estonian Song and Dance festival (Pillipidu ja Tantsupidu 2023). I work as an accordionist accompanying folk dancers in Finland; give private lessons (in accordion and composition); work as a freelancer (giving concerts, leading dance workshops, mentoring at Ethnos); playing in quite a few bands (MIR Trio, Alterne, HOSTIKKA); probably forgetting some of the things I do..!? 🤣

AND, of course, I am open to new challenges! 🙌 If you are looking for someone to perform at your event; if you want to learn the accordion, composition, Nordic or Estonian folk music; want to know how I released my albums; ... anything, just contact me! Looking for more gigs, teaching opportunities, who-knows-what..! 🥹🥰

Thank you for your support so far, and I hope to find my path as a freelancer and a musician in this intimidating world! ❤✨

📷 Noor Kristina took this gorgeous photos! We used to work together as baristas ☕


Koolimullist lahkumine ja päris elus muusikuna hakkamasaamine on üllatavalt keeruline 🤔 Mõtlesin, et olen valmis! Mu pere, sõbrad ja tuttavad on mind alates 16. eluaastast, mil otsustasin karjääri muusikas jätkata, pommitanud küsimustega, et mis ma siis pärast lõpetamist tegema hakkan?

"See saab raske olema," ütlesid nad .. ja ei eksinud! 😁

Töötasin raamatupoes, et koguda piisavalt raha oma esimese akordioni (kasutatud Universali) ostmiseks. Hiljem, raha säästes (kohvikus baristana töötades panin raha kõrvale), oma esimese armsa akordioni maha müües ja laenu võttes, õnnestus mul osta oma praegune akordion, suurepärane Itaalia pill: Excelsior. 😍✨ Oli mu unistus omada just seda konkreetset akordionit! Üle 20 aasta olen õppinud klassikalist muusikat, džässmuusikat ja Eesti ning Põhjamaade pärimusmuusikat. Mida ma küll mõtlesin, eks? 🤣🤣 Oleks võinud midagi asjalikku õppida ja nüüd kindlal töökohal olla!

Noooh, aga eks ma olen midagi ikka saavutanud ka. ✨❤️ Olen välja andnud kaks sooloalbumit; lõpetanud Sibeliuse Akadeemia magistrikraadiga; mul on esitatud tellimusi sooloakordioni ja akordioniorkestri jaoks Eesti Akordioniliidult; uus tellimus tuli Harju maakonnalt kohalikule laulu- ja tantsupeole akordioniorkestri teose jaoks; olen komponeerinud muusikat animatsioonidele Terje Henkilt (vaadake tema ja meie tööd aadressil; mind on nomineeritud Etnokulp gaalal; olen loonud ja seadnud muusikat Eesti laulu- ja tantsupeoks (Pillipidu ja Tantsupidu 2023); mängin mitmetes rahvusvahelistes koosseisudes (MIR Trio, Alterne, HOSTIKKA), kellega esinemisi tuleb ette üle maailma; olen olnud mentor Eesti, Rootsi, Palestiina, Flandria Ethnodes. Töötan akordionistina rahvatantsijate saatjana Soomes; annan eratunde (akordioni ja kompositsiooni); tegutsen vabakutselisena: annan soolokontserte, tantsutöötubasid, olen mentor Ethnodes...

ning olen valmis uuteks väljakutseteks! Otsid esinejat oma üritusele?Akordioniõpetajat? Soovid nõu plaadi väljaandmise kohta? Kompostitsioonitunde? Õppida Põhjamaade pärimust? Võta minuga ühendust!

Tänan teid senise toe ja kaasaelamise eest ❤️✨ Loodan jätkata oma teed muusiku, helilooja ja õpetajana selles hirmuäratavas maailmas! 🥹🥰

📷 Kristina Noor ❤️✨☕

Photos from Maimu Jõgeda Music's post 17/09/2023

✨ THANK YOU, Ethno Flanders 2023!✨❤️

I love being a mentor! So grateful for the possibility to be a mentor at Ethno Flanders together with super inspiring percussionist Maria Paz, the kindest fiddler Naomi Vercauteren and the funnest party-pal guitarist Vedran Savic! ❤️😘🌙 BIG thanks to Ethno Flanders: Elisabeth Fraeyman for organising, Jonas Cole and Benoit Verbeiren for your positive vibes, Leen Devyver for your wonderful work with dancers, Joachim Brausch for amazing food! ✨

📷 Luna Goiris and William Rioja

Much love to all of the participants and the team!!! Love you! 😘😘😘 See you around in the world! 🌍✨🌎✨🌏✨

Lighting up the world with her unique & reflective style

“The one about...” will be out in summer 2020!

Pühendus (‘Dedication’) 2017 got some nice reviews from...

fRoots: “Estonian piano-accordeonist plays her own compositions with a reflective feel. While she studies folk music at the Estonian Academy, they don’t show particularly Baltic roots, and are more part of a wider European folk-influenced music world.”

Mick Tems, Folk Wales: “Maimu’s compositions instil a haunting, otherworldly effect, and her solitary lazily-drifting instrument fascinates and mesmerises. This is a peaceful, heart-warming album; file under Essential Music For The Long Road, and a listen to her soothing sounds should make the miles and the hours fly by.”

Videos (show all)

Monique & Maimu at Kaustinen 2024
"Melting" albumilt "The one about..." (2020) Aigu Om festivalil 2024 Video: Eva-Lotta Vunder
Pisike lõik "Elamusi täis Eesti" saatest teile isu tekitamiseks! 🪗Saade on veel vaid 21 päeva järele vaadatav siit lingi...
Täna telekas! 😲😍 Selline olen täna Kanal 2 saates "Elamusi täis Eesti" kell 20:35! 😁Saates tutvustatakse imeilusat Käesa...
A piece from my upcoming 3rd solo album ✨performed in November at Mathura Lattik’s poetry book release in Tallinn, Eston...
✨A Waltz for Broken Dreams✨ out now! Check out me sweating at my Master’s concert 😅💙 Full video on YouTube! 🩵#maimumusic...
Shadow puppet theatre show based on Finno-Ugric elements 🍁
Saajalaul Kapsäkkis 2022
✨Melting✨ LIVE in Helsinki
Kutsung LIVE session now on YOUTUBE
🎥 Live video out on 10.06✨