Polymath House

Polymath House

Förderung der Polymathischen Bildung


💡 Insights into Educational Transformation: Reflections from My Journey as an Educator, AI practitioner, Polymath and Parent.

🔹 My work revolves around the concept of polymathy - the mastery of multiple disciplines - and its critical role in the age of AI.
🔹 My global network spans some of the most innovative educators and educational institutions in the world, offering a unique perspective on learning and skill development.
🔹 As a parent and an early adopter of AI technologies, I've gained invaluable insights into children's learning processes across various communities and countries.

My observations have led me to a compelling hypothesis:
🔵 the underutilized potential of polymaths (individuals adept in multiple domains) could significantly benefit humanity, especially in this era of AI-driven transformation.

The disruptive nature of AI surpasses any previous human invention, posing unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the workforce.
As we venture into this new era, mere literacy and numeracy fall short.

We require advanced, higher-order skills to collaborate effectively with AI in every field.

In response, I've developed a unique methodology based on a polymathic learning approach.
This methodology focuses on nurturing 'polymathic superskills', such as:

🔶 Curiosity: A critical motivational force for learning, often stifled by traditional educational structures.
🔶 Rapid Depth: The ability to grasp concepts quickly and thoroughly.
🔶 Complexity Thinking: Recognizing and understanding complex interrelationships.
🔶 PolySkill: The fusion of disparate concepts for innovative solutions.

These skills not only require a certain level of cognitive ability but actually enhance it, creating a symbiotic relationship between learning and cognitive development.

I am more than happy to collaborate on this topic! Let's talk. 😉


"Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung heute" am 24.Januar

Die Zukunft ist hier und die KI-Revolution läuft auf Hochtouren.
👉Lernen wird sich bald drastisch verändern, also spring auf den Zug und bestimme mit, wohin die Reise geht!

✔️Erfahre, wie wir KI bereits heute im Lernen einsetzen können und welche Ausbildungen und beruflichen Strategien für die Zukunft wichtig sind.

✔️Tausche dich mit uns über die Herausforderungen und Ängste aus, die mit dem Einsatz von KI einhergehen, und erfahre, wie wir diese bewältigen können.

✔️Sei dabei, wenn Lehrer, Eltern und Bildungsinteressierte ihre Perspektiven und Erfahrungen zum Thema KI und Zukunft der Bildung teilen. Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren sind ebenfalls herzlich willkommen.

🔷Diese Veranstaltung ist für alle, die sich für das Thema KI und die Zukunft der Bildung interessieren. Nutze die Chance, mehr über die neuesten Entwicklungen in diesem Bereich zu erfahren und dich mit Experten und Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen.


🔸Mag. Aksinya Samoylova, Buchautorin und Spezialistin für progressive Bildungs- und Karrierestrategien, entwickelt Bildungsprogramme an der Schnittstelle dieser beiden Richtungen. aksinyasamoylova.com

🔹MMag. Patrick Siebert, Wirtschaftsphilosoph und KI Influencer, begeistert mit seinem YouTube Kanal mehr als 12.000 Subscriber zum Thema KI, Autor von "AI TOOLs - your ultimate guide". aiandblockchain.com

Beitrag: €15
Am DI, 24. Januar, Einlass um 18 Uhr
Ort: Lila School, Krottenbachstraße 54, 1190 Wien
🔸Anmeldung per whatsapp an 06645375326


❗️‼️Уже 6 ноября мы рады пригласить вас на авторский мастер-класс «МЕТОД ПОЛИМАТОВ»

Если вы хотите освоить «СУПЕР-НАВЫКИ» 21 века, то этот МАСТЕР-КЛАСС точно ДЛЯ ВАС🤓🤓🤓
Большинство людей, которые доказали свою невероятную жизнестойкость и ошеломляющую продуктивность, были полиматами - людьми, имеющими глубокие знания во многих сферах.
Леонардо да Винчи, Михаил Ломоносов, Стив Джобс, Илон Маск и сотни других людей в разных странах стали вашими любимыми героями благодаря основному качеству: способности синтезировать знания из нескольких областей и осуществлять прорыв.

На мастерклассе вы проанализируете их подход к обучению и работе.

Какие результаты вы получите, пройдя мастеркласс МЕТОД ПОЛИМАТОВ?

📎Изучите тип мышления полиматов
📎оцените собственный полиматический потенциал
📎получите 5 инструментов гибкости
📎освоите 3 техники глубокого обучения
📎создадите карту своих знаний и умений
📎получите уникальную технолою создания нового знания

Отзыв участника: "МЕТОД ПОЛИМАТОВ- это как выход в новое измерение. Такое ощущение, что обычное обучение - это 2D, а полиматическое - это 3D".

Автор мастеркласса: Аксинья Самойлова, автор книги WHY POLYMATHS?, специалист в области прогрессивного образования и карьерных стратегий создаёт авторские образовательные программы на стыке этих двух направлений и помогает раскрыть полиматический потенциал у детей и взрослых. В своих занятиях Аксинья сочетает глубокие знания предмета, результаты полиматических исследований и применяет достижения педагогики и нейронауки.

📍Где: Heinrichsgasse 3/11, 1010 Wien
📆Когда: 06.11.2022, воскресенье
⏰Начало: в 13.00
⏱Длительность : 5 часов, 2 перерыва по 15 мин
💳 Стоимость: 120 €
В стоимость занятий входят: лёгкий перекус, чай/кофе

✅✅Ранние бронирование = 95 € при оплате до 3 ноября

📩 [email protected]


THE POLYMATH HOUSE Society is concerned about the educational challenges of children and youth.
School children are overloaded with information and testing, they often lack the chance to explore something applicable beyond the curriculum. The next problem of schooling is its limitation in teaching students how to see a bigger picture. Young people feel overstrained and demotivated.
THE POLYMATH HOUSE designs and implements projects aming to create a positive example of solving these shortages.

Recently, in a friendly cooperation with an expert on finance and democratic economy, Anna Kolesnichenko, we designed a project and won a participation in the FINANCIAL & ECONOMIC LITERACY HACKATHON at the European Forum Alpbach 2022.
We are happy to share our proposal here with you. If any school or institution is interested in its implementation, feel free to contact us at any time.

Our idea is to conduct a youth assembly to decide on the composition of a local budget (at a municipal level). The aim is to combine the education in financial literacy with raising citizenship activism and learning of democratic practices.

The main problem of the disadvantaged youth is that they do not feel they have the agency to change something in their environment. Overcoming this problem at the individual level, i.e. by learning to manage personal financial situation, is not always the most empowering option, because young people are left alone to their own devices. By contrast, addressing the question of money and resources at a collective level amplifies the power of each individual and even magnifies it, as the power of a collective is bigger than the sum of powers of individuals.

Moreover, the modern youth is not motivated so much by personal gains, but rather by the ideas of common good and sustainability.

Our methodology will use elements of democratic assemblies, like Iceland Constitutional Assembly and the like. The first step would be to establish a cooperation relationship with a local city council. They will provide us with materials on local budget: real numbers on income and expenditure, as well as description of the budgetary process. We will recruit through schools a group of interested teenagers (age 12-17). They will meet over the course of several months to deliberate on how to fund and spend the city budget. They will also be invited to design their own projects for the city and to find ways to fund them. Ideally, the result of their deliberation should be taken into consideration by the local authorities in their budget planning.

In the process of deliberation, students will receive teaching on city budgeting, both in terms of financial and procedural aspects. They will also receive training on deliberation and other democratic practices that are used in local governance.

This project will allow achieving a multifaceted impact:

- Teenagers will learn the tools of budgeting. This is a transferable skill, that can be used for personal finances as well.

- The worldview of participants will expand - they will start thinking about societal problems. Numerous evidence shows that people who aim to serve society are more successful than those who care only about their narrow financial interest. Moreover, these teenagers will get inspired to do bold projects, as motivation by higher goals is stronger, than by narrow personal goals.

- Teenagers will get enhanced sense of agency, as they will understand, that they can change their environment through local budgeting instruments and projects of their own. The sense of agency will also be enhanced thanks to the collective nature of this project: working with others who strive for the same vision will give a sense of support and possibility to each participant.

- Learning to use democratic tools, like deliberation, will enhance the chances of these teenagers becoming active citizens and, subsequently, will improve the quality of democracy.

- The project will improve fairness and sustainability of our economy. One of the major reasons for inequality is that our economic system is devised by actors who benefit from the system as it is. Changing it for the benefit of disadvantaged groups requires that these groups take more active part in the economic policy. The obstacle, however, is that they do not have sufficient knowledge about public finances and macroeconomy in general in order to participate in decision making/shaping. Through this project we equip the young generation with this knowledge.

Photos from Polymath House's post 16/07/2022

We at POLYMATH HOUSE are concerned that school children are very limited in self-expression, independence, and creativity. But somewhere they should have an opportunity to dream and create!
This week POLYMATH HOUSE organized an awesome URBAN PLANNING workshop.

We were extremely lucky to have found great cooperation partners who provided their knowledge, time, space, and tools to create a unique learning environment for 12 kids aged 9-13.
The Real Estate Development Department from Vienna University of Technology under Prof.Dr. Dietmar Wiegand (https://red.tuwien.ac.at/) offered a mind-expanding 3-days learning experience of a high quality.
The educational design included a variety of activities like two field trips (old city and the newest built district), sketching, city model crafting, documentaries watching and analysis.
The outcome was joyful and impressive. This is the feedback we've got from the kids:
"I never knew I could be so creative!"
"I've learned a lot about environmentally friendly planning"
"I've learned how complex a city is and how many things it needs"
"It was exciting to sketch and craft such a difficult project all on my own."

As professor Dietmar Wiegand correctly noted at the end - "that's what schooling should be like..."
We hope that someday it will come true!
Because with every project like this, we bring that transformation closer.


Wir machen wieder unglaublich tolle Projekte!

Nächste Woche gibt es einen einzigartigen Workshop, welchen wir gemeinsam mit Univ.Prof. Prof.h.c. Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Wiegand, Forschungsbereich Projektentwicklung und -management der TU Wien und seinem Team durchführen.

Es geht um MEINE TRAUMSTADT, ein 3-tätiger Workshop zum Thema Stadtplanung.
Die Qualität von „Stadt“ und Stadtentwicklung wird aus der Perspektive von Kindern und Jugendlichen bewertet. Darüber hinaus verwirklichen sie ihre Visionen im Modellbau.

Im Programm: Architektonische Führung im Nordbahn Viertel, "Merkmale-Jagt" im Ersten Bezirk, Basteln, und viele mehr!


Die weltweit erste Schule ​​ für Multi-Potentials​. Das POLYMATH HOUSE hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, mehrfachbegabte Kinder adäquat zu fördern und zu bilden. Schwerpunkt: polymathische Begabungsförderung auf Basis von Interdisziplinarität.

Dies ist eine Bildungsinnovation, die auf ihre Förderung wartet. Um eine Schule in Österreich zu eröffnen, braucht es viel Geld.

Das Schulkonzept ist fertig und kann sonst jederzeit überall auf der Welt umgesetzt werden! https://polymathhouse.com/
