Dr.Teecode Never Give Up Pharmacy Limited
l Dr.Akande Taiwo Teecode I used this opportunity to tell you that, if u want to buy any drugs and
medicine am ready to supply you
Health is wealth
All siamese twins joine at the head are know as craniopagus twins
Smoking 1. Smoking increases the risk of cancer of the lungs and lips (the more you smoke, the greater the chance of dying of cancer. ) 2. Smoking causes serious diseases of the lungs, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema (and is deadly for persons who already have these conditions or have asthma) 3. Smoking can help cause stomach ulcers or make them worse. 4. Smoking increase heart disease or stroke.
Drug make some people calm
illegal drugs damage liver and heart
Epilepsy medicine
In the event of too little food intake, appetite can be increase by increasing the consumption of the best supplements and food sources of vitamin B1 and B12. Inability to taste and smell properly limits the appetite and desire to eat.This food deficiency usually result from insufficient food intake to supply all the necessary nutrients.
I thank all my followers on Dr.Teecode Never Give Up Pharmacy, I really admire your enthusiasm about me. I also won't f**k up.
Fact: The liver performs over 500 vital functions in your body'
Good morning everybody,it is ur Dr Teecode av u take ur drug this morning.
Cl****is: the small sensitive organ just above the opening of a woman's va**na which she is sexually excited.
Good morning everyone, have you take your doctor prescriptions drug today
Good morning everyone, have take your doctor prescriptions drug today
Never Give Up
Triazolam: a thienodiazepine drug with anxiolytic, anti-convulsant and sedative properties
A medicine called cisapride use to treat stomach disorder
Don't be stupid you need a doctor