10 Tough Problems in Christian Thought and Belief
I am planning four books, two of which I have begun writing. The other books are elaborations of a few of the tough problems that I describe in this book.
The first book in the series, which is well under way, provides the framework for the entire project. The title is “10 Tough Problems in Christian Thought and Belief.” My mock-up of the cover appears as the profile picture. The 10 problems are:
1. Suffering and Evil for Humans and Animals
2. How Do You Know About God? The Epistemological Brick Wall
3. The Bible Fails as Revelation
4. The Concept o
My thoughts for this Sunday, posted from London: The clergy get away with so much because their followers decline to think about what they’ve been taught. They ignore two key factors that make the Christian faith highly vulnerable.
Trypho Glycon Helene Wexler Tom Rafferty Derek Lambert John Vickrey Walter Carver Chris Farnet Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald
The High Vulnerability of Christian Belief Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday, posted from Paris. Religion has brought so much damage to humanity, including encouraging the devout NOT TO THINK about what they’ve been taught by priests and ministers. Christians especially are taught to accept ancient superstitions and magical thinking.
Will Humanity Ever Escape the Grip of Religion? Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
Today is the 101st anniversary of perhaps the most important discovery in human history. On 6 October 1923, Edwin Hubble took this photograph using the 100-inch Mount Wilson Observatory telescope.
It is arguably the most important photograph ever taken.
Hubble was able to demonstrate that the Andromeda Galaxy is indeed another galaxy, some 2.5 million light years beyond our Milky Way Galaxy. Astronomers at the time commonly believed that our galaxy was the whole Cosmos. Now we know that there are billions of other galaxies.
Our planet is a speck of dust lost in space.
My thoughts for this Sunday, posted from Paris: I suspect most churchgoers would fail a simple quiz: Where is the Sermon on the Mount found—that is, in which chapters in which gospel? And in what other gospel is the Sermon broken up, shortened—and wording changed? In which gospels is it missing altogether? Where do we find that most horrible Jesus quote, that you have to hate your family, and life itself, to be one of his disciples? Why is the portrait of Jesus in Mark’s gospel so very different from what we find in John’s gospel? Since the laity are largely unaware, the clergy have been able to get away with so much bad theology.
HHelene WexlerTTom RaffertyTTrypho GlyconDDerek LambertCChris FarnetJJohn VickreyWWalter CarverDDarryl DavisRR RamkumarRRobert Standing Eagle MarshallDDavid PandozziDDavid FitzgeraldCClint Heacock
The Stupidity Factor in the Survival of Religion Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday, posted from Milano, Italy: Humans have imagined/invented millions of gods—and, guess what: Christians are sure that their God is the only real one, despite the fact that the Bible has so many flaws, defects, and wildly conflicting theologies.
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Trypho Glycon Derek Lambert Chris Farnet John Vickrey Walter Carver R Ramkumar Darryl Davis Robert Standing Eagle Marshall David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald Clint Heacock
When Theology Collides with Science and History Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: Humans have imagined thousands of gods, and followed hundreds of religions—and they teach their children that they follow the ONE TRUE RELIGION, when they have no reliable, verifiable, objective evidence to back up that claim. This qualifies as religious abuse—and Christianity is especially guilty.
Helene Wexler Tom Rafferty Trypho Glycon Derek Lambert Chris Farnet Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver R Ramkumar Darryl Davis Robert Standing Eagle Marshall David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald
The Desperate Embrace of Abusive Religion by the Devout Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: Religion itself, by promoting ancient superstitions and magic potions—eating Jesus at First Communion comes to mind—is speeding the secularization of the modern world. So religion: keep it up!
Helene Wexler Trypho Glycon Derek Lambert Tom Rafferty Chris Farnet Murlis Perliz Walter Carver John Vickrey R Ramkumar Darryl Davis Robert Standing Eagle Marshall David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald
Why Religion Is Being Held Strictly, Bluntly Accountable Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: There were many dying-and-rising personal savior cults before Christianity came along and adopted the idea that escape from death was possible. But this is a gimmick, a scam. There is no reliable, verifiable, objective evidence that eternal life is a reality.
Helene Wexler Trypho Glycon Tom Rafferty Derek Lambert Chris Farnet Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Daniel McInnes David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald
The Obsession of Religion with Eternal Life, the Ultimate Scam Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: It’s not hard to spot the major flaws in Christian theology, which include the many Jesus quotes in the gospels that churchgoers disagree with and flatly reject. Yet the devout become inflamed—Christian love turns to rage and hate—when the flaws are pointed out.
Helene Wexler Trypho Glycon Trypho Glycon Derek Lambert Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Chris Farnet Walter Carver R Ramkumar Daniel McInnes Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Darryl Davis David Fitzgerald David Pandozzi
Beware Furious Christians on the Warpath to Defend Their Faith Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday. Devout churchgoers don’t grasp that so much of their ritual is actually magic spells and potions. A careful, critical reading of the Bible reveals this painful truth—well, at least to educated citizens of the modern world.
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Chris Farnet Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Daniel McInnes Robert Standing Eagle Marshall David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald
If Devout Folks Get to Heaven by Using Magic Spells and Potions… Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My publisher has reduced the Kindle price of my book to 99 cents! It's also available as paperback, and Audible narrated by Seth Andrews. Here's the link to the Kindle:
My publisher has just reduced the Kindle price for my book to $1.99. Also available: paperback, and Audible narrated by Seth Andrews.
Ten Things Christians Wish Jesus Hadn't Taught: And Other Reasons to Question His Words For centuries the gospels have been cherished devotional literature, and under the guidance of preachers and priests, they’ve been understood as reliable depictions of Jesus. But even the most devout Christians stumble across sayings of Jesus that don’t sound quite right. In fact—if we’re ho...
My thoughts for this Sunday: A careful, thoughtful reading of Mark's gospel demonstrates that it is fantasy, such as Disney and comic book fantasy. It fails as history, and the other gospel writers didn't do any better.
Helene Wexler Tom Rafferty Trypho Glycon Derek Lambert Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Chris Farnet R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Darryl Davis Daniel McInnes Robert Standing Eagle Marshall David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald
The Author of Mark’s Gospel Created Jesus Fantasies Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: How does the Catholic Church survive and thrive when sexual abuse scandals—priests ra**ng children—are so common and ongoing? Well, the church has a few tricks up its sleeves, and the faithful fall for them!
Helene Wexler Tom Rafferty Trypho Glycon Derek Lambert Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Chris Farnet Walter Carver Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Daniel McInnes David Pandozzi David Fitzgerald
Why Isn’t Membership in the Catholic Church Down to ZERO by Now? Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: What irony: one of the best arguments against Christianity is Jesus himself. So many churchgoers would head for the exit, IF they simply made the effort to read the gospels carefully, thoroughly, critically. There are so many appalling Jesus quotes they would flatly reject.
Helene Wexler Tom Rafferty Trypho Glycon Derek Lambert Walter Carver John Vickrey Chris Farnet Murlis Perliz R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Daniel McInnes David Fitzgerald David Pandozzi Darryl Davis
Christians Don’t Realize How Much They Disagree with Jesus Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
Okay, here is graphic Number 2 in my new series titled, Bad Things Jesus Taught. In preparing for my 2021 book, Ten Things Christians Wish Jesus Hadn't Taught, I compiled a list of 292 bad, mediocre, alarming Jesus quotes in the gospels. The full list can be found at www.BadThingsJesusTaught.com
David Pandozzi Darryl Davis Trypho Glycon Terry L. Troupe
I am launching a new series of graphics based on my 2021 book, Ten Things Christians Wish Jesus Hadn't Taught. Here is Number 1, the infamous Jesus quote in Luke 14:26. In preparing for the book, I reread the gospels thoroughly, carefully, and arrived at a list of 292 bad, mediocre, alarming Jesus quote. The full list can be found at www.BadThingsJesusTaught.com
David Pandozzi Darryl Davis Trypho Glycon
My thoughts for this Sunday: Mark Twain said, “The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible.” I recently finished a book by an ordained minister, in which he discusses the multitude of flaws and contradictions in the New Testament—and their implications for belief. He shows how right Mark Twain was!
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Chris Farnet Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Daniel McInnes Robert Standing Eagle Marshall David Fritzgerald David Pandozzi
The Biggest Christian Scandal Has Its Roots in the New Testament Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: There is renewed buzz about the Ten Commandments these days, but careful study of this ancient law code reveals just how flawed and defective it is. It’s time to move on to something better.
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Chris Farnet Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Daniel McInnes David Fritzgerald David Pandozzi
It’s Time to LET GO of the Defective, Deficient Ten Commandments Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: Mark Twain famously said that “the best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible.” There is so much evil, cruelty, bad theology, and silliness in the Bible—you just have to read/study it carefully to discover that it’s not the Good Book after all!
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Chris Farnet R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Darryl Davis Daniel McInnes David Fritzgerald David Pandozzi
There’s Too Much Evil and Cruelty in the Bible Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday. It’s common for the faithful to assume that Christianity has been good for humanity. But this betrays profound ignorance of history, i.e., the horrible things that have been done in the name of religion.
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Chris Farnet R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Darryl Davis Daniel McInnes David Fritzgerald David Pandozzi
There’s Too Much Evil and Cruelty in Religion Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: There is so much confusion and conflict about religion on Planet Earth. Shouldn’t it be easy for an all-powerful, loving God to clear that up? The God proposed and defended by Christian theologians just doesn’t make sense.
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Chris Farnet R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Daniel McInnes Darryl Davis David Fritzgerald David Pandozzi
Why Would a Cosmos-Creating God Play Games with Humanity? Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
My thoughts for this Sunday: Christian theology is hobbled by so many contradictions, flaws, and absurdities. Yet churchgoers fail to muster the curiosity to find out why.
Helene Wexler Tom Rafferty Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Chris Farnet Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Daniel McInnes David Fritzgerald David Pandozzi
Christianity Thrives Because of the Failure of Curiosity Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison
The Spanish translation of my book is priced at $1.99.
Here's the Amazon link:
My thoughts for this Sunday: Some events are so grotesque, so evil—it's impossible to comprehend how God could be so negligent.
Tom Rafferty Helene Wexler Derek Lambert Trypho Glycon Murlis Perliz John Vickrey Walter Carver Chris Farnet Darryl Davis R Ramkumar Robert Standing Eagle Marshall Daniel McInnes David Fritzgerald David Pandozzi
It Was 80-Years Ago This Month: A Hideous Crime Christian Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Christianity, Christian Faith, Agnostic, Evangelical, Atheism, Atheist, Creation, John W. Loftus, David Madison