100 Days of Cancer 100 Days of Mercy

100 Days of Cancer  100 Days of Mercy

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from 100 Days of Cancer 100 Days of Mercy, Health & Wellness Website, .


On the morning of September 24, 2020 our beloved Linda (Anna Lin) passed away peacefully in the loving arms of her husband Peter Thomsen. After months of pain and suffering in palliative care, she is now at rest in her heavenly home with Jesus.

She wishes to thank you all for honouring her life and supporting her through prayer during those challenging days living with so many complications following being poisoned with the pesticide diazanon finally resulting in cancer. She remained faithful to her Lord Jesus until the end.

Grace by laura story 03/03/2019


Grace by laura story video created by ms. shikaena villalva, sja computer teacher; music by laura story, sony music entertainment


With God, all things are possible.
Matthew 19: 26

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With God all things are possible...Amen

Source: Zenspirations (via Pinterest)

Timeline photos 15/01/2019

Yes ❤️debs

Lemon Squares 16/12/2018

Looks yummy

Lemon Squares Back To Posts Desserts | Dec, 10 2018 Share Tweet this! Share on Facebook Lemon Squares These lemon squares have finally been perfected with the right texture and delicious flavors. You can make them into squares or a pie. They are grain-free, dairy- free, and refined sugar-free ingredients! Did you...


You’re so hard on yourself.
But remember, everybody has a chapter
they don’t read out loud.
Take a moment.
Sit back.
Marvel at your life:
at the mistakes that gave you wisdom,
at the suffering that gave you strength.
Despite everything,
you still move forward.
Be proud of this.
Continue to endure.
Continue to persevere.
And remember,
no matter how dark it gets,
the sun will rise again.

~ Anonymous

If You Catch the Flu, Take 4 Grams of This Every Hour 06/11/2018

Some helpful preventive measures

If You Catch the Flu, Take 4 Grams of This Every Hour Vitamins C and D, zinc and beta glucans are the four nutrients known to offer powerful protection during cold and flu season.


100 Days of Mercy ~ # 100

Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us, because God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5


100 Days of Cancer ~ Day 100 ~
The End and The Beginning

These 100 Days of Writing have unfolded with grace and ease. It has been helpful for me to recall this journey with cancer . . . to remember how God has been with me each step of the way.
I have been lovingly cared for by a devoted husband, Peter,
and have been supported by friends, family, medical workers in ways I could never have imagined given my unusual health condition with Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Each day has been a gift of God’s mercy - - to build my strength and show me that miracles and blessings are abundantly given when we pause to look for them in our own way.

I will continue to post here occasionally as helpful information and encouraging words come along.
For spiritual guidance I invite you to visit my other FB pages: Morning Prayer, Night Prayers, Touch Holiness . . . or, for reflection and encouragement: The Sound of Silence, Healing Soul Streams and Well Bless My Soul.

Whatever you are doing through each day ~ ~

May the Lord Bless you and keep you,
May the Lord’s face shine upon you and be
gracious to you,
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and
give you peace.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit.

~ Anna Lin
Journal, June 18, 2018 / November 2, 2018

Pinterest photo


The key to a better life is recognizing the that you bring to the table.


100 Days of Mercy ~ # 99

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. ~ 3 John 1:2

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100 Days of Cancer ~ Day 99 ~ More Cancer Treatment

This is a quick summary of the cancer protocol I am
using. I am not a medical doctor, nor do I receive any
remuneration for any products I mention. I am simply
sharing what I have personally found helpful. I encourage
you to do your own research and discuss any alternative
methods with your doctor prior to using them.

I continue to gather herbs and supplements to help me
with alternative cancer treatment. This is essential because
of my condition of porphyria. I cannot tolerate the conventional cancer treatment. I rotate these supplements to try and prevent any further sensitivities of the supplements I take.
I have tried to find the best quality organic products available here in Canada. I would appreciated learning the source for similar supplements in other parts of the world.
Please add any you use in the COMMENTS.

Here is a chart I use to keep track of the herbs and supplements for my protocol so far:

Kombucha in AM with
or L glutamine

Flor - Essence (Essiac Tea)


Medicinal Mushrooms

Green Tea (3 cups/day)
Matcha powder and Sencha
I add orange peel for pectin

Best with a meal:

Vitamin D3 with Vit. K

Vitamin B12

(MegaFood -
Women Over 40 One Daily)
or Platinum Naturals Super
Easymulti 45 +

Prevent by New Roots Herbal
- take with Cura Pro Optimum
by Terry Naturally

(Bone Basics by AOR)

Ester - C by Sisu

Glutathione by Terry Naturally

Omega 3
Plant (NutraVege)

Best with a meal:

CoQ10 - Ubiquinal by CanPrev
(caution - some have toxic additives)

Estrobalance by Nature’s Way
Zinc with food and
a few hr. before or after
other meds.

Serapeptase by Natural Factors
30 min. before or
2 hr. after meal

Medical Cannabis oil
take far from Salvestrol

1 piece seaweed most days

1 Brazil nut each day

In Smoothies, Soups or Salads - Cancer Fighting Plants

Resilience by Harmonic Arts (to overcome radiation)

Plant Greens powers

Lady’s Mantle to help the lymph system
Cleavers also for lymph support
spinach powder
flax, chia, h**p seed
cruciferous vegetables
pomegranite powder

For Immune System:

coconut oil

Holy Basil - blocks metastasis, supports immune function,
prevents tumor growth

milk thistle - liver support

Olive leaf extract - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune help improves your white blood cells ability to kill ca cells and eliminate them from your body, disables viruses

Nettles - calcium

Digestive enzymes

Use pumpkin seeds for zinc

Eat 27 Different Varieties Of Fruit And Vegetables Each Week





bell pepper
bean sprouts
brussel sprouts

sweet potato

Essential Oils for Cancer:

I love the use of organic essential oils for topical use and in
a diffuser. Here is a link explaining their use for cancer:


A Non-toxic life-style:

I aim to live an organic life free from:

toxic cleaning products
toxic personal care products,
curly (mercury filled) light bulbs

So that is the basic protocol I am presently using.
I continue to update it as I learn and experiment with
more herbs and supplements. I am so grateful to be
living in a time when all of these alternatives have been
researched and are available.

God’s blessings to you,

Anna Lin
June 18, 2018

15 Hard to Kill Plants That Can Actually Purify Your Home 31/10/2018

Grateful for plants that improve our indoor
air quality

15 Hard to Kill Plants That Can Actually Purify Your Home The best air purifying plants that are super low maintenance and hard to kill.


100 Days of Mercy ~ # 98

Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me,
I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me;
if you seek me with all your heart.
~ Jeremiah 29: 12-13

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100 Days of Cancer ~ Day 98 ~ Dental Toxicity and Air Pollution

There are two more causes for cancer that I think may have contributed to my breast cancer - - dental toxicity and air pollution.
Over the past few years we have experienced the harmful
effects of climate change in our area as hundreds of wild
fires blaze across our province of British Columbia creating
a thick haze of smoke from late spring to early autumn.
The air quality is so poor at times that I cannot be outdoors
without coughing and having stinging eyes. Tiny particulates, usually not visible to the human eye, are forever present in our living space even though we have exceptional air purifiers running constantly to clear the air. This becomes a major challenge for our bodies . . . causing inflammation, affecting our lungs and heart, and blocking the oxygen flow throughout our bodies.

I am particularly susceptible to smoke in the environment.
Several years ago I had a major set-back in my health from slash piles burning close by causing me to black-out for hours at a time . . . with slurred speech and drool . . . as if I were having mini-strokes. I never regained the level of
health that I had prior to this incident.

The accumulation of smoke each year and its ongoing
affect on my health may also be a cause of my breast cancer.

Many may be affected by dental toxicities like mercury and
other metals that can contribute to acquiring all forms
of health issues, including cancer.

I once had fibromyalgia so bad that I was in constant pain.
My fingers were all misshapened - - I was unable to write.
I could not remember a sentence that I wanted to speak
because of brain fog. It was a great effort to walk and I was constantly fatigued. I decided to have at least half of my mercury amalgoms removed. I was amazed how almost over night most of the pain and symptoms began to disappear.

Dr. Robert Jones did a five year study with breast cancer
patients and found that 93% of these women had root canals. In most cases their tumors were on the same side as the root canals. This has been true for me. I have had infections in this tooth off and on for over 25 years, often
giving me severe cluster headaches.
Dental toxicities is another probable cause for my breast cancer.

I think it’s time to get my root canal removed!!!

~ Anna Lin
Journal, June 16, 2018

Pinterest photo


100 Days of Mercy ~ # 97


100 Days of Cancer ~ Day 97 ~ “That’s What Good Neighbors Do”

We have these rascal puppies that we acquired 5 months
before I learned that I have cancer. With all of the challenges we have been dealing with, there have been days when we wondered if we had the energy to care for them. But here they are - - good therapy dogs that make us laugh every day.

We are so grateful for our neighbors Mike and Fireweed, and Tony who came to assist us with their care when I had surgery and follow up appointments . . . helping us to cope . . . receiving the most excellent care. And when we tried to pay these dear people for their care, no way would they take any remuneration, saying:
“That’s what good neighbors do.”

Today I remember so many kind acts of mercy shown to us
through this time.

So much phone support, notes, and prayer from family and friends:
Sara, Scott, Kyle, Kira, Emily, Julian, Will, Autumn, Nancy, and Ron, Mom
And so many supportive messages from Facebook Friends


I am here.
I have the courage to believe that I matter.
I have the strength to make a difference
and the capacity to overcome challenges.
Even with an empty hand,
I have the means to give.
I am free to triumph,
free to fail,
free to learn.
I have the advantage of hope.
I have the opportunity to love,
and to be loved in return.
I have the wisdom to know it is all a gift.
When I make my decision
on how I am going to live this day,
I joyfully, bravely and gratefully
face the world
and say, "I am here."

~ Jody Hills


100 Days of Mercy ~ # 96
Pages from my Book of Mercy in remembrance
of my ordination to ministry


100 Days of Cancer ~ Day 96 ~ Healing Grace

Today I am reflecting on the anniversary of my ordination
to ministry that is coming up on June 18th. I asked the Lord to guide my decisions for service in the days ahead.
I believe I am to focus on writing of my experience with
cancer to encourage those with MCS/porphyria and to
provide devotional material for those on their journey
with cancer. I began to write. The words come with
grace and ease. May it be so.

I feel great peace and joy each day.
Healing has come my way. Thanks be to God.

~ Anna Lin
Journal, June 14, 2018

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100 Days of Mercy ~ # 95

The Lord is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
~ Exodus 15:2

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100 Days of Cancer ~ Day 95 ~ JOY

I am enjoying a quiet day wondering what to do now that
I don’t have to focus so much on cancer anymore.
I enjoyed every moment of the day ~ feeling a sense of
relief that I’m not going to go through chemotherapy
(in the traditional sense). We’ve decided the risks with
porphyria are not worth it. I shall do a “clinical trial” of sorts
using Salvestrol as an alternative treatment to kill the
cancer cells and stop any metastises.

I feel like JOY is in my life since a very long time ago.
Thanks be to God!

~ Anna Lin
Journal, June 13, 2013

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I know some people think
this world is too dark
to even dream in color.
But only in the darkness
can we see the stars.

I’ve seen flowers bloom at midnight,
I’ve seen kites fly in gray skies,
and they were real close
to looking like the sunrise.

And sometime it takes
the most wounded wings
to show how the wind can carry us,
when we no longer can carry ourselves.

~ Andrea Gibson

Photo on Pinterest

100 Days of Cancer ~ 100 Days of Mercy

Welcome to all those seeking answers to cancer care.
In March of 2018 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.
I found very little on the internet to assist those with cancer
who are also challenged with Acute Intermittent Porphyria
including Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. It is not my
intention to give medical advice here, but I feel compelled
to share how I got through this complicated experience.
I hope that telling my story may help others on a similar journey.
Please share what you have found helpful too.

May all be WELL with you, dear friends.
~ Rev. Linda Thomsen (Anna Lin)