Hare's, Ltd. - The Gallery of Fine Antiques

Hare's, Ltd. - The Gallery of Fine Antiques

Offering select glass, ceramics, silver, furniture, boxes, folk, eccentric and miscellaneous objects from late 17th through early 19th centuries.


Hare's, Ltd. popped into existence nearly twenty years ago. I'd been in and around the business for ages so struck out on mine own to see how far I could go.

These have been fun years, struggling years, interesting years. Met many fabulous people, both clients and dealers.

I was felled for a while by disabilities. Then COVID knocked the world into craziness. I rolled with it as best I could. I quit buying inventory to schlep round to the fairs and began finding bits for clients. This has been lovely. The big sales aren't there anymore, but the commissions have been survival. I'm not spending on inventory and insurances and travel and exhibition costs and etc. Instead I put some sleuthing skills to work.

But now it's time to end the business as it stands. Between the IRS and NYS Dept of Taxation & Finance, as well as a few other obstinate state tax departments, I am a wreck. I have yet to be the problem for which I receive streams of penalty notices. Not once have I been guilty. I am no longer able to spend the time and anxiety on these terrible government systems that seek to drain all resources from small businesses.

Maybe in future I'll rethink this decision, but now it's time to put Hare's, Ltd. to bed.

Not sure what I'll do next. It's been a lovely time, though.
