Lindsay's Health & Fitness

Lindsay's Health & Fitness

I have been brought on currently to be a beachbody coach and have fallen in love with it. I have learned so much about how to be healthy.

Timeline photos 16/11/2015

Been MIA lately but this meal was too good not to post! Who else is loves Brussels sprouts with coconut oil drizzled on them?! Yum!

Mobile uploads 08/07/2015

My yummy fruit bowl I made!!! Watermelon, pineapple, blueberries and grapes! πŸ˜€


I am back and checking in!!!! Sorry I have been MIA but with the kids home this Summer it has been crazy!!!!!! With that being said I will be hosting a 21 Day Fix/Extreme Challenge Group starting July 27th! If you are looking to lose some weight and understand nutrition better this would be great for you. Please message me if interested!!!!

Mobile uploads 04/05/2015

Starting my Monday morning off right!!!! πŸ‘


Happy Sunday!!!!! What does everybody have planned today to stay on track? I'm going to be trying out a new healthy meal tonight for dinner (I will post pics later) and get in some cardio and an ab exercise. =)

Timeline photos 16/04/2015

Couldn't have said it better!!! Sorry I have been MIA lately I have been battling sickness but I'm on the up and up!!!!! Hope everybody has been having a great week!!! :)


Went out of town this weekend and forgot my Shakeology πŸ™ˆ...feels sooo good to have it back today!


Happy Monday to all!!!!! I am ready to start this week FRESH after over indulging this weekend with Easter - opp's it happens!!!! Planning on doing 21 Day Fix Cardio today and abs!!!! Hope everybody has a wonderful week! =)


Finally feeling back to myself! Phew! πŸ˜ŒπŸ™ woke up with the sun shining, had my Shakeology and coffee-ready to have a wonderful Saturday!! Happy Easter weekend to everybody! ☺️

Mobile uploads 02/04/2015

Relieved my Autumn bobble head today!! πŸ‘ 😜 always fun receiving surprise packages 😊


Made chicken, brussel sprouts and salads for dinner and BOTH kids ate all of there salads πŸ™ daughter ate a few sprouts and my son on the other hand got sick the last time he tried one hahaha...all in all score for baby steps on eating healthier for the kids ☺️


I have been MIA these past couple days- I've been down with the flu - blah!' 😞 still not feeling great but was able to get some coffee in this morning and actually get out of bed β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ...hoping later in the day to get outside and take a walk and enjoy the beautiful day β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ

Timeline photos 25/03/2015

Ok so this isn't really related to my page BUT I thought I would share. If your like me I LOVE getting tips on new makeup, better ways to do it etc - I think it's always fun to play with! So I followed Jesse Decker (love her) and her makeup tutorial online for a fresh dewy look and bought the products she uses and tried it out today and absolutely loveeee the stuff!!!! So I thought I would attach the link here in case any of you ladies (or men ;) would like to see it!!


Who has more ambition to exercise when the sun is shining? β˜€οΈ Yesterday was gloomy and raining and took everything I had to get my butt up and do something!!!! Today is a new day and I plan on getting some cardio in and doing an ab exercise! πŸ‘ Hope everybody has a great Wednesday!!!!

Timeline photos 24/03/2015



Never SKIP a Monday - how often do we hear this? It is so TRUE. It sets you up to do good the whole week!!! I was a little missing in action this weekend - had a 30th Birthday Party so didn't stick to my diet/exercise regimen as good as I usually do BUT I am refocused today and ready to have a great week!!!!

Who would be interested in joining me with my clean eating group starting next Monday? It will run for 5 days...message below if you are interested =)


Got my upper body fix in today and really just RELAXED the majority of the day. What did you guys do to stay active?

Mobile uploads 17/03/2015

Yummmmmm! I could drink my shakeology for every meal!


Pilates βœ… 10 Minutes Abs βœ… now time for coffee!!! β˜•οΈ going to get a nice long walk in before it hits 90 today! β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ

Timeline photos 15/03/2015

This rings so true!!! Staying consistent is key! I fall off and have my cheat meals but you get back on and refocus. I hope everybody had a great weekend and here's to a good week! =)


Who else is excited for the weekend? This girl is!!!!!! Have nothing planned but am looking forward to taking some walks with the family this weekend and getting in my 21 Day Fix videos. What do ya'll have planned to stay on track? β˜€οΈβ˜ΊοΈ

Mobile uploads 10/03/2015

Great workout with my lil man!!! These hills are killer and yes that lil 4 wheeler made it the whole time!!!


Knocked out Pilates again today (my fav) and took the kids for a long walk. When it's this nice out I hate being indoors! β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ

Mobile uploads 09/03/2015

What is your favorite place to get your workout clothes from? I'm loving these outfits from Fabletics lately! - here's to starting the week off great, Happy Monday! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ☺️


What did you guys do to stay active today??

I walked the hills around where I live with a couple of my friends enjoying the gorgeous weather and did Pilates!

Dinner tonight is brussel spouts, red potatoes and pork chops!! I also made another batch of my protein balls - between the kids and hubby liking them they go fast!

"LIKE" this status if you got some sort of exercise in today! Here's to a great week!!! =)


Who is happy that it's FRIDAYYY!!!! ME ME ME!!!! How are ya'll staying on track this weekend? I am coming to a close on my 21 Day Fix so I'm going to push extra hard to finish strong! :)


Good Morning Everyone!!!! We are half way through the week - yayy!!!

What is on your guy's agenda today for workout? I did my yoga extreme and 10 minute hardcore - great way to start my day.

The sun is shining today and that always puts me in a better mood and gets me motivated! =)