

Join this mom of four on my daily venture to balance our crazy, hectic life with healthy habits and decrease our exposure to toxins!

To me, it's all about the little changes I can make -- one at a time -- that will hopefully provide my kids with a long, healthy, and happy life! Hope you enjoy all my tips, thoughts and ideas on living a healthy life!


Hi all! Yes. . .I have been absent from this page for a bit and it’s been rather dormant. I could give you 50 reasons why. . . really though, the bottom line is that life with four tween/teen kids got crazy. But at the end of the day, I truly believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the biggest gift we can to our loved ones -- and, to ourselves!

So, with that said, I’m excited about being here to give you tips on healthy and happy living.

What exactly is a health, happy life? I can tell you that it is NOT about maintaining a strict regimen that deprives you of things you enjoy. It is NOT about maintaining a dress size or eating 100% perfect all the time or spending your paycheck at Whole Foods (though I promise to tell you in a post real soon how to bargain shop there).

Living a healthy and happy life is about making educated choices and doing the best you can each day.

Please stay tuned and check back frequently for tips and ideas on how to make small changes that will ultimately have a big impact on your health.

Timeline photos 09/07/2016

An after-practice treat this morning for Emma! She made watermelon-lemonade ice pops with blueberries yesterday! So delicious! And no dyes or crappy ingredients!

Timeline photos 03/07/2016

Latest smoothie creation. You could use fresh blueberries too -- just make sure you add ice.

Timeline photos 02/07/2016

Being healthy this summer isn't about having a "bikini body."

Being healthy this summer is about LOVING your body!

I'm not talking about "love" as in how you FEEL about your body. I'm talking about "love" as in how you TREAT your body.

Because when you TREAT your body with LOVE, your body will LOVE YOU back!

Join me this summer for an online program where you will overcome emotional and logistical blocks and start loving your body.

Based on my experiences with hundreds of clients over the last twenty years as a fitness trainer and health coach, my LOVE YOUR BODY program includes:

Weekly at-home, easy-to-follow exercise videos for ANY fitness level.

Meal plan with foods you will actually want to eat and new ideas each week.

Online group as well as email support

Discussions on mindset, overcoming emotional blocks, and tips to help you stay on track.

Message me for more info 😊 I'm so excited for you to start loving your body!

Timeline photos 28/06/2016

Seriously though. . ."fit" comes in all shapes and sizes.

Photos from LifebyLaura's post 04/06/2016

I make breakfast for 5 people, five days a week. On the weekend they have to , today it's all about with a


How handy does this look? I hate the smelly cat air fresheners -- they give me a headache. But u def need something to handle the stinky sports equipment smell in my car -- this looks better!

Timeline photos 14/05/2016

Because a girl can never have too many sneakers 😂😜

Timeline photos 11/05/2016

The view here is soooo much better than a gym. Soothes the soul and invigorates the body!

BEAUTYCOUNTER Intro 11/05/2016

It's been 2 1/2 years since I first saw this video. Still inspires me when I watch it. I love the honesty and transparency of Beautycounter -- oh, and the products are amazing ; )


Timeline photos 16/04/2016

I was out early this morning to work with a client and then headed out to a full day on the ball fields. Since my day seems to be about taking care of others, I took a few minutes to take care of me with a yummy and nutritious breakfast taco.

Sautéed spinach with an egg and salsa on a corn tortilla. I used chipotle infused olive oil for a little extra heat😉🔥

BPA Linked to Premature Babies: Study 29/03/2016

Wow! But the question in my mind is -- are alternatives to BPA any safer? I'm definitely working to replace plastics in our house.

BPA Linked to Premature Babies: Study Higher concentrations of the plastics chemical BPA in a pregnant woman's system could increase the likelihood that her baby is born premature, according to a…

This BPA Alternative Made From Paper Waste Is Coming to a Can Near You 25/03/2016

Wood pulp, it's not just for cheese anymore 😉

This BPA Alternative Made From Paper Waste Is Coming to a Can Near You U.S. chemists have found a way to use a wood pulp byproduct to replace the harmful substance.

Timeline photos 18/03/2016

If you want a copy of my recent presentation on Obesogens, shoot me a message with your email.

"10 Americans" by Environmental Working Group 11/03/2016

To say this video is powerful is an understatement. It drives my passion, it is why I do what I do.

"10 Americans" by Environmental Working Group EWG President Ken Cook shares shocking information about how babies are born pre-polluted with as many as 300 industrial chemicals in their bodies. One of th...


Every single time I watch this video I am inspired. Have you watched it? What do you think?

Video: 10 Americans Watch EWG president Ken Cook share shocking information about how babies are born pre-polluted with as many as 300 industrial chemicals in their bodies. One of the most entertaining and sobering presentations that you'll see about the health effects of environmental pollution.

Timeline photos 04/03/2016

I caved in the other day and bought my daughter a Shamrock Shake from you-know-where. You know how it sometimes you cross over to the dark side. So I had to taste it to see what the hype is about. 😝😝😝 REALLY! It tasted sooooo plasticky (is that even a word?)

Anyhow, I've seen all kinds of healthy green shake alternatives. I'll be honest though, I'm not a kale smoothie girl. BUT this morning it hit me! Matcha powder and mint extract blended with yogurt, banana, and a bit of honey (because it needed a little sweetness). Blended with ice until smooth. DELISH!

Granola 23/02/2016

Easy to make, homemade granola. I use WALNUT OIL instead of vegetable oil. Adds in some healthy Omega-3 fats and eliminates the vegetable oil

Granola Granola is a staple in my house.  Thankfully, my teenage son loves it -- and the rate at which he eats it is insane some days (which goes with the territory for teenage boys).  Since it's something that we use a lot, I have been making my own granola.  This allows us to avoid extra added ingredients…

Greenwashing in Cosmetics. The brands doing it may surprise you. • KRISTEN ARNETT'S GREEN BEAUTY... 03/02/2016

I really,really try to stay away from negative comments about particular products or brands but. . .the issue of greenwashing really strikes a chord with me. That said, I used many -- if not most -- of the brands listed in the article below until I started really learning about what ingredients to avoid and why. My biggest piece of advice. Educate yourself! The SKIN DEEP DATABASE by the Environmental Working Group is an awesome place to start. And of course, I'm here to help any way that I can.

Greenwashing in Cosmetics. The brands doing it may surprise you. • KRISTEN ARNETT'S GREEN BEAUTY... Are you being fooled by marketing ploys? See if your favorite brand is listed as one of the biggest offenders greenwashing in cosmetics today.

Breakfast Burrito 03/02/2016

Having something on hand for a quick but filling breakfast is key!

Breakfast Burrito If you are like me, getting a solid breakfast in the mornings can be a challenge.  Teaching and early morning bootcamp class and them getting everyone in my family up, ready, and out the door is like a decathalon event!  I always try my best to prep lunches the night before but honestly it doesn't h…

Box Tops: 
The Brilliant Marketing Ploy 
of Processed 
Food Companies Keeping Your Family Addicted 28/01/2016

So I have a total love/hate relationship with Box Tops. LOVE that my kids have an awesome game room with ping pong table, air hockey, and more that they can use at lunchtime -- paid for by our PTA with Box Top $$. BUT, the marketing ploy that encourages families to buy not-so-healthy foods in the name of donating money to our school turns my stomach. Love that my friend Leah at Mammavation provided this list of healthier box top options

Box Tops: The Brilliant Marketing Ploy of Processed Food Companies Keeping Your Family Addicted Does your child's school participate in Box Tops for Education? It's a program designed to earn money for schools. It's billed as an easy way to contribute to your child's school just by bringing in the box tops to products you already feed your family. But, are the participating products really som…

Timeline photos 23/01/2016

Stuck inside with the snow? No excuses! How many times can you repeat?


"HEALTHY" grab-n-go breakfast? Um . . . NO, NO, and NO!!! Let's review this for a moment.

It makes 12 "muffins" and there is 1 cup of sugar! That means 4 teaspoons of sugar per "muffin". But will you really only eat one? Let's consider that there is only 1/4 cup of oats in each muffin -- that's only half a serving of oats, and the oats are ostensibly what makes this "healthy." So let's assume you're going to eat two of these bad boys. That means you are consuming EIGHT TEASPOONS of SUGAR at BREAKFAST!!! The recommended intake falls between 6 and 9 teaspoons depending on source and make/female. Oh, and that's recommended for adults not kids! So, can someone tell me how this is justifiably called "HEALTHY"????

Timeline photos 15/01/2016

Homemade Peanut Butter Protein Bars

Melt together 1 cup peanut butter and 3/4 cup honey.

Remove from heat and stir in 1/2 cup almond flour and 1/2 cup oat flour. Once thoroughly mixed, you can stir in a handful chocolate chips for added flavor.

Press into 8x8 pan and refrigerate. Once chilled, cut into squares.

You also can use powdered milk instead of almond or oat flour. That will increase the protein and lower the fat. Or decrease the flour/powdered milk and add in granola for a crunchy texture. Great snack for kids between school and sports.

Timeline photos 12/01/2016

I love salads! But not so much in the winter. On a cold day, I want comfort foods. So I figured why not make a warm chopped salad? So easy and it totally hit the spot tonight.

Drizzled olive oil in glass dish and then piled on chopped spinach, topped with chopped red peppers, roasted turkey, and some cheese. Drizzled some blackberry ginger balsamic on top and placed in oven at 350 degrees for about 5 minutes -- just until cheese began to melt.

Have Trouble Sleeping All the Way Through the Night? Try Bit of This “Ideal Liver Fuel” Before... 12/01/2016

Interesting. Just last night my son asked for dessert too close to bedtime. Obviously I told him no, but suggested if he wanted a sweet snack to have an english muffin with peanut butter and honey.

Have Trouble Sleeping All the Way Through the Night? Try Bit of This “Ideal Liver Fuel” Before... This naturopath and author has seen amazing results using this simple trick...

Timeline photos 11/01/2016

Sunday night prep done! Ready for Monday morning!

6 Things You Must Do to Lose Weight 06/01/2016

Long Island Peeps. . .Looking for some TIPS to help with your resolutions to GET HEALTHY in 2016?

Join me at Panera Bread in Port Jefferson Station next week. Space is limited,please RSVP through eventbrite.

RSVP for January 12 morning session

RSVP link for January 15 evening session

6 Things You Must Do to Lose Weight Join me to learn 6 things you can do to help you achieve success in your resolution to live healthier and lose weight this year! And here's a hint -- exercise is NOT on the list. Space is limited. Each attendee will receive a $25 credit to used toward health and fitness coaching services provided…

Videos (show all)

Did you know that the "pink ribbon" wasn't originally pink?  And it was originally designed to raise awareness about how...