Rosarium Sanctum

Rosarium Sanctum





Romans 3:10, "As it is written: 'None is righteous, no, not one,'" emphasizes the universal sinfulness and moral failure of humanity. Paul, the author of Romans, quotes from the Old Testament (primarily Psalms) to make the point that no person can claim righteousness on their own merits.


1. Human Sinfulness: The verse underscores the idea that all humans are inherently sinful and fall short of God's standards of righteousness. This applies to everyone, regardless of their background or religious affiliation.

2. Need for Salvation: By highlighting human unrighteousness, Paul sets the stage for the need for divine intervention. This paves the way for his argument about the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, as humans cannot achieve righteousness through their own efforts.

3. Humility and Repentance: Recognizing that no one is righteous on their own should lead to humility and a recognition of the need for repentance and reliance on God's grace.

4. Unity in Sin and Salvation: Paul uses this statement to show that both Jews and Gentiles are equally in need of salvation, promoting the idea that salvation through Christ is available to all humanity, breaking down ethnic and religious barriers.

Romans 3:10 is a key verse in Paul's argument about the universality of sin and the need for faith in Christ for righteousness and salvation.


Sabi nang mga sulpot na hindi naniniwala sa mga santo. Ito yon 👇

1. Psalm 31:23
> "Higugmaa ang Ginoo, kamo nga iyang mga balaan! Ang Ginoo magapanalipod sa mga matinud-anon, apan pagasilotan niya ang mga mapahitas-on sumala sa ilang gimbuhaton."

2. Psalm 116:15
> "Bililhon sa panan-aw sa Ginoo ang kamatayon sa iyang mga balaan."

3. Daniel 7:18
> "Apan ang mga balaan sa Labing Halangdon magapanunod sa gingharian, ug magapanag-iya niini sa walay katapusan, oo, sa walay katapusan."

4. Acts 9:13
> "Apan si Ananias mitubag, 'Ginoo, nakadungog ako gikan sa daghan mahitungod niining tawhana, unsa kadaghan nga kadautan ang iyang gibuhat batok sa imong mga balaan didto sa Jerusalem.'"

5. Romans 1:7
> "Ngadto sa tanan nga mga pinalangga sa Dios nga tua sa Roma, gitawag nga mahimong balaan: Ang grasya ug kalinaw gikan sa Dios nga atong Amahan ug sa Ginoong Jesu-Cristo anaa kaninyo."

6. 1 Corinthians 1:2
> "Ngadto sa iglesia sa Dios nga anaa sa Corinto, sa inyo nga gibalaan diha kang Cristo Jesus, gitawag nga mahimong balaan, uban sa tanang dapit nga nanawag sa ngalan sa atong Ginoong Jesu-Cristo, ang ilang Ginoo ug atong Ginoo."

7. Ephesians 1:1
> "Si Pablo, apostol ni Cristo Jesus tungod sa kabubut-on sa Dios, ngadto sa mga balaan nga anaa sa Efeso ug matinud-anon diha kang Cristo Jesus."

8. Revelation 5:8
> "Ug sa diha nga gikuha niya kini, ang upat ka buhing binuhat ug ang kawhaan ug upat ka mga anciano mihapa sa atubangan sa Kordero. Ang matag usa kanila adunay alpa ug bulawan nga mga panaksan puno sa insenso, nga mao ang mga pag-ampo sa mga balaan."

These verses highlight the reverence for the saints .


The doctrine that God is "true God and true man" refers to the belief in the hypostatic union, a central tenet of Christian theology, particularly within Catholicism. This doctrine asserts that Jesus Christ is fully divine and fully human.

Key Points:

1. Fully Divine: Jesus is fully God, possessing all divine attributes. He is the second person of the Holy Trinity, co-eternal and consubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

2. Fully Human: Jesus is also fully human, sharing in all aspects of human nature except sin. He experienced birth, growth, emotions, suffering, and death.

3. Hypostatic Union: This term describes the union of Christ's divine and human natures in one Person. These two natures coexist without mixing, changing, dividing, or separating.

4. Scriptural Basis:
- Divinity: John 1:1 ("In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.")
- Humanity: John 1:14 ("The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.")

5. Ecumenical Councils: The Council of Chalcedon (451 AD) formally defined the doctrine of the hypostatic union, affirming that Jesus is "perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, true God and true man."

Meaning and Significance:

- Salvation: Jesus' dual nature is essential for the redemption of humanity. As God, He has the power to save; as man, He represents humanity.
- Mediation: Jesus acts as the perfect mediator between God and humans, understanding human experiences and providing a way to reconcile with God.
- Incarnation: The belief in the Incarnation, that God became man in the person of Jesus, underscores the closeness of God to humanity and His profound love for His creation.

This doctrine is foundational for understanding the nature of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith, shaping the beliefs and practices of Christians worldwide.


Let's pray always for our warriors for Christ 🙏


If you encounter a problem or issue, it's better to address it directly with the person involved rather than posting about it on social media. Such matters require personal, direct attention and communication, rather than seeking public attention or validation from a wider audience online who may not fully understand the situation.


"We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were the ones who had to bear the greatest trials."

St. Teresa of Avila


In the Roman Catholic Church, the liturgical color for a wedding is typically white or gold. These colors symbolize joy, celebration, and the sacredness of the sacrament of matrimony. Therefore, a Catholic priest officiating a wedding would wear a chasuble that is white or gold.


The entourage is not part of the wedding ceremony. If you arrive late to your wedding ceremony, you typically go directly to the altar area where the ceremony is taking place. Whether you like it or not, that is the proper way.


“Ang taong punong puno ng kasalanan sa puso ay bulag sa kabutihan ng iba at sa sarili niyang kasalanan."
- Rev. Fr. Franz Joseph G. Aquino

Hango mula sa homiliya ni Reb. Pdre. Franz Joseph Aquino sa Ika-10 Linggo sa Karaniwang Panahon (B) | Hunyo 9, 2024

Photos from Breaking News Negros Oriental's post 10/06/2024

Negative emotions should not be shared on social media. While it is your right to express yourself, if you want to resolve the issue, you must address it to the proper persons involved.


The Catholic Church condemns same-s*x s*xual ACTIVITIES and denies the validity of same-s*x marriage. While the Church opposes "unjust" discrimination against homos*xual persons, it supports what it considers "just" discrimination in the employment of teachers or athletic coaches, in adoption, in the military and in housing. The Catechism of the Catholic Church promulgated by Pope John Paul II considers s*xual activity between members of the same s*x to be a grave sin against chastity and sees homos*xual attraction as objectively disordered. However, the Catechism also states that homos*xuals "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity".This teaching has developed through papal interventions, and influenced by theologians, including the Church Fathers.


The Church does not condemn being a part of LGBTQ+ but the ACTIVITIES.


Regarding divorce, Jesus addressed this in the Gospels. The most direct reference can be found in the Gospel of Matthew:

Matthew 19:3–9 (NABRE):

Some Pharisees approached him, and tested him, saying, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause whatever?” He said in reply, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ and said, ‘For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.”

They said to him, “Then why did Moses command that the man give the woman a bill of divorce and dismiss [her]?” He said to them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning, it was not so. I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another commits adultery.”

In this passage, Jesus acknowledges that Moses permitted divorce because of the hardness of people's hearts, but He emphasizes that this was not the original intention of God. The phrase "unless the marriage is unlawful" (sometimes translated as "except for s*xual immorality" or "except for porneia") has been the subject of various interpretations and debates within Christian communities.


According to Christian tradition and the teachings of the New Testament, St. Joseph is not considered the biological father of Jesus. Instead, he is recognized as the foster father or legal guardian of Jesus. This belief is rooted in the accounts of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Key Points:

1. Virgin Birth:
The Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 1:18–25) and Luke (Luke 1:2–36) describe the virgin birth of Jesus. According to these accounts, Mary, the mother of Jesus, conceived him through the Holy Spirit while remaining a virgin. This is a foundational belief in Christianity, affirming that Jesus was born of a virgin, emphasizing His divine origin.

2. Role of St. Joseph:
St. Joseph is described as Mary's husband, who took on the role of Jesus' earthly father. Despite not being His biological father, Joseph's role was crucial. He provided for Jesus and Mary, protected them, and fulfilled his responsibilities as a father within their family and society.

3. Genealogies in the Gospels:
Both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide genealogies of Jesus, tracing His lineage through Joseph. These genealogies establish Jesus' legal and royal heritage, linking Him to the house of David, which is significant for fulfilling Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.

Christian doctrine maintains that Jesus' conception was a miraculous act of God, with St. Joseph serving as His earthly guardian. Thus, St. Joseph is honored and revered as the foster father of Jesus, not his biological father.


For the intelligent only👇


Q: Does divorce really solve marital problems or issues?

A: Divorce is a complex issue and isn't always the solution to marital problems. In some cases, couples may find that divorce is necessary to escape unhealthy or abusive relationships, or when efforts to resolve differences have been exhausted. However, many marital issues can be addressed through communication, counseling, compromise, and mutual effort. Each situation is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. The decision to divorce should be carefully considered, taking into account the well-being of both partners and any children involved.


Annulment and divorce are both legal procedures to end a marriage, but they differ significantly in their nature and implications:

1. Definition
-A divorce is the legal dissolution of a valid marriage. It recognizes that the marriage existed but has ended due to various reasons such as irreconcilable differences, infidelity, or other grounds specified by law.

- Annulment: An annulment is a legal declaration that a marriage was invalid from the start. It asserts that the marriage never legally existed because it was based on conditions that rendered it void or voidable.

2. Grounds:
- Divorce: Grounds for divorce can vary widely but generally include incompatibility, adultery, abandonment, abuse, and other irreparable issues.

-Annulment: Grounds for annulment typically involve circumstances existing at the time of the marriage that made it invalid, such as fraud, duress, bigamy, in**st, mental incapacity, underage marriage without proper consent, and impotence.

3. Legal Consequences:
- Divorce: Since a divorce ends a valid marriage, the process involves division of marital property, spousal support, and potentially child custody and support arrangements.

-Annulment: Because an annulled marriage is considered never to have legally existed, there are no typical divorce settlements. However, some jurisdictions may still address child custody and support if children are involved.

4. Religious Considerations:
- Divorce: Some religious institutions may have specific rules and consequences regarding divorce, and it might affect the religious standing of the individuals.

- Annulment: In some religious traditions, especially within the Catholic Church, an annulment is required to remarry within the church. An annulment declares that a valid sacramental marriage was never present.

5. Social and Personal Implications:
- Divorce: The social and personal impact of divorce can be significant, often involving emotional and financial stress due to the dissolution of the marriage.

- Annulment: While annulments also have emotional impacts, the legal perception that the marriage never existed can lead to different personal and social ramifications compared to a divorce.

In essence, while both annulment and divorce serve to end a marital relationship, an annulment treats the marriage as if it never legally existed, whereas a divorce acknowledges the existence of a marriage and terminates it.


One of Satan's strategies is to make sin look normal and righteousness seem weird. This is evident in several ways:

1. Normalization of Sin: Sinful behaviors are increasingly portrayed as normal, harmless, or even positive in media and culture.

2. Marginalization of Righteousness: Those who live according to traditional moral values are often seen as old-fashioned or extreme.

3. Moral Relativism: Promoting the idea that there's no absolute truth, leading to the erosion of shared moral values.

4. Appeal to Desires: Emphasizing personal desires and pleasures as the highest good, often at the expense of ethical considerations and self-discipline.

Stay vigilant and steadfast in your convictions despite societal pressures.


Before you argue with someone, ask yourself: Is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?

Because if not, there’s absolutely no point.


"Divorce is a passport to Hell."

- St. Padre Pio


In a decree on May 23, Pope Francis approved the miraculous healing of a 21-year-old girl from Costa Rica named Valeria Valverde who was near death after seriously injuring her head in a bicycle accident while studying in Florence in 2022.

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