Mind Over Matter - Mind and Body Mentoring

Mind Over Matter - Mind and Body Mentoring

Organise your life, Create a healthy lifestyle, Enjoy fitness ,Improve and understand your mental he

Timeline photos 20/03/2019

When I was about 14/15 my auntie had my cousin Georgia who was born with down syndrome this is when my love for how each persons build and mental form is different and how much it should be taught about more , my cousin is beautiful and kind she’s funny and knows exactly what’s happening around her , she doesn’t let having Down syndrome stop her from doing anything she will try and have fun doing it , and this day is to bring awareness to others like her to show they can do anything

Timeline photos 17/03/2019

Asking for help is ok

Timeline photos 02/03/2019

In Omnia Paratus - ready for anything , for any of my Gilmore girl fans here I was sitting and watching the episode where Rory joins in with the life and death Brigade and it got me thinking how much happier we could be if we had the same attitude that where ready for anything, yes life has its ups and downs but sometimes stepping back and just going with the flow can be better for us mentally and physically so why not make a goal to say yes next time you have an opportunity to do something a little out of the ordinary

Timeline photos 17/02/2019

Never give up on your dreams

Timeline photos 09/02/2019

with the Goods for Newcastle miss pageant queen 👸🏼

Timeline photos 09/02/2019

NMP Queen with my princess 👑

Timeline photos 06/02/2019


Timeline photos 19/01/2019

to keep me going ✌🏽

Timeline photos 12/01/2019

Yep that’s me 😂

Timeline photos 08/12/2018


Timeline photos 26/11/2018

Where would u go if you had a chance at $75,000 I definitely would take my daughter on a cruise to all the islands , for your chance to with all you have to do is become a .au ambassador but be quick you only have 4 days left

Timeline photos 24/11/2018

I can not rave about this drink enough tastes amazing and gives me as much energy as having a coffee or energy drink and better yet it’s healthy for you

Timeline photos 30/09/2018

Jacket and jumpers online now for $50 www.mindovermattermentoting.com

Timeline photos 27/09/2018

Get one of our protein shakes online now for $20

Timeline photos 25/09/2018

** Today’s the day **

5pm tonight keep an eye out as we will be launching the site.

Timeline photos 20/09/2018


After over a year in the works on the 26.9.18 we are officially launching Mind over Matter to bring awareness to mental health and help you create the mind set to be the best version of you through mental health , fitness and nutrition.

Timeline photos 13/09/2018

Sometimes we need someone to just ask R U OK? It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small it’s ok to speak it’s ok to have feelings it’s ok to let others know your not ok , even if you are close to someone and think their ok sometimes they may not be and don’t feel like they can say it - make it your goal to ask at least 1 person R U OK ?

Timeline photos 08/09/2018

You are unique , their is only one you , don’t let anyone define you don’t let their words tell u who u are believe in your self.

Timeline photos 04/09/2018

We all have that one big dream that tends to feel just out of reach - why is that ? Stop and think for a second take a step back and look at the steps it would take to reach that goal create the mind set for your self you are accountable for your self reach for that dream don’t let fear hold you back

Check out .au for amazing holiday packages 🌴✈️

Timeline photos 16/08/2018

The only person stopping you is YOU

Timeline photos 10/08/2018

The best motivation to listen to while I work out 🏋️‍♀️ - find what drives you what motivates you and go for it

Timeline photos 07/08/2018

I DARE YOU ~ To look at your self in the mirror that person you are looking at that is your obstacle the only person stopping you from achieving your goal is YOU , their is no one to blame not your mum , dad , siblings, friends , associates. To succeed you need to rise above yourself 📷 from make sure you check out her page

Timeline photos 05/08/2018

📷 by

Timeline photos 03/08/2018

Life happens sometimes we need to stop and take a step back to look at the big picture

Timeline photos 02/08/2018

What do you think of when you hear the word mental illness ~ it’s all good to name mental illness but it’s understanding what it means and how we can help our selves and others with mental illnesses that can change so many lives make what society says is your weakness your BIGGEST STRENGTH

Timeline photos 01/08/2018

Happy hump day ~ all it takes is 5 mins why not give this leg and b***y workout a go 🍑🍑 ***y