Solo Dentists

Solo Dentists

This page represents all the Solo Dentists and Small Practice Owners who are struggling through these crazy times.

You can join our private Group at to see what we really think about everything.

3 Tips for a Better Dental Office Atmosphere | The Dental Geek® 01/08/2020

Getting a better atmosphere

3 Tips for a Better Dental Office Atmosphere | The Dental Geek® During the COVID-19 crisis, get updates and information at ADA and your state’s website. Please follow the official guidance, stay safe and help limit the spread of the coronavirus.

4 Practice Growth Marketing Principles that Never Change - Dr. Chris Griffin Show 31/07/2020

4 Practice Growth Marketing Principles that Never Change - Dr. Chris Griffin Show It has been an honor for 8 years to help dentists discover how to increase their productivity and take home pay through perfecting their clinical systems and increasing their capacity to do lots of dentistry. Until now, I have left the subject of new patient acquisition largely alone. Even though mo...

8 low-cost ways to increase new-patient numbers 29/07/2020

Ways to get more dental patients

8 low-cost ways to increase new-patient numbers Patients assume you know how to do the dentistry; what they come for is friendliness, a reasonable wait time, a great atmosphere, and — most importantly — the relationship. Dr. Rhonda Savage gives you eight inexpensive marketing ideas you can use to boost your new-patient numbers.

How to Use the Economics of Efficiency to Your Advantage 28/07/2020

How to Use the Economics of Efficiency to Your Advantage We live in a world of opportunity. We are basically unlimited in the ways we can practice dentistry or live our lives.

8 Tips For Running A Successful Dental Practice | Patient News 28/07/2020

Vital elements for an effective dental practice.💯

8 Tips For Running A Successful Dental Practice | Patient News Suffering from writer's block when it comes to your dentist newsletters? Then try one of these 10 office newsletter ideas to to generate quality content.

A top 10 list of mistakes in practice management 27/07/2020

Take control of your dental practice. 👨‍🏫

A top 10 list of mistakes in practice management Borrowing from talk-show host David Letterman, the author presents his own top 10 list of common mistakes dentists make.

The dental office as a healing environment 27/07/2020

The dental office as a therapeutic environment 😇

The dental office as a healing environment Conventional health care settings are rarely therapeutic, and just walking into a dental office can raise the stress level of both patients and staff.

5 simple tips for helping patients relax at your dental office - 27/07/2020

Help your clients relax at your dental office 💆

5 simple tips for helping patients relax at your dental office - Even patients that don’t suffer from severe dental anxiety may have some uneasiness while visiting the dentist. For their sake, and the sake of your practice, consider ways to reduce your patients’ discomfort and provide a positive atmosphere. By taking a few small steps, you can improve the atm...

13 Ways to Increase Productivity in A Dental Office 27/07/2020

Productivity is the key 🔑

13 Ways to Increase Productivity in A Dental Office The productivity in your dental office can have a major impact on your bottom line. Here's 13 ways you can increase your offices' productivity.

Is one of these common problems causing stress in your dental practice? 27/07/2020

Managing it effectively ✅

Is one of these common problems causing stress in your dental practice? Are you stressed running your dental practice? You're not alone. But there are some very common problems that cause those stressors. Here's what you can do about the four most common.


So much confusion right now!

And, who's helping us?!? Seems like nobody! 🤷‍♂️

Bailout money is gobbled up by companies that never got shut down in the first place 🦃

Our poor little 'Wo is Me' lobbyists are apparently taking Subway lunches to Capital Hill, 🌭🍕🍔

While the Insurance companies are killing the fatted calf right on the steps of Congress. ✈️⚓️🐄💲

It looks like we're going to have to figure this out all by ourselves!

That's fine. That's the way we like it most of the time anyway, but...

How in the world are we supposed to figure out how to practice in a way that is safe for our team, our patients, and ourselves? 🤦🏻‍♂️

Those new OSHA Guidelines just seemed to fuzz up the process even more. ☣

So, I put a poll in our Private Facebook Group so we can lean on each other's wisdom during these dark, uncertain times. ⛈🌪

What we do right now will make or break our practices!

The Group is for Solo and Small Practice Owners of all walks. 🏥

No kidding around! We need to help each other now more than ever! 👫

I don't care if you're a GP, orthodontist, oral surgeon, or what.

Let's band together for the time being and after this is all over, we can start fussing amongst ourselves again.

But now, let's just figure this junk out and get back to work!!!

Go here to Vote and Help Each Other. ✅

Remember, we're all in this together!
