The Way of the Tantric Sex Goddess: Sacred Sex, Sacred Life
Women's sensuality and s*xuality...know thy body, soul and essence... This is about empowering you, beautiful Goddess.
About finally releasing all of the conditioning of 'shhhh...they'll hear you'. About normalizing pleasure for the sake of healing the Feminine so we can have more fulfilling relationship with ourselves and, ultimately, with others...if you so choose. This isn't a program that is made to turn you into something so you can BE something else. Simply, it is an opportunity to see your true essence. The
"El deseo s*xual, si es recíproco, origina un complot de dos personas que hace frente al resto de los complots que hay en el mundo. Es una conspiración de dos. El plan es ofrecer al otro un respiro ante el dolor del mundo. No la felicidad sino un descanso físico ante la enorme responsabilidad de los cuerpos hacia el dolor.
En todo deseo hay tanta compasión como apetito. Sea cual sea la proporción, las dos cosas se ensartan juntas. El deseo es inconcebible sin una herida. Si hubiera alguien sin heridas en este mundo, viviría sin deseo.
El deseo anhela proteger al cuerpo deseado de la tragedia que encarna y, lo que es más, se cree capaz. La conspiración consiste en crear juntos un espacio, un lugar, necesariamente temporal, para eximirse de la herida incurable de la carne. Ese lugar es el interior del otro cuerpo. La conspiración consiste en deslizarse al interior del otro, allí donde no se les pueda encontrar. El deseo es un intercambio de escondites”.
- John Berger.
(ensayo ESA BELLEZA)
The Importance & Function of our Erotic Embodiment
Published at on 5/4/2016
These are excerpts taken from an article, The Importance & Function of our Erotic Embodiment, by Christiane Pelmas
(I believe that) what happens in our s*xual embodiment and or**sm is nothing less than our genius; the specific intelligence, purpose and passion – our way of knowing the world – that is unique to each of us yet intrinsic to all humanity. The extent to which we prioritize and care for our eroticism, s*xual vitality and embodied health (and the depths to which we see all of it as sacred) is the extent to which we allow our genius to be fully present in the world.
The second thing I believe is that the most dangerous ailment in the world, the one from which all other catastrophes stem, is the epidemic of our disembodiment, the evisceration of our understanding that human experience, intelligence and awareness comes primarily through the portal of our physical body.
If we are not in relationship with our bodies then we cannot be in relationship with others or the earth body upon which we each rely for our individual and collective survival. In our disembodied state we are capable of not only allowing but contributing to the disembowelment of each other and the earth.
The third thing I believe is that we live to be used up by the world in the unique way we are each here to serve; that this largest longing is at the root of all other longings. It is likely that the un-lived course of our deepest longing is the cause of skyrocketing addiction and other numbing behaviors now epidemic among humans.
If we get to our death beds without having been both acknowledged and used up by the world in the particular way we are meant to serve, we often feel an unbearable sense of betrayal, anger and uselessness that is perhaps the worst of all human experiences. We cannot offer what we have yet to claim as our own: in our disembodied state we flail in bankruptcy with nothing more to offer than the collusion of our domesticity.
The fourth thing I believe is that, because of our cultural disembodiment and the resulting disembowelment of the world, the world is quite literally dying to experience our full presence, for the wise stewarding and intimate attention of our witness and reflection.
We are so perfectly equipped to be the world’s stewards and witnesses, to feel the joy and heartbreak of the impossibility of this life and its certain death, of the miracle of ocean ecosystems and the diversity of rain forest canopies. Of the inconceivable infinity of space and the existence of microscopic organisms without which the entire web of this life would collapse.
To traverse the vulnerability of our heart’s attachments while allowing that all of what we know and believe defines us will cease to exist, to make room for the next iteration, over and over, without hesitation, through devastation and incomprehension. It will happen to us, with us, despite us and we will, if we reclaim our wild lives and the fullness of the wisdom that comes through our erotically intelligent creatively vibrant bodies, be here to say “Yes. I am paying attention.”
These are excerpts taken from an article, The Importance & Function of our Erotic Embodiment, by Christiane Pelmas
Be careful not to limit yourself. Whatever you can imagine is possible.
Sidonie Bouchet © 2013
Artist: Adam Scott Miller
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S*xuality in modern days In our society there is a lot of repressed s*xuality. There are people that go everyday without even being touched. This is very sad. Connection is the key fundamental aspect of our existence. We need to open up the conversation on s*xuality and break the stereotypes based around it. We need an outl...
S*x with God
"Involving God in your s*x life may sound scandalous, but s*xuality was designed by our creator and is saturated with the very being of God. So why not invite the divine in? The concept may feel awkward at first, because we’ve been trained by purity culture and centuries of mistrust of our bodies and our desires. But God wants to be part of all we do. God is already there when you are naked with your beloved. God is within you, and within them, and between you both. Be brave. Enter into that presence. You have the power to transform s*x into worship of God, with God.”
Amazon Books, S*x with God.
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