Lovey's Body Products Inc.

Lovey's Body Products Inc.

Parents who want the best for their kids! Lovey's Tushi Wash is a natural alternative to chemically laden baby wipes.

Used with a cloth wipe or washcloth, this delicious smelling spray cleans baby's tushi gently, without irritaing the skin. No chemicals - just natural, safe ingredients! Solve diaper rash naturally - or help prevent it all together! Lovey's Tushi STICK is our all natural diaper ointment. Use at every diaper change to help protect the skin from irritation. This ointment is in a unique stick applica


Are you and I different? Well, we are probably more alike than different. But here is how we are perhaps both alike and different.....

We both have 24 hours in a day!

We are both likely spending a lot of time on social media every single day.

And how are we different? I GET PAID For My Time on Social Media. How about you?

You WORK 9-5 to pay for your internet.

Let your internet 24/7 pay your bills and more.

If you want to know more about how you can too, message me. I'd love to help you.


Have a blessed Friday!


Life can be complicated or it can be simple.

We aim to help demystify earning in the online world and make it simple and straight forward. And trust me, if I can do it, so can you!!

We hope you will be able to join us tonight to learn about the 3 pillars of an online business. It is a fun and interesting class and you can attend at no charge. Simply sign up on our website.

The class starts at 5 pm PST but if you can't make it then, no worries - we will send you a link to a recently recorded session for you to watch at your convenience.

See you there!

Marcie & Rick xo



Another good reason to work for yourself - LOL!

Join us TONIGHT for a Live INFO SESSION to learn how to earn online.

Register on our website and we will send you a link to tonight's session at 5 pm PST. If you cannot make it tonight, no worries. We will include a recently recorded session that you can watch at your convenience.

Questions? Send me a message. We are mentors in the online space and we are here to help answer your questions and get you started.


Like many things, easy can be used for good or not! Do you use it to your advantage?


Wondering about starting an Online Business!

Been looking into it! Maybe have some of these questions:

What product do I sell, Should it be a big course, How much and Which platform!

Which funnel... Webinar maybe... or Sales Letter!

What about upsells! Or a Continuity Program!

What about FB ads, Should I start a podcast, Should I do TikTok, Should I take selfies on IG, How about YouTube or YouTube ads!

How often should I create new content, Should I post content everywhere, Should I start blogging, What about starting a FB group!

Sound familiar!

It can be OVERWHELMING doing it on your own. Sure, it can be done by oneself....but most folks don't want to do it alone or have no idea where to begin. I am here to say that it doesn't have to be so overwhelming or lonely!

We break it down to the most SIMPLE elements.

We have a proven system that you can plug into that has been used by thousands of people around the world.

We have been around for 5 years so we are not some fly by night organization. We are going to be here for you moving forward. Pinky promise!

So why not check us out and see what we have to offer?
Save a seat at one of our twice weekly masterclasses. No obligation, no cost. Just come and have a listen and decide if it's for you or not.

YES.... Okay, great! Then sign up to save a seat and we will send you a link to the Live Masterclass. Can't make it at that time? No worries - we will include a recently recorded masterclass that can be watched anytime it's convenient!

Questions... If so, send me a message. I am here to help!


What are you doing Tonight?

How can you achieve your goals this year? Come check out HOW....... Learn to Earn Online.

See how this evening. Register to save your seat! I cannot wait to help you get started and learn to run a successful online business. The time is NOW. Your turn has come!

This is a dream come true opportunity! Don't let it pass you by without exploring it. See you there!


How can you make money and work from anywhere?


The beauty of Vancouver never gets tired!


New month, new goals!

What goals do you have for this month?


We are all guilty of overanalyzing once in a while a single aspect or topic and not seeing the whole picture any longer.

And such feelings can cloud our judgment and prevent us from looking more holistically at an entire situation. It can easily become a vicious cycle if we're not getting out of it with will, focus, and the right set of methods.

Overthinking leads to:
- Analysis Paralysis
- Prevents you from making a decision
- Prevents you from exploring options
- Linked to worry which causes restlessness, distress, sometimes depression and anxiety.

Get back in charge of your thoughts to feel at peace and more balanced again.

Here are some techniques you can use:

Comprehend and embrace the notion that "thoughts are just thoughts. They are not facts." They are not a given and they can be changed. We can train our brain in new thinking patterns to form different habits.

EXERCISE to notice when we're getting stuck in our head. This happens when we start to either ruminate and dwell in the past or worry about the future too much.

CREATE DISTANCE from specific thoughts and overthinking patterns with focused mindfulness exercises and focus on solution and forward thinking.

Intentionally DISTRACT yourself from overthinking by changing our behaviour and actions in the moment; e.g. when realizing that we're about to fall into overthinking mode we start doing sports, call a friend, etc. In other words, we engage in a total different subject and activity.

Allocate a specific and conscious amount of time during each day, maybe 30 minutes for deeper thinking and reflection. When time is up we move on to something else.

Suspend judgment and give us a try.......

If you want to learn more about what it's like to run an online business, then reach out and join our no cost class tonight. Save a spot via my new website and we will see you there. 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern.



Don't get left behind.

Digital Marketing with your own online business will help you position yourself and your family for success in uncertain times.

Want to know how to start? Don't know where to begin? We can show you. Go to our website to learn what you need to know to get started with a turnkey solution that offers EVERYTHING YOU NEED!

According to research firm, Gartner Group:

Retail sales in 2021 rebounded relative to 2020 levels, with an increase in both online and offline sales. However, strong headwinds threaten continued growth, as retail businesses face ongoing disruption from the pandemic, supply chain challenges and climate change. Digital marketing will play a key role in achieving success under these conditions.


Is this you?

You genuinely tried building a "virtual assistant support" business or a "fitness business" or maybe it was a "t-shirt company. Maybe you were selling Tupperware at home parties, cleaning products or essential oils.

Why are those businesses so hard to succeed in? Most people often struggle in those types of businesses because they are low ticket items or because they are a time vs pay (you don't give your time, you don't get paid). It's hard to make significant earnings!

Hey, it's not your fault! By virtue of the way those businesses systems are set up or configured, you have the key variables stacked against you.

Imagine if you could build a business that was not dependent on you being there around the clock.... a business that can run even when you are busy or sleeping.

What if you could actually earn in a more significant way?

What if you had a proven system you could follow with support to help you get going?

And you didn't need to store products in your garage or your spare bedroom so your mother-in-law could come visit (if you want her too!! LOL)

What if the techy stuff was all taken care of for you?

What if you didn't have to cold call or sell to people you know?

If you answered YES and this resonates with you, then I invite you to join us this evening to learn about our proven business system that takes care of all of that for you.....a system that runs in the background so you don't have to be a slave to your business 24 x 7.

Sound interesting?

If so, then sign up and save a spot for this evening's complimentary masterclass to learn more about it. If you are tired of quasi businesses and you want a "real, legitimate, high potential earnings business then this could be what you have been looking for."

Sign up on our website! And if you can't make it for tonight's 5 pm PST class, don't worry... sign up anyway and you will get access to a recently recorded live session so you can get all the info you need.

Looking forward to helping you build a business that will last and produce real results!

See you soon!

Marcie xo


Hey.... Are you Listening??

Just like the dog, I am trying to "alert you"!!

One step could change your outcome!

LIsten, I'm not sure if it's for you, but I know you are open-minded.

Just imagine how you would feel if you could control your own schedule, earn while you sleep and not be reliant on just one source for your earnings.

You have 3 options.

You can pass and scroll on by, making a judgement that its not for you without knowing what it's all about.

You can sign up and never attend the free class to learn more.

Or you can sign up, watch the class tonight at 5 pm PST or watch the replay and change the trajectory of your life for the better.

Before you make up your mind, just one more thing.....nothing changes unless you change. And almost no one that has been successful with this business model knew anything about it before following our system.

Oh, and one other thing - this is a real opportunity. No S C A M S here. I would never associate my name with anything that was not genuine. And in fact, you will get your tax receipt at the end of the year.

Don't worry - most people were skeptical at first. I was too! But I am here to tell you that it's real and it's totally do-able, with no previous experience. It's global so you can do it from anywhere in the world.

Just out of curiosity, if you haven't checked it out yet, what's holding you back?

Don't wait another day! You owe it yourself to check it out and see if it's a fit for you. Sign up today and see you on the inside. :-)


Check it out!!!! We can help you get started! No experience necessary.... all you need is desire to learn and take action.

Reach out if you have questions. DM me and I will be here for you.

Are you curious???? I can assure you that there is nothing like this opportunity and business platform out there. Nothing.

If you are wondering if its legit, IT IS! I pinky promise it is! Are we authentic? YES, We Are!

If you are asking, is it right for me? Would it suit me? Could I do it?

Wait no will not know until you check it out.

It is 90 minutes of your time - Tonight. And if you decide it's a fit for you, it could change the trajectory of your life for the better - beyond your imagination!
