Secret of Argan
Natural care product . Now with the ‘Secrets’ of Argan oil forget about using anything else but natural oil.
I would like to introduce you to the "Tree of Life", the Argan tree (Argania spinosa), from Morocco. Argan oil is produced from the kernels of the tree and is one of the rarest and most expensive oils in the world. Berber women have used Argan oil for centuries to protect and nourish their skin, hair and nails from the harsh conditions in which they live. Now Argan oil is gaining popularity as a "
Argan oil is one of the hottest beauty products out there. If you haven't yet tried it, here are four ways you can use the Moroccan gold oil in your daily beauty routine
Healthy hair
Curious about argan oil, which seems to be popping up in all sorts of beauty products these days? This oil is made from the pressed nuts of the argan tree, which is found only in Morocco. The nuts (and thus the oils) are high in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, and the many benefits of this oil are only now being realized in North America.
The oil from roasted argan nuts can be used in cooking in much the same way you might use olive oil; the flavour is slightly nutty. The pure, pressed oil also has a multitude of beauty uses. When buying an argan oil product, make sure to check that you're getting a high concentration of, even pure, argan oil, rather than something composed of many filler oils.
Strengthen hair
If you suffer from breakage, argan oil is said to help boost elasticity and make your hair stronger and less brittle. Apply a few drops to the palms of your hands and work through your hair.
Control frizzy hair
Lack of moisture can cause the frizz in frizzy hair types, but argan oil can help keep your hair under control. Smoothing some of the oil onto your hair helps to seal the cuticle and hydrate your tresses, creating a layer on the hair cuticle and thereby making your hair more manageable. The moisture it adds to your hair will also boost shine while not weighing it down or making it feel greasy.
Moisturize dry ends
If your hair is plagued by dry ends, argan oil can help hydrate them and make them healthy again. If you have fine hair, this is the best use of the product for you; while argan oil is light, people with especially fine hair should use it sparingly.
Moisturize your skin
Although very much touted for its benefits for your hair, argan oil can also be used on your skin. The oil is non-greasy and absorbs quickly. It can deeply hydrate your skin and has also been said to be beneficial for people suffering from skin conditions including acne, psoriasis and eczema.
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Argan oil is one of the hottest beauty products out there. If you haven't yet tried it, here are four ways you can use the Moroccan oil in your beauty routine.
Healthy hair
Curious about argan oil, which seems to be popping up in all sorts of beauty products these days? This oil is made from the pressed nuts of the argan tree, which is found only in Morocco. The nuts (and thus the oils) are high in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, and the many benefits of this oil are only now being realized in North America.
The oil from roasted argan nuts can be used in cooking in much the same way you might use olive oil; the flavour is slightly nutty. The pure, pressed oil also has a multitude of beauty uses. When buying an argan oil product, make sure to check that you're getting a high concentration of, even pure, argan oil, rather than something composed of many filler oils.
Strengthen hair
If you suffer from breakage, argan oil is said to help boost elasticity and make your hair stronger and less brittle. Apply a few drops to the palms of your hands and work through your hair.
Control frizzy hair
Lack of moisture can cause the frizz in frizzy hair types, but argan oil can help keep your hair under control. Smoothing some of the oil onto your hair helps to seal the cuticle and hydrate your tresses, creating a layer on the hair cuticle and thereby making your hair more manageable. The moisture it adds to your hair will also boost shine while not weighing it down or making it feel greasy.
Moisturize dry ends
If your hair is plagued by dry ends, argan oil can help hydrate them and make them healthy again. If you have fine hair, this is the best use of the product for you; while argan oil is light, people with especially fine hair should use it sparingly.
Moisturize your skin
Although very much touted for its benefits for your hair, argan oil can also be used on your skin. The oil is non-greasy and absorbs quickly. It can deeply hydrate your skin and has also been said to be beneficial for people suffering from skin conditions including acne, psoriasis and eczema.
Cracked Heels: How To Use Pure Argan Oil To Cure Dry Cracked Heels
When it comes to dry cracked heels, pure Argan oil is the forerunner par excellence!
Following bathing or showering (or a simple warm feet wash) and a thorough exfoliation, apply and rub pure Argan oil generously to moisturize your cracked heels.
again before you sleep combine for example:
argan oil feet / heels moisturization massage
and putting on a pair of clean, soft and warm cotton socks
this will allow the argan oil to seep into the cracked heels ( and feet in general ) overnight.
it will thus enhance the desired effect tremendously and you should see pleasing results in no time.
repeat nightly as needed.
depending on the dryness of your feet, you can apply pure argan oil 2 till 3 times a day.
you will want to gently and lavishly massage it into the affected area including toes, nail and cracked heels to restore natural moisture.
Visit us Muscat family festival on 3rd of October in al bahja hall - Jungle restaurant from 10 Am - 10 Pm
Argan Oil For Blackheads – Oil Against Oil!
Most people would never guess that Argan oil can be used as a treatment for blackheads, simply because blackheads (as well as all acne) are associated with oily skin. Adding more oil to already oily skin seemingly would exacerbate the problem even more than what initially started the issue, right? However, not all oil is made alike, and some oil is way better for your skin than others. Argan oil is one of those oils that is exceptionally good for both your hair and skin.
Oily skin is actually a sign that your sebaceous gland (also known as oil gland) production is not balanced. Your skin is producing way too much oil for it to handle well, and as a result, your pores are getting clogged faster. The key to get rid of blackheads is the same as it is with other forms of acne – you need to balance out your skin. Oil glands will react to the right kinds of oil – such as Argan oil – and will slow down your skin’s oil production as a result. Dermatologists that specialize in natural methods of reducing acne love Argan oil because of the fact that it has a natural balancing ability.
But what if you have blackheads and you have dry skin? Well, Argan oil is a moisturizer. Moisturizers help dry skin compensate for the lack of oil production, and occasionally jumpstart oil glands into working correctly. Unlike other moisturizers on the market, Argan oil is 100% natural, and also doesn’t clog pores. It’s plant-based, and cruelty free. Since it’s been used for thousands of years, it also has a long track record of success that most lab-made moisturizers will never be able to boast about.
What makes Argan oil unique among natural moisturizers isn’t its great track record alone. What makes Argan oil the best pick for people who want to have clear skin is the fact that it works, and has a very attractive scent that will make people want to nuzzle you closely for hours. Sounds a lot better than olive oil, milk, or egg masks, doesn’t it?
Argan Oil As Blackhead Remover
If you are ready to use Argan oil against your blackhead problem, make sure to buy a bottle of pure Argan oil. Do not get any store-created moisturizers with other additives or chemicals. After all, Argan oil is best in its most pure form.
You shouldn’t need more than a tablespoon of oil for your face and shoulders. Simply rub the oil onto your palms and massage it into your face and shoulders slowly. Let the oil sink into your skin. After a couple of hours, your skin will feel and smell great.
فوائد زيت اركان للتجميل
زيت اركان ثروة نادرة في العالم توجد في المغرب فقط فوائده متعددة أهمها أنه يحتوي على فيتامينE
يؤخر التجاعيد
ينعم البشرة والشعر له فوائد صحية خالي من الكوليستيرول
يستخدم في علاج بعض الامراض هو أيضا يحمي البشرة من الجفاف
ويغذي الشعر الجاف
ويقوي الأظافر فوائده كثيرة جدااا
الوصفات كحماية في الليل للوجه: بعد ازالة الماكياج ضعي الزيت في وجهك ولاتنسي عنقك
كحماية للجسم : عندما تخرجين من الحمام أدلكي بلطف بشرتك .
اذا كانت بشرتك جافة لا تترددي في دهن جسمك جيدا بهذا الزيت بعدها خدي حمامك لكن بعد أن تنتظري نصف ساعة
بالنسبة للشعر" اذا كان شعرك جافا ادهنيه بهذا الزيت .ادلكيه واتركيه مدة نصف ساعة بعدها اغسليه بالشامبو
لتقوية الأظافر: أغمسي أظافرك في حمام متساوي بين زيت اركان وزيت الليمون .أتركي اظافرك في هذا الخليط لمدة 10 دقائق
اعادة نضارة البشرة.
مقاومة شيخوخة الجلد. تغذية الشعر، وتنعيمه وحمايته من التلف. تقوية الأظافر. ترميم مطاطية الجلد ولدانته.
يمكنك استعماله يوميا كعامل مرطب و مغذي للوجه أو الجسم
فهو يُمتص بسهولة ولا يترك أثرا، فهو مرطب للبشره
وينعم الجلد ويطريه ويعالج الجفاف والتشققات والخشونة.
مفيد في تنظيف البشره من آثار وندوب حب الشباب ويعطيها النعومه واللمعان.
ممتاز لحماية الجسم والبطن من علامات التمدد
والخطوط البيضاء والتشققات ويستعمل فترة الحمل كحماية
يعيد النضارة والحيوية للبشرة بشكل عام خلال عدة أيام فقط من الاستخدام.
يحفز الوظائف الحيوية لخلايا الجلد.
يرمم الحاجز الجلدي.
يقاوم شيخوخة الجلد.
يغذي الشعر، وينعمه ويحميه من التلف.
يقوي الأظافر ويعيد الحيوية لها.
يخفف من آثار حب الشباب و ندوب
الحروق والجروح
يحمي الجسم من التجاعيد والسلوليت
افضل انواع الزيوت لشعر حريري خالي من القشرة والتقصف والتساقط.
Delivery service is available
Soak Your Stress Away! Try A Salt, Lavender & Argan Oil Healing Bath
While you can’t be relaxed in every moment, employing stress-releasing rituals to create balance and harmony is a must. It’s important to keep daily stress to a minimum or else it can turn into a more serious illness. One of the easiest and most relaxing ways to release stress is to take a healing salt bath.
Remember how you felt the last time you took a swim in the ocean? Most likely, you felt both refreshed and exhilarated. You can simulate the experience and cleanse yourself at the same time by taking a few baths every week.
A bath is a great transition ritual after coming home from work to relax into your evening. You only need three natural ingredients for a quick stress release and an energetic pick-me up. If you’ve been upset by a person or situation, feel nervous about a present problem or anticipating a future decision, you can take this time in a bath to meditate, listen to spiritual music, do a healing visualization, or read the gratitude prayer below.
Salt. For centuries, sea salt has been used for cleansing and it’s one of the best remedies for clearing unhealthy energy, both physically and emotionally. Different from Epsom salt (which is great for sore muscles), sea salt disintegrates dirty energy. Dirty energy is associated with stress, pain, anger, fear and negative emotions. You can buy bulk sea salt online, get it from a local grocery store, or (when in a pinch) use regular table salt from your pantry.
Lavender essential oil. Lavender is one of the best remedies for clearing emotional upset. The color vibration of lavender lessens the emotional charge and relaxes the nervous system. The aromatherapy benefits of lavender have also been shown to relieve tension. In fact, the University of Maryland Medical Center states "research has confirmed that lavender produces slight calming, soothing, and sedative effects when its scent is inhaled."
Organic argan oil. 100% pure organic argan oil from Morocco is extremely healing and infuses the skin with loads of anti-oxidants, protecting it from unhealthy free radicals. The skin is the largest organ in your body and when you are relaxing in a warm bath, your skin easily absorbs the vitamins, nutrients and essential fatty acids in the argan oil. It will also soften and moisturize every inch of your body, hair and scalp. You can apply it after the bath for extra hydration as well.
Directions for your healing salt bath:
1. Draw a warm bath and put two to three cups of sea salt in the water.
2. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
3. Add a dropper full of pure, organic argan oil.
4. Relax in the salt bath for at least 20 minutes.
5. Make sure that the majority of your body is covered with the salt water at some point during bathing.
6. Visualize healing white light filling your entire body. Imagine that the light is flushing all physical, emotional, and mental stress out of your hands and feet and being disintegrated immediately.
Hot Oil Treatment with Argan Oil
Hot oil treatment is a proven treatment to repair damaged hair. Though it can be done with any regular oil, using Argan oil for the treatment would be more beneficial. Argan oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidant that works effectively to fix any hair problems. Use the oil in the following way for hot oil treatment. Take generous amount of the oil in your hands and apply it on the root to tips of the hair. Start this by taking small section of hair and then gradually cover the entire head. Once all the hair are greased with Argan oil, take some more amount of oil in your fingertips and massage the scalp gently in circular motion. Now cover your head with a plastic cap and sit under sauna for 20 to 30 minutes. Otherwise, wrap a hot towel (towel dipped in hot water) around your head until the towel cool down at room temperature.
Shield your hair from heat by using Argan Oil
High temperature is extremely harmful for hair. But we cannot completely avoid the exposure of hair to the heat. Be it a hot summer afternoons or using dryer and iron, all these have an adverse effect on hair. You can definitely protect your hair from these by using Argan oil. Apply regularly Argan oil on your hair to minimize the harsh effect of heat. It is best to apply 2 to 3 times a week to condition and repair the hair shaft.
Say Good Bye to Dry Skin with Argan Oil
Severe dry skin is a major skin problem. Even best creams and lotions fail to remove the dry and itchy skin conditions. Argan oil has found to provide quick and effective treatment for dry skin conditions. Using Argan oil on skin is as simple as using any other creams and lotion. Just take enough amount of the oil in you palm and rub it on the face and body. The absorption is best soon after bath. So, try to apply it after bath. Besides improving dry skin condition, Argan oil also effectively cures other skin disorders and delay ageing.
Hair Growth Treatment with Argan Oil
If you have scanty hair growth then try Argan oil treatment in the following way. Argan oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help to revitalize the scalp skin for hair growth. But it is important to clean and exfoliate the scalp before applying Argan oil for hair growth treatment. Exfoliate the scalp with Rhassoul clay, rinse the hair and then damp then to dry.
Now take some amount of Argan oil in your Palm (according to thickness and length of your hair) and massage it on the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this treatment 2 to 3 times a week for instant result.
How To Use Argan Oil For Great Hair And Skin
Use it to Repair Damaged Hair
Hair styling is so much in fashion that people get tempted to style their hair according to latest trend. Though it gives instant gorgeous look and style to your hair, it makes your hair dry, brittle and weak in the long run. The chemicals present in the styling products are the greatest enemy of your hair. If you have done all torture on your hair then here is a chance to revive your hair all over again. Try the following deep leave-in treatment to regain the shinny texture of your hair.
Take generous amount of Argan oil in your palm and apply it on your hair from root to tip by taking a section of hair. Apply the oil similarly on the entire hair. Then take some amount of hair oil and apply it on the scalp while massaging in a circular motion. Leave it on the hair for 1 to 3 hours and then wash with a mild shampoo. If you have an excessive damaged hair then leave it overnight.
Argan Oil Beauty Benefits
We're about ready to declare argan oil as the best
beauty ingredient, period. We've been using argan oil for some time and have yet to be let down. Here are some easy ways to include argan oil in your beauty regimen.
Hair: Argan oil is a great product to calm frizzy ends, add moisture to dry hair as well as add a little shine. Apply to your hair while it is still damp for an all over treatment or apply just to your dry ends after your hair is dry.
Scalp: If you're dealing with dry scalp, apply some argan oil to a cotton ball and dab your scalp with the oil. If you do this before bed, you'll give the oil plenty of time to moisturize your scalp before you wash your hair in the morning.
Face: It might seem scary to apply a pure oil to your face, especially if you have finicky skin, but we have been doing just that and our skin is completely turning around. It's smooth, clear and radiant, all thanks to using argan oil as our daily morning moisturizer.
Body: You can use argan oil for a full body moisturizer, applying just as you would a body lotion or cream. Apply the oil right after you get out of your shower for best moisturizing results.
Hands: Argan oil is a great oil to use on your hands, especially on your cuticles and on your nails if they are prone to cracking and peeling.
فوائد زيت أركان على الشعر:
زيت الأركان يغذي وينشط فروة الرأس. يجعل الشعر متألقا و حريريا كما يعيد ليونته الطبيعية
طريقة الإستعمال للشعر :
يستخدم زيت الأركان لترطيب الشعر و تغذيته خاصة بعد استخدام مجفف الشعر و مستحضرات تجعيد
ضعي القليل من زيت الأركان قبل تجفيف شعرك خاصة فروة الرأس و أطراف الشعر
دلكي فروة راسكي و أطراف الشعر بكمية وفيرة من زيت الأركان غطي الشعر جيدا واتركي الزيت يعمل طوال الليل أثناء نومك، اغسلي شعركي بالماء الدافئ والشامبو المعتاد في الصباح لتتمتعي بمظهر مشرق وناعم لشعركي.
فوائد زيت الأركان على الوجه:
زيت الأركان يرطب، ينشط، يلين الجلد ويحمي من الجفاف. يخفف الشق والتكسرعلى مستوى الجلد الناجم عن برودة فصل الشتاء
كما يساعد على منع التجاعيد و حب الشباب، يطهر البشرة ويتركها متوهجة ومتألقة
كما أنه يساعد على شد الجلد بشكل طبيعي و لين
طريقة إستعمال زيت الأركان للبشرة :
زيت الأركان يعتبر من الزيوت الجافة، بمعنى أنه يتم امتصاصه بشكل فعال و سريع ولا يترك أثر دهني عند وضعه على البشرة بالإضافة إلى احتوائه على الفيتامين (أو) بصورته الفعالة و هو احد أهم الفيتامينات لنضارة البشرة و محاربة التجاعيد
و تنقية البشرة من البقع السوداء ، لذلك يعتبر زيت الأركان مرطب فعال للبشرة بعد تنظيف الوجه في الصباح أو المساء
يمكنك وضع بضع نقاط من زيت الاركان على وجهك وتوزيعه برفق على البشرة
فوائد زيت الأركان على الأظافر:
زيت الأركان يغذي ويقوي الأظافر الينة والهشة، ويحميها من التكسر و يجعلها أكثر نضارة
طريقة استعمال زيت الأركان للأظافر و علاج تشققات الكعبين :
تدليك أصابع يديك و قدميك و خاصة عند منبت الأظافر بكمية وافرة من زيت الأركان، يرطب بشرة اليدين و يحفز نمو الأظافر بصورة كبيرة ايضا يمكن استخدامه لعلاج تشققات الكعبين عن طريق تدليك الكعب باستخدام الزيت و ارتداء جورب طوال الليل للحصول على نتيجة فعالة
فوائد الطين على الوجه و الشعر:
يتميز الطين بلزوجته، بطبيعته وبشدة امتصاصه، يستعمل كشافٍ للندبات وكمطرٍّ لاحتوائه على سيليكات ألومينيوم بكميات كبيرة كذلك ينشط الجسم ويساعده في استعادة الاملاح. للطين فوائد متعددة على البشرة والشعر والجسم
طريقة إستعمال الطين:
أضفي الماء الدافئ للطين،حتى يصبح المزيج على شكل كريم سلسة، ضعي طبقة سميكة على الوجه وأتركيه لبعض دقائق ثم إغسلي بالماء الدافئ، أعيدي العملية مرة واحدة في الأسبوع
الطين هو جيد جدا أيضا للشعر،أخلطي مسحوق الطين مع قليل من الماء. ثم طبقيه على شعرك وأتركيه لمدة أربعين دقيقة. ثم إغسلي بالشامبو الخاص بك
Massage the part of your foot that corresponds to the part of your body that hurts and slowly it will reduce and eventually get rid of pain. Helps promote blood circulation to that particular part of the body.
5 golden rules to prevent eye wrinkles and face. In short, add moisture, clean the skin well, sheltered from the sun
Eye and facial wrinkles are not inevitable. In fact, experts believe that most of the damage that gets to the skin can be avoided by proper care. Here are 5 key points to beat the wrinkles:
1. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : protection from the sun
The sun is the biggest reason for the aging of the skin and eye wrinkles. You must use sunscreen every day in the summer also in the winter! Protection factor protects the skin from aging and sunburn.
2 Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Quit Smoking
Cigarette smoking accelerates the aging process. Deprives the skin of oxygen and leads to slow the pace of cell regeneration. And makes the skin seems gray and non-buoyant, and also lead to wrinkles around the mouth.
3. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Deep cleaning
Many women do not clean the skin well and correctly. In any case, it is necessary to maintain a clean skin of dead cells, dirt and make-up ,to give him the appearance of young, refreshed and lustrous. Do not use powerful products. Enough makeup remover or cream to clean the face with a piece of cotton, it is effective for most women. If your skin is very dry do a massage with detergent fatty for the face. Keep it on your skin for a few minutes and wash the residue that is not absorbed by the warm water.
4. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Add moisture
Depending on your skin type, moisturizer is either a take-it-or-leave-it product or a can’t-live-without-it item. But in reality, nearly all skin types can benefit from some sort of moisturizer.
Dry skin types can certainly attest to this. Without a daily dose of hydration your skin would be flaky, itchy and tight. Luckily, this list of the best face moisturizers includes products that deliver intense hydration that lasts all day without causing breakouts or greasiness.
Oily skin types might use moisturizer less often, but you actually need it just as much. Because people with oily or acne-prone skin often put drying products on, your skin may start to produce more oil to balance it out (yikes!). But using a light moisturizer (even one with oil-control properties) can help keep skin in balance and actually cause it to produce less oil over time. Thankfully, this list also has light moisturizers that are perfect for oily skin — they don’t cause breakouts or extra shine, but do offer some hydration.
And if you have sensitive skin, you know that a good moisturizer can calm redness or flare-ups of skin issues like eczema. Most sensitive skin will benefit from a basic moisturizer without a lot of added chemicals or preservatives, and there are plenty of products that fit that bill perfectly on this list.
5. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Stimulate blood circulation
Buy a sponge for facial scrubs and used once a week to keep your face smooth and soft. It will lead to increased blood flow to the outer layer of the skin, and promotes cell regeneration. You can achieve the same effect by rubbing detergent cream with shaving brush.
5 golden rules to prevent eye wrinkles and face. In short, add moisture, clean the skin well, sheltered from the sun
Eye and facial wrinkles are not inevitable. In fact, experts believe that most of the damage that gets to the skin can be avoided by proper care. Here are 5 key points to beat the wrinkles:
1. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : protection from the sun
The sun is the biggest reason for the aging of the skin and eye wrinkles. You must use sunscreen every day in the summer also in the winter! Protection factor protects the skin from aging and sunburn.
2 Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Quit Smoking
Cigarette smoking accelerates the aging process. Deprives the skin of oxygen and leads to slow the pace of cell regeneration. And makes the skin seems gray and non-buoyant, and also lead to wrinkles around the mouth.
3. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Deep cleaning
Many women do not clean the skin well and correctly. In any case, it is necessary to maintain a clean skin of dead cells, dirt and make-up ,to give him the appearance of young, refreshed and lustrous. Do not use powerful products. Enough makeup remover or cream to clean the face with a piece of cotton, it is effective for most women. If your skin is very dry do a massage with detergent fatty for the face. Keep it on your skin for a few minutes and wash the residue that is not absorbed by the warm water.
4. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Add moisture
Depending on your skin type, moisturizer is either a take-it-or-leave-it product or a can’t-live-without-it item. But in reality, nearly all skin types can benefit from some sort of moisturizer.
Dry skin types can certainly attest to this. Without a daily dose of hydration your skin would be flaky, itchy and tight. Luckily, this list of the best face moisturizers includes products that deliver intense hydration that lasts all day without causing breakouts or greasiness.
Oily skin types might use moisturizer less often, but you actually need it just as much. Because people with oily or acne-prone skin often put drying products on, your skin may start to produce more oil to balance it out (yikes!). But using a light moisturizer (even one with oil-control properties) can help keep skin in balance and actually cause it to produce less oil over time. Thankfully, this list also has light moisturizers that are perfect for oily skin — they don’t cause breakouts or extra shine, but do offer some hydration.
And if you have sensitive skin, you know that a good moisturizer can calm redness or flare-ups of skin issues like eczema. Most sensitive skin will benefit from a basic moisturizer without a lot of added chemicals or preservatives, and there are plenty of products that fit that bill perfectly on this list.
5. Facial and eye wrinkles remedy : Stimulate blood circulation
Buy a sponge for facial scrubs and used once a week to keep your face smooth and soft. It will lead to increased blood flow to the outer layer of the skin, and promotes cell regeneration. You can achieve the same effect by rubbing detergent cream with shaving brush.
Visit us in Meena bazaar 5th of September in al bahja hall - Jungle restaurant
7 Surprising Sources of Protein If you feel tired and hungry all the time, you may not be getting enough protein. These surprising sources of protein are great additions to any meal!
Tip number 5:
Protect your locks
Your tresses may get more wear and tear through the summer than you realize, but a little argan oil can go a long way in battling damage from sun exposure and chlorine. The oil hydrates hair naturally, improving moisture and elasticity for the long term, which in turn promotes healthy hair growth. It works on all hair types, whether you're a frizz ball in need of a hair intervention, or blessed with straight tresses and need a little added sleekness.
Try: Argan Oil Hair. It is a great way to instantly perk up tired tresses and tame flyaways. It works on a variety of hair types to nourish and moisturize, leaving hair silky and shiny.
Tip number 4:
Radiant skin
In the colder months, a lack of vitamin D can leave us feeling and looking a little, well . . . blah. Solution? Introduce argan oil serum for the face into your daily beauty routine to boost skin's tone and radiance.
Try: Add a drop or two of argan oil to your fingers each night and rub the oil onto your face in a slow, circular motion. Not only will it smooth skin, it'll even out skin tone and add a healthy glow.
Tip number 3:
For all-over radiance
Argan oil is packed full of essential fatty acids and antioxidants; it restores the appearance of dull skin and also gives skin, hair, body — you name it — a healthy sheen.