MsVenus IO Beauty Concept

MsVenus IO Beauty Concept





MSVENUS Charme Coffee II和MSVENUS Charme Konjac II,独特产品能让你控制食欲和燃烧体内脂肪长达12小时,在睡眠时静悄悄的把体内毒素排出体外。不仅如此,全新的维纳斯系列添加了独特的益生源Frutafit ® Inulin,它能促进肠蠕动和舒缓体内消化问题同时助于排便,防止便秘。此专利成分也可以增加有益的肠道细菌帮助身体排毒。

The Venus Perfection Series values the key of victory and the importance of setting health as the main priority. It has once again designed an upgraded version of the slimming concept. With its uniqueness, it is a kick start for everyone to create a healthy and beautiful life style, cleansing toxins out from the body and starting a whole new alluring journey with amazing body shape.

MSVENUS Charme Coffee II and MSVENUS Charme Konjac II, unique products work together to helps in toxins excretion and appetite control; burn body fat up to 12 hours. Not only that, a unique patented ingredient - Frutafit ®; a probiotic source, is added into the product to improve bowel movement and digestive system; prevent constipation, increase beneficial intestinal bacteria to help in body detoxifying.

Upgraded Version of The CHARME COFFEE II

引领新时代减肥新方式!瘦身塑形 >> 净体排毒 >> 营养供给
>> 全面抗击脂肪 达成燃脂 抑脂 阻脂 养肠胃

益肠圣品 - 益生源Frutafit ® Inulin
Ms Venus Charme Coffee II和Ms Venus Charme Konjac II,两种独特产品有着新添成份 -来自Netherlands专利益生源 - Frutafit ® Inulin。此独家专利益生源具有多种优良特性的水溶性膳食纤维和双歧因子。含有极低卡路里,可增进饱腹感及有助于体重管理, 让您达到瘦身效果。

New Addition Patented Ingredients Probiotic - Frutafit ®
Ms Venus Charme Coffee II and Ms Venus Charme Konjac II has added Frutatfit ®, a special patented ingredient from Netherlands. This exclusive source has a variety of water-soluble dietary fibers and bifidogenic factors. It also contains extremely low calories; helps to increase satiety and contribute to weight management.

第二代 CHARME COFFEE 升级新添主要三大成份如下:

1. 益肠圣品 -益生专利—益生源Frutafit ®专利成分
New Addition Patented Ingredients ——Probiotic - Frutafit ®

CHARME COFFEE II 新增专利成份 -来自Netherlands专利益生源 - Frutafit ®。它是经过严格的研究及高端科技,从菊苣中提取约60-80微米的纯天然菊粉。此独家专利 益生源具有多种优良特性的水溶性膳食纤维和双歧因子。含有极低卡路里,可增进饱腹感及有助于体重管理。此专利成分也有着水溶性膳食纤维的特质,可以提高身体所需的纤维含量同时促进消化系统的健康 并可达到瘦身效果。
Charme COFFEE II has added Frutatfit ® a special patented ingredient from Netherlands. This exclusive source has a variety of water-soluble dietary fibers and bifidogenic factors. It also contains extremely low calories, helps to increase satiety and contribute to weight management.

2. 蝴蝶亚仙人掌Hoodia Extract
消除饥饿信息 , 蝴蝶亚仙人掌萃取物能够帮助大脑发出信息,让人体大脑觉得自己已经饱了,就此消除不真实的饥饿信息。这时食欲会慢慢降低,您将不会在不适合的时间,摄取更多而外的食物而导致热量增加。
Eliminate hunger information
Hoodia extract helps the brain to send out information when the body receive the information, it knows that it is full thereby eliminates the untrue hunger information and decreases the appetite, and you will not take in more food at an inappropriate time, prevents an increase in calories intake.

3. 瓜拉那萃取物Guarana Extract
Control Appetite, Increase Satiety
Guarana extract helps control appetite and prevents the body from taking too much calories. Guarana and the natural ingredients of konjac work perfectly together to increase the feeling of fullness in the stomach, blocks the absorption of fat in the intestines, and improve bowel movement to help detoxification process at all the time.


>> 菊粉Frutafit®(Inulin)

• 促进肠道益生菌生长来增加有益的细菌
Increase beneficial intestinal bacteria (probiotic) by promoting their growth in the gut
• 保持肠道蠕动,防止便秘
Maintain healthy bowel movement, prevent constipation
• 有助于减肥和体重管理
Helps in weight loss and weight management
• 将有害化学物质排出体外
Excrete harmful toxins out of body
• 对血糖,胰岛素抵抗和血液甘油三酯有正面影响
Have a positive effect on blood sugar, insulin resistance, and blood triglycerides
• 促进健康肤色 - 从体内清除毒素
Promotes healthy skin complexion - remove toxin out from body
• 促进矿物吸收和吸收钙
Promote mineral & calcium absorption

>> 瓜拉那萃取物Guarana Extract
• 促进减轻体重

Promote weight loss
• 提升能量
Boost energy
• 促进血液循环
Improve blood circulation
• 高抗氧化剂
High antioxidant
• 高生物碱含量
High content of alkaloids
• 改善肌肤状况
Improve skin condition
• 促进消化系统
Improve digestion

>> 蝴蝶亚仙人掌萃取物Hoodia Extract

• 压抑食欲
Appetite suppressing
• 减低卡路里量
Cut down on the amount of calories consumed
• 燃烧体内脂肪
Burn up the fat reserves of the body
• 促进血液循环
Improve blood circulation

>> 魔芋Konjac powder

• 高含量的可溶性纤维
Rich source of soluble fiber
• 有助于减少身体脂肪
Helps in body fat loss
• 促进减轻体重和体重管理
Promotes weight loss and weight management
• 预防体重增加
Prevent weight gain
• 增加饱腹感
Increase satiation and feel full longer
• 保持血糖水平
Stabilizes blood glucose levels
• 预防便秘
Prevents constipation
• 帮助降低胆固醇并减少血液中存在的脂肪含量
Help lower cholesterol and reduce the amount of fat present in the blood
• 降低肝脏胆固醇的形成
Decrease synthesis of cholesterol by the liver
• 预防高血压
Prevent high blood pressure
• 增强矿物质的消化,特别是钙
Enhancing the absorption of minerals, especially calcium, in the digestive system
• 改善免疫系统
Improves immune system

>> 红甜菜根粉Red Beet Powder

• 然富含硝酸盐
Naturally rich in nitrate
• 改善血液循环并降低血压
Improve blood flow and lower blood pressure
• 帮助放松和扩张血管
Help in relaxing and dilating blood vessel
• 帮助降低同型半胱氨酸的血液水平(防止动脉损伤性炎症)
Help lower blood level of homocysteine (prevent artery-damaging inflammation)

>> 印度仙人掌萃取物 Caralluma Fimbriata Extract

• 有助于达到减肥目标
Helps in achieving weight loss goals
• 促进身体耐力
Build physical endurance
• 有助于抑制口渴和食欲
Helps in suppressing thirst and appetite, minimize cravings
• 减少脂肪和卡路里摄取量
Decrease fat and calorie intake
• 调节血糖水平
Regulate blood sugar levels
• 高抗氧化剂
High level of antioxidants

>> 绿咖啡萃取物Green Coffee Bean Extract

• 富有抗氧化剂和绿原酸
Loaded with antioxidants & chlorogenic acid
• 帮助燃烧脂肪,提高人体代谢率
Helps in fat burning and boost metabolism
• 降低血糖和胰岛素峰值
Lowers blood sugar and insulin spikes
• 减轻体重
Reduce body weight
• 减少体脂肪百分比
Reduce body fat percentage
• 降低血压
Lowers blood pressure

>> 绿茶萃取物Green Tea Extract

• 含有强大的抗氧化剂
Contains powerful antioxidants
• 促进加速新陈代谢
Stimulate metabolism
• 有助于减轻体重
Accelerate weight loss
Break down excess fat

>> 低聚果糖Fructooligosaccharides
• 作为益生元
Serve as a prebiotic
• 喂养结肠中的有益菌群
Feed the beneficial microflora in the colon

Slimming Coffee, Extraordinary Benefits

>> 18 大功效
■ 增加饱腹感
Increase satiation and feel full longer
■ 减少卡路里摄取
Decrease calorie intake
■ 减少体内脂肪
Reduce body fat
■ 改善免疫系统
Improve immune system
■ 改善血液循环并降低血压
Improve blood flow and lower blood pressure
■ 帮助放松和扩张血管
Help in relaxing and dilating blood vessel
■ 有助于达到减肥目标
Helps in achieving weight loss goals
■ 促进身体耐力
Build physical endurance
■ 有助于抑制口渴和食欲
suppressing thirst and appetite
■ 调节血糖水平
Stabilizes blood glucose levels
■ 提高人体代谢
Boost metabolism
■ 降低血糖和胰岛素
Lowers blood sugar and insulin spikes
■ 减轻体重
Reduce body weight
■ 分解体内多余脂肪
Break down excess fat
■ 降低血压
Lowers blood pressure
■ 刺激新陈代谢
Stimulate metabolism
■ 喂养结肠中的有益菌群
Feed the beneficial microflora in the colon
Prevent artery-damaging inflammation

√14天可见效果Visible result in 14 days
√独特科技 Unique Technology
√高营养数值 High Nutrition Rate
√天然健康 Natural & Healthy
√保证安全 Safely Guaranteed

服用方法 Direction:
>> 早上:将一小袋导入一杯温热水中(150-200ml),并搅拌均匀。早餐前或是早餐后服用。

Dissolve 1 sachet , in morning mix with 200-250ml of hot water to make a delicious charme coffee.

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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙼𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙴 𝙸𝙸每一天嘴馋😋吃不饱、喜欢吃煎炸食物的你、一定要尝试我们的消脂咖啡、让你增加饱腹感 还能燃烧脂肪🔥哦#𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝘾𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚#一天一杯燃脂一整天😘
★你还在吃减肥药  瘦身吗?★你还在运动   瘦身吗?★你还在节食   减肥吗?介绍你 CHARME COFFEE 健康瘦身不伤身  纯植物燃烧瘦身#𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝘾𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚#早安💗
