

"If Christ is not everything to you then He is nothing to you" (Charles Spurgeon). The positive imp


Whenever my dear old buddy and former roommate Kevin Roberts and I invaded his Dad's place +/-30 years ago I would always cast a glance at this print on the wall in the entrance. I have always meant to ask Kev about it, which I finally remembered to do last week. He was not only in possession...but also very fond...of it, and found on it the names of the artist and the painting. So I sought it out and remembered why it always caught my attention and contemplation: I think it depicts very vividly 1.) how many people (myself included) sometimes feel God views both them personally and most of humanity, 2.) how churches and religious people sometimes (not necessarily intentionally, though...sadly...that also happens) make individuals (myself included)...and much of humanity...feel, BUT...and most importantly...3.) a beautiful juxtaposition 'behind all our backs' (myself included) of the TRUTH about 1.) and about how 2.) should always be...which would make both God and His earthly representation One and the same.
