Rollin' with the Beets

Rollin' with the Beets

Rollin' with the Beets is your guide to living a healthy lifestyle without breaking the bank. Follow me on Instagram! @rollinwiththebeets

We believe you can achieve the balanced life you desire without all those fancy gyms and eating plans. Learn low-carb & diabetes friendly recipes, health hacks and at home easy workouts you can do with only regular household items. We will show you the healthier choices to make in every day situations and be here to support you on whatever kind of health journey you embark on!


Currently obsessed with pickled anything in this house... especially onions! 🧅
We have literally been inhaling them and putting them on everything. SO freaking good and SO easy to make. Here’s how:


•1 Red Onion
•1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
•1 tablespoon sugar
•1.5 teaspoons salt
•1 cup hot water (not boiled)


1. Slice red onion thinly with knife carefully or use a mandolin.
2. Stuff a large clean jar full of onions, but leave a little room at the top.
3. In a separate container mix ACV, water, salt and sugar together.
4. Pour mixture into onion jar and make sure the onions are fully covered.
5. Secure lid onto jar and set on counter for at least one hour.
6. After an hour, refrigerate and enjoy for up to 3 weeks.

(But they won’t last that long, that’s how good they are 🙌🏼)


We are getting 4 eggs a day now, which means there’s only one hen not laying yet this season... A little lady named Nugget. She just so happens to be our loudest and most dramatic chicken who is usually getting herself into trouble. I can’t wait until she joins the others- I bet her egg song is going to be so extra 💃🤣🐓🎶


Dreaming of the Sweet Potato Bacon Hash at ...Hoping I can go to breakfast there again soon so I can indulge in this bowl of heaven 🥰🍳🍠🥬

Photos from Rollin' with the Beets's post 01/02/2022

While I’m a huge foodie, I always feel my best when I stick to a low-carb and dairy-free eating regimen. I’ve been trying hard to get back to that way of life and I’m slowly starting to feel less sluggish and bloated...Woohoo!

So last night I made shredded chicken enchiladas with zucchini slices instead of tortillas and lemme tell you- I didn’t miss the tortillas at all! I made half with cheese for my husband and son and half with almond ricotta for me. We all loved them and this dish is definitely going into our favorite rotating dinners! Lemme know if you want the recipe 🍴


It’s a sunny day in Portland and we have no air bnb guests, so that means it’s a perfect day to finish the chicken coop 🙌🏼🐓🏠


It’s almost that time of year 🌱


Today’s lunch is inspired from the cans of tuna I panic bought during the beginning of the pandemic 😆(Don’t tell me you didn’t do that too) haha

But for reals,remember when all the grocery store shelves were empty? That wild time kind of inspired me to learn about preserving and canning so I can ensure my family always had food. I’m definitely not an expert and have SO much to learn. But homesteading has found me and I love it. Even if my husband thinks I’m low-key crazy 😜

How I make my tuna salad: tuna, vegan mayo, stoneground mustard, onion, celery, pickles, paprika, spike, salt/pepper, lemon


Monday’s aren’t so daunting with a green smoothie and some positivity 🥬✨

Smoothie ingredients:
-almond milk
-collagen powder
-green powder
-ground flax seed
-coconut oil

So delish! Enjoy your week ☀️


This is Jude’s favorite chicken, Nora. She’s a Mottled Java who lays brown eggs and loves snacks 🤎🥗


It’s about that time of year to start planning out my garden! 🌱🤗
I definitely learn a lot of lessons each year to take with me into the next season. For instance: we were up to our necks in green beans last year, but ran way too short on berries. Oh and don’t even get me started on the squirrel thieves 🙅🏼‍♀️🐿 I’m also going to introduce a better watering system this year. Exciting stuff on the horizon- just have to wait for the last frost! (I’m hoping for an early Spring here in 9a 🤞🏼)

What zone are you in? What are you excited to grow this year? Tell me your gardening tricks 🙌🏼🥦🥬🥕


My kiddo usually loves mandarin oranges, so I bought a giant bag thinking he would eat them all up. But like most 3 year olds, he’s changed his mind and told me he isn’t into them right now. Go figure 🤷🏼‍♀️ So i made myself some juice and then canned a bunch of them instead for the next time he likes them haha 🍊Never a dull moment around here!


Did you know that Rosemary is a natural insect repellent? I regularly put little sprigs in my coop to help deter bugs and also to act as a deodorizer. It is also amazing for the respiratory health of chickens. So basically, it’s a miracle herb for your girls. Rosemary is highly recommended to grow in your yards and near your coops- and obviously so many benefits for people too! 🌿🙌🏼


I’m starting to think that all my favorite foods come in a bowl 🤔🥣

I made this Açaí goodness this morning using frozen açaí packets. They have no sugar and are so delicious! I blended it up with some frozen blueberries, strawberries, a couple pieces of pineapple, almond milk and spinach.

I topped it all off with graininess granola, banana, unsweetened coconut, h**p seeds and a few dark chocolate chips. It was the perfect start to my day and now I wish I was in Hawaii 🌴🍍

(Check my stories for some of the products I used)


Another amazing Buy Nothing group find!
When I was little, my mom used to make us clothes and amazing Halloween costumes, complete with custom tags. Now I can learn to sew and make little outfits for my kiddo and transform old raggedy garments into a new wardrobe. I’m so excited to figure this bad boy out and pick up some simple patterns. Any advice is welcomed, as I am literally starting from scratch! 🧵👕🙌🏼


If you saw my stories recently, you knew that our little Nuggie (on the left) sustained a tail feather injury the other morning. She had to be treated and separated from the other hens for a few days while she healed so they wouldn’t peck at her. Today, we are happy to say that she has made a full recovery and is back with her gal pals. So far everyone is getting along great and my cat is stoked to not have a squawking chicken in the basement anymore 🙌🏼😺

Photos from Rollin' with the Beets's post 10/01/2022

Like many others, I was eager for 2022 to come so I could leave behind all the hoopla from the previous year and start fresh. I’m not much for strict resolutions, but I definitely wanted to set my personal intentions and positive tone for the new year.

Let’s talk goals. I’m excited to get back into the swing of things with goals that are realistic, obtainable and important to me. Some are gentle reminders to be a better person, some are to ensure I’m true to myself and others are things I’d like to learn. Nothing is make it or break it. There are no pressures involved or disappointment if I can’t follow through. Just gratitude for the opportunity to try and pride for the things I will achieve.

We can all agree the world is wild these days. We can plan all we want but things may change at the drop of a hat, causing us to adapt. Each day might bring something we didn’t expect. So with the hustle and bustle and uncertainty that we face, I wanted to try and carve out regular time for myself at the beginning and end of the day. Bring on all the challenges, but I’m starting my morning with intent and finishing my day with a calming wind down.

One thing I’m vowing to do daily is journal. It’s a powerful tool to keep my mind sharp and improve mental wellbeing. But if you’re like me, it’s too much to think of new topics each day. I found the perfect guided journal for me that also helps me towards one of my personal goals. Just one question a day is all it takes!

Here’s wishing you all positivity and strength in this new year, however that looks for you ✨


Just got back from a little much needed R&R at this magical cabin in the snow. 10/10 would recommend 🌲👌🏼


World’s easiest Cowboy Cookies 🤠🍪

The base of these healthy cookies is only three (vegan and gluten-free) ingredients! Then you can add whatever fixings you want or have on hand to make them your own. I chose to add dark chocolate chips, chopped pecans and leftover Christmas candies in this batch.

Main ingredients:
•2 bananas
•2 cups oats
•3/4 cup peanut butter

Optional additions:
•1 tsp vanilla
•splash of maple syrup
•chopped nuts
•chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 350 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper
2. In a bowl, mash up bananas until smooth
3. Stir in peanut butter until combined. (Also add cinnamon, vanilla or maple syrup if you choose to)
4. Fold in oats slowly and hand mix until all oats are covered by the mixture.
5. Now would be the time to add in any nuts, raisins, candies or dried fruit.
6. Using a spoon, scoop out small balls of mixture and place onto baking tray. Flatten down with back of the spoon.
7. Right before putting batter into the oven, hand place chocolate chips on the top of the cookies if you choose to.
8. Bake for 15-20 mins or until golden brown. Let cool before removing from baking sheet.
9. Enjoy!

These cookies are super easy and very allergen friendly. Kids love them too! There are so many ingredients you can add to customize them too- that’s the beauty of cowboy cookies! This recipe should roughly make about 2 dozen cookies and can be stored for about 5 days. They aren’t the prettiest cookies, but they taste good! Let me know what you think 👍🏼


Snowy days and cold temps in Portland have frozen any remaining winter crops in our garden. But somehow, they have also inspired our chickens to start laying again!You win some, you lose some I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️🤪

Photos from Rollin' with the Beets's post 04/12/2021

“And into the forest I go. To lose my mind and find my soul.”
-John Muir

Today we went on a little adventure to cut down the perfect tree at dusk and sang Blake Shelton Christmas songs together. Something about this time of year really warms my heart ❤️🌲

What is your favorite part of the holidays?

Photos from Rollin' with the Beets's post 09/07/2021

Y’all ever eat squash blossoms? I’ve only ever had them prepared at fancy restaurants, but it turns out they are super easy to make at home!

You’ll want to pick the male blossoms of a squash or pumpkin plant that are closed, give them a light rinse, then gently open up each blossom to remove the stamen from the inside of the flower.

Next, you’ll want to stuff your flowers. I used an almond ricotta and herb mixture and carefully filled each blossom with a small spoon so they wouldn’t rip. I encourage you to explore different types of foods to stuff inside. I’d love to try caramelized onions and ground meat next time.

Next, you’ll want to dip each stuffed blossom into an beaten egg mixture, then it goes into a bowl of almond flour and salt/pepper. Make sure each stuffed blossom get evenly coated.

Finally, you are going to place the blossoms in a hot pan with olive oil. Lightly fry each side of the blossom until it has kind of a tempura consistency. Gently pat dry and then enjoy these super delicious and crunchy treats. Try them dipped in pesto or marinara!

How cool is it to use multiple parts of a plant, not just the fruit or veggies it bears? 🌼🎃🍴


Threw together a little raspberry n’ coconut cream no-bake cheesecake today, topped with berries from my garden and a cute local farm ❤️


The garden is going off! We are up to our necks in kale around here and loving it. Feeling so grateful for the ability to grow food for my family 🥬🙌🏼 How’s your gardens doing this year??


This is hands down the best non-dairy ranch dressing I’ve yet to find in the stores. It’s very fresh, tastes delicious and has a little zing to it too ✨Oh and it is perfect on top of my current favorite salad- The Green Dream 🥗. I legit could eat this meal every day! (This is not an ad, I just really like it)

Salad ingredients: spinach, cucumber, green tomato, avocado, garlic stuffed green olives, chopped turkey slices, sauerkraut, sunflower seeds and pepper


It’s a wild time in the world right now. All the sickness, death and lockdowns have contributed to stress, relationship issues, abuse, financial problems, depression, mental health issues, etc. So many are jobless, homeless, hopeless and barely hanging on. We are scared, tired, spread too thin and sometimes the darkness really starts to creep in.

I just want to remind you that you’re doing great despite all the chaos. I want to encourage you that you are never alone. You are loved. Do your best to stay (safely) connected to your close ones. Your feelings are valid and you must acknowledge them to move forward. It’s ok to be motivated one day and want to stay in bed the next. This is a dark time for many, but always remember that even stars can shine in darkness. There is always something worth fighting for. Take deep breaths, be kind, stay healthy, have compassion for others. Give yourself some grace and make your mental health and self care a priority. Stay strong, We got this ✨ I’m here if you need someone.

Photos from Rollin' with the Beets's post 04/04/2021

Hoppy Easter everyone! Easter has been my favorite holiday since childhood and I love spring because it symbolizes rebirth, renewal and hope. And well, you gotta have hope!

Wishing you and your families a glorious day and I hope you enjoy this breakfast bunny I made Jude this morning 🐰 it was so fun and easy- he loved it! Welp, off to color more eggs and soak in the sunshine ☀️

•Bunny body made from toast circles
•Bunny feet made from mini waffles, bananas and blueberries 🐾
•Bunny ears made from mango
•Bushes are sautéed kale
•Logs are chicken sausage slices
•Flowers are tangerine slices and blueberries


So I decided to give that viral corn rib trend a try, but spicy elote style and made in the air fryer of course 🌽💃

Check the link in my bio for the recipe...They are so good and have me so excited for sunny summer days, river hangs and backyard BBQs ☀️🍗🏖


Oh my cod, I just had the best lunch 🐟🙌🏼

Pretty sure I just scarfed this gluten-free pan fried cod in record time today. I highly recommend you try it, cuz like wow 🤩

•1 portion cod fillet
•1 cup almond flour or GF flour
•1 egg
• olive oil
•2 teaspoons garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon onion salt
•1 teaspoon Santa Maria seasoning
•1 teaspoon lemon pepper
•1/2 teaspoon salt
•1/2 teaspoon pepper
•1/4 lemon

1. In a shallow bowl, crack and beat egg
2. In a second shallow bowl, mix flour and all dry seasonings except the salt and pepper together
3. Pay dry the fish with a paper towel and season both sides with salt and pepper
4. Pour olive oil into a frying pan on medium high heat. Make sure oil covers the bottom of the pan evenly
5. Dip fish into egg wash then into dry ingredients bowl and cover all sides with the mixture.
6. Place fish into oil and cook for 4 minutes and then flip over to cool for another 4 minutes on the other side.
7. Make sure outside crust is at least a golden brown color and fish can flake apart easily with a fork. (I leave mine on a little longer for an extra crunchy outside)
8. Plate, top with lemon juice and enjoy 🍽


Try not to be in competition with others, as everyone is running their own race. The only person we can control is ourselves so why not strive to be the best version of you? Each day we learn, change, adapt and grow. We all make mistakes and have days we aren’t our best. But tomorrow is a new opportunity to do better than we did before. Be your biggest cheerleader 🤩


So I finally got an air fryer and now I get all the hype! I’ve been literally air frying everything in my house haha. But for reals, I wanted to try and recreate a crispy chickpea dish I once had at a restaurant in San Diego, but with a different flavor profile. I gathered all my favorite ingredients and made some Garlic Chili Lime Chickpeas! 🌶🧄
Oh and the air fryer did not disappoint- they came out light and crispy and full of flavor! A super simple recipe link can be found in my bio. And if chili lime ain’t your thang you can try BBQ, Buffalo, Ranch... whatever you want, just cook them for the same amount of time. Enjoy! 🍴