In need of a loan? 20214 is the place for you! SMS the word LOAN to 20214 to access a quick loan today. Student Loans, Car Loans, Mortgage Loans, Business

Great offers on

Business Loans
Emergency Loans
Car Loans
Salary advances
Personal Loans
House Loans
Construction Loans
LPO financing


For back to school loans SMS the word LOAN
to 20214 and get the help you need


For back to school loans SMS the word LOAN to 20214 and get the help you need.

Timeline photos 03/02/2015

SMS THE WORD LOAN TO 20214 Customer care on 020-2323338

Becoming financially independent is a lot easier when you have good credit. This is because you can qualify for lower interest rates on loans. In some cases, you may not have to pay interest at all because the business making the sale wants your business. Those with good credit can also tap into equity that they have in their home to consolidate their other bills.


Favorite Financial Quips
Take care of the dollar, and someday it will take care of you.

More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking where they went.

If you can’t pay as you go, you’re going too fast.

How to handle money: use common sense. The simplest choices are often the best ones. Impulse is your enemy, time your friend.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
-Milton Berle

First-rate men hire first-rate men; second-rate men hire third-rate men.
-Leo Rosten

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
-George Bernard Shaw

Those that understand interest, collect it. Those that don’t, pay it.

What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end.

Bonds promoted as offering risk-free returns are now priced to deliver return-free risk.
-Shelby Cullom Davis

Timeline photos 22/01/2015

Dont Be this Guy.......VALENTINES DAY OFFER....... Win a dinner for 2 worth 15K and other cash prizes.
Apply today, send the word LOAN to 20214 to enter the draw

Timeline photos 14/01/2015

VALENTINES DAY OFFER: Win a dinner for 2 worth 15K and other cash prizes.
Apply today, send the word LOAN to 20214 to enter the draw


VALENTINES DAY OFFER: Win a dinner for 2 worth 15K and other cash prizes.
Apply today, send the word LOAN to 20214 to enter the draw.

Timeline photos 07/01/2015

SMS THE WORD LOAN TO 20214 Customer care on 020-2323338

Becoming financially independent is a lot easier when you have good credit. This is because you can qualify for lower interest rates on loans. In some cases, you may not have to pay interest at all because the business making the sale wants your business. Those with good credit can also tap into equity that they have in their home to consolidate their other bills.


To get a loan SMS the word LOAN to 20214 today.

Kindly reach us on 020-2323338 for any enquiries.


It's Back To School, APPLY now for a school fees loan. SMS the word LOAN to 20214.


do yo need quick cash for the holidays. just sms the word LOAN to 20214 and get the money within 24 hours


Get a quick loan this festive season!!

S M S the word LOAN to 2 0 2 1 4.

Get Instant cash within 24 hours from recognized institutions for your trip upcountry, holiday expenses and gifts.

Just send the word LOAN to 2 0 2 1 4 and make a difference for your loved ones.




Do you need quick cash for the holidays. just sms the word LOAN to 20214 and get the money within 24 hours


Get a quick loan this festive season!!

S M S the word LOAN to 2 0 2 1 4.

Get Instant cash within 24 hours from recognized institutions for your trip upcountry, holiday expenses and gifts.

Just send the word LOAN to 2 0 2 1 4 and make a difference for your loved ones.


QUICK LOANS,INSTANT CASH ...SMS LOAN TO 20214...and get your cash within 24hrs


This festive season don't let yourself deal with broke....just sms loan to 20214 and within 24hours you will be a changed man....