Epignosis Church Northwest

Epignosis Church Northwest

Epignosis Church is the Church arm of Voice Of Nations Ministries.It is a mission oriented church.Teaching people how to operate in the Supernatural.

Photos from Epignosis Church Northwest's post 15/04/2024

Many of the results we get in life are due to systems we have allowed or created in our lives.....
If you are not happy with your current experience, change the systems. When you do, your results changes automatically.....
Remember that there's power in conscious self-design.

Over to you.
Kingdom Pacesetter


Who do you hang out with?
A sage once said that association leads to assimilation. That is, you drink into the culture of your association.
Think about it: the average person talks based on assumptions, not data. They are carried away by anything on social media and not facts........
Who do you hang out with?
You think and talk like the five people you hang out with......
From the day I saw the power of influence, I made my circle so small to guard my destiny.
Many people pray, but few people choose their circle......
You can't build a successful business empire hanging around salary earners. No, you can't. My apologies, please.....
My advice today is," Mix with the right people."
People who can set you on the path of destiny.
Not people who gossip and complain.
keep working on yourself.

Rapid Success.
Kingdom Pacesetter

Photos from Epignosis Church Northwest's post 03/04/2024

We evolve.
We are a work in progress.
Our best is not yet revealed.
Beloved, join me and my friends in this 90-day challenge, and we will take
a clue from the dynamic teaching ministry of Bishop Charles Joseph. The mystery of Aliyah.
A return to the original place where we all belong.
It is a 90-day challenge from my end.

It is time to flower your destiny.
Kingdom Pacesetter
Charles Joseph


In your quest to build a financial empire, run away from people that are anti-financial freedom. People whose belief system about money is messed up.
Now to you. Deconstruct your inner financial buildings and upgrade your money operating system.
Watch the magic that will follow.
Over to you.

Kingdom Pacesetter


Do something big and complex.
Push beyond your past records.
Ditch your comfort zone.
Re-engineer yourself.
Change your circle for a change of results.
Welcome to April.


Life is full of problems, and every problem is solvable.
Be an answer to a problem.
Life is a never-ending stream of problems.....
Prepare yourself to solve a problem, and you will live a fulfilled life.
Be a pain relief for someone in financial, social, spiritual.. problems.


Learn from others, but never become them.
Any time you try to become someone, you are insulting your maker.
Dare to be yourself.
I am original in this world of duplicates.

Rapid Success
Kingdom Pacesetter

Photos from Epignosis Church Northwest's post 25/03/2024

From the depth of my heart and with a heart full of gratitude, I say happy birthday to Reverend Matshidiso Maja .
Happy birthday, triple "M": Martha, Matshidiso Maja. The entire Epignosis Church says happy birthday.
Enjoy the best of your years. You are a blessing to your generation 🙏. Tell Dimakatso Mtshali to take good care of you on your special day.
Happy birthday from the Overcomers Christian Center , and our entire team.

Keep winning.


Hear ye the word of the lord.
The enemies that are planning your downfall will be displaced and disgraced.
Their enchantments and negative words are nullified now and forever.


Please don't take a look at the storm.
Don't worry about what you are going through.
Be calm and trust God for the next direction.
Use your brain to reign.
Trust God when you can't feel him.
You will laugh again.


Seasons may change.
Even amid your personal crises.
One thing that I know is that God will usher you into your Garden of divine wealth.......
Be calm.
Trust God more than any human being.
Never pay evil for evil.
Help is coming your way.



You must plan your personal finances to achieve the following primary objectives:
1 To improve your future financial state.
2 To avoid or manage risks to your financial security.
3 To maximize the use of your current financial assets and resources.
Always remember that planning 😎is the key to accessing your desire.
It is not too late to plan.

Financial Literacy with Nicolette Mashile


Hi everyone.
In this new week, I'd like you to please look forward to accidental discoveries.
It will burst out even while sleeping or taking a shower.

Kingdom Pacesetter


Only you can decide how far you’ll go and how much you’ll transform into the most authentic expression of yourself and life’s purpose.....
You are the architect of transformation and growth at the speed of sound. Please go ahead and make it happen....
You are the captain of your ship.
Take control.
Take action.
You are your bottleneck.

Rapid Success.
Kingdom Pacesetter


My prayer today and forever is that the light of God will lead you out of your enemies' traps.
Wherever they gather to set you up for shame, may divinity show up on your behalf and confuse their plans.......
Instead of shame, glory becomes your portion. May they gather to scatter. Amen to this......
Friends, may I say to you that no matter the good deeds you practice, the wicked will never be satisfied. Please don't worry. We have a hedge over adversaries in God.
Don't be caught off-guard. A friend today can change to an enemy tomorrow.

Kingdom Pacesetter


Talking about Michelangelo, a writer once wrote that:
"His time was spent on better things and was valued more by himself and others."...
It isn't easy to fulfill your goals in grand style if you don't have freedom of time....
Do you control your time, or do others do? Are you in control of your time?..
True creativity is birthed once you are in charge of your time.
Do everything to own and invest your time.
Kingdom Pacesetter


Never be afraid to be wounded. Your wound will show you to your path. Your path will lead you to your destiny......
Your wound is a trigger that something needs to be fixed. Your wound may be an unanswered question or a desire for a better outcome........
There is a puzzle you are born to solve. Nelson Mandela and his comrades had a puzzle. A wound. The wound showed them to their paths......
Your path will lead you to your throne, so don't give up.


Always remember that what got you here won't get you there.
"Every next level of your life will require a different you."- Leonardo DiCaprio.
Re-engineer for speed in life.

Kingdom Pacesetter


There will be an exclusive jump in your life and career.....
May your life defy logic......
I pray that by the results you generate, your life will violate common sense.....

Kingdom Pacesetter


What are you willing to pay now for the likelihood of cash flow in your future?
A big question, I guess.......
You can't dodge the price and win the prize. You must make sacrifices today to enjoy endless financial flow in your future.

The sacrifice to dream big.
The sacrifice to delay gratification.
The boldness to say goodbye to unprofitable relationships.
Time management adherence.
The sacrifice to be a continuous student.
After doing all the above, I'd like you to learn to be patient...
Friends, if you can make these sacrifices, something great will break in your life.
See you at the top,

Rapid Success.
Ayo-Von Lawal.


What do you think about retirement?
Collect your money and lazy round?
Increase your sleeping rate?
Idling away your times?
There is a revolutionary view about retirement. Yes, I mean Revolutionary retirement.
Revolutionary retirement is all about Reboot and re-invent.
It is the beginning of a dream that is still in your mind.....
A man retired from active service at 65. He then returned to the University to obtain his Doctoral degree in Architecture, and today, he lectures with ease.....
Wake up and join the revolutionary world of retirees.
Go for information, and you will enjoy life.

Rapid Success.
Ayo=Von Lawal


I entered the Coaching industry about 15 years ago. I was thrilled by the works of the late Dr. Norman Vincent Pearle, The Glass Cathedral Pastor Robert Schuller, and Tony Robbins. Their contributions inspired me to become a Transformation Coach.....
Having said this, I know the place of a coach in a person's life down to organizations.
I began to study Sports psychology as a part of coaching. Russia, Germany, and the USA saw the light before any other country did.
One of the roles of a Sports Psychologist is "to place athletes in a situation of maximum performance.".....
If you want maximum performance in your life or organization, you need a coach. I am not talking about professional coaches alone.....
Be selective about the kind of people who surround you. They may pollute or energize you. Guard your relationships carefully. You don't need toxic relationships. Run!

Have a productive week

Rapid Success.
Ayo-Von Lawal.


How do you handle criticism?
Do you have sleepless nights when you are misunderstood, or someone leaves your company?
Are you worried about people's opinions about you?.....
Listen to me. Don't stop reading.
Leadership is "bleedership". The day you become different, get ready to bleed because of people's comments. Get ready for rocks to be thrown at you. Don't you know that it is easier to blame a car driver when you are in the passenger seat? Many have high-sounding political views and theories but can't mobilize their wards in an election......
Second, we live in a subjective world. People interpret issues according to their views and not according to realities. Human beings are not objective. Smile when you are misunderstood.....
You need courage to be disliked. Stop the worry.
Some people will come into your life and walk away. Don't be offended. Life continues.
Be free from the praises of people.
Enjoy your day.
Be free.

Rapid Success
Ayo-Von Lawal

Photos from Epignosis Church Northwest's post 05/03/2024

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I appreciate you.
It was a splendid day.
Thank you all.


Don't give up on your dreams. You can just work at it until it speaks.


Run with purpose. Only run with precision.


The rate of poverty in the body of Christ is alarming. We need to teach the church the whole gospel. No money, no motion.


Don't be busy, be productive.


God, is taking you to a forest of blessing today and forever.