Triathlon and physiotherapy

Triathlon and physiotherapy

This is page operated by physiotherapist who is passionate triathlete , aiming to give other triathletes valuable tips !


Wait us next week !
We will start to post tips , we are going to cover 7 major areas of the body, spine, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles!
We will talk about common injuries, causes, avoidance, Rehabilitation and more !

استنونا الاسبوع الجاي!
هنبدأ نتكلم ونديكم بعض النصايح والمعلومات هنحاول نغطي خلالهم ٧ مناطق في الجسم ، العمود الفقري ، مفصل الكتف ،مفصل الكوع، مفصل الرسغ، مفصل الحوض، مفصل الركبة ، مفصل الكاحل ،
هنتكلم عن أشهر الإصابات وأسبابها وإزاي نتجنبها وكمان ازاي نأهلها ! .


What do you know about spinal discs ?
Share with us what you know!!!


So , about cervical stenosis !
Cervical stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that contain the spinal cord inside it ! Narrow canal can lead to squeeze the nerves that run out from spinal cord causing tingling and weakness of the arm .

Main cause of it, is bulging of disc !
We are going to talk about discs in details in the next post !

Doctors can diagnose it with symptoms and X-rays or MRI !

Treatment :
In mild cases :
1- Anti inflammatories and analgesic.

Flexibility exercises and strengthening
Mobilizing the vertebrae to widen the canal and increase range of movement .

In sever cases : surgery is needed !

Runners are in higher risks !
We are going to discuss that later too in the next post !


So what's the spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis ?!

Spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-lye-sis) and spondylolisthesis (spon-dee-low-lis-thee-sis) are common causes of low back pain in young athletes.

Spondylolysis is small crack or fracture in the junction between two vertebrae ( pars interarticularis) it's considered as stress fracture due to repetitive stress!
Spondylolisthesis is slippage of the vertebrae above anterior to the vertebrae below it happens if spondylolysis didn't be treated !

1- Genetics
Doctors believe that some people may be born with vertebral bone that is thinner than normal—and this may make them more vulnerable to fractures.

2- Overuse
Both spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis are more likely to occur in young people who participate in sports that require frequent overstretching (hyperextension) of the lumbar spine—such as gymnastics, football, and weight lifting, Volleyball and butterfly stroke in swimming . Over time, this type of overuse can weaken the pars interarticularis, leading to fracture and/or slippage of a vertebra.

What if I have one of them how will i feel like ?!

First of all you will experience low back pain
You will feel like muscle strain
The pain worse with activities and relieves by rest
Back stiffness
Tight hamstrings (the muscles in the back of the thigh)
Difficulty standing and walking
Tingling sensation over legs
In some sever cases it might develop to weakness of both legs .

So what should i do if I experience that?!

You should consult doctor immediately
So he will do his special tests and imaging " xrays, CT or MRI "
Then if he diagnosed you with either of both
You will have two option according to severity of your case :
Either :
- Surgery : which is Spinal fusion
- conservative treatment :
* First line of conservative treatment is to have rest and stop physical activity immediately, and some doctor may advice wearing of brace to stabilize your vertebrae

*Then it's recommended if you do physiotherapy so they will tell you about special exercises to improve flexibility and strength of your core !

If you are a swimmer and including usually butterfly stroke in your training, your should put in mind to have enough rest !
Because stress fracture caused by repetitive stress without interval rests in between!
It's not that serious if you become a good listener to your body
ماهو spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis ؟
يعتبر الاثنين من الاسباب التي تؤدي الي ألم الظهر في الرياضين صغار السن
حيث يعتبر spondylolysis شرخ او كسر اجهادي في المنطقة الواصلة بين الفقرتين المتتابعتين

أما spondylolisthesis فيعتبر انزلاق احد الفقرات إلي الأمام بالنسبة للفقرة اسفلها ويحدث. نتيجة الاهمال في علاج الحالة الأولي


١- قد يكون سبب جيني
حيث أن الفقرات قد يكون سمكها أقل من الطبيعي فتصبح عرضة للكسر بصورة أسهل

او ٢ - قد يكون سبب اجهادي
فقد تحدث مع الرياضين الذين يمارسون رياضات تتطلب فرد فقرات الظهر للخلف بصفة مستمرة مما يؤدي الي حدوث كسر اجهادي
مثل لاعبي كرة القدم و الجمباز ورفع الأثقال و كرة الطايرة بالأضافة إلي سباحة الفراشة او الدولفين

الأعراض :
ألم أسفل الظهر يشبه ذلك الناتج عن تمزق العضلات
شد في العضلة الخلفية
الم اثناء المشي
تنميل في القدمين
في مراحل متقدمة قد يحدث ضعف في العضلات نتيجة الضغط علي أعصاب القدمين

لذلك اذا شعرت بهذه الاعراض عليك التوجه مباشرة الي الطبيب لاستشارته وتشخيص حالتك

حيث ان العلاج ينقسم لشقين :

اما تدخل جراحي : عن طريق تثبيت الفقرات.

او بدون تدخل جراحي :
حيث يجب عليك ان تلجأ للراحة بالكامل وتتوقف عن ممارسة اي نوع م الرياضة ويمكن ايضا ارتداء حزام لتثبيت الفقرات

وبعد فترة راحة مناسبة يمكنك الذهاب لعمل علاج طبيعي
حيث تقوم بتمارين تساعد علي تثبيت الفقرات .

الخلاصة :
اذا كنت سباح ودائما تمرينك يشمل سباحة الفراشة يجب عليك ان تنال الراحة الكافية حتي لا تصاب بكسر اجهادي !
الأمر ليس بذلك الخطورة اذا اصبحت مستمع جيد لجسدك !


Here we go !
Today we are going to post about some of spine injuries that could affect Triathletes in some points of their life !
So before that post ,
Have you ever heard about:
- cervical stenosis!
- Spondylolisthesis!
- Disc injury!
- Ligaments strain !
- anterior and posterior pelvic tilt !
- core stability !

Tell us what you know!

النهاردة السبت
يوم اصابات العمود الفقري
وزي ما اتفقنا معاكم هنحاول علي قد ما نقدر نغطي الإصابات اللي ممكن تحصل للاعبي الثلاثي في اي مرحلة من حياتهم !
لو كنت سمعت عن المصطلحات المكتوبة فوق ، شاركنا برأيك

استنونا النهاردة !!
There are alot to say !
Just wait us !


Have you ever suffered from shin splint!!!
Shin splint or medial tibial stress syndrome "MTSS" is a pain in shinbone commonly caused by overloading the muscles especially in Runners. It account for an estimated 10.7 percent of injuries in male runners and 16.8 percent of injuries in female runners.
So here's some tips of how you can treat yourself if you suffer MTSS :
1- First of all it's recommended to take rest of 2-week from the particular activity that caused the injury , that's means you can still do your swimming and cycling training but running must be avoided.
2- Ice application might be help .
3- massage the anterior compartment of your tibia .
4- do those simple exercises in the picture.
Pic credit: RunningPhysio


Our fans!
We need to announce that this page is Operated by physiotherapist and Triathlete who is aiming to provide tips to all Triathletes to avoid or recover from injuries, so stay tuned and follow us!
Good luck champions!

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