Yoga Pose

Yoga Pose

Yoga Pose is a new resource website for the yoga community that allows users to search by symptom. T



Have you tried Shoulder Pressing Pose or Bhujapidasana

πŸ‘‰ Strengthens arms, shoulders and wrists
πŸ‘‰ Increases hip flexibility

1.) Start in Mountain Pose at the center of your mat.
2.) Enter a deep squat with wide knees and place your hands on the mat between your feet. Try to place your shoulders inside of your knees.
3.) On an exhale, fold a little deeper, bringing the arms between your legs. Maintain the knees bent generously to accommodate this movement. Hug the knees into your arms as you shift your weight forward. Your arms should be bent.
4.) Once your weight is shifted forward, begin to lift your legs off the mat, crossing over the ankles and flexing your feet. Your goal is to balance your entire body on your arms.
5.) Keep your elbows bent and hovering over wrists. Slowly transition the weight of your hips back, β€œsitting” back into your upper arms and elbows. As your feet float up, cross your ankles and flex your feet, pressing the knees and thighs into the shoulders.
6.) Keep your gaze straight ahead and concentrate on your breaths. Stay in Shoulder Pressing Pose for up to a minute
7.) To exit the pose, transfer your weight forward, uncrossing the ankles and landing back on your mat.

Head to YOGAPOSE.COM (link in bio) for a free video tutorial of Shoulder Pressing Pose.

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Have you tried Side Crow Pose or Parsva Bakasana

πŸ‘‰ Strengthens wrists and forearms
πŸ‘‰ Engages side core muscles
πŸ‘‰ Creates a greater sense of balance
πŸ‘‰ Massages abdominal organs

1.) Start by standing in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) facing the front edge of your mat.
2.) Slowly descend into a crouching position, lifting the heels as your hips travel down, lift your arms straight above like a modified Chair Pose.
3.) Bring your hands to heart center.
4.) Twist your body to the right, remaining in a squatted position, and place your left arm to the outside of your right thigh, press into your right outer leg to twist further.
5.) Lower both hands down to the mat so they are flat and your palms are spread. Press your right upper leg into the back of your upper arms, finding friction to maintain the grip.
6.) Shift your weight forward into your arms and lift your feet off the ground, keeping your legs bent into your body
7.) Look forward. Hold the position for up to 30 seconds.
8.) To release from the pose, simply lower your feet back to the mat and gently reverse steps. Repeat on opposite side.

Head to YOGAPOSE.COM (link in bio) for a free video tutorial of Side Crow Pose.

Follow us to be part of Yoga Pose daily challenge to improve your health and depeen your practice! Tag to be featured in our yogi community!



Have you tried One-Legged Handstand Pose or Eka Pada Adho Mukha Vrksasana

πŸ‘‰ Increases strength of upper body
πŸ‘‰ Improves balance
πŸ‘‰ Stretches the hip muscles
πŸ‘‰ Creates awareness of body muscles

1.) Begin in Downward Facing Dog
2.) Hop your feet forward so they are near your hands
3.) Press into your palms and gently kick your legs up, raising one leg to the sky
4.) Lower one leg at a time at a 90-degree angle to stretch through the hips. Keep your hips square
5.) To release the pose, simply lower your feet back to the mat

Head to YOGAPOSE.COM (link in bio) for a free video tutorial of One-Legged Handstand Pose.

Follow us to be part of Yoga Pose daily challenge to improve your health and deepen your practice! Tag to be featured in our yogi community!


We've got a little trivia for you!

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


ONE-LEGGED WHEEL POSE | Eka Pada Urdvha Dhanurasana

βœ… Stretches the entire body
βœ… Increases spine flexibility
βœ… Opens the chest

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


When you're in the midst of a stressful situation, it can be difficult to remember that you have a choice about how you react. That's where yoga comes in: When you give yourself time to breathe and focus on your body, it can help you see the world from a different perspective. When we think less, we get out of our heads and into our hearts. Our minds become quieter and our bodies start to speak for themselves.

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Neck pain is one of the most common complaints people have, and it can be caused by anything from poor posture to a misaligned spine to a serious medical condition. Luckily, there are many yoga poses that can help alleviate neck pain and restore mobility to the area.

Here are the seven yoga poses that will help relieve your neck pain.

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


If you're looking for a way to increase your chances of weight loss, yoga may be the answer.

While it's true that yoga won't burn as many calories as running or other high-intensity workouts, it does have some impressive health benefits. It can help improve your balance, flexibility and strength, which all make it easier to lose weight by improving your overall fitness level. It also helps you relax and reduces stress, one of the main reasons people gain weight in the first place!

If you want to get started with yoga but aren't sure where to begin, we can help!

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Yoga is a great way to stay fit, flexible and calm. It can help you improve your health, reduce stress and make you feel good about yourself.

But what if you're a beginner? How do you start practicing yoga? What should you know before you begin? Check out our top tips for beginners below!

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Meditation is one of the oldest and most effective ways to calm down, relax and focus your mind. It has been practiced for thousands of years and has helped people with everything from stress relief to healing.

So what are the benefits of meditation? Here are just a few!

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


If you're looking for a way to bring some balance and harmony into your life, yoga may be just what you need!

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Wrist pain is a common issue for yogis. It can be caused by improper alignment, lack of flexibility and strength in the upper body, as well as overuse. It's important to keep your wrists strong and flexible so you can avoid wrist pain in yoga and other activities.

Here are some tips for avoiding wrist pain in yoga:

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


We've got a little trivia for you!

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


If you're someone who struggles with focus, this is for you.

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.

What Causes Snoring & How Can Yoga Help? - Yoga Pose 09/03/2023

Stop snoring with yoga! Find out what causes snoring and how yoga can help you breathe better. Read our latest article on

What Causes Snoring & How Can Yoga Help? - Yoga Pose A 2019 randomized trial found routinely yoga practice can be extremely beneficial to a common inconvenience: snoring.

Promote a Healthy Gut with Yoga for Digestion - Yoga Pose 08/03/2023

Did you know that yoga can help promote a healthy gut? Check out our latest article on to learn how practicing yoga for digestion can improve your overall digestive health and leave you feeling great inside and out!

Promote a Healthy Gut with Yoga for Digestion - Yoga Pose Digestive issues can vary from mild stomach aches to heartburn and chronic constipation. Yoga can help alleviate symptoms and manage digestion issues.


Half Bow Pose | Ardha Dhanurasana

βœ… Improves spine flexibility
βœ… Opens the chest
βœ… Lengthens quadriceps and other leg muscles
βœ… Improves balance
βœ… Soothes the mind

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.

Gentle Yoga Poses to Lower Your High Blood Pressure - Yoga Pose 07/03/2023

Looking for natural ways to lower your high blood pressure? Check out these gentle yoga poses that can help improve your cardiovascular health and promote relaxation. From deep breathing exercises to calming postures, incorporating yoga into your routine can be a simple yet effective way to take care of your body and mind. Learn more here.

Gentle Yoga Poses to Lower Your High Blood Pressure - Yoga Pose Hypertension is a condition that occurs when your blood pressure rises beyond healthy levels. Find out how yoga can help naturally lower blood pressure and reduce hypertension.

9 Yoga Poses to Help Increase S*x Drive - Yoga Pose 06/03/2023

Spice up your love life with these yoga poses! Our latest article explores how certain postures can help increase your s*x drive. Check it out now! *xdrive

9 Yoga Poses to Help Increase S*x Drive - Yoga Pose A study was conducted on 40 women ages 22 to 55 over 12 weeks who performed different asanas. The results led researchers to conclude that there was a significant improvement in their s*x lives.

5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Gas - Yoga Pose 04/03/2023

Got gas? Don't let it get you down! Check out these 5 yoga poses that can help relieve bloating and discomfort. From seated twists to forward folds, these poses will have you feeling better in no time. Namaste! πŸ™

5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Gas - Yoga Pose Not being able to relieve the gas in your stomach can cause uncomfortable pain and bloat. Hence, try these yoga poses to get relief.

5 Reasons to Try N**e Yoga Today - Yoga Pose 04/03/2023

Have you ever tried n**e yoga? If you're curious about this unique and liberating practice, check out this article from Discover the 5 reasons why you should try n**e yoga today and experience the benefits for yourself. Namaste πŸ™ **eyoga**e-yoga-today/

5 Reasons to Try N**e Yoga Today - Yoga Pose N**e yoga may seem intimidating, but there are tons of benefits to practicing in the buff! Try n**e yoga for these reasons.


A peaceful heart gives you the ability to recognize your true self. It allows you to see what is right and what is wrong in a world that has many different ideas of right and wrong. A peaceful heart is a place where you can find comfort, love and peace.

A grateful heart is a place where you accept all of your feelings, both good and bad. It's a way of life that helps you move forward no matter how many times you fall back on yourself or others around us.

When we practice yoga we are creating an environment for our own personal growth which will lead us closer to our own hearts because we are able to connect with the people around us who share the same passion as we do.

Through this practice we can truly feel our bodies become stronger while also feeling more connected with ourselves and those around us.

Want to start yoga? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


LORD OF THE FISHES POSE II | Ardha Matsyendrasana II

βœ… Opens the hips
βœ… Stretches the hamstrings and the psoas muscles
βœ… Engages the spinal cord and the back
βœ… Stretches the biceps and the triceps
βœ… Promotes the awareness of the breath
βœ… Brings peace of mind

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Yoga is a practice of self-care.

Yoga is an excellent way to practice self-care when you're feeling unwell because it encourages you to focus on your body and your breath, which helps bring you back into the present moment. And it also encourages acceptance and non-judgmental thinking.

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


If you want to win at content marketing, the only way to do it is by convincing readers that your content was written specifically for them.

It's not enough to just have great information, or even share their interests. You need to make it clear that you know how they feel, what they're going through, and how your product can help them.

How are you leveling up your digital marketing and personal brand? Let us help! Home Caption will make all of your marketing stress disappear! Get in touch with our fun and friendly team to find out how we can help! πŸ˜‰


COMPASS POSE | Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana

βœ… Builds hip flexibility
βœ… Lengthens the side torso muscles
βœ… Opens the shoulders
βœ… Builds confidence

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Surya Mudra is a hand gesture that has been used for thousands of years. It helps relieve stress and anxiety, improves digestion and metabolism, and even helps to detox the body.

It's also great for weight loss! The practice can help you shed pounds by increasing blood flow throughout the body and flushing out toxins.

Here's how to do it:

- Place both hands on your knees with your palms facing up and fingers together.

- Press your ring finger and thumb together while keeping your other fingers straight and aligned with each other.

- Keep this position for about 10 minutes, then release it gently by separating all five fingers from each other and letting them rest on top of each hand (not touching).

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


It's one of the best ways to get in touch with your body and mind, learn how to listen to them, and find peace within yourself.

Explore different yoga styles and discover what works best for you.

Want to start yoga? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Prana Mudra is a simple hand mudra that can help you relax and reduce stress.

Here's how to do it:

-Place your left hand with the palm facing up in your lap, or on a flat surface.
-Rest your right hand on top of the left, palm down.
-The tips of the thumbs should touch; this is where the name "prana" comes from (Prana means "life force").
-Close your eyes and breathe deeply for 5 minutes, maintaining this position.

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.


Yoga is a wonderful way to stay active and keep your body healthy. But if you're new to it, there are some things you need to know before you start yoga.

Want to learn more? Click the and know how to do these yoga poses wherever and whenever you want. Easily search our yoga pose profiles by symptom, pose type or difficulty.

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Listen to Ben Dornbush, a Yoga Pose family member, speak out about his struggles with mental health and how Yoga has hel...
It’s important to support your friends in their practice! Here’s the Yoga Pose team cheering for @chauntallewis πŸŽ‰ 🎊 πŸ‘