Keith Frye Reenacting

Keith Frye Reenacting

Keith Frye Reenacting

Reconstitution & Didactique - "Formation de combat" début XVIe siècle 02/11/2022

Reconstitution & Didactique - "Formation de combat" début XVIe siècle Il s'agit d'une vidéo didactique de manipulation des armes d'hast des lansquenets des Guerres d'Italie (vers 1515). Tournée au château de Septème, avec le co...


The Lothringen Lansquenets.🥰

Photos from Barry's Photography's post 02/06/2022

J’aime ces gens.🥰

dArtagnan - Wallenstein 02/06/2022

Even though I haven't done Thirty Years War in over a decade, if more events had this soundtrack, I'd reconsider:

dArtagnan - Wallenstein Das offizielle Musikvideo "Wallenstein" von dArtagnan.Jetzt das Album "In jener Nacht" überall hören: wieder etwas v...


My 1490's North Italian crossbowman kit:

What other weapons did a medieval archer carry? 15/05/2022

Hat Tip: Harry Glasser-Baker

What other weapons did a medieval archer carry? In this video, Kevin Hicks explores what other weapons a medieval archer would have carried in addition to his longbow and arrows, and has some some examples...

What did a medieval archer take on campaign? 14/05/2022

What did a medieval archer take on campaign? In this video, we explore some of the personal effects a medieval archer would have carried, along with his bow and arrows, when he went on campaign. Kevin...


Well, this is just neat!

Lord Scrope's Household An independent living history group seeking to bring the medieval and Tudor working class to life.


Je blâme Harry Glasser-Baker:


First day out reenacting since taking ill. Franco-Italian arquebusier, at the Historic Whitesbog Village, with The Band of the Hawk and Kingdom of Lucerne. What a great event!