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The Winning and Preventing Cancer Diet: Proven Cancer Fighting Foods, Gluten Free, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes. Delicious and Healthy Meals (Life Health Diet Series Book 1) 27/11/2019

"The Winning and Preventing Cancer Diet"
By Alice Omero
For Free
From Wednesday 11/27/19 till 11/29/19

The Winning and Preventing Cancer Diet: Proven Cancer Fighting Foods, Gluten Free, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes. Delicious and Healthy Meals (Life Health Diet Series Book 1) TThe Winning and Preventing Cancer Diet contains 101 delicious recipes rich in natural & healthy food that kills cancer. In every recipe, the cancer-fighting ingredients have been marked. The book includes a review of the literature on cancer research, best cancer-fighting foods and food elem...


We know sugar is bad, but how bad?

The only area in which there is a consensus among all dietary approaches and researches is the immense damage from sugars, especially regular sugar (sucrose).
Eating sugar quickly raises blood glucose, insulin, and IGF whose function is to accelerate the growth of cells and tissues, therefore, accelerate cancer cell growth.
In an experiment, mice were injected with breast cancer cells and some were given a high glycemic diet and some a low glycemic diet. Within two and a half months, 67% of the mice fed a high glycemic index diet, died while only 5% of the mice fed the low glycemic index diet died.
It is very important to look not only at a single food component but at the glycemic index for the entire meal. That's why it is important to avoid eating sugars and sweets, especially on an empty stomach or between meals. Consumption of sugar (sucrose) at the average level (average 140 grams per day) in young people was associated with a 59% greater chance of getting intestinal cancer than those who consumed a fifth of the average.
(from the book: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Alice Omero)


Between Guacamole and Avocado Salad
- 2 ripe avocados
- 1 medium purple/white onion, chopped
- 1 red bell pepper, cut into small squares
- 2 hard-boiled egg (optional)
- 2 tablespoons chopped organic parsley
- Juice of one lemon
- 2 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil
- ½ teaspoon Atlantic sea salt
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper

1. Peel and crush the avocado and hard-boiled egg.
2. Add the remaining vegetables.
3. Add the spices, oil and lemon juice and mix.
4. Serve immediately.
Important – Avocado tends to oxidize and turn black. If you do not eat the salad right away, cover it with olive oil and put a bag over it (meaning “stick” the bag to the olive oil) to prevent any contact between the spread and oxygen. Keep in the fridge until you are ready to eat.
(recipe from the book: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno)


Is Soy good or bad for you?
Soy is one of the most controversial foods regarding health. In research, there are many pros and cons of soy. In addition to the debate about the soy phytoestrogens, and their effect, soy contains a phytic acid that can only be removed in soy by fermentation and also a great part of soy crops worldwide is genetically modified. So, if you want to use soy, prefer to consume mainly organic and fermented soy such as soy sauce, tamari, miso, tempeh (Tampa) and Natto. Tofu and soy milk are less recommended because it passes only a partial fermentation. In any case, moderation in quantities of soy consumption is recommended.
(from The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno
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What to look for when buying oils?
After decades of viewing oils as the enemy of health, we already know that oils can be good or bad depending on the kind of oil. There are different types of healthy oils, but the best, especially for cancer patients and survivors is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Also recommended are Avocado and coconut oils. The most important factor when buying oils besides the kind of oil and it's origins, is the process oil goes through before it arrives to the store.
The oils can be refined or cold pressed. Buy only cold pressed oils.
from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno


Quinoa Majadara
- 2 cups quinoa
- 1 cup green lentils
- 2 large carrots, sliced
- 1 cup small pumpkin cubes
- ¼ of a large cabbage, chopped
- 2 medium onions, chopped small
- 1 flat tablespoon Atlantic sea salt
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- ½ teaspoon curry
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- 1 tablespoon chopped organic oregano
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon sweet paprika powder
1. Soak the quinoa and lentils separately in filtered water 8-12 hours; rinse and replace water. Quinoa should be washed thoroughly and rubbed a few times. It is recommended to sprout the lentils.
2. Rinse the quinoa in a strainer under running water; drain and add to the pot. Drain the lentils and add them as well.
3. Add the vegetables--carrots, cabbage, onions and pumpkin--to the pot and the seasonings.
4. Add filtered water covering 2/3 of the mix. Retouch seasoning if necessary.
5. Cover the pot. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
6. Once it boils, remove the lid and let it continue boiling at least 15 minutes. Then lower the heat and continue cooking until the water has evaporated. Check often to prevent burning.
(recipe from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno
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How to get pure water?
The importance of drinking water is obvious, but even when the water is clean and good, the water containers can be a problem. Beware of plastic chemical residue from plastic bottles like Bisphenol A (BPA), so look for products specifically labeled as “BPA-free”. Another problem with plastic bottles are: Phthalates -the more flexible the bottle is, the more phthalates (and dangers) it has. In general, try to avoid plastic containers. The best bottles to use are glass when possible. You can also carry your own metal bottle (preferably stainless steel) with you instead of buying plastic bottles.
from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno ( )


Vegan Garlic Butter
- 3 medium garlic cloves, peeled
- ¼ cup walnuts (soaked in water 2 hours, washed and dried, not roasted)
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 3 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil
- ¼ teaspoon Atlantic sea salt
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons filtered water
1. Grind all the ingredients in a food processor and put in the refrigerator.
(recipe from: "The winning and Preventing cancer Diet" by Elison Moreno)


What are prebiotics? Yes, Prebiotics – not Probiotics
We've all heard about the importance of probiotics, but what about Prebiotics? Prebiotics are non - digestible food ingredients that feed the growth of healthful bacteria in the colon. So, the probiotics bring the good bacteria to your body but the prebiotic gives it conditions to live and thrive there.
Fiber is the source of prebiotics, food that are high in fiber are also high in prebiotics. Prebiotics are found especially in: raw onions, raw garlic, raw leek, cooked onions, banana, apples, cocoa, flaxseed, cabbage, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots and beets.
So make sure you get more of them!
(from: "The winning and Preventing cancer Diet" by Elison Moreno)


Asian Style Root Salad
- 3 medium carrots, peeled and grated or thinly sliced
- 1 medium kohlrabi, peeled and grated or thinly sliced
- 1 medium beet, peeled grated or thinly sliced
- 2 cucumbers, thinly sliced
- 3 tablespoons walnuts, chopped small (soaked in filtered water 2 hours, washed and dried, not roasted)
- 3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
- 8 tablespoons coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper
- ½ teaspoon Atlantic sea salt
- ¼ teaspoon ginger – preferably grated not powder
- 1 tablespoon natural maple syrup
1. Cut all the vegetables and mix.
2. Mix the coconut milk, olive oil, salt, ginger and pepper.
3. Add to vegetables and serve.

(recipe from: "The Winning and Preventing Cancer Diet" by Elison Moreno)


Probiotics, how to get them without dairy products?
Probiotics are live "good" bacteria that are essential both to suppress pathogenic bacteria and to help with the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. A bacteria imbalance in our intestine stimulates inflammation and many diseases. Probiotic bacteria protect the intestine by attaching to its wall and by doing so, they create resistance to pathogenic bacteria and inflammation. Probiotics are essential in anti-cancer diet and for a healthy gut. The easy way to get them is from yogurt, but if you avoid dairy products due to the many problems they cause, there are many other
sources of Probiotics like: fermented foods such as homemade sauerkraut and pickles, tempeh, miso, natto, kimchi, kombucha, coconut yogurt or kefir and raw green peas.
(from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno )


Olive Spread
This is the simplest recipe and it's very tasty. It lasts for a long time in the refrigerator. Be careful if you suffer from hypertension because it contains much salt.
- 1.5 cup pitted olives
- 3 tablespoons olive water
- 3 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil
- 3 garlic cloves, crushed
- 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
- 1 tablespoon chopped basil
1. Grind all the ingredients in a food processor.
2. Keep in a small jar in the refrigerator.
Recipe from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno ( )


Turmeric, how and where to use it?
The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are well known. Turmeric has the active ingredient responsible for this property. Turmeric has also cancer fighting properties. To enable maximum absorption, mix turmeric with black pepper. You can add it to many cooked dish like vegetables, lentils fish and rice. It gives the food a nice yellow color but has very little effect on the taste.
from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno ( )


Homemade Mayonnaise sauce
It's preferable to avoid commercial mayonnaise. It has many preservatives added; also, light mayonnaise has a lot of added sugar to improve its flavor. But it’s simple and easy to prepare homemade mayonnaise.
- ¼ cup cold pressed olive oil
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- ½ teaspoon salt
Put all ingredients but the oil in the food processor, blend at slow speed. Add the oil slowly. There are two drawbacks of homemade mayonnaise - the first is a very short shelf life (up to 3 days in the refrigerator) and the other is that raw eggs might contain salmonella. You can buy organic mayonnaise, but you should make sure that it is made entirely with olive oil.
Important – Homemade mayonnaise will hold refrigerated up to 3 days.

Recipe from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno
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Dark Chocolate is good for you
Chocolate containing 70% or more cocoa contains many antioxidants, that interfere the growth of cancer cells. The recommended amount is 20 grams a day.
Important - Avoid milk chocolate. Mixing chocolate and milk cancels the positive effects of cocoa.
from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno
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Gluten free Vegan Pasta with Cream Sauce & Mushrooms
from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno
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- 500 gram-pack cornmeal pasta (NON-GMO)/ whole rice
- 6 cups filtered water (250 ml per cup)
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 1 teaspoon cold pressed olive oil
- 2 medium carrots, grated
- 2 cups coconut milk
- 250 grams fresh mushrooms, frozen as a second option
- 1 tablespoon cold pressed olive oil
- ½ tablespoon Atlantic sea salt
- 1 tablespoon tamari soy sauce (organic and gluten-free)
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
- ½ teaspoon chili pepper powder
- 2 large onions, chopped
- 2 tablespoons chopped organic oregano (optional)
- 3 garlic cloves, crushed
- 2 tablespoons chopped organic basil
1. Heat a large pot, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and reduce heat. Immediately add the onion, cook on low heat for 1 minute and add carrots; Cook 1 minute more and add the mushrooms. Continue stirring over low heat for 1 more minute.
2. Add 2 cups water and spices (except oregano, basil and garlic) and bring to boil. Boil for 2 minutes and turn the heat off.
3. If you don’t eat it right away, cool off and store in the refrigerator.
4. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil. Add a little salt and a teaspoon of olive oil. Add the pasta while stirring. Cook for 3 minutes. Remove the pasta and rinse with cold water.
5. Heat the sauce. Add the pasta when it starts boiling.
6. Stir and reduce heat; Continue to stir for about 8 minutes, depending on the desired softness. Add the coconut milk and cook for another 2 minutes. Make sure that the pasta is not too soft; Before it is done cooking, add the basil and oregano. When the heat is off, add the garlic.


A Leading Tasteful Natural Juices that Fight Cancer
Pomegranate Juice and Cranberry Juice contains components that are natural anti-oxidants. Pomegranate Juice is also anti-inflammatory.
It’s recommended to drink one cup of freshly squeezed juice a day, preferably before breakfast.
from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno
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Moroccan Carrot Salad-Healthy Version😋
6 large or 8 medium carrots
½ teaspoon Atlantic sea salt
½ teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon turmeric
¼ teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon paprika
4 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil
4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped organic parsley
2 tablespoons chopped organic coriander
1 tablespoons chopped nuts (not in the original recipe)-optional
Peel the carrots and steam them.
Once carrots are soft, cut them into round slices about ½ cm wide (the original way) or thinly sliced (Julienne).
Add the spices and stir.
Put in the refrigerator so it absorbs the flavors.
If you added the nut, spread them on the salad before serving.
(recipe from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno)

Photos from Life Health Diet's post 13/07/2018

Cruciferous vegetable intake and mortality in middle-aged adults.
A recent research released on Clin Nutr. 2018 Apr 24, found an inverse association between cruciferous vegetable intake and total mortality in both gender. Cruciferous vegetable intake was associated with lower cancer mortality, as well as with heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.
PMID: 29739681 DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.04.012
So Green cabbage, Red cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Kohlrabi
are helpful not only against cancer but also good to your heart.
Still, if you have tyroid problems, it's better to consume with moderation the raw vegetables. There seem no problem with the cooked, steamed or stir-fried ones.


The tea that can help fight cancer🌿
In an article published in Science Magazine, it is recommended to drink green tea since it assists in preventing some of the inflammation processes done by substances that promote cancer. It is recommended between 2-3 cups a day. Beware, the green tea from China may contain fluoride.
(from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno)


Another scientific proof to the great importance of vegetables and fruits🍊🍉🍋🍇
Vegetables, fruit, and cancer prevention: a review.
Steinmetz KA1, Potter JD.
In this review of the scientific literature on the relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption and risk of cancer, results from 206 human epidemiologic studies and 22 animal studies are summarized. The evidence for a protective effect of greater vegetable and fruit consumption is consistent for cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lung, oral cavity and pharynx, endometrium, pancreas, and colon. The types of vegetables or fruit that most often appear to be protective against cancer are raw vegetables, followed by allium vegetables, carrots, green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, and tomatoes. Substances present in vegetables and fruit that may help protect against cancer, and their mechanisms, are also briefly reviewed; these include dithiolthiones, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, allium compounds, isoflavones, protease inhibitors, saponins, phytosterols, inositol hexaphosphate, vitamin C, D-limonene, lutein, folic acid, beta carotene, lycopene, selenium, vitamin E, flavonoids, and dietary fiber. Current US vegetable and fruit intake, which averages about 3.4 servings per day, is discussed, as are possible noncancer-related effects of increased vegetable and fruit consumption, including benefits against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, diverticulosis, and cataracts. Suggestions for dietitians to use in counseling persons toward increasing vegetable and fruit intake are presented.
PMID: 8841165

DOI: 10.1016/S0002-8223(96)00273-8


Vegetarian "Liver" Salad 😊
- 1 cup green lentils
- ¾ cup finely ground walnuts (soaked in filtered water 2 hours, washed and dried, not roasted)
- 2 medium red onions, chopped
- 2 tablespoons water, if necessary.
- 2 boiled eggs
- 3 tablespoons cold-pressed olive oil
- ½ teaspoon Atlantic sea salt
- ½ teaspoon cumin
- ¼ teaspoon turmeric
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper
- 3 tablespoons parsley
1. Soak the lentils in water for 8-12 hours and replace the water. You can also sprout them.
2. Cook the lentils at 100° C, at least 20 minutes and until soft.
3. Heat a pan and when it's hot, add 1 tablespoon oil and onions. Steam on low heat 1-2 minutes until they soften. Turn off the heat.
4. Grate the boiled eggs thinly.
5. Drain the lentils after cooking and grind them in a mixer/crush with a fork.
6. Mix the lentils with nuts, onions, eggs, spices, and 2 tablespoons olive oil.
7. Stir the spread; if necessary add 2 tablespoons of water.
(recipe from:The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno)

18 Healthy Foods to Eat When Cravings Strike 03/06/2018

18 Healthy Foods to Eat When Cravings Strike Craving unhealthy foods is common, especially if you're on a diet. Here are 18 healthy foods that can satisfy this urge without wrecking your diet.

Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet 30/05/2018

I ran into Dr. Greger's very interesting presentation on video. He has scoured the world's scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, some of our leading causes of death and disability

Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet This is Dr. Greger's 2015 live presentation. Dr. Greger has scoured the world's scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentatio...


What about Legumes?
Legumes, including Lentils, Beans and Hummus have a good influence on our body. A study showed a reduction of 50% in chances of getting any type of cancer when consuming legumes more than twice a week in comparison to consuming it less than once a week. The legumes should be soaked a few hours, better overnight, and then be rinsed in water before cooking. Legumes need to be cooked at least 100° C (212° F) until soft but at least for 15 minutes. It’s preferable to sprout them. It's also very good to eat them together with vegetables.
from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno


Mushroom and nuts salad😋
- 1 medium head of organic lettuce
- 1 cup fresh mushrooms (Portobello / Jordan)
- ½ cup chopped walnuts (soaked in filtered water 2 hours, washed and dried, not roasted)
- ½ cup unsweetened dried cranberries
- ¼ teaspoon Atlantic sea salt
- 3 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
- 2 tablespoons chopped organic parsley
- 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1. Cut the lettuce to medium size pieces
2. Chop the parsley and cut the mushrooms in slices
3. Soak the dried cranberries in filtered water for 30 minutes.
5. Mix all the vegetables and add olive oil.
7. Sprinkle the nuts and the parsley
8. Add salt, garlic and balsamic vinegar only when serving.

( recipe from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno)


The Dressing makes the salad🌿
The easiest way to convince your family to eat salad, is to add a lot of dressing. The problem is most of them are not healthy, here is a healthy, tasty and easy one:
Thousand Island dressing
- 2 tablespoons organic mayonnaise (the regular mayonnaise is really not healthy)
- 1 tablespoon organic ketchup
- 2 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- A pinch of black pepper
Mix all ingredients and add to the salad when serving.

(recipe from: The winning and Preventing cancer Diet by Elison Moreno)