

Tempdrop is a smart sensor that turns your smartphone into a sophisticated fertility monitor, making

Timeline photos 26/07/2024

� New Blog Alert! � What Your Basal Body Temperature Can Tell You About Your Health

� Curious about what your BBT can reveal about your health? Dive into our latest blog post to discover the secrets your body temperature is telling you! ��

� From the BBT and thyroid connection to the length of your luteal phase, this is a must-read for anyone looking to understand their body better.

� Link here: https://www.tempdrop.com/blogs/blog/what-your-basal-body-temperature-can-tell-you-about-your-health

Timeline photos 25/07/2024

Let's talk menopause.

� It's about more than just hot flushes! Tell us, if you are in the menopause stages how are you feeling about it? What are you enjoying about this time? If you are approaching this new stage of life what are you looking forward to about it?

Photos from Tempdrop's post 24/07/2024

How does the birth control pill work? Let's find out 🤔

Got questions? Drop them below or DM us! 💬👇

Photos from Tempdrop's post 23/07/2024

Cervical mucus gives you instant insight into your fertile window and helps confirm when ovulation has occurred.

But how do you check your cervical mucus? Let’s dive in...

Timeline photos 22/07/2024

� Maximize your workouts by syncing them with your menstrual cycle! �

� Tracking your cycle with Tempdrop can help you take a cyclical approach to exercise and optimize your workouts. Tempdrop wasn’t just made for trying to achieve pregnancy. It was also created to help you get insight into our fertility and health for life!

An example of what we mean:

�During your period, opt for light exercises like yoga, pilates or taking a walk. In the follicular phase, ramp up intensity with strength training and cardio. In the luteal phase, prioritize hydration and lower-intensity activities to avoid stress. �

� Handy tip: As you approach ovulation, make sure you’re using the correct form for the exercise you’re performing. Many injuries occur during right around ovulation because estrogen increases the flexibility in tendons and ligaments, so warming up and being mindful of alignment will help prevent injuries.

Using Tempdrop to help you track your changes can help you achieve the results you desire while reducing stress and pain, increasing your metabolism, and improving your mood!


🌟 Another fab review from our Tempdrop community! 🌟

We're so happy we can make understanding your body easier!


🚨 New Blog Alert! 🚨 What is the luteal phase?

Curious about this crucial part of your cycle?

In this article we'll discuss:
🔻 How long should your luteal phase be?
🔻 The significance of the luteal phase
🔻 Its impact on overall health

🔗 Click the link: https://www.tempdrop.com/en-gb/blogs/blog/what-is-the-luteal-phase


Suffering from PMS? 😣😓

🫖 Chasteberry (also known as Vitex) can be used to treat premenstrual & perimenopausal symptoms & pain and the Chaste tree berries may help stimulate progesterone!

👩🏼‍⚕ Always check with your doctor for dosage & treatment before introducing something new into your diet

Photos from Tempdrop's post 16/07/2024

Tracking your primary fertility signs (BBT & Cervical Mucus) is essential to understanding your body. BUT you can also add secondary fertility signs to give you even more data about your own body and your fertility status!

These signs include:

✅ Cervical Height

The position (height) and feel (softness) of the cervix change before and after ovulation. By checking daily, it is possible to learn to detect those subtle variations that indicate when the fertile window opens and closes. When you become proficient in checking cervix changes (it takes practice), you can use this as an additional reliable fertility sign. You can even track Cervical Position instead of Cervical Mucus, especially if this is scant or confusing during a cycle.

✅ LH or OPK Tests

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) will surge or rise to trigger ovulation. LH test strips (otherwise known as Ovulation predictor kits or OPKs) will measure the amount of LH in urine. These tests can notify you of impending ovulation, which, if successful, typically occurs in the 12-36 hours after a positive OPK test result.

However, it's important to know that these are not a reliable sign to confirm ovulation. While they can show you an increase in hormone levels, this doesn't guarantee the egg will be released. Multiple positive LH test results are more common in women with hormone imbalances, as in the case of those with PCOS, but can happen to anyone. Alternatively, some never see a positive test even when strictly testing daily.


🚨 New Blog Alert! 🚨 What's Considered 'Normal' Parameters for Progesterone?

In this article we'll discuss:
🩷 How do we measure progesterone?
🩷 Why can doctors sometimes get it wrong?
🩷 What you can do to understand your own progesterone levels?

🔗 Link: https://ow.ly/PBpO50SoJ70


🔍 Ever wondered if those LH test strips can confirm ovulation?

👉 Fact: LH tests do not confirm ovulation 🚫

🔬 When an LH surge is detected, it's a signal that your body's pituitary gland is gearing up for an ovulation event. 🎯

But here's the catch:

1️⃣ Egg Readiness: An LH surge doesn't guarantee the egg is ready for its grand exit. 🥚

2️⃣ Proper Release: It doesn't ensure the egg will be released correctly or at all. 🙅‍♀️

🔀 Conditions like PCOS can throw a curveball, causing abnormal LH surges. 📈

🤷‍♀️ So, what's the takeaway? LH tests are just one piece of the fertility puzzle. 🧩 To get the full picture, consider other factors like basal body temperature and cervical mucus. Tracking BBT is the best at-home way to confirm ovulation🌡️💧


Timeline photos 10/07/2024

The data collected by your Tempdrop is stored on the device itself until you choose to sync it. It will hold up to �� hours of information. No overnight connection to your phone! � �

Tempdrop only maintains a Bluetooth connection for a maximum of a couple of minutes and only when manually initiated. One user used an EMF tester while syncing and received a reading of 0.00-0.05 µT.⠀There is no active wireless communication while you wear Tempdrop �

The Tempdrop sensor silently logs your sleep data while you wear it, powered only by a standard coin cell type watch battery while it is on and recording.

When you remove the sensor to sync your data it will use Bluetooth 4.0 to transmit data, which uses a very low energy signal (approximately 1000x less than a cell phone).

Tempdrop is also made from medical-grade materials and has FCC and CE certifications. Giving you the peace of mind you need, knowing Tempdrop is completely safe to use.

Photos from Tempdrop's post 09/07/2024

🌸 July is Fibroids Awareness Month 🌸

Fibroids affect millions of women, yet many don't even know what they are. It's time to change that 💪

Swipe to find out:
✨ What are fibroids?
✨ What are the symptoms?
✨ And why it matters ✨

Knowledge is power. Let's raise awareness together! 💜


🚨 New Blog Alert! 🚨 Detecting Pregnancy or Ovulation in Your Basal Body Temperature Chart

Detecting pregnancy or ovulation is likely the reason you started tracking your BBT in the first place right?!

If you're TTC then your BBT charts will give you the data you need to detect ovulation and pregnancy. But how do we identify a pregnancy basal body temperature chart?

In this article we'll discuss:
🩷 The basics of charting
🩷 What is a basal body temperature chart
🩷 How to detect ovulation using your chart
🩷 How to detect pregnancy using your chart

🔗 Link here: https://ow.ly/3nAY50So93M

Timeline photos 04/07/2024

� Embracing Independence with Tempdrop! �

Happy Independence Day! This week, we proudly celebrate the freedom that Tempdrop has brought to our lives for over 7 years! Tempdrop has revolutionized the way we track and understand our bodies, empowering us to take charge of our health and fertility with ease and accuracy �

This Independence Day, let’s honor the freedom Tempdrop provides by enabling us to embrace natural family planning, conceive with greater precision, and gain a deeper understanding of our bodies. It empowers us to make informed decisions about our reproductive health, taking control of our fertility journey like never before �

As we come together to commemorate the spirit of independence, let’s also celebrate the liberation Tempdrop brings to our lives. Here’s to freedom, empowerment, and the pursuit of reproductive well-being with Tempdrop! Happy Independence Day! � � �

Photos from Tempdrop's post 03/07/2024

Is it normal for Tempdrop temps to be lower than my oral temps? Yes! ✔️

Photos from Tempdrop's post 02/07/2024

🎉🎂 Happy Anniversary, Tempdrop Family! 🎂🎉

Over these past 7️⃣ years, we've been on a mission to empower individuals & couples on their journey to parenthood, revolutionizing the way we approach fertility tracking. Today, we look back at the incredible milestones we've achieved together, touching the lives of countless people around the world 🌎

Since our inception, we've achieved remarkable milestones, and as we look back on the past 7 years, we are overwhelmed with gratitude. The Tempdrop community has been the driving force behind our success, motivating us to reach new heights, dream bigger, and positively impact even more lives. We remain dedicated to our mission, continuously pushing boundaries, and evolving to meet the dynamic needs of our community ❤️

🤰🏻 We've had well over 20,000 pregnancies.
🌙 We've tracked over 700,000 cycles - that's over 13 million sleep sessions
👶🏼 2.1 cycles is the average time it takes for our audience to conceive

A heartfelt thank you to all our customers, clinicians, staff, advocates, affiliates, and everyone who has been part of Tempdrop's incredible journey. Here's to the next chapter of empowerment, innovation, and fertility success for everyone!

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here’s to many more years of empowering your fertility journey together! ❤️


🎉 Happy Anniversary, Tempdrop Family! 🎉

We are proudly celebrating Tempdrop's 7️⃣ th year anniversary this month!

For the whole of the month of July, we’re celebrating with you and providing a special sale just for you! 🎊 Enjoy up to 25% off on Tempdrop products!

Thank you for being a part of our journey over these past 7️⃣ years. Here’s to many more years of empowering your fertility journey together ❤️

🔗 Follow the link in our bio for the sale


🌟 An exciting review for Tempdrop 2! 🌟

We're so happy you're enjoying the faster syncing time, the new band and the improved battery compartment!


🚨 New Blog Alert! 🚨 Tempdrop Original vs. Tempdrop 2: Which One’s Right for You?

We’re here to help you make an informed choice between our beloved Tempdrop Original and the shiny new Tempdrop 2.

In this article we'll discuss:
The key features & differences between 1 & 2
Which ones best for your needs

🔗 Link: https://www.tempdrop.com/blogs/blog/tempdrop-1-vs-tempdrop-2


New to Tempdrop & not sure how to read your chart?
Don't worry, we're here to help!
Get your chart reviewed by a Fertility Expert! ❤️

🔗 Link in the bio!


Did you know that 1️⃣ in 3️⃣ women suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)?

PMS is a group of symptoms that are experienced the few days leading up to your period, then go away once you start your period. And 1 in 3 is a lot!

But there are plenty of things you can do to decrease your PMS symptoms, all centered around balancing your hormones!

You can try slowing down in the days leading up to your period, switch out your HIIT workout for some gentle movement or walking, nourish your body and just take more time and care of yourself.

If your symptoms are more extreme, you may be suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). There are some things you can decrease these symptoms too, including those above that will help with PMS.

Click the link for some practical suggestions: https://www.tempdrop.com/blogs/resources/have-pms-or-pmdd-what-you-can-do-to-make-changes-for-the-better

Timeline photos 23/06/2024

� Another fab review from our Tempdrop community! �

We're so happy we can make tracking your BBT tracking easier!


Comparing the NEW Tempdrop 2 with Tempdrop 1 with .healers


🚨 New Blog Alert! 🚨 Can Ovulation Make You Feel Depressed & Emotional❓

Do you feel low during ovulation? 😔

Hormone fluctuations can occur naturally during your cycle, but they can affect our hormones like dopamine & serotonin which both play a part in depression 😪

In this article we discuss:

🔸 How Does Ovulation Affect Your Mood?
🔸 Does Ovulation Make You Sad?
🔸 Proactive Support
🔸 How Tempdrop Can Help

🔗 Link: https://www.tempdrop.com/blogs/updates/can-ovulation-make-you-feel-depressed-amp-emotional-experts-discuss

Photos from Tempdrop's post 18/06/2024

Yes, even while exclusively breastfeeding! 👶🏼👩🏻‍🍼

In fact, most women ovulate again before they start getting their first postpartum period - after all, periods follow ovulation. If you're charting your cycle, though, you can catch when your first postpartum ovulation is coming up. Whether you're doing so to avoid or achieve pregnancy (or just know that you're starting to get back into having a cycle), it'll have you prepared!


Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible dads out there! At Tempdrop, we celebrate the journey of parenthood & honor the role fathers play in the fertility journey. Here’s to the love, support, and strength you provide every day 💙


Luteal Phase 🟰 The phase before your period and after ovulation

To know if you are in this phase, you can track your Basal Body Temperature (BBT) to see if you ovulated. After ovulation, you officially entered Luteal Phase, aka your !

Videos (show all)

New to Tempdrop & not sure how to read your chart? Don't worry, we're here to help! Get your chart reviewed by a Fertili...
Comparing the NEW Tempdrop 2 with Tempdrop 1 with @serial.healers #Tempdrop #FemTech #BBTCharting #FertilityAwarenessMet...
Luteal Phase 🟰 The phase before your period and after ovulationTo know if you are in this phase, you can track your Basa...
A reminder of how to wear your Tempdrop by @thebodybluprint_#Tempdrop #FertilityAwareness #FertilityAwarenessMethod #Bas...
We're proud to bring you a partnership that we've designed to make your journey to parenthood seamless! Whether you're p...
You’ve asked and we’ve delivered! 🤩Our new and improved armband is now available to purchase separately online 🌟🔗 https:...
Use our simple 3️⃣  step process to learn how to sync your Tempdrop sensor to your phone 📱Remember: You don't need to pa...
A HUGE "thank you!" to everyone who has supported Tempdrop on the long journey to launching our second, new, and improve...
"The best investment I've made in my fertility journey by far" from another happy customer 🤩
What's the difference between Tempdrop 1 & Tempdrop 2? Let's find out... 👀#Tempdrop2 #FemTech#FertilityAwarenessMethod