Glory Homeopathy Medicare Centre

Glory Homeopathy Medicare Centre

providing medical services, selling homeopathy remedies, nutritions,
supplements and providing homeopathy family health care short courses

Glory Homeopathy on Google 28/04/2023

Glory Homeopathy on Google We provide health treatment, health talk, health products training, sale of remedies all online basis


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Best Homeopathy Treatment For Thyroid: Prof. Dr Muktinder Singh | Afecto Homeopathy Clinic 22/04/2023

順勢大師的講課 順勢療法的甲狀腺治療。。

Best Homeopathy Treatment For Thyroid: Prof. Dr Muktinder Singh | Afecto Homeopathy Clinic In this video, Prof. Dr Muktinder Singh Sr. Consultant & Director Homoeocare (Ludhiana) M.D (Homeopathy) talk about thyroid disease. He also discusses the ma...

Advantages& Disadvanges of Homeopathy 11/04/2023

Advantages& Disadvanges of Homeopathy Advantages and disadvantages of homeopathy


Homeopathy Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are the disadvantages of homeopathy? The FDA has not established thresholds for homeopathic remedies, which means some homeopathic remedies may still be very dilute, while others are not. Also, some medicines that are sold or labeled as homeopathic may not be; they may contain many active ingredients, which may cause unwanted side effects or drug interactions.
What are the advantages of homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a safe practice.Doses of homeopathic medicines are prepared in a uniform, well-controlled, hygienic environment.Homeopathic medicines are delicious and easy to take.Homeopathy is readily available.Improve Your Lifestyle with Homeopathy
Is Homeopathy a Good Career Choice? Yes, Homeopathy is a wonderful profession in India. Many people choose to take homeopathy over traditional medicine because they feel it has fewer or no negative effects.
Are homeopathic medicines steroids? In most homeopathic medicines, steroids are rarely used.

Homeopathy Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are the disadvantages of homeopathy? The FDA has not established thresholds for homeopathic remedies, which means some homeopathic remedies may still be very dilute, while others are not. Also, some medicines that are sold or labeled as homeopathic may not be; they may contain many active ingredients, which may cause unwanted side effects or drug interactions.
What are the advantages of homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a safe practice.Doses of homeopathic medicines are prepared in a uniform, well-controlled, hygienic environment.Homeopathic medicines are delicious and easy to take.Homeopathy is readily available.Improve Your Lifestyle with Homeopathy
Is Homeopathy a Good Career Choice? Yes, Homeopathy is a wonderful profession in India. Many people choose to take homeopathy over traditional medicine because they feel it has fewer or no negative effects.
Are homeopathic medicines steroids? In most homeopathic medicines, steroids are rarely used.



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Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud? 10/04/2023

Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud? What are the principles behind Homeopathy and does it work?Sources & further reading: CHANNELS▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀...


Best Homeopathy Treatment For Young Chidren: Prof. Dr Muktinder Singh | Afecto Homeopathy Clinic


Best Homeopathy Treatment For Thyroid: Prof. Dr Muktinder Singh | Afecto Homeopathy Clinic


More and more scientific proof about the effectiveness of homeopathy treatment as the news below


Dr Peter Glidden has good comments on natural therapies, chiropactices and homepathy for the safest health of human beings


With Dr Muktinder, Dr Rinkle in India



Trigeminal Neuralgia Problem

Trigeminal Neuralgia People afflicted with trigeminal neuralgia endure not just the excruciating pain of the illness but also the uncomfortable and sometimes intolerable side effects of the drugs given to try to stop their pain. But the drugs don’t always work, so beleaguered sufferers turn to surgery—which may or may not help. Homeopathy offers a safe alternative! Homeopathy can help with both the chronic condition and acute flare-ups. Remedies used to treat acute flare-ups may also help the person’s chronic condition—that is, it will reduce their underlying chronic tendency toward having trigeminal neuralgia flare-ups in the first place. In other cases, a different remedy may be needed to treat the chronic tendency toward flare-ups; if so, this remedy would be given after the acute flare-up had passed and would be aimed at more than just the trigeminal neuralgia symptoms. (Note: For the treatment of chronic conditions, seek the expertise of a trained homeopath.) The homeopathic remedies below are those used most often to relieve an acute flare-up of this painful condition. Aconite: Pains appear suddenly and are worse on the left side. They are accompanied by -restlessness and an anxious look on the face. Pains are intense and are accompanied by anguish. Pains may come on after exposure to or may be worsened by dry cold winds. Arsenicum: Pains feel drawing or burning, as if from ¬needles. They are ameliorated by warm applications and aggravated by cold air; they may be worse after midnight. The person is anxious, restless, and thirsty. Belladonna: Pains are right-sided with a red face. Muscles of the face may twitch with pains, which are severe and intense. Pains are worse with drafts and motion, especially when chewing. Pains appear and disappear rapidly and may worsen at 3 p.m. Bryonia: Pains are worse with the slightest motion, so the person cannot speak or eat. They are ameliorated by cold and pressure and lying on the painful side. The person has dry mouth and lips, and is likely very thirsty. China: Pains are mostly left-sided. The skin on the face is sensitive to any light touch or draft, as well as to motion and can be worse with noise. Hard pressure ameliorates the pain. Attacks may come on at the same times every day. Colocynthis: Pains feel tearing or ¬stitching, mostly on the left side. Pains are better with -pressure, rest, and warm ¬applications. Location of pain may be worse around the eye. Attacks can be worse in evening around 10 p.m. Magnesium phosphoric: Pains worse on the right side, worse if body gets cold or if area is exposed to cold, especially cold wind. Pain is better with warm applications and can be better with pressure. Pains come on like lightning. Pulsatilla: Pains are worse on the right side, with a drawing or tearing sensation. They are worse from chewing, warmth, and lying on the painful side. The mouth feels dry, but the person does not drink. Pains are ameliorated by cold applications and open air. Spigelia: Left-sided pains, worse from stooping or moving the head, from noise, during perspiration, from cold water and air, and from chewing. Lightning-like pains come on from morning until sunset. The person has a flushed red face on the affected side, and pains come on at certain times of day. Verbascum: Left-sided pains with a pinching sensation as if parts were being crushed by tongs. Pains brought on by clenching teeth, change of temperature, pressure, open air, and motion. Pains involve the chin and lower jaw.

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Dr Peter Glidden has good comments on natural therapies, chiropactices and homepathy for the safest health of human bein...
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