Holidays With A Difference

Holidays With A Difference

Join me on a holiday of a life time. Designed for women, the unsung heroes of our families & society.

Leave the stress & strain of daily life behind, take time for yourself, recharge your batteries & experience amazing culture & adventure.


One thing I love when I travel, is taking time to saviour special moments and allow myself to be totally present, even if only for a few minutes.
Santorini, is one of the most visited islands in Greece. I remember my first visit to the island, many years ago. We caught the 'fast ferry' from Athens and as we sailed towards it, all I could see was large baron rocks with no greenery. To say my first impression was one of disappointment would be an understatement. I couldn't for the life of me understand why people raved about this island so much.
Everything changed the moment I stepped foot on the island. I was instantly captivated and fell under her magical spell, the same spell that bewitches everyone who visits.
Sporting my Queensland cap, I was taking one of those moments, breathing in the fresh sea air and taking in the majestic views from the gorgeous hotel we were staying at.
It's these types of experiences that make our holidays so special and our memories, forever.


What makes the island of Samos so special are the small hidden treasures buried deep in her wild nature. I was so surprised when I first discovered my little village of Ambelos, nestled high in the mountain terrain, concealed in the depth of her forest, a beautiful and magical waterfall. It was only by accident I came across a path that led to the cascading water. Amongst the energy of the trees and the songs of the wildlife, It's easy to forget our troubles and immerse ourselves the fairytale like landscape. Heaven on Earth!

Photos from Holidays With A Difference's post 02/02/2018

It's been quite a while since I last posted on this page. The last couple of years have been a little challenging for me but they say time helps heals all wounds and sometimes you just have to trust and believe in that process.
Almost 3 years ago I said goodbye to mum and dad as they departed on their yearly trip to Samos, Greece. I didn't know at the time that when I flew out to meet them 3 months later, dad would never come back home with us alive.
My father passed away very suddenly and without warning, in our little church next to our house in our village of Ambelos in Samos.
It was the worst day of my life and it etched a wall around my heart that has been solid until now.
I went through all the emotions of sadness, anger, resentment and suddenly the place I loved so much seemed to be place I wanted to turn my back on.
My father loved Samos, he loved the village and he especially loved the people.
In my heart I now know he chose to finish his journey here on earth at a place he called home.
His essence is now a part of our village and it has taken me a while to comprehend that going home to Greece is like going home to dad.
This post is in memory of a wonderful man who shared his life between to homes, Australia and Greece.
With my heart softening and the walls slowly disappearing, I feel it's time to make the trip home this year.
I look forward to again sharing with you, the magic of beautiful Greece, it's islands and my special love of Samos.
The photo of dad and one of my sons at my brothers wedding is how he was, always laughing and happy.

Timeline photos 11/04/2017

Have you seen what you want in life?

Timeline photos 24/03/2017

It felt right to share this on this page. I know that the FEAR OF SUCCESS, Niamh and I address late this afternoon, is one of the biggest excuse, we as women use stop us from doing the amazing things we love. We'll send a post out just before we're about to go love. Hope you can join us.

Timeline photos 20/03/2017

I speak so much about my beautiful island of Samos, I wanted to share with you exactly where it's nestled in Greece. You never know, you may be inspired to one day find yourself visiting our shorelines and seeing for yourselves exactly what I speak about.
Samos is one of the Islands in Greece that borders very close to Turkey. Only 40 minutes across the Aegean Ocean and you're at Kusadasi, one of Turkey's coastal towns.
At night I would sit on the rooftop of my house and look over the ocean at the beautiful lights, shining and glimmering along Turkey's coastline. It's surreal that two totally different worlds, so far apart are so close together. I almost forgot, the islands around Samos are equally as beautiful and when you island hop in this region, you discover many of them aren't saturated by tourism, you get a taste of the real Greece.

Timeline photos 14/03/2017

I came across this photo today and had to re-post. This is a photo of one our beautiful beaches on my island of Samos. My life on the other side of the world, far away from Greece, is very busy and I'm always on the go. Sometimes I forget about the simple and beautiful pleasures that draw me back to my heritage.
For those around the world that have a 2nd home somewhere else, staying connected at times can be easy just by looking at photos. It's made my morning and with a small prayer of gratitude I'm blessed to have the best of both worlds.

Λογο οτι ερχετε το καλοκαιρι δεν σας βαζω φωτο απο ταυλανδη αλλα απο το νησι μας την Σαμο και την παραλια "Μεγαλο Σαιτανι"!!!!!!απολαυστε!!!!!

Truth Xpose TV – Aldwyn Altuney interviews Maria Lidis 14/02/2017

Going live soon with 'Aldwyn Altuney'. If you're thinking of starting a business don't miss this interview. Find out what it really takes to become an empowered businesswoman.

Truth Xpose TV – Aldwyn Altuney interviews Maria Lidis In Truth Xpose TV (Episode 23), Aldwyn Altuney interviews Maria Lidis on the truth about becoming an empowered businesswoman. The accomplished Gold...


It's been a while since I posted in this group. Last year I flew over to Greece to meet my parents who had also flown over from Australia for a 6 month holiday. I was excited to be able to spend 5 weeks with them on the beautiful island of Samos.
My holiday was very short lived at the sudden an unexpected passing of my father.

The journey to bring dad home to Australia was very hard and very painful but looking back now, I truly believe that dad passed away in place he loved and a place he always felt peace and at home with.

The day before he left our world, I remembered him standing on the land behind our house taking in the view of the Aegean Ocean and beyond. Dad had a beautiful glitter in his eyes and a smile on his mouth and this is the memory that I will always remember for ever.

I will be continuing to write and share stories about my island, Greece and the new adventures we will be embarking on next June for the next retreat starting on my beautiful island of Samos.

If you would like to be a part of an amazing journey and be inspired along the way then please click on the new link below of my new page. I look forward to once again sharing some amazing pictures and stories with you.

Maria Lidis This page has been created to provide a platform to share, encourage, support, inspire and motivate women all over the world, to take control of their lives and create the perfect life for themselves and their families. I look forward to taking this journey with you all.

Photos from Holidays With A Difference's post 31/07/2015

After a well rested night, today’s adventure entailed visiting one of my most favourite places in Pythagorion, the ‘Monastery of Panagia Spiliani’, (the cave of the Virgin Mary).
This small church, built inside a large cave has a beautiful and calming effect as you enter and a serene, spiritual feeling engulfs you as you descend into the cave towards the small church. Inside this church is a very faded and old tiled/marble icon of the Panagia Spiliotisa. As legend has it, the icon had been stolen by strangers who were taking it to there home town. As they were unloading from the boat, the icon fell into the sea and broke into five pieces. Over a long period of time, these pieces, carried by the sea, returned to the island of Samos. The locals collected these fragments and the icon was restored and returned to its original location.
As we were leaving the hotel to go to the Monastery, I spoke with the owner of the hotel, Mrs Evelin, who shared with me this story.
A young man and his wife, holidaying in Pythagorion, visited the Monastery of Panagia Spiliani. The husband took a photo of his wife as she was lighting a candle and when they returned home, had his photos developed. As he sifted through his collection, he noticed in the photo he had taken of his wife, a silhouette of a barefooted woman, dressed in black lighting a candle where his wife was lighting hers.
Apparently this is not the first time the Virgin Mary had been sited. As Mrs Evelin shared this story with me, I could feel goosebumps all over my body.
What I love about faith is that no matter what religious denomination you are, when you visit holy places such as this Monastery, it’s very hard not to feel a surge of ‘something’ as you walk on grounds that so many have walked before.

Photos from Holidays With A Difference's post 31/07/2015

As we checked into our hotel ‘Evelin’ at the port-side town of Pythagorion, there was something very familiar about it. Never having being here before, I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was until I met the hotel’s manager, Alexandra.
It was like we had stepped into a scene from the movie ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, (which I happened to watch on one of the flights coming over).
On first impressions, it would be hard not to think that the place looked old and mismatched, but on closer observation, each piece of furniture and item proudly displayed were a part of an amazing story, hundreds of years before.
Alexandra, the manager, was just a breath of fresh air. Her bubbly personality, excitement and enthusiasm made it very easy to feel like you had come to the best hotel in Pythagorion.

Timeline photos 29/07/2015

After an epic start, we have finally landed in Athens Greece!
We've been travelling for a total of 35 hours and have one more connection and one more hour to go before we reach the island paradise of Samos.
Athens airport is buzzing with people, including hundreds of excited holiday makers. Being bi-lingual has its advantages. I speak Greek when it suits me or the situation and English when it doesn't. We have just sat down for one of the famous Greek Frappe's and some last minute emailing before we head to the departure lounge ready for our flight to Samos.
Here is Amanda, Peter and myself on the plane. Can't tell we're excited!!!

Timeline photos 28/07/2015

After much anticipation, the day finally arrived for our departure to Greece. Amanda and Peter, who I am introducing to Greece for the very first time, couldn't contain their excitement as we checked in and boarded our Qantas flight for the first leg of our journey.
As flights go, the staff at Qantas were amazing. With a 6 hour lay over in Singapore, it's given me some time to reflect the business of my life over the last few months. Samos, is the perfect solution for a relaxing and 'downtime' break. I look forward to all the new possibilities and some time to clear the brain.

Timeline photos 23/07/2015

Four more sleeps and this will be the view from my house for the next few weeks. It's not an uncommon thing to see boats and ships go by every morning. Waking up each day to this will be a breath of fresh air. The outline of the land you see beyond the ocean is Turkey. The couple I am taking with me, are counting down the days we leave. It's now time to pack and get ready. Will keep you posted.

Timeline photos 18/07/2015

Eight more sleeps to go before we depart for Greece and my beautiful island of Samos! I've been trying to work off a 'to do list', itemising everything I need to have done before I go, but the list seems to be getting longer, not shorter!
I was just checking my FB this morning and found this great photo of my mum (the one in the middle) and aunties, taking their morning walk to the next village. I can't wait to explore the mountain trails and breathe in the aromatic summer air. My little house sits among this picturesque scenery. Filled with amazing memories, in a few days, I will be adding new adventures and experiences to my album. I look forward to sharing them with you.

Timeline photos 12/07/2015

Only 15 more sleeps and I'm off to my beautiful island of Samos. I will be escorting beautiful couple on their very first trip to Europe and ofcourse Greece. They will experience Greece like a local with plenty of village and island memories to take back with them.
I will also be spending lots of time with my family (during our family re-union) once my clients leave. Lots to look forward to and lots to share. The photo is and arial shot of the island Samos, taken by my cousins who have flown in from New York. Sooooo excited!!

Timeline photos 07/06/2015

If the Greek Islands are on your bucket list then the island Samos is a must. 'Taverna Nenedes', owned by my cousins provides an amazing true cultural experience of village life.

It's officially summer in Greece and it's time that the Greek islands come alive with lots of tourists from all over the world.
Our village in Ambelos, Samos, is getting ready for our family re-union this summer. Relatives from all around the world, gather back to the village to see each other, reminess the days gone by and spend time together rejoicing in family and the place where they were born.
My cousin Stamatia and Stavro own one of the two taverns in the village. 'Tavern Nenedes' is our local meeting place when we visit back home. During the day you can sit for hours sipping a 'frappe' while marvelling at the view over the Aegean. By the looks of it, Stamatia has everything all set up as the family slowly starts to arrive.
Can't wait to see them all soon.

Timeline photos 07/06/2015

It's officially summer in Greece and it's time that the Greek islands come alive with lots of tourists from all over the world.
Our village in Ambelos, Samos, is getting ready for our family re-union this summer. Relatives from all around the world, gather back to the village to see each other, reminess the days gone by and spend time together rejoicing in family and the place where they were born.
My cousin Stamatia and Stavro own one of the two taverns in the village. 'Tavern Nenedes' is our local meeting place when we visit back home. During the day you can sit for hours sipping a 'frappe' while marvelling at the view over the Aegean. By the looks of it, Stamatia has everything all set up as the family slowly starts to arrive.
Can't wait to see them all soon.

Timeline photos 05/05/2015

The island of Samos, like most of Greece has a great history. Yesterday we sent off my mum and dad, my uncle and two aunties to Samos for a 6 month holiday. What makes this trip special is that every few years, the family arrange a reunion on the island. Family members fly to Samos from all around the world and meet in our beautiful village for some serious 'catch up', to reminisce and ofcourse, enjoy each other's company and just have fun.
Here is a photo taken at Sydney International Airport just before their departure. They have mastered the 'Duck-face' look very well!
Safe travels and 'Kalo Taksithi' (a great trip).

Timeline photos 20/04/2015

It's not hard to see why someone can fall in love with a place. This is one of our little cobblestone streets in the village Ambelos, on the island of Samos, Greece. When I visit my village, I love taking the walk from my house to my auntie's little convenience store. It's one of the very few times my mind actually stops thinking! In this precious moment, I smell many fragrances, hear the soft noise of the wind and for a while, am totally present in that moment. These are the holidays that awaken us to the beauties that exist .... right before our eyes.

Timeline photos 05/04/2015

Greece is heading towards it's summer. This is a typical view when having coffee at Kokkari in Samos. How does it get better than that?

Timeline photos 07/02/2015

What a way to wake up in the morning. The Greek island of Santorini, boasts the most amazing views over the Caldera. Imagine waking up and sipping your morning coffee while having breakfast overlooking the ocean and beyond. Santorini is one of my most favourite islands in Greece. Great therapy for the tired body and soul, you will always leave rejuvinated and full of hope and dreams.

Timeline photos 29/01/2015

I woke up this morning to this beautiful photo of a cobblestone street on the island of Santorini.
It's truly amazing how simple things in life can make our experiences so memorable and fulfilling. The simplicity of the white washed houses, splashed with array's of contrasting colours, transport your thoughts and feelings to a place of hope and dreams. Its majestic places like the island of Santorini that have blessed our world, enabling us to experience monumental and special moments in our lives.

Timeline photos 21/01/2015

There are many beautiful and historic
things about my island Samos. Not only does it bewitch and captivate those who visit, it’s home to many beautiful towns and villages. Pythagorion, considered the principal tourist resort on the island, is also one of the main ports of Samos. This perfect place of sun, crystal-clear waters, picturesque villages, is a great place to meet the locals who continue to work in traditional trades and make traditional products. Pythagorion is also the birthplace of the mathematician and famous philosopher Pythagoras. Remembered for his famous theorem in geometry, the ‘Pythagoras Theorem’, something I must admit I could never get my head around, Pythagoras contributed to our world history.
Samos is definitely a Greek Island you should have on your bucket list.
The magic of this island will be something that will stay with you forever.

Timeline photos 23/06/2014

This is one of the two amazing taverns in our village in Samos. Nothing better than sipping a wine and looking over the Aegean Ocean.

Photos from Nenedes - Ambelos - Samos's post 12/06/2014

This is my village in Samos. It won't be long before I will be walking the winding roads and coble stone paths.

Timeline photos 01/05/2014

Beautiful spring time in Greece, Love this photo.