dse_homies Videos

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揀左高中裡面其中一個比較難既課題【Evolution】黎做分享,因為呢個課題都幾食 concept,少少唔清晰就會瀨野架啦,中六同學仔必save!
所以希望藉著呢題同大家溫下factors affecting evolution speed!

Level: 5*

Ans explanation:
• Evolution既rate只關乎mutation rate of bacteria,而 modes of reproduction (即係1) 同埋 speed of reproduction process (即係2) 係完全irrelevant架~
• (3) short generation time指bacteria有short life cycle,即係reproduction rate亦都會快 • 補充:As bacteria reproduce mitotically, when they reproduce they end their life
cycle, thus short life cycle is equivalent to rapid reproduction
• DNMs (de novo mutations) 主要係cell division既時候會occur,所以reproduction rate increase = mutate 得快

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呢次到🙋🏻‍♂️二肥兄最喜歡既Bio啦~ 揀左高中裡面其中一個比較難既課題【Evolution】黎做分享,因為呢個課題都幾食 concept,少少唔清晰就會瀨野架啦,中六同學仔必save! 所以希望藉著呢題同大家溫下factors affecting evolution speed! Level: 5* Ans explanation: • Evolution既rate只關乎mutation rate of bacteria,而 modes of reproduction (即係1) 同埋 speed of reproduction process (即係2) 係完全irrelevant架~ • (3) short generation time指bacteria有short life cycle,即係reproduction rate亦都會快 • 補充:As bacteria reproduce mitotically, when they reproduce they end their life cycle, thus short life cycle is equivalent to rapid reproduction • DNMs (de novo mutations) 主要係cell division既時候會occur,所以reproduction rate increase = mutate 得快 #hkdse #dse #bio #dsebio #hk #hkig #香港 #溫書 #生物 #生物筆記 #練習 #試題 #homies #精選 #五星星 #5starstar #dse2020 #dse2021 #dse2022 #dse2023 #studygram #exam #test #pastpaper #study #practice #evolution