

Functional Fitness, Yoga & Mindfulness Training. One Rep. One Breath At A Time. One Breath At a Time. Rooted in New England With a Willingness to Travel.

Coming in the Fall 2017 - Nutrition Coaching!


I went ALL IN on Teaching and Coaching because these two things have made the biggest difference in my life.
I realized when nothing outside of me was changing (my job, my boss, my relationship status and how confused I was about all of it, that I wanted to teach but I wasn’t teaching) that it was ME who needed to change.
The 🌎 would continue. Time would pass.
My THINKING needed looking at.
My THINKING needed to be questioned.
Much of my THINKING needed tossing.
Your THINKING is what’s stopping you.
Not the 🌎
What I was believing to be true was exactly what I was living. And I didn’t like it.
No one could save me but me.
No one can save you but you.
But it’s important to know that we all need help.
And I can help you make progress faster with the tools I’ve learned as a result from becoming that thing I was scared to become - didn’t believe was for me or would work out.
I’m driven to make a difference.
Email me and will set up some time to talk.
[email protected]


After my experience at Mastermind I’ve decided to implement some different routines to increase the quality of my thought-work.
Part of that routine is jotting down 10 things I’m grateful for having NOW.
I’m going to do this before I go to 😴 starting tonight!
Reaching for your goals and doing the next steps from a place of gratitude can shift your entire experience.
We all talk about enjoying the process.
But how do you do that?
Writing down what you appreciate and spending the 5-10 minutes of connecting to it to go forward might be helpful.
I’m willing to try. How about you?


What you think 💭 is true and when you put limits and labels on what’s possible that’s where you take away the opportunities to see what’s possible.
Because you don’t even try.
Where does that get you?
Where you are now.
It’s easier to stay where you are.
It’s comfortable. It’s familiar.
Everyone’s 🧠 chooses that all day everyday.
Where you are now is not wrong or bad, but have you ever asked: what if you’re far more capable than you give yourself credit for? Stronger than you ever thought possible?
What would it feel like to delight and surprise yourself by having to overcome all your mental barriers to get to that place of “HOLY 💩 I DID IT!” Wouldn’t it be amazing and fun to find out?
And to operate from the place of being happy with what you have while growing into having more..... You just might surprise yourself 😉


Is it true? is it really real or is it just my brain 🧠 doing what it does? 🤔


It doesn’t matter.
What does it matter?
Who cares?
What’s the point?
That’s been my human brain 🧠 lately and I know you’ve been there too.
Maybe you’re there right now?
Thinking this way is why I didn’t post anything last week.
To me there was nothing worth sharing.
Says a lot for someone who loves to share and connect.
So I shut down. I took a mini break.
Here’s what I know to be true:
What you think matters.
What you have to say matters.
How you feel matters.
Read that as often as you need to until you deeply believe it. Your insecurities, doubts and fears are part of being human. Those feelings won’t go away no matter the season of life you’re in.
Knowing that, the question is: Now what?
You pick yourself back up and you keep going.
Why? Because you matter and it matters.
You always have and you always will.


You can look at this and think about UP LEVELING YOUR LIFE. (I just might be the only person who sees it this way?
You can look at this and wonder where is this? Obviously it’s a parking garage.
I never know where I park by car. Like, ever.
Taking pics helps. You too?
I’m in a constant state of UP LEVELING and it feels absolutely terrible at the moment, but necessary nonetheless. None of “up-leveling” is supposed to feel light and easy. I get that.
Still hard.... Honestly what I find to be helpful and fulfilling is writing. Whether 2 people read my blogs or 20 people or even people close to me who do or don’t, it’s a creative outlet and something I genuinely love doing.
There’s something to be said for that.
Cheers to finding your car.
To finding your way.
Remembering your WHY helps.
See you at level 3 😉


Went for a much needed walk yesterday as I was listening to a coaching call and snapped this pic.
I’d love to get out on the water soon.... My message for you today:
For those of you who ❤️ the work you do:
Just because you felt called to your profession doesn’t mean it doesn’t come without its challenges including stress, anxiety, overwhelm, guilt, sadness, frustration and fear to name a few.... What if you had a few tools 🛠 to help you with all that?
What if you could talk with someone who comes from a place of great compassion with the sole interest in helping you to see that you can feel better. That you don’t have to be at the effect of your wiring or other people.
What if you decided to find out?
[email protected]


Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the WHAT and WHEN and HOW and lose sight of the WHY.

We often ask ourselves or get asked to find our WHY.

If you jot down 5, 10, maybe even 20 reasons WHY you’re doing what you’re doing, may it be a reminder of why you’re doing it in the first place.

Later this week, I’m gonna share a few of mine in my bliggidy blog.

Much love 💕 and 🧀 ness.



We all do it.

We all worry.

We think of the worst case scenarios.

Our imaginations run wild.

We spin.

We grip.

We assume.

What if we replaced the worry (an emotion that feels necessary) with faith instead.

It’s a conscious choice to shift.

If you decided not to worry on purpose, what would you be left with?

What’s the opposite of worry for you?

What if everything had a beautiful way of coming together and working out even better than you planned or once thought possible?

If you can think of all that’s “wrong” or could go wrong, then you certainly can think of all that’s right and focus on the good.

Worrying won’t speed up the process or get you where you want to be.

We know this.

Sometimes it’s more comfortable and known to feel the uncomfortable feeling (worry) than it is to not worry.

Notice that and open yourself up to a different feeling and experience filled with acceptance, abundance, patience and confidence.


Would you like to try a sample of Cold Brew?
The barista happily breezed by the customers.
No thank you, I said. Thank you for asking.
She would nervously approach everyone. “I don’t want to bother you, but would you like to try a sample?” No after no.
Then “sure.” Then a few yes’s.
I loved witnessing this unfold.
This is LIFE. Filled with rejection. And how when you want something (whether it’s to get customers to try your coffee or if you’re me and I’m looking to teach and coach people, with a new focus on Nurses) you can’t give up on “no.” For its every single NO that leads to a YES.
On today’s blog, 2 ways we can work together.
You might be a “no thank you.” You might be a “maybe?” You might be a YES!
My offers will keep coming either way 😉✌🏼


Monday I encouraged you to choose how you want to feel by asking yourself and declaring it.
TODAY I CHOOSE PEACE ✌🏼 Tuesday I reminded you to pick something that creates peace for you. (Helping others)
TODAY I’m going to remind you that just because you care so much for others, you can’t do much if you’re depleted, sick and exhausted.
Where are we all racing too? 🤔🐎 I’m pretty sure I’ve just gotten really good at the hustle and the hurry, but I’ve got to knock some of this off because this self created pressure cooker is no way to live 👊🏼 nice to JUST STOP 🛑 for a few minutes like my time in between teaching and coaching.
Tomorrow I’m going to tell you more about my Coaching offer.
Here’s to helping each other.
Sending you much love 💕


Pick your peace ✌🏼 when you’re not feeling peaceful.

Take it moment to moment.

Hour by hour.

Take the day.

Wishing you a happy day, friends.

Even more than that, I wish you to remember that if right now you’re not happy or peaceful to know that you can be.

And that ALL FEELINGS (including the ones we don’t like to feel) are just experiences. There’s nothing wrong or bad. There’s an entire spectrum. A yin/yang. No different than the weather.

All thoughts and feelings are fleeting and as my great grandmother used to say “this too shall pass.”

What can you CHOOSE to DO (today) to help lighten your ♥️? My pick is teaching a group. What’s yours?


In yoga classes, we set an intention for the time in which we practice.
The poses are completed on the mat but the practice is applied as you’re living (and being in the 🌎) The studio is a smaller stage for “the big stage.” When your default 🧠 wants to run away 🏃🏻 and hide or react 🤬 you remind yourself of your intention. And you find ways to practice coming back to it.
What are you choosing to experience?
What do you WANT to experience?
Choose. Maybe you wander off. That’s okay.
Come back. Go again. It’s worth it.


Am I the best at co****le?
No, but I have a blast playing.
It’s a lot of fun!
I’m also LOVING Coaching. That’s a lot of fun!
And I’m working hard to be the best Coach for myself and for my clients.
I work with individuals one on one.
I also incorporate coaching into my small group sessions.
I can help you solve ANY problem with a very simple tool. But you have to be willing to take a chance on yourself and invest time and energy and effort in your mental and emotional health.
What are you struggling with? What are you having trouble with? What’s not working for you? Do you even know?
One of the best parts about working with a Coach:
You get to take off the masks you wear and JUST BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF with a person whose invested in wanting YOU to FEEL BETTER.
But I can’t want that for you.
You gotta want it for you.
Email me: [email protected] and let’s set up a time to chat 💭 it WILL BE FUN. Much love 💕 and more corn hole practice.
I’m ready! 📸


What must THEY be thinking?
This question does 2 things:
1) it depersonalizes things because what they say and do have everything to do with them and NOTHING to do with you. Absolutely nothing.
2) rather than stay in your own judgement and negative emotion, you shift into curiosity and compassion.
We’ve all heard the expression “you don’t know what someone must be going through.” And while that is true, you will never live inside someone else’s head.
Whose responsible for your thoughts?
Your feelings?
Is it them? Is it what they said? Or didn’t say?
It’s you.
Every experience can teach you to take back your emotional life and that’s a great day.
Happy Tuesday 😎✌🏼


What if this wasn’t a problem?

Because it’s not.
It’s a STORY.
It’s imagined.
It’s not REAL.

Don’t give away your emotional mood based on lies.

This is an opportunity to step closer into your authentic self.

Closer to YOUR truth.

I sent this note to myself last week and now I’m sharing it with you.

Notice where are you creating STRESS and tension when you just might not need to.

Have a happy Monday.


My mom showed me the aerobics studio.
My dad showed me the weight room.
My siblings showed me team work.
My tutor showed me I was smart.
A few select teachers showed me I belonged.
My first Manager showed me I was capable in a cut throat sales environment.
My ex’s showed me what I didn’t want and how to start loving and valuing myself.
My students showed me that my message and teachings mattered more than my insecurities and fears about not being good enough.
Through it all, I’ve showed myself how to show up for myself. How to have my own back.
How to have courage and speak what’s in my heart ♥️ And how to be brave.
What will you show yourself? What will you show others? Simply by deciding. Because you can.


I quit.
If you know me, you know that YEARS AGO... I quit my corporate career to GO TO WORK for myself. To make a BIGGER contribution that aligned with my mind and ♥️ I quit a marriage that wasn’t meant to be.
I quit buying into the lie that love was for others - that a relationship and partnership was easier for others to have.
I quit thinking that CrossFit was for my sister because “she was the athlete and I wasn’t.” I quit Greek yogurt and whey protein because it gave me headaches. 😜
I quit thinking there was no way I could financially support myself teaching Yoga & Meditation.
What are your “quits?” Maybe you quit smoking 🚬 or boozing everyday after work?
Maybe you quit thinking that you didn’t have any time for yourself? (Because that’s a lie)
What are you willing to quit believing?
Quit feeling?
Quit doing?
In order to have what your head and ♥️ want?
More on my blog.


And PS All things in life worth having, worth working through, worth working for requires your willingness to give up what’s comfortable in order to take it next level.
Share some of your comforts and discomforts!
What’s 1 thing you can do today that makes you nauseas and filled with butterflies 🦋
Need help?
Email me: [email protected]


I don’t know about you, but I love being by the water. And one day I’d love to go here
I find it incredibly peaceful and calming, which got me thinking about my Nurse friends.
No matter how chaotic your shifts are....
No matter what information comes your way...
No matter how complicated things can get.... You can always come back to feeling:
You’re already a badass.
You just need the tools and techniques to enhance what’s already there.
Training you never learned in Nursing School.
In 8 weeks, I’ll help you learn how to take better care of yourself - so that you can continue to care for your patients and loved ones - without sacrificing your health or your career.
I’ll teach you tools and a framework designed to help you FEEL and BE calm, compassionate, calm among 7 other “pillars.” No matter what.
Let’s talk about how.
Give yourself 30 minutes to find out.
Here’s my schedule:
Here’s my email: [email protected]


Investigate (with kindness)
Non attachment.
I incorporate this mindfulness tool into every session with my groups and individuals because it teaches us to decondition our habitual responses.
When we widen the space between what we think, how we feel and what we do from this approach, we open ourselves up to curiosity and compassion.
How will you incorporate this into your day to day?
Maybe I can help you.
Here’s my email: [email protected]


There were 25 reps left until I could rest.
Everyone in class was working hard.
Sweating everywhere.
Grinding through a 6 round workout.
With 2 movements and 25 reps standing in between me and rest, I asked myself what did I want to do next?
Did I want to let up? Stay consistent until the end? Or push it?
I decided on consistency with a push.
I didn’t cut reps. I didn’t look for “an out.” It did not matter what everyone else was doing or where they were in the workout.
You have to ask yourself how YOU want to approach something hard.
And BE the example by BEING IT.
I coach myself and my clients using a tool “The Model” and this framework increases consciousness and offers purpose in an otherwise easy default brain.
I didn’t need write a model or do thought work in the middle of the workout.
I needed to tune into the moment I was in.
Some days you have it in you to give it that push.
Some days you’re better backing off.
The point is, are you being thoughtful about how you’re spending your moments?
How do you approach the hard ones?
I walked away from that workout really proud.
How will you spend your moments this week?
Will you look for hard and increase your capacity to improve your relationship with it?
And what will you do in the moment when you’re faced with the decision to let up or go to work.



Even still, ever feel like you’re body is being dragged through the mud?

Even the smallest of things requires SO MUCH EFFORT.
A moment to moment mental negotiation.
With tons of chatter.
This was how I spent last Tuesday.
Heck, more than a few Tuesdays 🤪

And I remembered the very question that gets me to stop my whining.
I mentioned this in my Tiny Technique Tuesday.
Just like I teach “the scale of excitement” tool where you assess your stress levels, I like to offer the same type of question.
Before you DO, ASK.
Then DECIDE is that where you WANT TO BE?

Despite being tired, I COMMITTED to lifting my body weight over my head in a workout.
You can be tired 😴 and do it anyway.
Happy August 1st. That’s enough, Mercury and your dumb retrograde.
Ps - I wrote 30 blogs last month. Happy Reading!


I always perk up during LIVE coaching calls with and even at the trainings where they talk about the only way to get stronger in LIFE is by lifting heavier weights.
F*** YES.
There’s a difference between saying things and actually doing them. Actually experiencing something beyond intellect. Making the mind/body/spirit connection.
Here’s an example and what I’d love for you to know: our brain 🧠 goes to negative 👎🏼 We are wired to look 👀 for what went wrong. We live in labels of “good” and “bad.” From a movement perspective, there’s room for improvement. Absolutely. And I seem to struggle in putting the bar back 😜 That’s not the focus.
The focus is “I’m going to direct my brain to TAKE IN THE GOOD.” It’s a skill set to SEE THE GOOD.
To not let what you think is “bad” be the place you live from.
I love surprising myself into seeing what’s possible? Into what’s next? Into let’s get a little uncomfortable 😣 butterflies 🦋 which just comes from a place of caring and wanting to do well.
Had I stopped at 205 or 210, I never would of known that I could hit 215 3x.
And I’m EXCITED to go for more.
I wasn’t done yet.
How do I know?
I didn’t fail.
Failure is necessary for growth.
It’s not about the weight (or any goal). It’s about YOU committing to the discomfort in order to grow beyond where you are now.
Drop the labels and decide to see how capable and strong you are.
Choose to fail on purpose and you will get stronger. The only way to prove that is by not giving up when it gets hard. By not quitting.
Choose to stay the same and you’ll never know just what you’re made of.
Need help training YOUR MIND?
I can help you.
Here’s my email: [email protected]
Let’s talk.


Ask yourself this question? 🤔🤓 It’s just good to ask. It’s good to be in the know.
You can even break it down into 30 minute to 60 minute increments too. “I’m committed to working out for an hour,” is VERY different than “I want to work out for an hour.” FEEL the diff.
Apply this question to all things not just in the gym or studio.
I remember choosing to sleep 😴 in once because 7 hours of sleep was better than 5 hours and I recommitted to a better night’s rest by not being on my phone before bed.
Commit. And then keep coming back to it.
Your “commitment scale” fluctuates no different than your weight!
Tell me what you think!
Tell me if applying this helps!


No money.
No time.
I don’t know.
I’m too stressed.
I’m too overwhelmed.
It hasn’t worked before.
Why bother?
That’s just how it is.
That’s just how I am.
I can’t.
Sound familiar?
Don’t let your brain boss you around with a bunch of BS.
None of those THOUGHTS are true.
They might FEEL true because you really believe them.
All thoughts are optional.
All those thoughts are OBSTACLE thoughts keeping you exactly where you are now.
Question your brain 🧠
What if you had the money? The time? You knew how? You could feel stressed out and overwhelmed but it was no biggie? What if that’s not how it is or even how you are? What if you could?
What if the very thought you were thinking that was holding you back, when questioned, when flipped upside down was the very pathway to exactly what you want?
Because that’s possible.
How do I know?
The magic of the mind.
And you’re no different, my friend.
You too can change your brain 🧠 with your mind. And when you learn how to take total responsibility for your mind, you can create what you dream of.
That’s no BS from me. Get it? 🤣 I’m BS!


And here it is friends, the final blog of the 30 blogs in 30 days!

I’m quite partial to this last one ☝🏼

I started blogging for this late (on the 11th I think?) and the deadline is 7/30.

My goal was to complete this challenge and assignment by TODAY.


ENJOY 😊 and thank you for reading!

Any questions let me know!


30 BLOGS IN 30 DAYS/Here's#30: How Do You Come Back Down to Calm? What does being CALM mean to you? What does it feel and look like? Most of us are excellent at being in a constant FIGHT OR FLIGHT. And if you’re a Nurse, you LIVE in adrenaline. You help your patients with their pain and you help them find rest. What about you though? Do you know how to com


A reminder to join my Facebook group!

Blog #29 is up!


30 BLOGS IN 30 DAYS/Here's #29: Join my Facebook Group! I did a thing back in March.  I made a Facebook group.  It’s called The Compassionate Badass.  My heart ♥️ is exploding with JOY.  I have always wanted to create my own community of badasses.  I love Yoga.  I love Meditation.  I l


Happy FriYAY! 🎉🎉

I have a very important question for you.

And it’s in blog #28!


30 BLOGS IN 30 DAYS/Here's #28: What Would You Try? This week I’ve had some really awesome coaching sessions and I am just so in love with the entire process of coaching and getting coached. I wanted to share the question that has come up in conversation with my clients. If that THOUGHT never entered into your mind EVER AGAIN, what would you do?


Hi ya! 👋🏻😉♥️ 27 of 30 blogs posted on my website BrookeSnyderWellness.com/blog
3 more to go!
I share tools and techniques in meditation, mindfulness practices and how to better manage your mind and emotions.
Thank you for reading 🙏🏼 much love 💕

Videos (show all)

After my experience at @lifecoachschool Mastermind I’ve decided to implement some different routines to increase the qua...
Is it true? is it really real or is it just my brain 🧠 doing what it does? 🤔#TinyTechniqueTuesday #MovedByAMessage #Self...
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the WHAT and WHEN and HOW and lose sight of the WHY. We often ask ourselves or g...
Pick your peace ✌🏼 when you’re not feeling peaceful. Take it moment to moment. Hour by hour. Take the day. Wishing you a...
What must THEY be thinking? This question does 2 things: 1) it depersonalizes things because what they say and do have e...
And PS All things in life worth having, worth working through, worth working for requires your willingness to give up wh...
Recognize. Allow. Investigate (with kindness) Non attachment.I incorporate this mindfulness tool into every session with...
I always perk up during LIVE coaching calls with @lifecoachschool and even at the trainings where they talk about the on...
Ask yourself this question? 🤔🤓 It’s just good to ask. It’s good to be in the know.You can even break it down into 30 min...
Hi ya! 👋🏻😉♥️ 27 of 30 blogs posted on my website BrookeSnyderWellness.com/blog 3 more to go! I share tools and technique...
Do you love visiting the beach too? As much as Fall is my favorite season, time spent at the beach (in any season) is on...
Beating yourself up never works. And it’s never gonna motivate you into positive action. You might as well try supportin...
