Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program

Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program

Mr. Brown has begun a self-help movement that is gathering momentum! You can learn history that he has catalogued from his #1 rated Talk/Educational TV Series!

So many missing pages of African American History are being shared by this great man!Stay tuned This project is scheduled to launch in October. At that time you will be able to learn more about streaming content to learn missing pages of African American History. You will also have the opportunity to earn as you learn & help others have the same opportunity!! You need to righteously know the past to successfully navigate the present and future!


I love WFG

I love WFG, because it’s a family! As an independent contractor, I’m in awe of the unselfishness shown by those who teach me what I need to know, or lead me to necessary and valid resources.

The leaders truly believe in helping people learn how to make their money work for them, leaving, no family behind! That means you and I !! I’ve learned such a wealth of information, and am looking forward to learning so much more.
Yes! There’s a lot of Money to be made from the over 200 A+ individual companies we represent;however, the wealth is so much more in empowerment, and that Warm, Deep Satisfying Feeling, knowing that you can actually help to change someone’s life for the better - EVEN YOUR OWN!



Photos from Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program's post 01/01/2024

Habari Gani!
Happy Kwanzaa
Day 7 (1/1): Imani (Faith)
To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Photos from Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program's post 31/12/2023

Habari Gani!
Happy Kwanzaa
Day 6 (12/31): Kuumba (Creativity)
To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.


Get ready because I think I wrote a lot. If you know me though, or have visited any page I have anywhere, for any length of time, you’re used to it …..sometimes. Lol 😂

The Color Purple

I’ve been privy to a good amount of opinions concerning The Color Purple film, that was just released. Some of these have included some from professional movie critics, and some were from everyday such as myself.
Opinions, opinions and more opinions! Lol 😆

Well, here’s my take, since I saw it yesterday!

First of all, I did see the original Color Purple movie in 1985, at the time of its release, on TV, and loved it so much. Later, I saw the earlier musical at the Fisher Theatre, and also enjoyed it- to the utmost. It actually explained layers and depths of the story and relationships between characters that I had no idea about from having watched the movie initially.

When I saw this adaptation?!! Huntey Chil’?!!! There were deep feelings surfacing, as if I were sitting down with an old friend. …And probably because of my age, cultural and life experiences; the nuances, and relationships between characters, relationships, etc. and overarching themes were much more deeply felt, possibly even more deeply understood. Connections indeed!!

I did notice that I was NOT the only one, raising my hand in praises to God, many times, or reaching for tissue to wipe tears. There were also several times when myself, as well as many others clapped, talked, or yelled in joy - all towards the screen! We laughed with happiness and excitement or cheered someone on. We even repeated lines just before they were said, at times or in sync, but in a gentle way, so as not disturb each other. There were a few that we HAD to say together, THEN laugh collectively!! 🙌🏽

There were enough SURPRISES and MASTERFULLY CRAFTED occurrences of music, dance, top-notch, acting skills, and chemistry between all involved, that I wouldn’t mind seeing and hearing see it ALL again and again….. and AGAIN! Thank you Oprah for all that you do!

Audience: There was one enlightening, or shall I say awakening moment that gave me pause for thought. As I was leaving the auditorium there were two younger people behind me, perhaps in their late teens or 20s, who could not believe, they quipped one to the other, that people were actually crying during that movie at all. I wanted to turn around and touch them with a little bit of love and mother wit, to say, “Just keep living Dear Ones!”, just as my parents always said to me in my youth, along with some of my ancestors who were my elders at the time they’d said it to me. They were right too! Lol.. I just let it be though. You get different reactions AND responses from youth these days - especially when you don’t really know them, none of which include respect, and I was not in the mood to have my peace shaken or broken!

In conclusion:
As with any movie, each person will take away from it what they feel and reason for themselves. I do hope you give it your time.

Attached is a collage of personal pics, all of me in my feelings: one leaving the parking garage before, two afterwards in the lobby and two back home. ….At home..,pondering everything and feeling like Celie all on the inside, loving every little bit of and part of me and saying I AM BEAUTIFUL, singing deep down on the inside, and then bursting out loudly with 🎼 I 🎶AM 🎵HEEEEERRE🎵🎶!!! OoooLawd!

Photos from Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program's post 30/12/2023

Habari Gani!
Happy Kwanzaa
Day 5 (12/30): Nia (Purpose)
To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Photos from Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program's post 29/12/2023

Habari Gani!
Happy Kwanzaa
Day 4 (12/29): Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)
To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

Photos from Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program's post 28/12/2023

Habari Gani!
Happy Kwanzaa
Day 3 (12/28): Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)
To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems and solve them together.kwanzaa

Photos from Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program's post 27/12/2023

Habari Gani!
Happy Kwanzaa
Day 2 (12/27): Kujichagulia (Self-determination) to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves instead of being defined, named, created for and spoken for by others.

Photos from Affiliate of Tony Brown's Journal-Learn & Earn Program's post 26/12/2023

Happy Kwanzaa!!

Kwanzaa has seven core principles, or Nguzo Saba. As usual, I'll post one each day, on the day it is traditionally celebrated. I miss doing this in an interactive way, as an Elementary/Middle School Principal, with staff and students. I hope that something here touches and awakens as needed. Enjoy!

Day 1 (12/26): Umoja(Unity) To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

Masterpiece | Sony Cover Song Contest/Vote 15/10/2022

Remember! You can vote EVERY DAY! 🙏🏽❤️
Hey fam! Please vote for me today, daily or as much as you can. I’m #17. I entered Masterpiece Sound Studios Cover Song Contest. From their selections, I performed “You Made Me So Very Happy “! Please share and tell your friends!

Masterpiece | Sony Cover Song Contest/Vote