To recognize and honor the sacrifice and contributions of our nation's veterans.
The freedom this Nation cherishes is a credit to the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. The Department's goal is to provide professional and meaningful Military Funeral Honors for every eligible veteran recognizing their contributions to this freedom and the sacrifices they and their families have made for this Nation. "Honoring Those Who Served" is the Department of Defense progra
m for providing dignified Military Funeral Honors to veterans who have defended our Nation. While Military Funeral Honors is a long standing tradition within the Armed Forces, this program is in response to a new law governing funeral honors for eligible veterans. The Department of Defense has implemented changes to comply with the new law and has launched a series of efforts to enhance and improve the quality of Military Funeral Honors for veterans. "Honoring Those Who Served" represents an important step forward in honoring our Nation's veterans.